* To understand what a social state is please read the most important sociological paper from the last century.
'Extreme islam' and 'extremist muslims' vs. ?
No, there is nothing to counter evil islam. Extreme islam has no alternative simply because islam is extreme in itself. Islam can never comply with the basic universal equality principle of Human Rights. That's because islam is based on racism and sexism, i.e. supremacy! Klevius therefore fully agrees with Erdogan's statement that there are no moderate muslims because there is no moderate islam.And they are all around us ready to squeeze in more of islam whenever opportunities arise - and always ready to excuse islam from whatever that can be seen as unfavorable to islam.
Chief Crown Prosecutor for the north-west of England, Nazir Afzal was "removed" due to 'on-going drive for efficiency' after being investigated for allegation he sent a text message to a (muslim?) defendant in a court case.
Nazir Afzal to BBC's (deliberately?) toothless (and therefore useless) presenter Edward Stourton: It has nothing to do with islam. I know that the vast majority of offenders are British white male.
However, although white British men (because most Brits are "white" - "colored" muslims constitute below 3-5% and Pakistani/Bangladesh muslims even less) are the majority of abusers in the British population as a whole, the specific type of grooming offence and especially the very highly organised sex abuse such as we’ve seen in Rotherham and elsewhere, is dominated by muslims and follows Koranic principles from the origin of islam.
This should be a warning to British voters!
David Milliband (Red Ed's pink brother): "It's one thing to take on islam, the other is to take on the muslims abusing islam."
Klevius: Again, the evil ideology is excused while its evilness is called "abuse" of the ideology. An AK47 isn't a peaceful tool. It's meant to kill or injure humans no matter how you interpret the manual. And most users say it's for defense. Same with islam. Islam can't survive without being "attacked by "infidels" or "islamophobes". It's against this background you have to consider the muslim statement that Allah made all muslims but some, the "infidels", committed apostasy and therefore constitute "attack on islam".
Andrew Gilligan: Mr Niamatullah, also known as Abu Eesa, from Manchester, is a full-time preacher and an instructor for the Al-Maghrib Institute, whose dean of academic affairs, Yasir Qadhi, will appear at the same Mend events. Mr Qadhi has previously claimed the Holocaust was a hoax, although he now says he believes it did happen and has repudiated his views.
On April 3 in Manchester, one of the speakers booked to appear alongside Mr Niamatullah is Baroness Warsi, the former Tory chairman and the first Muslim woman to sit in Cabinet. Let us hope she has not read his views on women in the workplace from the “Prophetic Guidance” website. “I am an absolute extremist in this issue in that I don’t have any time for the opposing arguments,” he wrote.
“Women should not be in the workplace whatsoever. Full stop. I simply can’t imagine how we will safeguard our Islamic identity in the future and build strong Muslim communities in the West with women wanting to go out and becoming employed in the hell that it is out there.” There is no suggestion that Baroness Warsi endorses such extremist views.
Even carrying money in your pocket is “entirely unacceptable from a fiqhi [Islamic law] point of view”, according to Mr Niamatullah since there are “pictures of a non-mahram [forbidden] woman” – the Queen – on the banknotes, though he has “regretfully” conceded that this particular rule must be broken if daily life is to remain possible.
Baroness Warsi claimed last night that she was not appearing with anybody else at the Manchester event, although Mend’s own website lists her and Mr Niamatullah as speakers. Flyers for the event naming the pair have been circulating online for weeks. Other avowed Mend democrats include Azad Ali, the group’s head of community development and engagement, who has written of his “love” for Anwar al-Awlaki, the al-Qaeda recruiter; said that the Mumbai attacks were “not terrorism”; justified the killing of British troops and stated that “democracy, if it means at the expense of not implementing the Sharia, of course nobody agrees with that”.
Mend itself is a rebranding of a group called Engage, or iEngage, which was removed as secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia in 2011 after The Sunday Telegraph revealed its links with extremism. The name change appears to have been enough to fool many MPs and official bodies.
Mend also appears dramatically better funded than in its Engage days, doubling its claimed number of staff and hiring regional co-ordinators across England.
Much of Mend’s money may come from the proceeds of tax avoidance. Sufyan Ismail, its chief executive, is a Lancashire businessman with reported assets of £65 million who earned his fortune by creating one of the country’s biggest tax avoidance consultancies, OneE Group, described as a “specialist advisory unit for high net worth entrepreneurs, footballers and celebrities”. OneE specialises in what its website called “income sheltering solutions” and “profit extraction” techniques, often through its offshore subsidiary in Cyprus. In an adaptation of the HMRC slogan “tax doesn’t have to be taxing”, OneE’s tag-line was that for its clients “tax doesn’t have to be”. Mend is based in OneE’s London office.
Mr Ismail, who lives in a leafy lane near Bolton, has been able to kill two birds with one stone, depriving the infidel British state of tens of millions in revenue while making himself extremely rich. As well as advising others how to avoid tax, OneE’s accounts show that it paid more than £26 million in two years into an “employer-financed retirement benefit scheme” and millions of pounds in “loans” to Mr Ismail. The £26 million could, of course, represent generous pensions for OneE’s 45 staff, averaging almost £600,000 each, nearly 10 times their average salaries. Or it could be a scheme to save Mr Ismail and his fellow directors paying almost any income tax. HMRC bluntly describes schemes of this type, which are legal, as “tax avoidance.”
'Jews and Christians are the 'enemies of Allah' who wil 'all go to hellfire,' said Haithsm al-Haddad
Another of Mr Ismail’s companies, the now-liquidated 1st Ethical Tax Planning, was subject to an HMRC investigation, according to documents at Companies House. The directors were reported by the liquidator under the Company Directors’ Disqualification Act, though Mr Ismail has not been disqualified. The auditors of OneE Group resigned in 2013 and the accounts of a related company, OneE Tax, have been revised and resubmitted – twice.
The outcome of the HMRC investigation is unknown. OneE did not return calls seeking comment, though the company has previously said that the pensions wheeze was merely “responsible tax planning” with nothing “aggressive or abusive” about it. Mr Ismail said last night that he had resigned as a director of OneE three months ago, but declined to respond to questions about the company or 1st Ethical Tax Planning. He said that he had “never engaged in tax avoidance of any description”.
Mend’s own accounts are not yet available, but in the last two years Mr Ismail and a fellow director of OneE have donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to their personal charity, 1st Ethical Charitable Trust, which has spent large sums on UK community projects, almost certainly including Mend.
So why are Mend and YouElect urging Muslims to participate in a system which many of the two organisations’ key figures fundamentally reject?
One clue may come in Mr Niamatullah’s speech, in which he said that Muslims should act as an “underground movement … to affect and influence people”.
Mr Ali’s day job is as a community affairs co-ordinator for the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE), an extremist group based at the East London Mosque, which wants to create a Sharia state in Europe.
According to a training session for recruits, the IFE’s goal is “not simply to give da’wah [call to the faith]. Our goal is to create the True Believer, to then mobilise those believers into an organised force for change who will carry out da’wah, hisbah [enforcement of Islamic law] and jihad. This will lead to social change and iqamatud-Deen [an Islamic social, economic and political order]”. IFE’s “entryism” helped to install Lutfur Rahman as the Labour leader of Tower Hamlets council. He then gave them millions of pounds in grants. Mend also appears to have been funded by Tower Hamlets. Mr Rahman was expelled from the Labour Party, but re-elected as an independent, with IFE help. He represents Islamism’s closest ally in UK political office.
Mend and the IFE cannot, of course, hope to replicate their success in heavily Muslim Tower Hamlets across the UK. But by building links with an unsuspecting political establishment, they can further the Islamist agenda.
Mend’s “Muslim manifesto” attacks the way that the government has treated Islamists as “beyond the pale” and demands they be brought into “partnership” with Whitehall. Mend wants to return to the position under the previous administration where non-violent extremists were treated as legitimate representatives of their community. Mr Ali, for instance, was the chairman of the main liaison group between the Muslim community and the Metropolitan Police.
Mend has enjoyed some success in this field, building links with some police and crime commissioners, including Greater Manchester’s Tony Lloyd and West Yorkshire’s Mark Burns-Williamson.
'We are all Cage, abd we stand with them in all their endeavours,' said Jamil Rashid
The manifesto claims that the Government’s promotion of British values “provides a fertile environment for the festering of far-Right ideas” and says that “integration narratives” are “concerning”. It claims, falsely, that “government policy continues to conflate religion with extremism”.
It makes valid points about discrimination against Muslims in employment and anti-Muslim attacks, which are on the rise, albeit from a low base. But it uses selective evidence, often choosing the gloomiest opinion polls and the most damning studies to paint a picture of a community under siege. (Mend’s Facebook page is far more inflammatory, hosting, for instance, an article which says that Muslims may face a holocaust.)
It also claims that far-Right extremism is a “growing problem”. But, according to the anti-fascist group Hope not Hate, the British far-Right is “shrinking” and “in its worst state for almost 20 years”. The manifesto claims that a “surge in Islamophobic hate crime” after the killing of the soldier Lee Rigby included the murder of Mohammed Saleem, a Muslim. Mr Saleem was killed three weeks before Drummer Rigby’s death, by a Ukrainian racist who had been in Britain for five days.
Mend and YouElect, along with the IFE, the Muslim Council of Britain, the Unite union and the TUC, on Saturday organised a “march against Islamophobia”, assembling outside that well-known media hotbed of hate, the BBC.
“Islamophobia”, one of Mend’s favourite charges, is a standard accusation made by Muslim wrongdoers to smear critics and deter scrutiny. No doubt this article will attract a similar response. But every time the charge is abused by the likes of Mend, it loses a bit more credibility and further damages the genuine victims of anti-Muslim prejudice.
Friday, April 10, 2015
The medieval backwardness of BBC's muslim sharia* presenter Mishal Husain
* By declaring herself a muslim she inevitably has to support sharia in some form. And every form of sharia is against the most basic of Human Rights and the principle of universal equality.
Jews, not Romans, ordered the execution of Jesus*. 600 years later Muhammad ordered the first genocide of Jews in Medina.
* When Mr X "president"Barry Barakeh Hussain Muhammad Obama Soetoro Dunham (or whatever) in his presidential campaign was asked whether he believes in Jesus he said yes. However, like all muslims he doesn't believe in Christ.First the Jews murdered Jesus and then the muslims murdered the Jews - no wonder religion seems to be the problem. Or do you really think that without Judaic religions there would still be the same amount of victims on top of other victims?! In other words, do you, for example, really think the Germans had murdered equally many without Nationalsocialism (aka Nazism)?
BBC presenter Mishal Husain has called on British Muslim scholars to use social media to combat extremism
Mishal Husain: “I don’t think my way of life is under any kind of threat."
BBC-s sharia presenter Mishal Husain with her islamofascist muslim pals who share almost identical values with the Islamic State.
British muslim jihadists: Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo
OIC Secretary-General Iyad Amin Madani stressed that the "Saudi governing system is based on Islam, which fosters values of justice, compassion, equality, and tolerance."
Klevius: These words from this human scumbag must be some of the most hypocritical ever uttered. According to historical facts islam has been the by far worst crime against humanity throughout 1400 years. And today islam's "guardian" Saudi Arabia is the most intolerant of the world's countries and has even criminalized Human Rights.Moreover. the Saudi regime is the hate mongering mastermind behind islamic terror around the world. And while most people point to islamic "scholars" (aka clerics, imams, etc) as the driving force, Mishal Husain asks these muslim "scholars" to contribute even more.
Ask your muslim friend if s/he supports Saudi based OIC and its Sharia against Human Rights! If s/he doesn't then s/he is an apostate (i.e. committing the worst "crime" known to islam) and ought to be welcomed by every non-muslim.
Saudi based OIC - and its islamofascist Saudi sharia Fuhrer Iyad Madani - constitutes islam today, and it's against the most basic of Human Rights!
Catherine Brennan, Reclaim Australia spokeswoman: "We are pro-Australian values and anti-extreme islam, but we're not anti-muslim".
Klevius: Meaning what?! Who are then the followers of "extreme islam" if they aren't muslims?
Islam was born out of backwardness and hate - that's why islam is still backward today!
Economic activity in Muslim countries remains scant, low tech and strictly oriented towards local consumption.
Sayyid al-Qimny: It seems that the reason, in the end, for our backwardness is the men of religion themselves and their opportunistic allies throughout history. When compared with the language of modernity, does not their discourse today appear somewhat redolent of the Middle Ages?
Our shaykhs tell us – God grant them mercy – that what the likes of people like me are aiming for is that we live as westerners, with all their ‘moral degeneracy’, so that our Nation and its traditions should collapse; as if we had made enough progress in the first place to fear a collapse, and as if the life of westerners has led to backwardness and collapse in them!
Given this perception of modernity as a deliberate cultural raid targeting our nation via its religion, (now that imperialism has ‘reconfigured itself to use new methods’), that is, that the Crusader West is waging a Crusade campaign, one thing remains difficult to decide: is the West a right-wing, religious, Crusader West extremist in its religiosity, or a place of debauchery, degeneracy and atheism?
So there is no connection between on the one hand religion or faith, and on the other hand progress or backwardness. Rather, behind every crime there is someone who benefits from it. This crime is the one committed by the professional clerics throughout history against the rights of the nation in toto. They are the ones who were responsible all this time for Islam and the Muslims; for ten centuries its ‘defenders’ have turned out to be its thieves.
Klevius: Atheism is the very precondition for Human Rights. Even for people "believing" in a "god".
Here's a Frontpage view on islam and muslims
Why Muslim Cultures Lag Behind
In the past fifty years, many countries have caught up with the rich and developed Western World. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, with virtually no natural resources, have created advanced, urbanized and prosperous societies, complete with world-class technology that often exceed that which is found in the West. India, Brazil and China, although not yet fully developed, now all possess large and affluent middle classes that did not exist just a few decades ago. There is no reason to believe why their economic and social progress of all of these countries will not continue for the foreseeable future.
The Muslim world, on the other hand, has struggled during this era of unprecedented global wealth creation. These countries have profited almost solely, by happy geological accident, from oil and gas extraction. Beyond these activities, trillions of dollars in oil revenue over the past sixty years, Muslim progress in many other areas, such as scientific research, social issues and education, lags badly behind the rest of the world.
How could this be the case? The answer, which the major media dares not touch, lies in the very culture of Muslim countries themselves. Consider the following cultural traits which are all typically found in majority Muslim countries:
Belief in magic
State-owned Malaysian newspapers and television stations routinely run breathless stories about witch doctors (‘bomoh’), evil spirits and other forms of the supernatural. Visitors to Malaysia get a good laugh out of such quaint cultural practices, until they realize with a shock that Malaysian belief in such superstition is absolutely sincere. But it’s not just here in Malaysia where this happens. In Saudi Arabia, witchcraft is considered very real and a capital offence. In Iran, laws are on the books that make ‘sorcery’ a crime. And in Iraq, many of the locals are absolutely convinced that American soldiers wear sunglasses that can see through clothing and have bases protected by force fields. A culture that is eager to embrace the supernatural takes a giant step away from rationality and deceives itself fundamentally. Self-deception is always, sooner or later, the path to failure.
Belief in conspiracies
Muslims take it as an Article of Faith that various groups of so-called infidels or other outsiders are engaged in various conspiracies to keep Muslims down, make Islam look bad, or are otherwise up to No Good. The lack of evidence means little to a society where ‘skepticism’ is already an unusual and foreign concept. For instance, even well-educated Muslims will tell you, with total earnestness, that the 9-11 terror attacks were actually perpetrated by Zionists, or the CIA, or the U.S. Government, or some other nefarious group. Never mind the vast amount of evidence to the contrary. When presented with rebuttals from non-Muslims, Muslims will usually just shrug it off and carry on with their nonsensical conspiracy theories.
Lack of innovation
Here in Malaysia, it is telling that the word in the Malay language for innovation (“inovasi”) did not exist until it came from English, quite recently, as a loan word. Innovation, meaning to create something without precedent, is a risky and therefore dangerous business in the Islamic world. The reason for this is because Islam already has a word for innovation, “bid’ah”. In Islam, this word is essentially the same in meaning as ‘heresy’, which is yet another capital crime under Islamic law. Hence creativity and individuality are utterly stifled in a totalitarian fashion, even in Muslim countries where Islamic law has not yet been fully implemented. Improvisation is also discouraged for similar reasons. This is a major reason why Islamic countries are usually characterized by a near-total lack of scientific research and reluctance to embrace technology in general.
Lack of devotion to non-family/non tribal/non-clan organizations
In most Muslim societies, loyalty often runs no farther than one’s tribe or sect. People from the far-off central government, or those from the next valley over for that matter, are foreigners to be met with suspicion or hostility. Afghanistan is a perfect example of this sort of chaos. Even if these differences are eventually papered over, so to speak, by the force and coercion of a dictatorship, the lack of cohesion and distrust remain. Muslim leaders usually come into and stay in power by exploiting this very characteristic, by playing one tribe or group off another. Patriotism amongst the general public is another foreign concept, taken for granted in the West. Muslims may remain loyal to Islam in general, but more importantly, to the tribe in particular.
Lack of empowerment of women
The future, no matter what form it may take, is almost certainly going to involve more technology, not less. How well equipped is a society for this future if half of its members are only (at best) grudgingly given their rights? In many Islamic countries, women are often illiterate and have no rights in essential critical life decisions, such as those involving child-rearing, marriage or education. And why should they? Various Quranic verses, age-old Islamic traditions, and core Islamic teachings render women as nothing more than chattel and the property of their male relatives—never the equal of men. And no one can ‘reform’ these teachings to something more enlightened—see the penalty for “bid’ah” above.
Lack of personal responsibility
Muslim leaders often lie to or deceive their own people, to subordinates, or to allies in order to advance their own personal agendas. Remember that most Muslim countries are a patchwork of tribes who barely tolerate one another in the best of times. Loyalty to one’s country as a whole is next to non-existent. So, the main objective of these leaders, whether at the top, middle or bottom, is to steal as much as they can, while they can, in order to enrich themselves and their families, clans or tribes—’national interest’ be damned. If you’re one of the rare incorruptible types, or are otherwise too stupid to steal when presented with the opportunity, then more the fool you are. Other tribes or groups are useful as scapegoats when the need arises or when blame must be deflected.
Lack of skilled labour
Rich, developed and successful countries like Germany, Japan and others do not just spring into existence. It takes the efforts of millions, skilled specialists toiling endlessly in dangerous and/or monotonous drudgery for decades, to build and also maintain the ever-growing complex web of systems that modern nations depend on to function. But Muslim countries, even the ones with trillions from oil revenue, have consistently failed to create large enough castes of technical specialists that modern nations must have. As there are never enough people willing or able to work within their own borders, Muslim nations are forced to outsource their labour needs. In Saudi Arabia and most Arab states, for instance, cleaners and maids come from India or the Philippines, while engineers and others in the technical trades come from America, Europe and increasingly east Asia. This trend is accelerating, paradoxically enough, at a time when the governments of the burgeoning Arab world are having an increasing problem just feeding their exploding populations.
Lack of meritocracy
The West has thrived not only because they have learned to hold people responsible for their actions, but also they have learned to give out rewards based on individual achievement. Hence higher–performing individuals tend to be eventually in charge and reap the most rewards (in prestige, rank, money, etc.). Westerners do not always manage to live up to these ideals, but the concepts themselves are not questioned. In the Islamic world, however, what counts is personal loyalty, personal connections, and tribal/sect membership. Incompetent leaders are preferable to competent ones, so long as they are properly loyal. Such a state of affairs makes for incredible inefficiency on a normal day and catastrophic consequences when any sort of crisis arises. Muslims are fond of saying “it’s God’s will” at difficult times, which for Muslims seems like most of the time. Actually, it’s not so much “God’s will” but more like the inevitable consequences of their dysfunctional culture.
If you’ve read up to this point, no doubt that you could add a few more things to this list. But remember, political correctness dictates that all cultures are somehow “equal,” and Muslims are convinced their cultures are somehow superior, never mind the reams of evidence to the contrary. So while I want to be optimistic, the smart money is not riding on the would-be reformers of the under-performing societies of the Muslim world. At least not yet.
Does the problem lie in the way islam is utilized?
Sayyid al-Qimny: The problem lies not in the religion, nor in any religion. It lies in the way this religion is utilized. Some make use of it to achieve progress, others to maintain backwardness. Some respect religion and distance it from political games and the intrigues of shaykhs and sultans, but there are others who continue to exploit it to maintain a single way of thinking and a single vision, so as to stay master of the castle in every sphere and every issue. To these, issues concerning the nation, the people or the religion do not pre-occupy him so much as maintaining domination and authority over the mind of the Muslim, and retaining this all-embracing authoritarian control by effectively enslaving the people.
It is a stand taken by everyone who is engaged in Islam as a profession and as a source of income, by those who have the power to mould the consciousness of the people according to imperious, authoritarian priorities. It is a consciousness of the single view to the exclusion of all others. They claim that this is the true Islam and that all else constitutes sinful disbelief. This leaves no room at any time for any alternative view to emerge. Accordingly no opposition has ever appeared over the entire history of the Muslims. If anything of this nature did appear its ideological instrument was invariably some alternative reading of this same Islam. But in general, over the entire length of Islamic history, their efforts petered out to leave in place a type of society that only knew of one, uniquely saved, denomination.
So we have therefore uncovered a first reason that we may connect with Islam:
That is, the absence of any other point of view which could foster a rich discussion concerning religion and life and come up with something new, as occurred when the earliest Christians differed on their interpretations of the Gospel, of God and the Holy Spirit. Those who differed held councils which relied on the strength of the arguments of the protagonists, so that the matter ended with a settlement that the majority conceded to. When new differences surfaced, new councils were convened. Such were the Councils of Nicaea, Chalcedon and Ephesus, and the like. This attitude was the afterglow of Greco-Roman culture. But on the Islamic side the first and the last ‘council’ was that of the Saqīfat Banī Sā‘ida [1] in which was decided the formula for Islamic rule, politically and religiously, all other things being deemed outright error.
Rhazes' Book of Medicine - a medieval preeminence
This formula went from crisis to crisis until some resolution emerged, but only after a series of crushing civil wars beginning with the Apostasy Wars and carrying on and beyond Karbalā. During this time this isolated, oppressed region continued to give off the appearance of power, but it did not take long before it was suppressed and its leaders wiped out, whether by the Zanj rebellion or the Assassins or the Qarmatians or by others. All that remained operative was the primordial, tribal, Caliphal principle that cannot accept rivals, due to its claim that this is the true Islam that God demands – as if they had somehow ascended into the heavens and taken down all the miraculous details in their writings on fiqh: all their interpretations, sanctions, commentaries and fatwās, straight from the mouth of God Himself, who privileged them above all others with this insight.
Christianity since its very inception spoke to the people of the time in their language and their way of thinking. It gave to Caesar what was Caesar’s and to God what was God’s, separating the two domains, and by doing so stood in the Greek tradition where democratic principles were still operating.
The Islamic caliphate system, complete with its religious dressing and the close alliance of its professional clerics, was an example of the total amalgamation of religious and worldly powers, taking the example of the Prophet, who held all the powers in himself in his fledgling state, as a template for rule under an absolute ruler in terms of his powers, influence, and absolutely dominant, single religious conception. By so doing they failed to make a distinction between the Prophet as the unique prophet and the Seal of the Prophets, and themselves as heirs to the Prophethood – an office which is not in fact a hereditary one.
Klevius: However, this analysis completely misses the very origin and soul of true islam namely its evilness that was and still is its main attraction. It's islam's violations of Human Rights that constitutes its main allure. Without it islam wouldn't be popular anymore. OIC realized it when it declared islamic sharia as superior to Human Rights.
'The reason for muslim backwardness is the "men of religion" themselves and their opportunistic allies throughout history'
Sayyid al-Qimny: It seems that the reason, in the end, for our backwardness is the men of religion themselves and their opportunistic allies throughout history. When compared with the language of modernity, does not their discourse today appear somewhat redolent of the Middle Ages?
Our shaykhs tell us – God grant them mercy – that what the likes of people like me are aiming for is that we live as westerners, with all their ‘moral degeneracy’, so that our Nation and its traditions should collapse; as if we had made enough progress in the first place to fear a collapse, and as if the life of westerners has led to backwardness and collapse in them!
Given this perception of modernity as a deliberate cultural raid targeting our nation via its religion, (now that imperialism has ‘reconfigured itself to use new methods’), that is, that the Crusader West is waging a Crusade campaign, one thing remains difficult to decide: is the West a right-wing, religious, Crusader West extremist in its religiosity, or a place of debauchery, degeneracy and atheism?
So there is no connection between on the one hand religion or faith, and on the other hand progress or backwardness. Rather, behind every crime there is someone who benefits from it. This crime is the one committed by the professional clerics throughout history against the rights of the nation in toto. They are the ones who were responsible all this time for Islam and the Muslims; for ten centuries its ‘defenders’ have turned out to be its thieves.
Klevius: This nonsense rhetorics resembles someone sitting on a branch while cutting it! Islam is always excluded from its consequences and placed in an "islamophobia" bubble outside the reach of "islamophobic" criticism.
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
Klevius' Easter quiz: How many "infidels" are "crucified" by muslim jihadists while Margot Wallström says 'It's not islam'?
This is how fascism is supported and Human Rights trampled. And 1.5 Billion muslims are accomplices as long as they don't clearly oppose Human Rights violating islamic sharia!
Sweden is notorious for its collaboration with Nazi Germany during WW2 exemplified by it allowing German military transit etc. However, perhaps the most important aspect of Sweden's concessions to Germany during the Second World War was the extensive export of iron ore for use in the German weapons industry, reaching ten million tons per year. The Swedish neutrality policy meant that the government could not interfere with the trade. As Germany's preparations for war became more apparent and the risk of another war became obvious, international interest in Swedish iron ore increased and allowing Sweden to change its hypocritical pragmatism.
Ties with Sweden "normalized" while PM's Saudi letter(s) is kept out of reach for the public
Sweden’s foreign minister has spoken inconvenient truths concerning Saudi Arabia.
The speeches of Margot Wallström about the Saudi regime and its monstrous treatment of Human Rights led the Saudis to withdraw their ambassador, cancel a speech Margot Wallström was due to give in front of the Arab League, and suspend the issue of business visas to all Swedes. Now the Saudis have decided to send their ambassador back to Stockholm, after King Carl Gustaf sent a personal envoy, a former defence minister, to Saudi Arabia’s King Salman.
Klevius wrote:
Monday, March 23, 2015
How to not "hate"* islam when islam hates you?!
* Criticism of islam's incompatibility with the most basic universal Human Rights is among islam supporters called "hateful islamophobia".
Saudi islamofascism or British/Swedish values based on Human Rights?
OIC is a muslim extremist organization based in Saudi Arabia and steered by the Saudi islamofascist Iyad Madani. This man and his organization is islam's absolutely foremost representative of today - and the wall that Wallström hit her head against!
The muslim problem
Islam is against the universal equality principle of Human Rights (including full equality between males and females). OIC, all the world's muslims most important and powerful organization is AGAINST Human Rights precisely because this is what islam is about from its very beginning. Therefore Saudi based and Saudi steered OIC has declared those (the most basic) Human Rights which differ from sharia as grave criminal offense.
The muslim solution
Stop calling hateful racism and sexism "muslim culture"! Culture is an all time changing commodity anyway. Then demand muslims to abandon Human Rights violating sharia. The remaining muslims who still prefer to be racist sexist haters of "infidels" should then be easily separated and dealt with by Theresa May, Margot Wallström and other representatives for Human Rights (i.e. the very core of Swedish, British etc values).
Swedish and British values against islamofascism
Sweden's Margot Wallström now has a golden opportunity to be the first foreign minister to stop islamofascism at its source. But she has a huge problem when she doesn't seem to understand that islam equals sharia islam and that sharia islam is AGAINST the most basic of those Human Rights she says she defends!
Klevius translation of Aftonbladet's presentation: Government scared about muslim protests.
Wallström: Nothing of what I've said can be interpreted as criticism against islam.
Expert: "Wallstrlm criticized islam"
In other words, in the eyes of the Saudi dictatorship (the "guardian of islam") she is nothing when she no longer serve's them as a tool for promoting their islamofascism.
Islam has a problem with women and British values
Home Secretary Theresa May's British values clash with OIC messenger Sayeeda Warsi's Human Rightsophobic sharia values.
UK Home Secretary, Theresa May: Where you seek to spread hate, we will disrupt you. Where you break the law, we will prosecute you. Where you seek to divide us, we will stand united. And together, we will defeat you.
World expert on negative Human Rights and sex apartheid* (and therefore also on islam), Peter Klevius: Please do confirm that "seek to spread hate" and "seek to divide" doesn't include criticism of islam and its anti Human Rights agenda!
* Written before Mr X "president" Obama was "elected", and unchanged since!
Muslim propaganda machinery deletes Home Secretary Theresa May on Google!
A Google image search today on 'uk government may cameron warsi' shows almost only a muslim islamofascist*:
* I.e. someone who opposes the most basic of Human Rights by supporting Saudi based and Saudi steered OIC and their Human Rights violating sharia agenda!
whereas a similar search today on 'uk government may cameron' gives this result:
The blond woman with British values is nowhere to be seen!?
Klevius question to Ed Miliband: Have you opened your party for islamofascism equally much as the Swedish PM Stefan Löfven did in his hunt for muslim votes?
Saturday, March 21, 2015
According to islam, Sweden's foreign minister Margot Wallström is an islamophobic* infidel** whore***. So why does she continue defending islam?!
** Islamic racism rests on the dividing of the world in muslim males and "infidels" (muslim women are inferior and therefore under the command of muslim males).
*** According to islam "infidels" constitute an attack on islam, meaning islam is at war and in jihad war non-muslim females are worth nothing except as sex slaves.
Margot Wallström is now in the very same low situation she, via her political correctness, has put all the poor Swedish "white whores" sexually abused, raped, trafficked as sex slaves etc in accordance with the Koran by muslims, and what she has blinked all these years!
Will Margot Wallström support Human Rights or islamofascist sharia?
Will she sacrifice Raif Badawi and all other victims of islam - the by far worst ideological crime ever against humanity? Will she blink the blood bath that has always accompanied islam when it hasn't simply retarded to the deepest of human backwardness.She now has a golden opportunity to be the first foreign minister to stop islamofascism at its source. But will she prevail? Klevius doubts it.
Klevius translation of Aftonbladet's presentation: Government scared about muslim protests.
Wallström: Nothing of what I've said can be interpreted as criticism against islam.
Expert: "Wallstrlm criticized islam"
In other words, in the eyes of the Saudi dictatorship (the "guardian of islam") she is nothing when she no longer serve's them as a tool for promoting their islamofascism.
We have never heard anything similar to the UK about muslim sex slavery in Sweden. How come? Could it really be that the country that has been the most blindfolded when it comes to evil islam has been spared from this curse of original islam?!
OIC is a muslim extremist organization based in Saudi Arabia and steered by the Saudi islamofascist Iyad Madani. This man and his organization is islam's absolutely foremost representative of today - and the wall that Wallström hit her head against!
While UK is slowly awakening to the enormous amount of muslim sexual predators against young girls (most of them "white" and most of them in the "care" of the British social state - read Angels of Antichrist, the most important sociological paper from the last century). And why not educate yourself about how the Swedish state treats children as commercial commodities without the slightest concern about the effect it has on them. For this purpose Klevius' thesis Pathological Symbiosis is the by far best scientific source.
Some of her criticism was in the form of calling Saudi Arabia’s law system “Nearly medieval” when making a statement regarding the punishment of the blogger Raif Badawi who was sentenced to whipping after criticising Islam.
“Saudi Arabia considers the offensive remarks made by the Foreign Minister of Sweden a flagrant interference in its internal affairs” – official at the Foreign Ministry in a statement to the Saudi Press Agency
Saudi scholar Thord Janson "explains" the conflict stems from having "different point of views" on the matter. The criticism that Margot Wallström pointed at Saudi Arabia is absurd to them, just how their laws may seem absurd to us.
Klevius comment: Absolutely! For hateful muslim supremacists racism ("infidel") and sexism (rapetivism, i,e, sex slavery and sex apartheid) are really at odds with the equality principle of Human Rights.
Saudi scholar Thord Janson: “They believe that Sharia is a given. It is a divine law that no royal house has invented. And that Saudi Arabia would change to western tradition due to the criticism is as absurd as that Sweden would implement Sharia”
Klevius: I rest my case!


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