* Saudi Arabia can't openly attack non-muslims and wrong-muslims with its military outside the Arabian peninsula. Therefore it promotes religious street jihad around the world (e.g. 9/11) - often wrapped as "representatives" of "oppressed" muslims (how many Japanese terrorists are there attacking people around the world?!). Unless islam is criminalized we will continue to see islamic caliphates in one or another form stretching through the gray zone between "moderate" and "radical". This is because the dividing line is Human Rights violating sharia, i.e. the evil part of islam. Only by criminalizing islam a clear distinction can be achieved.
The self-proclaimed prophet's evilness initiated a popular parasitic jihad movement motivated by booty and rapetivism* which is now incorrectly** protected by "freedom of religion"
* Islamic rapetivism is a one way system of sex slavery where women are obliged to produce new muslim males under the threat of sharia.
** Human Rights can't protect an ideology which is against Human Rights in a society based on Human Rights. By sneaking in islamofascist sharia in UN as "islamic human rights", Saudi based and steered OIC managed to make an "exception" for islamic violations against Human Rights.
Religion paves the way for islamofascism. The more faith the more hate.
Today islamofascism gets much of its momentum via senseless representatives for other religions supporting islam.
Chris Fredd (commentator on What motivated UK teenage girls to become Islamic State brides?): Whatever book of faith these folks are reading, scripture all warn of an evil. An evil that has recognizable signs, and an evil that is inevitable.
Klevius: Like "islamophobia", i.e. the defense of Human Rights? It's considered evil by the evil it criticizes and therefore inevitable.
Chris Fredd: Kids are impressionable. Evident by the very fact that they are of strong faith of any religion.
Klevius: This is why naive young people often start as communists or socialists (aided by propaganda in schools) but end up as conservatives. Too bad that conservatism also conserves religion. Only an anti-totalitarian Atheist can ever fully understand other humans and therefore also the necessity of Human Rights. Instead of having a ghostly "god spirit" underpinning and justifying your own racism and sexism, a true Atheist fully accepts the human condition in an uncertain world. This uncertainty gives the true Atheist the most stable foundation for understanding our shared but frail human existence. It's in fact the only true humanity that can be shared by all.
Redistribution of wealth shouldn't go to a social state out of control but to people in general. For someone like Klevius who has worked as a solicitor defending innocent parents from getting their kids being robbed by the social state for no real reason at all (see Pathological Symbiosis and Angels of Antichrist) it's really disgusting to hear social workers, foster carers and adoptive parents blaming whatever failure on the original parents. Firstly, there is no such thing as a traumatic childhood cause and effect relation in the sense psychologists and social workers like to paint it. Secondly, according to extensive research on the topic (e.g. B. Vinnerjung 1997) there is no correlation whatsoever between interventions from the social state (i.e. robbing the kid from its parents) and its future outlook compared to control groups. But it surely serves as a handy blame game.
However, when it comes to young muslims becoming jihads or sex slaves/pimps, the parents may well be blamed because they were the ones who tranmitted the islamic evil in the first place. And some of them did it because they feared to be blamed by the muslim community as apostates if they didn't.
Chris Fredd: It only takes a strong faith, a slight disconnect with parental relations, coinciding with an acquaintance of an extremist.
Klevius: Exactly what I wrote in a thesis called Pathological Symbiosis.
Chris Fredd: I do feel that part of the problem is The West, Capitalism breeds war and corruption. It's sad. But I get it. #fucktheonepercent
Klevius: No, you didn't get it. Captalism and technology are all over the place and there is no sane way of avoiding them. Actually, as Klevius wrote already 1981 (paid debate article in Hufvudstadsbladet called Demand for Resources and published only because G H von Wright - Wittgenstein's predecessor at Cambridge and a good friend to the head editor - liked it) it's a consequence of the underlying uncertainty in our existence and should rather be seen as a privilege. Trying to stop it is like trying to play football without moving the ball. Such systems (aka backwardness) are called totalitarian utopias , and, due to their stiffness, always doomed to fail. Uncertainty is what makes football (real football - American handball comes barely halfway) and life kick.
Religion adds to already existing corruption by contributing an extra dimension of subjectivity which makes it even harder to enforce legislation against it. Moreover, under "freedom of religion" thrives corruption etc made invisible or at least out of reach under the cover of "faith".
You become a true Atheist when you remove all evil (i.e. what is against the negative Human Rights) from your religion. From a Human Rights point of view a really good Christian would then be hard to distinguish from a true Atheist.
Good moral can only emerge out of egoism. However, those who don't understand this simple fact try to appear unselfish. Only when egos interact
When a loved one dies one doesn't cry the already dead body but the scar the missing of the person causes in oneself.
When it comes to girls/women and their attraction to islamofascism, it's all about them being injured ("traumatized") by religious sex segregation combined with heterosexual attraction, i.e. that they feel important just because of a biological feature in men's brain added by "God's will" etc. pompous holiness "justifying" sex segregation/apartheid. Read Klevius sex tutorials (google it) if you have problem with understanding this.
Islam is by far the worst of religions
The islam Klevius talks about is the one that leaves Human Rights violations, rapes, blood, suffering and death behind itself. I.e. the very same islam and its consequences that BBC describes as "motivated" by "islamophobia" and "injustice" against muslim jihads.
Islam was/is evil parasitism - i.e. not something "pure" completely disconnected from humans! Its main expressions today are OIC (UN) and the Islamic State (violence).
They both work for sharia against Human RightsOIC Fuhrer Iyad Madani and the caliph of the Islamic State
Rapetivism is the foundation and pillar of monotheism
It’s not surprising that the mix of piety and depravity that characterizes this movement would emanate from the soul of its founder. But the followers aren't without guilt either.
OIC's and Islamic State's muslim Umma:
Islamic state is establishing itself in Europe via Balkan and those very parts that the West opened up for Saudi infiltration.
Islamic State inspired camps in the US
Klevius wrote:
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Klevius history tutorial on the deep perversity of Judaic monotheisms: The chosen people (racism); the genitally mutilated children (abuse); sex apartheid (sexism); and the slave economy
Dear fellow Atheists! You constitute the biggest ideological group on Earth - yet we hear almost nothing about it! Consider all these pompous and extremely racist "monotheist god" agitators whose voices are sprayed all over society without anyone even reflecting over how deeply offending and degrading they are against Atheists, Buddhists, Shintoists etc etc! No, we don't need more religion, we need less. And "freedom of religion" should only be understood as having the right to believe in whatever, yet not having the right to impose it on others. (Negative) Human Rights is pure freedom without imposition. Religion is racism.
Btw, if a random muslim has the right not to serve you because of your beliefs (in atheism, music, wine, pork, dogs or whatever) you should have the right to demand not to be served by muslims at all!
The true history of God - sorry about that, Karen Armstrong
There never was any space for a "first mover". Space has only one dimension (in this context) and that dimension is 'now'. No beginning, no end, just now. Read your Einstein and try to understand the word 'relativity' when gazing the stars. What you (and Hubble) see is 'now'! "Big bang" was invented by a Catholic priest to make "creation" sound cooler. Silly, isn't it! Where should it bang? In front of God? A muslim suicide bomber can't see the bang and the suffering it causes around her/him because s/he is in it.
In a constantly changing world there can never be a "moral base" other than the basis for Human Rights, i.e. that all should be treated as equals - just as in traffic. Not even leftists are offended by giving way for those coming from the right.
God people always (and usually after much resistance, trouble and suffering) have to eventually give up or
Atheism is the only straight way to Human Rights!
God has always been against Human Rights - that's his very allurement!
The ancient Persian (which is extremely young compared to proto-Uralic) word for god 'khoda' connects to the even more ancient Finnish 'koti' and Finno-Ugric 'kota' (=home/house/seed vessel - see Klevius definition of religion and the Vagina gate), Saami 'goahti'. German Gott (god) and Swedish gott (good) as well as Gotland (pronounced Gottland), the island in the Baltic sea that constituted a (the?) main Viking hub in their slave trade with Jews and muslims. Btw, English is a Scandinavian language and e.g. 'cottage' is a direct derivative from Finnish 'koti' - funny spelling though, especially compared to Finnish which is spelled exactly as it is pronounced).
Origin of islam, a late Judaic sect, focusing on enslavement of others, that became the worst racist/sexist hate crime ever against humanity
Racist monotheism is never good for your moral. How could it possibly be when you tell individuals that their "god" is superior, hence ending up with millions of private "gods" which are then said to be one in collectives defined by this "communal god" which only exists through its political and militaristic expressions.
The true history about the Judaic Penis oppression of the Vagina people
From Sumerian genderless pronouns to Semitic sex apartheid
For most of today's speakers of Indo-European languages the he/she devision seems almost self-evident - until they learn Finnish, Japanese, Mandarin or some other non-Semitic and non later Indo-European languages.
Moreover, linguistic gender divide in third person singular is a relatively recent phenomenon in the history of human languages. It first emerged within Semitic languages. We can only speculate why, but a qualified guess by Klevius would connect it to the same social and environmental factors that caused Judaism.
The civilization process in the Middle east was introduced by the non-Semitic Sumerians. However, when Semitic groups attacked, dissolved and displaced them, a pattern emerged whereby non-Semitic Indo-European related groups begun assimilating a gender divide in third person singular.
Originally, there were only an animate (masculine/feminine) and an inanimate (neuter) gender. This view is supported by the existence of certain classes of Latin and Ancient Greek adjectives which inflect only for two sets of endings, one for masculine and feminine, the other for neuter. Further evidence comes from the Anatolian languages which exhibit only the animate and the inanimate gender.
Judaism, the world’s only “monotheism” and its many Vagina/Penis branches or sects
The Jewish slave Kingdom of Chazars, in what is now Southern Russia, was one of the absolutely worst slave trading societies - only beaten by islamic caliphates and sultanates (read more on Origin of the Vikings).
Judaism (a late ”branch” of Zoroastrianism) has in different manifestations cursed itself and the world for some Millenniums. It was chiseled out on the bedrock of a racist “chosen people” and sexist rapetivism (i.e. female sex duties) approach. However, a crucial moment was when a particular branch of Judaism introduced the Penis as the sole custodian of one way (apostasy ban) “muslimhood”. This caused an explosion of “muslims”, although this development was paralleled with an even bigger explosion of abused slaves and parasitism in a variety of forms. But the real corner stone of all Judaic tradition, sex apartheid, has reached its peak in islam. To an extent that it now has clashed against Human Rights resulting in a divided UN.
Look wherever you like now or in the past, and you won't find any peace or equality where Judaic monotheisms have left their marks.
If anything at all should be taught to our children about religion it should be its racist and sexist origin and its disastrous consequences!
The only people chosen by the only god - a bedrock formula for sectarianism and disaster - no the least for themselves
The Big Bang and the Big Divide
Monotheist religions are now busy coming to terms with the (for them) surprising fact that women can be seen as fully human beings
Adam was made a copy of God and Eve was made out of one of Adam's least important bones (a broken rib usually self heal and you don't necessarily even need all of them).
However, many Eves still strongly oppose the freedom of other women.
Monotheist reformism: A desperate and continuing in vain pursuit in trying to make bad history look good - or accepting the evil as "god's will", i.e. staying ortodox
The Judaic formula:
1 The chosen people
2 Marked by genital mutilation (circumcision) and the condemnation of sex not giving possibility for procreation (compare Onan who "spilled" his semen) and the sanctioning of Homophobia, all for the sole purpose of as effective rapetivism as possible.
3 Extreme sex segregation to a point where even language became affected. There is a direct linguistic connection between sexist language and Judaic monotheisms? Only (later - i.e. affected by Semitic) Indoeuropean and Semitic languages have this silly and unnecessary gender apartheid personal pronouns he/she!
4 Specialization in slave finance due to the handy racist ideology of we and the others, the infidels, who could be murdered, tortured, raped and enslaved (compare Canaanites).
These are some of the human faces of the main threat to Human Rights
Crimes against humanity and violation of the most basic Human Rights in the name of islamofascist Sharia. Rape or accomplice to rape, perverting the course of justice, media and finance manipulation etc etc. Possibilities for indictment may be some or all of these - or maybe more. It may be reasonable to assume that the actions of this scumbag has caused a lot more harm than Rupert Murdoch ever has (you know, the Brit whom BBC has chased for more than a year by now ' that very BBC whose commercial Mideast section functions as a channel for islam propaganda).
This rape accused Saudi islamofascist*, Alwaleed bin Talal, censors what you learn in schools and universities and in most news channels.
Here kissing/hugging Sudan's "president" Bashir who is arrested (although not produced as yet) by ICC.
* Definition of islamofascism: The deliberate neglect of the most basic Human Rights. And don't let them lure you by calling islamofascist Sharia "islamic human rights"!
Klevius question: Why is the female person (sex slave under Sharia rapetivism?) looking down? And what does she see? The origin of islam?!
According to rumors, members of European royalty partied on Turama together with lots of drugs and prostitutes. The Spanish court dismissed the rape case despite witnesses, semen, traces of drugs etc were available.
Saudi based islamic Sharia organization OIC is the most powerful voting unit in UN and is also the foremost threat to UN's 1948 Human Rights Declaration. It has long since abandoned every Human Right that doesn't comply with Koran based Sharia.
Former OIC Secretary General, the Turk Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, and Alwaleed bin Talal. The other persons on the pic don't count because of their sex - other than if they say the right thing and if that is in accordance with that very Sharia that is so basically different from Human Rights that OIC had to abandon Human Rights altogether!


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