How much do muslims cost the British tax payers - and what effect will they have in the future with Labour's anti "islamophobia" politics?
Social democrats (called Labour in UK) are best pals with parasitic islamofascism and the parasitic social state that lives on benefit from hard working people and technology, while not wanting to give money to those in real need (see the most important sociological paper from the last century, Angels of Antichrist). As the temporary leader of the Labour so well put it: Let's not give poor people more than what the conservatives give!* Therefore Jeremy Corbyn seems to be the perfect choice for those who happened to share those values.
* Of course she would happily have given even less had it not been for the possible shame that could have caused her party which is advertised as "for the weak and vulnerable" while being quite the opposite (read Pathological Symbiosis).
Raed Salah: Very soon, Muhammad will be the most popular name in Europe.
'I say to you who harbor hatred towards the Messenger of Allah that it will not be long before Allah grants us victory over you.'
Last year, Salah was filmed delivering a sermon in Nazareth in which he said, 'Inshallah, Jerusalem will soon become the capital of a global caliphate.
'The caliphate will spread justice throughout the land after it was filled with injustice by America, the Zionist enterprise, the Batiniyya, reactionism, Paganism and the Crusaders,' he said.
James Thring addresses the audience at Parliament at an event hosted by Jeremy Corbyn
And in 2011, Salah gave an interview in which he laughingly recalls drawing a swastika on a blackboard to taunt a Jewish schoolteacher.
Salah also believes that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks. In a 2001 article for Sawt al-Haq w’al-Huriyya, the journal of the Islamic Movement, he wrote:
'A suitable way was found to warn the 4,000 Jews who work every day at the Twin Towers to be absent from their work on September 11, 2001, and this is really what happened.
'Were 4,000 Jewish clerks absent [from their jobs] by chance, or was there another reason? At the same time, no such warning reached the 2,000 Muslims who worked every day in the Twin Towers, and therefore there were hundreds of Muslim victims.'
When approached by MailOnline, Corbyn declined to comment.
Klevius comment: Today on BBC he still couldn't remember an other of his islamofascist friends, Mr Abou Jahjah!
However, this British female could well be an admirer of Jeremy Corbyn.
Muslim women in UK have four times more kids than non-muslims. Yet BBC keeps demonizing EU migrants.
Klevius wrote:
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
Some "islamophobia" before Ed Milliband introduces sharia compliant "blasphemy" laws against the Brits' Human Rights as in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan
Are the Brits shooting themselves in the foot - again?
Politicians in bed with islamofascism is a disaster for Human Rights
Does it really help Jews to cooperate with the ideology that started with the genocidal slaughtering of all the Jews in Medina?A vote for Ed Milliband is a vote against children's rights
Ed Miliband is the son of Polish immigrant parents. His mother, Marion Kozak, is a Polish Jew who survived the Holocaust thanks to being protected by Poles. His father, Ralph Miliband, was a Belgian-born Polish Jewish Marxist academic who fled with his father to England during World War II.
Rochdale is notorious for its muslim sex predators abusing white British girls taken into "care" by the social state.
Rochdale Labour councillor Shakil Ahmed is the dad of now freed(?!) terrorist suspect Waheed Ahmed who was arrested and accused of trying to go to Syria with eight of his relatives.
Some voices about Ed Milliband's sharia association
Leo McKinstry: Ed Milliband is far more dangerous than his awkward image suggests. An unprincipled, ruthless, opportunistic left-wing ideologue, he represents a serious menace to Britain’s future. Backed by the ScotsNats and Labour’s trade union paymasters, his regime would be one of debts, bureaucracy, mass immigration and constitutional chaos.
But now an even more sinister aspect to his leadership has emerged, one that threatens our essential freedoms. Miliband says he will make Islamophobia a serious crime to be prosecuted by the full might of the state. Flushed with self-righteous zeal, Miliband wants to ensure that the offence “is marked on people’s records with the police to make sure they root out Islamophobia as a hate crime.”
Anyone who believes in liberty will be truly alarmed. Miliband’s proposal goes against the entire tradition of western democracy, which holds that people should be punished only for their deeds, not their opinions.
In the name of tolerance, Labour wants to impose a form of totalitarianism, making a mockery of the concept of free speech. Like so many socialist policies, Miliband’s plan conjures up the dark, Orwellian world of the Thought Police, where all citizens are required to obey the ruling orthodoxy. I n January Miliband echoed the global outrage at the Charlie Hebdo massacre by Muslim terrorists in Paris, even joining other political leaders in the French capital’s official protest march. But his call for a British law against Islamophobia exposes the hollowness of his indignation.
Under his proposal, most of the Charlie Hebdo staff would have been in prison over their satirical cartoons.
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Indeed Winston Churchill, Britain’s greatest statesman, would have ended up behind bars if Miliband’s law had been enacted during his life. In his 1899 book The River War, Churchill wrote that “no stronger retrograde force exists in the world” than the “militant and proselytising faith” of Islam. At a time when the police and courts seem incapable of tackling real lawbreakers effectively, Miliband’s proposal will waste huge resources by creating a whole new class of criminals whose only offence will have been to challenge an ideology that is being used to spread violence and misery across the world. In the new climate of censorship created by Labour, too many Muslims, including extremists, corrupt politicians and predatory paedophiles, will be able to silence their critics or halt investigations just by screeching the word “Islamophobia.”
In fact, that is already happening on an epic scale. Until his trial which concluded on Friday, no action was taken against Lutfur Rahman, the spectacularly corrupt Muslim Mayor of Tower Hamlets in east London, as he maintained his grip on power by constantly playing the race and religious card. In the same way, fears about accusations of Islamophobia meant that the authorities in Labour-run Rotherham did nothing about Pakistani sex gangs who systematically abused around 1,400 vulnerable white girls.
A similar spirit of collusion and cowardice has stopped the state dealing robustly with other Muslim abuses, like forced marriages, female genital mutilation, ballot box fraud or extremism in schools. Miliband’s whole scheme is based on a monstrous fraud.
So-called Islamophobia is not an irrational fear or prejudice but an understandable response to the horrors we see all around us perpetrated in the name of Allah, from the savage persecution of Christians in the Middle East to the beheading of Drummer Lee Rigby and the London bombings at home. As the great radical writer Christopher Hitchens once put it, Islamophobia “is a word created by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons.”
Labour plan will fuel Muslim victimhood
Leo McKinstry
It is outrageous that the Labour Party, while blathering about the fight against discrimination, effectively wants to shut down any debate about a theocratic doctrine that has provoked such a worldwide, blood-soaked catalogue of tyranny, oppression, terrorism, misogyny, anti-Semitism and homophobia.
In practice, what Miliband really proposes is the introduction of Muslim blasphemy laws, such as exist in the barbaric, failed Islamic-led states of the Middle East and Asia. In Miliband’s Britain, it will become impossible to criticise any aspect of Islamic culture, whether it be the spread of the burka or the establishment of sharia courts or the construction of colossal new mosques. We already live in a society where Mohammed is now the most popular boy’s name and where a child born in Birmingham is more likely to be a Muslim than a Christian. If he wins, Miliband will ensure that the accelerating Islamification of our country will go unchallenged.
He wants to act as the Witchfinder-General in the new Islamic order, hunting down heretics as he is cheered on by his Muslim allies. Driven by his desire for power, he is pandering to identity politics of the worst kind, seeking to gain support in the three million-strong Muslim population to prop up Labour’s urban vote. But such an approach is disastrous, for it fuels social division and Muslim victimhood.
If Miliband were a true leader, he would push for real integration by demanding that all Muslims face up to their responsibilities, accept western democratic values, stop trying to build replicas of Bangladesh and Pakistan here and drop their collusion with violence.
But that would require courage, maturity and patriotism, qualities that he so conspicuously lacks. Instead, at a terrible potential cost to Britain, he aims to give protection to alien bigotry.
Soeren Kern: “In Miliband’s Britain, it will become impossible to criticise any aspect of Islamic culture, whether it be the spread of the burka or the establishment of Sharia courts or the construction of colossal new mosques. … If he wins, Miliband will ensure that the accelerating Islamification of our country will go unchallenged.” — Leo McKinstry, British commentator.
The report shows that Britain’s Muslim population is overwhelmingly young and will exert increasing political influence as time goes on. The median age of the Muslim population in Britain is 25 years, compared to the overall population’s median age of 40 years.
The leader of Britain’s Labour Party, Ed Miliband, has vowed, if he becomes the next prime minister in general elections on May 7, to outlaw “Islamophobia.”
The move — which one observer has called “utterly frightening” because of its implications for free speech in Britain — is part of an effort by Miliband to pander to Muslim voters in a race that he has described as “the tightest general election for a generation.”
With the ruling Conservatives and the opposition Labour running neck and neck in the polls just days before voters cast their ballots, British Muslims — who voted overwhelmingly for Labour in the 2010 general election — could indeed determine who will be the next prime minister.
In an interview with The Muslim News, Miliband said:
“We are going to make it [Islamophobia] an aggravated crime. We are going to make sure it is marked on people’s records with the police to make sure they root out Islamophobia as a hate crime.
“We are going to change the law on this so we make it absolutely clear of our abhorrence of hate crime and Islamophobia. It will be the first time that the police will record Islamophobic attacks right across the country.”
Miliband appears to be trying to reopen a long-running debate in Britain over so-called religious hatred. Between 2001 and 2005, the then-Labour government, led by Prime Minister Tony Blair, made two attempts (here and here) to amend Part 3 of the Public Order Act 1986, to extend existing provisions on incitement to racial hatred to cover incitement to religious hatred.
Those efforts ran into opposition from critics who said the measures were too far-reaching and threatened the freedom of speech. At the time, critics argued that the scope of the Labour government’s definition of “religious hatred” was so draconian that it would have made any criticism of Islam a crime.
In January 2006, the House of Lords approved the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006, after amending the text so that the law would be limited to banning only “threatening” words and not those that are merely abusive or insulting. Lawmakers also said that the offense would require the intention — not just the possibility — of stirring up religious hatred. They added that proselytizing, discussion, criticism, abuse and ridicule of religion, belief or religious practice would not be an offense.
Miliband’s renewed promise to make “Islamophobia” (a term he has not defined) an “aggravated crime” may signal an attempt to turn the 2006 Act — which already stipulates a maximum penalty of seven years in prison for stirring up religious hatred — into a full-blown Muslim blasphemy law.
According to British commentator Leo McKinstry, “Miliband’s proposal goes against the entire tradition of Western democracy, which holds that people should be punished only for their deeds, not their opinions.” In an opinion article, he added:
“In Miliband’s Britain, it will become impossible to criticise any aspect of Islamic culture, whether it be the spread of the burka or the establishment of Sharia courts or the construction of colossal new mosques. We already live in a society where Mohammed is now the most popular boy’s name and where a child born in Birmingham is more likely to be a Muslim than a Christian. If he wins, Miliband will ensure that the accelerating Islamification of our country will go unchallenged.”
McKinstry says Miliband is currying favor with Britain’s three million-strong Muslim community to “prop up Labour’s urban vote.”
Muslims are emerging as a key voting bloc in British politics and are already poised to determine the outcome of local elections in many parts of the country, according to a report by the Muslim Council of Britain, an umbrella group.
The report shows that Britain’s Muslim population is overwhelmingly young and will exert increasing political influence as time goes on. The median age of the Muslim population in Britain is 25 years, compared to the overall population’s median age of 40 years.
An extrapolation of the available data indicates that one million British Muslims aged 18 and above will be eligible to vote in this year’s election. According to one study, Muslims could determine the outcome of up to 25% of the 573 Parliamentary seats in England and Wales.
Others say that although Britain’s Muslim community is growing, it is also ethnically diverse and unlikely to vote as a single group. One analyst has argued that the potential for Muslim influence in this year’s election “will remain unrealized because the Muslim vote is not organized in any meaningful way on a national level.”
A study produced by Theos, a London-based religious think tank, found that although Muslims consistently vote Labour, they do so based on class and economic considerations, not out of religious motives.
Indeed, a poll conducted by the BBC on April 17 found that nearly one-quarter of “Asian” voters still do not know which party they will support at the general election. Some of those interviewed by the BBC said that economic issues would determine whom they vote for.
In any event, Muslim influence in the 2015 vote will be largely determined by Muslim voter turnout, which has been notoriously low in past elections: Only 47% of British Muslims were estimated to have voted in 2010.
Since then, several grassroots campaigns have been established to encourage British Muslims to go to the polls in 2015, including Get Out & Vote, Muslim Vote and Operation Black Vote. Another group, YouElect, states:
“A staggering 53% of British Muslims did not vote in the 2010 General Election, such a high figure of Muslim non-voters indicates that many Muslims feel ignored by politicians and disillusioned by the political process.
“With the rise of Islamophobic rhetoric in politics and an ever increasing amount of anti-terror legislation which specifically targets Muslims, it is now more important than ever that Muslims use the vote to send a message to politicians that their attitudes and policies must change.
“YouElect wants to get the message across that there is something you can do about the issues you care about. We have launched a new campaign using the hashtag #SortItOut, which calls on Muslims to use the political process to address the issues that concern them most.
“With 100,000 new young Muslims eligible to vote this year and 26 parliamentary constituencies with a Muslim population of over 20%, the Muslim community has a very real opportunity to make an impact on British politics.”
Not all Muslims agree. The British-born Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary is actively discouraging Muslims from voting. In a stream of Twitter messages using the#StayMuslimDontVote hashtag, Choudary has argued that voting is a “sin” against Islam because Allah is “the only legislator.” He has also said that Muslims who vote or run for public office are “apostates.”
Despite several grassroots campaigns to encourage British Muslims to vote in greater numbers, some prominent Islamists in the UK claim that voting is a “sin.”
Other British Islamists are following Choudary’s lead. Bright yellow posters claiming that democracy “violates the right of Allah” have been spotted in Cardiff, the capital of Wales, and Leicester, as part of a grassroots campaign called #DontVote4ManMadeLaw.
One such poster stated:
“Democracy is a system whereby man violates the right of Allah and decides what is permissible or impermissible for mankind, based solely on their whims and desires.
“Islam is the only real, working solution for the UK. It is a comprehensive system of governance where the laws of Allah are implemented and justice is observed.”
A vote for Ed Milliband won't help victims of muslim sexual predators in accordance with the Koran
The social state is much more devastating to children than any private company - and waste much more money!
A UK mother who found 125 names of potential (most/all muslims?) sex abusers on her daughter’s mobile phone claims she was told by police in Rotherham it would be a "breach of the girl’s human rights" if they investigated.
Klevius translation: Note that we are talking about underage girls who would have no Human Rights protection against social state interventions (aided by the police) whatsoever (to understand this and the tiltle see Angels of Antichrist and Pathological Symbiosis). What they really meant was that it would be a breach of the muslims' human rights (read "diversity policy") if they investigated. And this is the dilemma - Human Rights cover all, including muslims, whereas sharia opposes Human Rights - which fact doesn't hinder muslims (and their supporters) from abusing Human Rights when it serves themselves.!
The parasitic social state that feeds itself on behalf of the taxpayers and children while giving a s--t to non-muslim girls abused by muslims. Don't approve a penny before getting rid of the parasites residing in the social state! And one thing is definitive: Ed Milliband will continue supporting these parasites.
Rotherham has been totally dominated by Labour since World War 2. Compare the total dominance of the Swedish social democrats who created the disastrous Swedish social state all the way from Gunnar and Alva Myral's "social hygiene" in the 1930s and due eugenics to the explosive tax injection in the 1970s and due birth of the modern social state. Some results: The Swedish "girl problem" (which Klevius has written about since 1993), high child/youth criminality, and a school system that 2015 is classified among the worst within OECD and heavily criticized in a recent OECD report. Yet Sweden has compulsory school attendance and doesn't admit homeschooling at all for normal children (alone in Europe together with Germany whose Hitler imposed law is still in power).
Learn more on Angels of Antichrist and Pathological Symbiosis
Joyce Thacker has been a central figure in the responsibility for letting children be abused and even murdered. How much does she get from your tax money, and will she be rewarded in the usual way for defending islam while not defending children.
Islam is the only remaining legal excuse for hateful racism and sexism. If you are a racist or sexist then your only non-criminal option is islam.
Where others have to adapt to goodness (Human Rights) muslims can continue being evil (sharia) because of islam's status as a "religion".
But the troublesome fact remains that islam isn't only incapable of approving of the most basic of Human Rights, islam is also guilty of 1400 years of constant murdering, genocides, slavery and rapetivism. Islam is a Pandora's box and the only hope is the extinction of its main evil message.
BBC's diversion tactics for the purpose of belittling islamic slavery genocides - the worst ideological crime ever against humanity
BBC's aim seems to be to make people believe that "sex slavery was/is all over the place" - i.e. not only islam.Today islam is the only allowed ideology that approves of sexual violence/rapetivism.
Sexual violence is a weapon and a strategy that is approved by islam and therefore used by muslims to "justify" it. In other words, when non-muslim traffickers know they are criminals, muslim criminals just point to the Koran, hadiths and Muhammad.
As an exemplifying consequence, out of 585 peace treaties since 1990 only 17 mention sexual violence/rape. And out of 300 ceasefire deals only 6 consider such kind of sexual violence a violation of the deal.
Islam started with Muhammad's genocide of all the Jews in Medina 1400 years ago and continued its violent attacks until today. Islam's victims throughout all these years are more than any other evil ideology. What we call Judaism also started with genocide (the slaughtering of the Canaanites) but due to mainly matrilineality never managed to produce numbers comparable with islam. This is what Klevius calls the Vagina/Penis divide, i.e. that a man can have more "offspring" than a woman. A muslim man makes a muslim - not a "muslim" woman.A "muslim" woman is an "inferior" being according to Muhammad and islam.
The main body of those who today call themselves muslims consists of people whose female ancestors had been enslaved by muslim males thanks to Human Rights violating sharia which makes the muslim man the determinant for muslimhood while apostasy ban makes it impossible to leave islam. A woman married to a muslim man is, according to islamic sharia forced to reproduce only muslims.
BBC has slowly started understanding that islam isn't just a "religion" but a pure sex slave "religion" and in their programs is now busy pushing out whatever they can find of non-muslim examples of slavery and sex abuse for the simple purpose of thereby trying to dilute islam's horrifying ideological essence and history - and islam's contemporary and continuing sex slavery ideology.
Yes, there has been slavery in different forms even before islam. However, only islam made slavery (parasitism) its main ideology, inscribed it in its main book and violently expanded through slavery, and finally always declined into the deepest misery when the supply was limited - as was the case when the West in the 19th century toppled the Ottoman slave "empire" which was itself created through islamic slavery. Or more than thousand years ago when some half a million black slaves in what is now Iraq revolted against their Sunni muslim slave "owners". Islam's "golden ages" have all rested on unlimited supply of slaves through human trafficking, slave raids etc.
Klevius: OIC, the Islamic State, muslim sharia racism/sexism etc are all around us, indeed. So why do you contribute to this evil?!
Saudi based OIC - and its islamofascist Saudi sharia Fuhrer Iyad Madani - constitutes islam today, and it's against the most basic of Human Rights!
Klevius question: Why aren't muslims ashamed of their slave raiding/trading/owning past? And of the Koranic ideology that "justifies" it - instead of excusing islam with cherry picked "new interpretations"
Muslim hypocrisy like the one expressed by BBC's Mishal Husain could be just a laugh - were it not for its connection to islamic evil. Islam has only one authority and that is muslimhood. So declaring yourself a muslim automatically adds to the "democratic" support of islamic evil.
Mishal Husain: “I don’t think my way of life is under any kind of threat."
Klevius: Well, that's because of Western Human Rights rather than islamic sharia, isn't it!
BBC-s sharia presenter Mishal Husain with her islamofascist muslim pals who share almost identical values with the Islamic State.
British muslim jihadists: Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo
The nearest to a global authority of muslimhood is Saudi based and Saudi steered OIC with its global sharia proclamation via UN against that very Human Rights declaration of 1948 that was supposed to protect us against such evil!
OIC Secretary-General Iyad Amin Madani stressed that the "Saudi governing system is based on islam, which fosters values of justice, compassion, equality, and tolerance."
Klevius: These words from this human scumbag must be some of the most hypocritical ever uttered. According to historical facts islam has been the by far worst crime against humanity throughout 1400 years. And today islam's "guardian" Saudi Arabia is the most intolerant of the world's countries and has even criminalized Human Rights.Moreover. the Saudi regime is the hate mongering mastermind behind islamic terror around the world. And while most people point to islamic "scholars" (aka clerics, imams, etc) as the driving force, Mishal Husain asks these muslim "scholars" to contribute even more.
Ask your muslim friend if s/he supports Saudi based OIC and its Sharia against Human Rights! If s/he doesn't then s/he is an apostate (i.e. committing the worst "crime" known to islam) and ought to be welcomed by every non-muslim
BBC behaves precisely as those who let muslims continue their sex slavery (aka "grooming") in Rochdale, Rotherham and elsewhere!
Chief Crown Prosecutor for the north-west of England, Nazir Afzal was "removed" due to 'on-going drive for efficiency' after being investigated for allegation he sent a text message to a (muslim?) defendant in a court case.
Nazir Afzal to BBC's (deliberately?) toothless (and therefore useless) presenter Edward Stourton: It has nothing to do with islam. I know that the vast majority of offenders are British white male.
However, although white British men (because most Brits are "white" - "colored" muslims constitute below 3-5% and Pakistani/Bangladesh muslims even less) are the majority of abusers in the British population as a whole, the specific type of grooming offence and especially the very highly organised sex abuse such as we’ve seen in Rotherham and elsewhere, is dominated by muslims and follows Koranic principles from the origin of islam.
Sharia is the religious password for racism and sexism


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