Islam is a parasitic hate crime - the worst the world has ever encountered. And with 1.5 billion muslims trapped in it it is defended at whatever cost - despite the inevitability of its defeat under the Human Rights equality moral logic.
Islamic hate mongering against the "infidel" is islam's excuse for attacking and taking slaves etc. parasitism. It's also the excuse for sex slavery, marital and exmarital sharia rape, oppression of girls/women etc.You should be ashamed of having politicians dealing with the disgusting Saud dictator family resting their power on Western oil money and evil Wahhabism (aka Salafism i.e. original islam) which doesn't differ at all from that of the Islamic State (aka ISIS, IS etc).
In Peter Klevius series islam tutorials for the ignorant or bigoted hypocrite (which one do you choose Mishal Husain?)
Islam doesn't have a problem - islam is the problem - more than you ever thought!
The reason being that only orthodox islam (aka "extremism") fits all the violent and parasitic parts of the Koran and historical facts. This is why islam's sudden explosion out of the Arabian illiterate Bedouin desert can't be understood without islam's original formula (taken unabridged and without updatings from Klevius 2002 website"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism+anti human rights Sharia/apostasy ban. Why isn't the worst crime ever against humanity criminalized, but instead protected by the very human rights Islam opposes?!
Without these evil racist/sexist/fascist extremist pillars and violent terror threats from so called "unislamic"* and confused morons Islam is dead!
.Slavery (forbidden all over the world except in Koran/Islam) - It's well known that Islam allows slavery, although perhaps less well known that Islam emerged out of the very idea of sponging on institutionalized slavery. This is why Saudi islamofascist dictators, imams etc. terrorists and terrorist supporters still don't understand that the Koran is completely wrong, not only because it allows slavery but especially in claiming to be some "god's" unchangeable word hence excluding even the possibility of reformation!
."Infidel" racism (forbidden according to the UN declaration on every humans equal value, but a basic tenet of Koran/Islam) - The moral cornerstone needed for taking slaves and abusing others. Today this alluring but evil racism is utilized in a variety of topics from the people of Darfur to the West in particular or general.
.Rapetivism (globally forbidden because it's not in accordance with the principle that a person's sex shouldn't be used as a regulator of that person's freedom, but a basic tenet in Koran/Islam) - Rigid sex segregation for the purpose of abusing Islam confined girls/women as physical and cultural reproducers of as many new Muslims as possible.
.Sharia (forbidden in a democracy simply because it violates democracy and, like the other Islamic pillars, a bunch of human rights that democracy rests on) - Islam's jurisprudence for sex segregated rapetivism, apostasy ban etc. Ehsan Jami (Dutch ex-muslim): "We have an enormous problem with apostasy in Islam. We see a lot of problems where people want to leave Islam but they can't,"
.Apostasy ban (forbidden because it limits a person's freedom of or from religion, but a basic tenet in Koran/Islam) - Children (commonly from birth) and adults (commonly via marriage/rape) are forced to become and stay Muslims.
These cannot be erased by mere "interpretations" but needs deep reformist castration! And in this sense "majority Muslims" are tightly connected to Islamic extremism, i.e. to Islam itself. And if that's just because of plain ignorance abt Islam they better educate themselves, e.g. in a Koran school true to the Koran and Islam! When coming out they then have two choices: Becoming an "extremist" (open or stealthy) or abandoning the message alltogether!
That Islam (Koran) allows and even encourages psychological and physical wife beating is just one of an abundance of "minor" ripples of the main pillars above. The naivity of Muslim feminism may be exemplified by Asghar Ali: "...shari'ah also clearly lays down that if a man hides his impotency from his bride at the time of marriage and she discovers it after marriage, she is fully entitled to divorce on that ground. This itself clearly shows that she is entitled to sexual pleasure along with raising family." Rising what family?! The only reason for this rule is to safeguard that no woman fails to reproduce as many Muslims as possible!
"prophet" Mohammad (a fictive figure* applied long after his "death" to symbolize "Allah's " legitimation of Arab parasitism
* According to historian Hugh Kennedy (who is very uncritical of islam) there is not a single official trace of any Mohammad before many decades after his alleged "death".
Islam is the only religion that combines utter racism (the "infidel" that due to islamic hate speech is fair game to be murdered or enslaved) with utter sexism (women seen as a separate and inferior species) in a way that constitutes optimal parasitism.
, Muhammad:
I have been ordered to fight with the people [sometimes translated as “all men”] till they say, none has the right to be worshipped but Allah.
And then there is Muhammad’s famous command, uttered as he lay on his deathbed: “Let there not be two religions in Arabia.” And there is this:
The Last Hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews. The Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: ‘Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him;’ but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.
Asked … whether he would “visit Israel with a Palestinian visa,” [Egypt’s minister of religious endowments] said: “This is premature. Let’s wait until it happens. However, we hope that the words of the Prophet Muhammad will be fulfilled: Judgment Day will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews[.]
"Moderate" (i.e. naive, ignorant, bigoted, hypocritical etc) muslims feed the growth of islamofascism
Hidaayah Islamic Foundation (Sri Lanka): Everywhere in the Muslim world we are witnessing, the raising of the banner of Tawheed and the revival of the Call to the Qur’an and Sunnah.
All around the Muslim world, we see some Muslims, individually and collectively proclaiming the Call to Tawheed and the return to the Qur’an and Sunnah in the face of opposition by the ‘Saint-worshippers’, `Grave-worshippers`, `the Sufis’ and the ‘Tariqat followers’. These deviant groups all purport or make the false claim to be Ahl us Sunnah wal Jam’aah and label the true callers to The Sunnah as `Wahhabis’
Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab ibn Sulaiman ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rashid al Tamimi was born in the year 1115 A.H.(1703 C.E.) in ‘Ayina to the north of Riyadh, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the reign of Abdulla ibn Muhammad ibn Hamd ibn Muammar.
He left his native town to perform the Hajj and then proceeded to Madinah. At that time Sheikh Abdullah bin Ibrahim ibn Saif belonging to the progeny of Saif Najdi was chief of the scholars of Madinah. Sheikh Muhammad acquired a good deal of knowledge from him and came to be loved and held in high esteem by his teacher.
However, what really made al Wahhab tick was his scare of European Enlightenment traces of which he experienced during his time in Basra influenced (via Ottoman Turks) by the so called Tulip period (see further down what Klevius wrote 2008 about this).
However, what followed was a repetition of the original islamic formula so that the Wahhab/Saud cooperation resulted in something very similar to what we have seen under the banner of the Islamic State recently.
Compare the following description with what Klevius has written (do note the resemblance with the original islam described by Peter Klevius):
In 1744 Prince Muhammad bin Saud made an agreement with Muhammad ibn Ê¿Abd al-Wahhab:
"You (bin Saud) are the settlement's chief and wise man. I (al-Wahhab) want you to grant me an oath that you will perform jihad against the unbelievers. In return you will be leader of the muslim community and I will be leader in religious matters."
The alliance provided the ideological impetus to Saudi expansion. First conquering Najd, Saud's forces expanded the Salafi influence to most of the present-day territory of Saudi Arabia, eradicating various popular and Shia practices and propagating the doctrines of Ê¿Abd al-Wahhab
People came in large numbers to the Sheikh, seeking pure knowledge without the adulteration of fables and falsehood. He explained to them the real meaning of “La ilaaha illallah” and its significance. He stressed the importance of the negation of all false deities and the affirmation of Allah and his attributes.
The Sheikh communicated with people of other cities and invited them to accept his call and join his movement in order to eradicate Shirk and all its abominable practices.
Some accepted while others rejected and some even ridiculed him and accused him of sorcery. He continued with his mission undeterred. The opponents exerted their utmost to rally their forces to destroy this nascent movement by any or all means. Sheikh Muhammad and the Prince had no alternative but to resort to the sword to defend this movement. This war went on for many years and village after village fell to the new alliance. Some opponents voluntarily began to accept them when they realized the true nature of the movement.
All the efforts by the misguided group to rally their forces to destroy this nascent movement by any means miserably failed. After the conquest of Riyadh in 1187 A.H. the Sheikh entrusted the governing of the people to Prince Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad bin Saud and devoted his time to worship, learning and teaching. Prince Muhammad and his son Abd al Aziz always consulted him before they undertook anything and he gave his ruling. After an arduous struggle and having reached his goal he passed away in Dhul Qa’dah of 1206.
Muslim hate crimes against Jews (muslim hate crimes against "infidels" are by far the most common hate crimes but we totally lack definite and official figured because these muslim hate crimes are blinked)
Muslim hate crimes against Jews in the world
The most anti-Jewish place is the West Bank and Gaza, where 93 percent of people held anti-Jewish beliefs, followed by Iraq, Yemen, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan and Morocco. Saudi Arabia we have no reliable figures on but they might even be higher than in the West Bank and Gaza.
Muslim hate crimes against Jews in the US
Although almost two-thirds of religion-based hate crimes in 2012 in the US were committed against Jews and although the majority of these hate attacks stem from islam this is how a Jew who tries to point it out is treated:
In other words, when muslims attack Jews it's not anti- Jewish but anti-muslim!
According to US Ambassador Samantha Power, anti-Semitism is an increasing domestic concern in the US and cited statistics from an FBI report, revealing that almost two-thirds of religion-based crimes in 2012 were committed against Jews.
Muslim hate crimes against Jews in Sweden
Malmö, Sweden's third city with a big muslim population, has for many years been the most dangerous place for Jews. However, Thomas Bull, coordinator at the hate crime section of Malmö police says 'I don't believe Malmö is worse when it comes to hate crimes'. Only after some reporters disguised as Jews showed him the muslim atrocities they encountered he changed his mind: 'It might be harder for Jews to show their attributes here than I previously thought.' However, the question remains: Why is the coordinator of hate crimes in Sweden's most anti-Jewish city not aware of it when almost every other Swede knows it?!
Saudi Arabia - the cradle of muslim evil
Religious freedom "does not exist" in Saudi Arabia. Islam is the official religion of Saudi Arabia, and the tenets of that religion are enforced by law.
Antisemitsm is common within religious circles. Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the imam of the Grand mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, has been described as an antisemite for publicly praying to God to 'terminate' the Jews
Saudi Arabian media often attacks Jews in books, news articles, at their Mosques and with what some describe as antisemitic satire. Saudi Arabian government officials and state religious leaders often promote the idea that Jews are conspiring to take over the entire world; as proof of their claims they publish and frequently cite The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as factual.
One Saudi Arabian government newspaper suggested that hatred of all Jews is justifiable. "Why are they (the Jews) hated by all the people which hosted them, such as Iraq and Egypt thousands years ago, and Germany, Spain, France and the UK, up to the days they gained of power over the capital and the press, in order to rewrite the history?"
Saudi textbooks vilify Jews (and Christians and non-Wahabi Muslims): according to The Washington Post, Saudi textbooks claimed by them to have been sanitized of antisemitism still call Jews apes (and Christians swine); demand that students avoid and not befriend Jews; claim that Jews worship the devil; and encourage Muslims to engage in Jihad to vanquish Jews.
Even during the height of the Saudi crackdown on extremism in 2004, a Saudi IQRA TV "man on the street" segment on feelings toward Jews, was entirely antagonistic. Interviewees described Jews as "our eternal enemies", "murderous", "the enemies of Allah and His Prophet," "murderers of prophets," "the filthiest people on the face of this earth", etc.
What Klevius has said about Abd al-Wahhab the father of Saudi islamofascism (2008) plus what yo won't find on Wikipedia:
The root man of Saudi islamofascism was Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab who, during his studies in Basra in the 18th C, got seriously dazzled by glimpses of the European Enlightenment twinkling through the temporary crack to the West called the "Tulip period". He then retreated back into his medieval islamic darkness and as a result, came to position himself as the very opposite to the British "Glorious revolution" which fought against Catholic papacy, and which ended up in Lancashire's coal fueled textile industries as the beginning of the modern industrialized* world based on technology and rationality rather than on religious superstition and fundamentalism (also compare Shinto vs islam). A major outcome of industrialization was universal suffrage and the idea about negative human rights.
* isn't it an irony then that Britain, who started the series of modern revolutions as well as industrialization, came to deeply embed itself with the most intolerant, hateful, racist and sexist constitution, i.e. the Saudi islamofascist state which was incapable of producing anything by itself except hatred and more fanatic muslims!
Together with the criminal "house of Saud" Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab then confined the Arabs in islamic backwardness and, in addition, the Arab women in an islamic burka of extreme Sharia sex segregation/apartheid.
After having robbed Mecca and Medina, the Sauds/Wahhabis run the stolen country by the help of what they fleeced from visiting pilgrims. This was the main source of income until Westerners found/drilled oil and made the lazy islamist looters even wealthier.
(analysis taken from Homo Filius Nullius by Peter Klevius).
Klevius comment: And today this evilness threatens the free world through spineless politicians and UN! The banner of Enlightenment is now upheld by heroic women, e.g. African Ayaan Hirsi Ali who has suffered as a victim of islam(ofascism) and escaped to the West, only to find that she was abandoned by those she thought would protect her! In fact, Western politicians and media are busy implementing that very Arab-islamic oppression so many muslims have escaped!
Saying islam is "a great religion" is a grave insult to secularism* and secularized religions
* No religious or other superstitious and spiritual basis for legislation etc. The only guidance for legislation is the most basic of Human Rights, i.e. the universal equality principle that makes sexism and racism (and due hate) redundant (Klevius 1992). Add to this the so called negative rights, i.e. freedom from impositions. Read Klevius important definition of Negative Human Rights. It's been on the web since 2002 but somehow you might have missed this most educational page you can find re. Human Rights! And if you understand it you either give up your Human Rights violating racism/sexism - or admit that you really are a hateful racist.
Barely are the victims of islam's latest atrocities buried before the Pope, BBC and politicians (not to mention muslim organizations) again campaign for muslims' right to offend us non-muslims.
BBC got one more muslim presenter, Mishal Husain, yet uses non muslim
presenters to talk about the most important muslim news! Why? Is it to protect her fantasy "Euro-muslim" virginity"?!
When the islamofascist Saudi dictator and "guardian of islam" died Mishal Husain was silent about it and rather talked about prince Andrew's alleged sex with a minor prostitute.
While pious orthodox muslims chase Jews, BBC's main muslim presenter drinks alcohol during ramadan and argues, in an extremely bigoted and hypocritical way, that as a muslim she thinks that ‘the emphasis on what you wear on your head or how many times you pray, on the outward things rather than what’s in your heart and the way you treat people, is misguided’. Well Mishal please, what you have in your individual head has nothing to do with collective islam where you count as one of the more than a Billion muslims who via their muslimhood sanction OIC's Human Rights violating islamofascism!
Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo. Mishal Husain is BBC's top muslim presenter and BBC is the world's leading media. The only thing she needs to say is that she opposes Human Rights violating sharia - and thereby also opposes islam because islam without some form of Human Rights violating sharia is not islam anymore - it's just a private belief and won't bother Klevius a bit.
A consequence of this is that a sharia supporting muslim's vote is undemocratic. OIC's 57 member state voting bloc in UN who supported Human Rights violating sharia as a guidance for muslim legislation was therefore also undemocratic.
Why do you let your politicians keep licking the most evil dictator family on Earth?!
Saudi Arabia and islam - the Human Rights violating sharia curse (incl. street jihad in the West) of the world
Not since the German National socialists has the world seen such an apparent pure evil as what the Saudis (+accomplices) have produced by the help of oil money and the most hateful of ideologies. The Saudis have been behind most major terrorist attacks incl 9/11, Iraq (most atrocities since Bush's speedy victory over Saddam), Libya, Egypt, Syria, Russia, UK etc around the world; OIC, the islamofascist organization against Human Rights is based in Saudi Arabia and its Fuhrer is a Saudi named Iyad Madani; Saudi Arabia is the center of muslim racism and intolerance; the Saudis have deliberately covered with concrete and various constructions all sites that could reveal the total lack of archaeological evidence about the islamic myths. And on and on!Islam has always been used for evil. Why? Because it's originally made as a tool for evil!
There was never a good Nationalsocialim (aka "Nazism") in Germany. So why should there be a good islam - especially considering that islam has committed way more crimes against humanity throughout 1400 years?! Moreover, islam is the only "monotheist" religion that started by slaughtering its Jewish parents.
Nazi German, Saudi Arabiay and islamist Turkey - no freedom of speech!
Excerpts from OIC's sharia declaration sanctioned by UN
All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shari'ah.
The Islamic Shari'ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration.
Klevius: This declaration is the real muslim problem because it constitutes islam of today. This is also the reason why BBC and its muslim sharia presenter try hard to keep ordinart Brits and others unaware of this disgusting hate declaration


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