What's the difference between Nazism and islam? Islam is worse - both in ideology (see below) and in the amount of its victims!
Is it the islamization of Germany that has caused the (relative) quality drop of Nazi cars such as VW and Audi since the 1930s?
Compared to islam's parasitism ideology, it seems the National Socialist German Workers' Party (aka "Nazi") was way more industrially effective.
This shouldn't surprise anyone with the most superficial understanding of the origin of islam as a parasitic separatist movement which after colonizing land isolated themselves in lazy "garrisons" with their slaves from where they enjoyed the fruits (incl. girls/young women, artists, scientists etc) of the working and producing people they had subdued. If you don't understand the parasitic nature of the islamic ideology then you will never understand the Koran or islam. Nor will you understand why Malik much later created Muhammad as a mythological figure whose behavior span such a wide range (pedophile, caravan robber, warlord, rapist, preacher, etc) that everyone (except the "infidel") could find something suitable for himself.
Only now has a small scale car production started in Saudi Arabia. By Arab muslims? No, by Japanese Isuzu which will be followed by Korean Daewoo and some other non-Arab car makers. The muslims have NEVER had a technology of their own simply because islam is based on parasitism and due backwardness. This fact isn't changed by oil-money (from non-muslim countries) buying texhnology into islamic countries.
Ihsanoglu's ultimate stated aim (in an interview) was to make OIC the muslim Caliphate led by a Caliph.
Every true muslim is a racist/sexist supremacist Human Rights violator because of islam's incompatibility with Human Rights - as beyond any doubt proven by OIC's sharia declaration in UN.
Iyad Madani, the Saudi Fuhrer of Saudi based OIC, the worst Human Rights violator. Via UN OIC sanctionsislamofascist sharia around the world.
Islamic State is Ansar al Islam tuned to Saudi Wahhabism which, in turn, is tuned to the origin of islam - NOT TO ANY "WESTERN INTERVENTION"!
The only "Western intervention" is islam's incompatibility with Human Rights - the very same incompatibility that made OIC officially to abandon Human Rights and to replace them with Sharia via its 57 more or less scumbag representatives in UN (OIC was created via mostly muslim foreign ministers). I.e. in the very world institution that was created to defend Human Rights. In practice it means that the most basic of Human Rights are criminalized - just as in the world's most intolerant country, Saudi Arabia. It also means that every true muslim, due to whatever form of Sharia, is a Human Rights violator. S/he may not be aware of it as yet though because of politicians' and BBC's etc. misrepresentation of the facts (in the case of BBC the Brits have not been misinformed about OIC - they haven't been informed at all).
The Iraq-"invasion"-caused-it myth
In Iraq Mullah Krekar founded in 1999 Ansar al Islam organization with Abu Musab al Zarqawi, with whom he had contact since 1994 through the cell of Abu Musab al Zarqawi in Amman Jordan. Their so called Jordanian millennium attack was scheduled to the 2000 new years eve. Ansar al Islam then developed to a copy of the original Caliphate including the Levant, i.e. what we now know as the Islamic State, mostly funded by Saudi Arabia (through both official and unofficial channels) and almost entirely based on Saudi Arabia's official version of islam - except that the Saudi Caliph calls himself "king".
Dear reader, Klevius has trouble finding any "right-wing" politics in this program. What about you?
Of course it doesn't come even close to Human Rights standard - but islam is way worse as you cab see for youself!
The 25 Points of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (aka "Nazi") programme here compared to islam:
1. We demand the union of all Germans (muslims) in a Great Germany (Ummah) on the basis of the principle of self-determination of all peoples (muslims).
2. We demand that the German people (muslims) have rights equal to those of other nations; and that the Peace Treaties of Versailles and St. Germain shall be abrogated (Palestine/Zionism).
3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the maintenance of our people and the settlement of our surplus population.
4. Only those who are our fellow countrymen (muslims) can become citizens. Only those who have German blood (are muslims), regardless of creed, can be our countrymen. Hence no Jew (or "infidel") can be a countryman.
5. Those who are not citizens must live in Germany (Ummah) as foreigners (dhimmis) and must be subject to the law of aliens (sharia).
6. The right to choose the government and determine the laws of the State shall belong only to citizens (to the caliph). We therefore demand that no public office, of whatever nature, whether in the central government, the province, or the municipality, shall be held by anyone who is not a citizen (muslim).
We wage war (jihad) against the corrupt parliamentary administration whereby men are appointed to posts by favor of the party without regard to character and fitness.
7. We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen (muslim) shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens ("infidels") must be expelled.
8. Any further immigration of non-Germans ("infidels", Jews, "wrong-muslims" Christians, Atheists etc)) must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans (infidels) who have entered Germany since August 2, 1914, shall be compelled to leave (compare Saudi Arabia's laws against "infidels", Human Rights etc).
9. All citizens must possess equal rights and duties.
10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically (this may not apply to an ideology based on parasitism). No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.
Therefore we demand:
11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished (this may not apply to an ideology based on parasitism).
12. Since every war (jihad) imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.
14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.
15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.
16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.
17. We demand an agrarian (well, the origin of islam was as far from agrarian you can get) reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land (this seems to be as far from "right-wing" you can get).
18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.
19. We demand that Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law (sharia).
20. In order to make it possible for every capable and industrious German (muslim) to obtain higher education, and thus the opportunity to reach into positions of leadership, the State must assume the responsibility of organizing thoroughly the entire cultural (religious) system of the people. The curricula of all educational establishments shall be adapted to practical life (sharia). The conception of the State Idea (Ummah) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.
21. The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.
22. We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (jihad) folk army.
23. We demand that there be a legal campaign against those ("islamophobes") who propagate deliberate political (religious) lies and disseminate them through the press (blasphemy). In order to make possible the creation of a German (muslim) press, we demand:
(a) All editors and their assistants on newspapers published in the German (Arabic) language shall be German citizens (Sunni muslims).
(b) Non-German (infidel) newspapers shall only be published with the express permission of the State (Caliph or his representatives). They must not be published in the German (Arabic) language.
(c) All financial interests in or in any way affecting German (Sunni muslim) newspapers shall be forbidden to non-Germans (infidels) by law, and we demand that the punishment for transgressing this law be the immediate suppression of the newspaper and the expulsion of the non-Germans (infidel).
Newspapers transgressing against the common welfare (of the Ummah) shall be suppressed. We demand legal action against those tendencies in art and literature (Muhammad caricatures, caricatures of the Saudi dictator family etc) that have a disruptive influence upon the life of our folk (muslims), and that any organizations that offend against the foregoing demands shall be dissolved.
24. We demand freedom for all religious faiths in the state (doubtful if this applies to islam in Saudi Arabia - the "custodian of islam"), insofar as they do not endanger its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the Germanic race (Sunni muslims).
The party (OIC) as such represents the point of view of a positive Christianity (islam) without binding itself to any one particular confession (doesn't apply in islamic monotheism). It fights against the Jewish materialist spirit within and without, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our folk can only come about from within on the pinciple:
25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State (Caliphate), the unconditional authority (submission) by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.
The formation of professional committees and of committees representing the several estates of the realm, to ensure that the laws (sharia) promulgated by the central authority shall be carried out by the federal states.
The leaders of the party (OIC) undertake to promote the execution of the foregoing points at all costs, if necessary at the sacrifice of their own lives (may not apply to OIC).
Klevius hint: It's all about sharia!
But BBC won't tell you though!
Klevius vs ? billion muslims. He knows it's not fair - of course Klevius' Human Rights logic is irresistible compared to dividing hateful muslim sharia racism/sexism! If you just listen to it. But that could of course turn out to be difficult when Klevius message is drowning in islam propaganda. However, some of Klevius relatively few readers seem to be quite sharp when diagnosed with web tools. So let's hope they can do their part better than unsupported Klevius.
Human Rights
Klevius: On his blogs and sites 'Klevius' is interchangeable with 'Human Rights' because all they do is defending (the most basic) Human Rights. Unfortunately for muslims, islam makes itself the biggest target precisely because of its violation of Human Rights. Nowhere on Klevius' sites/blogs can you find ANYTHING not in line with this Human Rights defense!Muslims: There doesn't exist a true muslim without her/him (via her/his support of sharia islam) violating the most basic equality principles of Human Rights. If all of these muslims were really aware of this Klevius qualified guess would be that a considerable part of them would commit open apostasy - i.e. being braver than Obama!
Klevius: There is no defense for sex segregation/apartheid. Not even heterosexual attraction (of which Klevius has written the most essential analysis in the world of today - admittedly, the competition hasn't been very hard). The only reason for islam to keep up sex apartheid is keep girls/women in a dependency situation based on the supremacist ideology that women are inferior to men and therefore need their "protection".Muslims: Women are inferior to men and women's heterosexual attraction makes it necessary in islam to sharia hide/jail/restrict them physically and/or culturally (the means vary depending on muslim community/sub-settings etc).
Klevius: Human Rights make racism ideologically impossible.Muslims: Islam is built on supremacist "infidel" racism. It was the key for the early muslim "conquest": Get slaughtered, enslaved, taxed and humiliated, or become a (lesser) muslim. "Infidels" also constituted the slave reservoir for muslims. Allah's will, you know.
Klevius: For secularism based on Human Rights.Muslims: For an islamic nation state (Ummah) based on sharia.
Klevius: Atheist, i.e. lacking a "god" he otherwise could blame. Instead Klevius protects his moral attitude by hanging it on the most powerful of all moral codes namely the negative Human Rights - the last refuge for Universally shared individual freedom. This could be a tricky one for simple minded brainwashed people to understand, so please, follow the link and read slowly. Any question still bothering you, please comment and Klevius will enlighten you!Muslims: Whatever a muslim does it's "Allah's will". And because "Allah's" will is not known then we have no tool whatsoever to know the inscrutable will of the muslim - other than the self evident Atheist conclusion that it's no more or less than the egoistic will of the individual muslim, and not of "Allah". And because of this "Allah" it doesn't bother itself with how this will may turn against Human Rights.
According to one of BBC's extremely few and misleading reports about OIC, its aims are to 'safeguard islamic holy places' (Klevius comment: Those places are already carefully destroyed by the Sauds ... read more on Klevius beats BBC) but nothing about OIC steering 57 countries away from Human Rights.
In Britain, the number of muslim converts recently passed the 100,000 mark, according to a survey conducted by an inter-faith group called Faith Matters. The survey revealed that nearly two thirds of the converts were women, more than 70% were white and the average age at conversion was just 27.
Klevius explanation: Non-muslim women who marry muslims have to choose between a lower status as a non-muslim in the muslim family setting or convert (to a lesser muslim).
The muslim system is extremely racist and sexist in this regard because everything is one-way directed towards the muslim man and islam and away from Human Rights. A non-muslim man isn't even allowed to marry a muslim woman without converting.
So instead of boasting about the high numbers they should be seen as utterly shamful (and shameful) in a civilized country.
So what should muslims do to avoid Klevius' criticism?
Nothing could be easier. Just openly and honestly refute Human Rights violating sharia and
you don't hear anything from Klevius. Do as Ayaan Hiris Ali did! From anti-islamic Magna Carta in 1215 to anti-fascist Human Rights in 1948 - and the islamofascism of today
Magna Carta Libertatum is the first rudimentary effort in a long struggle towards the final 1948 Human Rights declaration which PM David Cameron now again seems to betray by giving in for Human Rights violating sharia.
Back in 1215 Magna Carta (the first predecessor to Human Rights) was produced to stifle traitor King John's effort to islamize Britian. Compare this to the British PM Cameron's attacks on Human Rights while seemingly proposing Britain as the center of islamofascism outside Mideast (beginning with London sharia finance).
King John the Traitor, PM David Cameron and the islamofascist "king" Abdullah who pretended to be "reformist" while steering the country in an even more intolerant direction by new sharia inspired laws by early 2014 (e.g. equalizing Human Rights, Secularism and Atheism with "terrorism" and due penalties - compare Raif Badawi and others).
King John in the early 13th century sent envoys to Mohammed al-Nâsir asking for his help. In return King John offered to convert to Islam and turn England into a muslim state. The muslim jihadist Mohammed al-Nâsir's view on King John: "I never read or heard that any king possessing such a prosperous kingdom subject and obedient to him, would voluntarily ... make tributary a country that is free, by giving to a stranger that which is his own ... conquered, as it were, without a wound. I have rather read and heard from many that they would procure liberty for themselves at the expense of streams of blood, which is a praiseworthy action; but now I hear that your wretched lord, a sloth and a coward, who is even worse than nothing, wishes from a free man to become a slave, who is the most miserable of all human beings." Mohammed al-Nâsir concluded by wondering aloud why the English allowed such a man to lord over them — they must, he said, be very servile and soft.
Some more hateful muslims
Or are they no muslims precisely because of their hate?!How come that the most powerful "ethnic"/"religious" group, which preaches violations of the most basic of Human Rights, is the one that is more protected than most other people?!
Muslims don't belong to a vulnerable minority. On the contrary, their Ummah nation is the biggest nation in the world and it's represented by the biggest organization in the world after UN itself, i.e. OIC (the Saudi based and steered Organization of Islamic Cooperation).
Muslims have chosen to hate, disrespect, and show contempt towards us "infidels" by believing in an ideology that is incompatible with Human Rights. Ok, Klevius could live with that because he isn't offended like many muslims would be in a similar situation. However, muslims haven't stopped there. They have also made this Human Rights violation to a threat against these very Human Rights by sharia criminalizing Human Rights. And as Klevius has always said, under Human Rights you can follow sharia (as long as it's legal) but under sharia you don't have access to Human Rights freedom. Moreover, as it stands now muslims are protected by those very Human Rights their sharia opposes and wants to eliminate.

