Muslim born and raised (apostate?!) Mr X "president" Barry Barakeh Husain Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) uses Islamic State terrorists to topple the regime in Syria while bombing them in Iraq for the Saudi/Sunni campaign against Shia muslims.
Think about it, this disgustingly immoral man (who sat for some 20 years listening to a black supremacist hate preacher) knowingly lets Syrian civilians suffer and get murdered in the hundreds of thousands while he blames the wrong person (Assad) while supporting the real culprits (Saudi and Qatari leaders as well as Turkey).
While the Islamic State commits genocides and beheadings etc with no end in sight BBC News gives them one sentence worth of interest while spending some twenty minutes on Putin and Ukraine although nothing has happened there since the peace treaty. Why?
And although Saudi Arabia is the main evil Caliphate behind muslim jihad hate terrorism globally - not a word about sanctions etc!
And what about NATO member Turkey from which the murderous attacks on the Syrian people started?It was actually NATO and its Saudi, Qatar etc islamofascist allies who are the main cause of the enormous suffering in Syria.
see video here
And why are Arab Sunni extremists called upon to assist in fighting Arab Sunni extremists? And Lebanon participated in the NATO meeting although they were the ones who opened the gate to the weapon store called al-Omari mosque on their border.
Syria: how the muslim terrorist violence against the Syrian state and the Syrian people began in Daraa mosque al-Omari on the very border to Lebanon
Tim Anderson: ‘The claim that armed opposition to the government has begun only recently is a complete lie. The killings of soldiers, police and civilians, often in the most brutal circumstances, have been going on virtually since the beginning.’ – Professor Jeremy Salt, October 2011 (Ankara)
There is no doubt that there was popular agitation in Syria in early 2011, after the events in Egypt and Tunisia. There were anti-government and pro-government demonstrations, and a genuine political reform debate. However the serious violence that erupted in March 2011 has been systematically misreported, in line with yet another US-NATO ‘regime change’ agenda.
For many months the big powers and the corporate media pretended that armed opposition in Syria did not exist at all. All violence was government forces against ‘peaceful protestors’. In the words of the US-based Human Rights Watch (strongly linked to the US Council on Foreign Relations), ‘protestors only used violence against the security forces … in response to killings by the security forces or … as a last resort’. This was a dreadful deceit. Washington and its allies (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and some elements in Lebanon) were sponsoring armed attacks within Syria from the very beginning.
see video here
Saudi admits that "Syrian Revolution" was armed from the start - Aired on BBC Arabic in April 2012
The blind sheikh mentioned here is "Ahmad Al-Sayasinah", he used to incite the people against the government. He was arrested by the Syrian security and released later. He left to Jordan then Saudi Arabia.
On 23.March.2011, the Syrian National TV broadcast a video-report about seized weapons in "Al-Omari" mosque in the city of Daraa, just a few days after the beginning of the unrest.
See the report on SANA Website:
At that time, the entire world accused the Syrian government of fabricating the report. However after more than one year, here they are admitting that the terrorists of Daraa stored weapons in "Al-Omari" mosque.
BBC held an interview with "Anwar Al-Eshki", a Saudi Ex-Military and now president of "Center for Strategic studies" in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He reveals information about the first days in the Syrian crisis, and he even confirms his connections with the leader of the so-called "Free Syrian Army". They have become so rude and confident, so they admit everything publicly.
On 23.March.2011, the Syrian National TV broadcast a video-report about seized weapons in "Al-Omari" mosque in the city of Daraa, just a few days after the beginning of the unrest.
At that time, the entire world accused the Syrian government of fabricating the report. However after more than one year, here they are admitting that the terrorists of Daraa stored weapons in "Al-Omari" mosque. BBC held an interview with "Anwar Al-Eshki", a Saudi Ex-Military (Major General) and now president of "Center for Strategic studies" in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He reveals information about the first days in the Syrian crisis, and he even confirms his connections with the leader of the so-called "Free Syrian Army". They have become so rude and confident, so they admit everything publicly.
The “armed elements” in Syria consist almost exclusively of jihadist groups, most notably ISIS and al-Nusra. ISIS was trained by the United States and al-Nusra was armed by the CIA, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Global Research: DEBKAfile, an Israeli intelligence asset, reports the ISIS and al-Nusra effort to wrest control of the border area away from the Syrian army was assisted by by Israel, Jordan and the United States:
Israel acted as a member, along with the US and Jordan, of a support system for rebel groups [ISIS, al-Nusra] fighting in southern Syria. Their efforts are coordinated through a war-room which the Pentagon established last year near Amman. The US, Jordanian and Israeli officers manning the facility determine in consultation which rebel factions are provided with reinforcements from the special training camps run for Syrian rebels in Jordan, and which will receive arms.
In December, it was reported by The National that a secret command center in Jordan, staffed by western and Arab military officials, provides support to jihadist groups fighting on Syria’s southern front. The intelligence center “channels vehicles, sniper rifles, mortars, heavy machine guns, small arms and ammunition to Free Syrian Army units.”
Large numbers of fighters from the Free Syrian Army have defected to al-Nusra over the last year. “Fighters are heading to al-Nusra because of its Islamic doctrine, sincerity, good funding and advanced weapons,” Abu Islam of the FSA’s al-Tawhid brigade in Aleppo told The Guardian in May, 2013.
In June, al-Nusra and ISIS joined forces.
The same month Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily reported U.S. instructors had trained members of ISIS in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region.
Origin of islam
The origin of islam was exactly the same bloody mess as we see now. And different chaliphates fought each other just like today. This is no coincidence but the logical outcome of true evil islam.
Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud, ambassador of the Human Rights violating islamofascist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia to the UK: Wahhabism is not a sect of Islam. What is being referred to is the interpretation of Muhammad Abd al-Wahhab, who saw his fellow Muslims being diverted from the path of Islam as it had been delivered by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Klevius: He is talking about the origin of islam, i.e. the caravan pirates who developed to a parasitic robber community and much later was codified by the help of Jewish-Christian Syriac texts in the Koran for the purpose of sanctioning piracy and rapetivism.
Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud, ambassador of the Human Rights violating islamofascist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia to the UK: Saudis do not accept to be labelled “Wahhabis”. We are Muslims. In 2011, HRH Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz (now the crown prince) said: “Some people use the word Wahhabism to describe the message of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab in order to isolate Saudi Muslims from the rest of the Muslim world.”
Klevius: Exactly what Klevius has tried to say since 9/11! True islam is Saudi islamofascism in line with the original islam that al-Wahab referred to! And Saudi islamofascism is now sanctioned in UN via the Saudi based OIC and its Saudi Fuhrer Iyad Madani.
Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud, ambassador of the Human Rights violating islamofascist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia to the UK: This word is a convenient label that has been dreamed up by some governments, political analysts and the media to describe the major “Islamic threat” facing western civilisation. It is described as extremist and radical, accused of inspiring movements ranging from the Taliban in Afghanistan to the al-Qaida network and now the Islamic State (Isis) in Iraq.
Klevius: Indeed. I agree on every bit.
Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud, ambassador of the Human Rights violating islamofascist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia to the UK: But this view does not even faintly correspond with the teachings of Muhammad Ibn Abd al Wahhab, who was a well-travelled, learned, scholarly jurist of the 18th century. He insisted on adherence to Qur’anic values and the teachings of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which includes the maximum preservation of human life, even in the midst of jihad. He taught tolerance and supported the rights of both men and women.
Klevius: Oh dear! 'He taught tolerance and supported the rights of both men and women' only fits sharia - not Human Rights and not non-muslims and muslim women. This was the very reason why Saudi based and Saudi steered OIC abandoned Human Rights and replaced them with Human Rights violating sharia in UN. Moreover, in Saudi Arabia Human Rights are equalled with terrorism.
Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud, ambassador of the Human Rights violating islamofascist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia to the UK: Let me make it perfectly clear. The government of Saudi Arabia does not support or fund the murderers who have collected under the banner of the Islamic State. Their ideology is not one that we recognise, or that would be recognised by the vast majority of Muslims around the world – whether they were Sunni or Shia.
Klevius: He is probaly right even here. The Saudi government may not officially have supported it but rather via more or less clandestine operations. He is most probably also right about the majority of the world's "muslims" (of which most are secularized and don't have a clue of islam) not sharing these views. The supporters of the Islamic State could even be less than half a Billion. Nothing to worry about. No? Of course, the Saud family.
Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud, ambassador of the Human Rights violating islamofascist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia to the UK: Under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah, we launched an initiative for dialogue between all religions and cultures in 2008 with the establishment of the King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in Vienna.
Klevius: Otherwise correct except for the word 'dialogue'. It's a Saudi monologue and nothing else. Saudi Arabia is by far the most intolerant nation in the entire world. And this extreme intolerance, hatred and contempt against others is made possible by
Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud, ambassador of the Human Rights violating islamofascist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia to the UK: Following an international counterterrorism conference held in Riyadh in 2005, the UN counterterrorism centre was established with financial support of $200m from our government.
Klevius: Yes, and by counterterrorism you of course mean
Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud, ambassador of the Human Rights violating islamofascist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia to the UK: We have been and are fighting extremism within our own borders daily, indeed hourly.
Klevius: You certainly do. How many Human Rights activists, apostates, atheists etc terrorists have you beheaded this week?
Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud, ambassador of the Human Rights violating islamofascist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia to the UK: Firm action is taken against any imam who is found to hold extremist views and who tries to incite their followers to violence.
James Lewis: The Saudi fanatics of the Wahhabi priesthood triggered the rise of fanaticism by sending out their own most primitive imams to run mosques in Western countries, using our oil money, price-controlled by OPEC. The Iranians do the same with the lethal preachings of Khomeini, the war theocrat. Scores of primitive gangs are trying to grab power in the Muslim world, each with their own fanatical preachers, all claiming to speak for Allah. The key to radical Islam is that its preachers claim to speak for God, elevating very flawed human beings to the status of divinity. Radical Muslims speak with absolute certainty, as if they are the voice of God.
Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud, ambassador of the Human Rights violating islamofascist dictatorship of Saudi Arabia to the UK: We have passed laws and warned our citizens that they will be arrested and prosecuted if they attempt to join Isis or any other international terrorist group.
Klevius: Indeed. Laws against Human Rights, Atheism, other religions etc evilness!
James Kirk Wall: The Saudi regime of kings and clerics is a hate organization.
They hate women
They hate Jews
The hate Christians
They hate other Muslims who claim divine authority
They hate other Muslims who don’t share their interpretation of Islam
They hate America, but not to our face
They claim to hate homosexuality, but behind closed doors who knows
They hate free speech
They hate equal rights and equal opportunity
They hate atheists and have declared them to be terrorists
Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa director of Human Rights Watch, said: "Saudi authorities have never tolerated criticism of their policies, but these recent laws and regulations turn almost any critical expression or independent association into crimes of terrorism.”
But it gets even worse. It’s also illegal for anyone to imply that these recent laws are unjust.
Klevius: And this happens while Saudi Arabia's Riyadh principality also has begun a cover up "campaign" 'to encourage patriotism and spread of moderation and tolerance'. A convoy of young volunteers will make 13 tours to areas across Riyadh to spread a culture of dialogue and acceptance of others. The tours will include symposiums, training courses and exhibitions of publications from the King Abdulaziz Centre for National Dialogue, which is jointly sponsoring the campaign. "Symposiums and training courses" (in islam) similar to the ones Western accomplices to islamofascism are supporting/spreading.
Evan Helmuth: So which pressing, terrorism-related concern does the new law address first? Does it ban incitement to violent jihad from the pulpit or the dissemination of Jihadi propaganda online?
Nope, the leading concern of Saudi Arabia’s new terrorism law is atheism.
You read that right. The world’s number one exporter of poisonous Wahabi doctrines and of the jihadi rabble which is the inevitable result of such doctrines considers atheists its foremost terrorism concern.
Article One of the new law defines “calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based” as terrorism.
We can all rest easy now. Finally someone has taken a courageous stand and is dealing with the widespread scourge of Saudi atheist suicide bombers which has so afflicted the region.
Al-Wahab and the Tulip scent that shell shocked him
Klevius: The root man of Saudi islamofascism was Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab who, during his studies in Basra in the 18th C, got seriously dazzled by glimpses of the European Enlightenment twinkling through the temporary crack to the West called the "Tulip period". He then retreated back into his medieval islamic darkness and as a result, came to position himself as the very opposite to the British "Glorious revolution" (1688) which fought against Catholic papacy orthodoxy, which ended up in Lancashire's coal fueled textile industries as the beginning of the modern industrialized* world based on technology and rationality rather than on religious superstition and fundamentalism (also compare Shinto vs islam). A major outcome of industrialization was universal suffrage and the idea about negative human rights, i.e. freedom from impositions.
* isn't it an irony then that Britain, which started the series of modern revolutions as well as industrialization, came to deeply embed itself with the most intolerant, racist and sexist constitution, i.e. the Saudi islamofascist dictator state which was incapable of producing anything by itself except hatred and more fanatic muslims!
Together with the criminal "house of Saud", Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab then confined the Arabs in islamic backwardness and, in addition, the Arab women in an islamic burka of extreme Sharia sex segregation/apartheid.
After having robbed Mecca and Medina (in true Mohammed style), the Sauds/Wahhabis run the stolen country by the help of what they fleeced from visiting pilgrims. This was the main source of income until Westerners found/drilled oil and made the lazy islamist looters even wealthier.
(analysis taken from Homo Filius Nullius by Peter Klevius).
Klevius comment: And today this evilness threatens the free world through spineless politicians and OIC in UN! The banner of Enlightenment is now upheld by "islamophobes" such as heroic women like Ayaan Hirsi Ali who has suffered as a victim of islam(ofascism) and escaped to the West, only to suffer as a victim of political correctness and to find that she was abandoned by those she thought would protect her! In fact, Western politicians and media are busy implementing that very Arab-islamic oppression so many muslims have escaped!


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