Klevius: The Pope ought not to have a "dialogue" with muslims before he has vetted them for Human Rights violating sharia islam!
Pope: God must never be used to justify hatred and violence.”
Then he immediately contradicted himself by warning the religious leaders that “young people are being radicalized in the name of religion to sow discord and fear, and to tear at the very fabric of our societies.”
Klevius: This is the very difference between secularism (Atheism) and religion. Human Rights vs kind of human rights. Religious purity is defined by its distance to Universal Human Rights equality.
Pope: “How important it is that we be seen as prophets of peace, peacemakers who invite others to live in peace, harmony and mutual respect”.
Klevius: In religious segregation it's always the most evil that benefits the most from such "mutual respect”. Here's an example:
According to the Vatican, the Paris attacks have heightened the pope’s sense of urgency about the need for interreligious dialogue.
Klevius: "Interreligious dialogue" may strengthen each religion - and thereby by necessity also true islam, the so called "radical islam".
Pope: "Those living in such (poor) communities are victims of new forms of colonialism by rich co untries. These are the wounds inflicted by minorities who cling to power and wealth, who selfishly squander while a growing majority is forced to flee to abandoned, filthy and rundown peripheries.”
Klevius (still the world's foremost expert on sex segregation/apartheid - sad isn't it - and therefore also on islam and other "monotheisms"*):
* You don't have to go philosophically deep to realize the weirdness of such a concept as "monotheism". Only racist "god logic" makes any sense - leaving those who defend Human Rights equality (i.e. Atheists) outside this creepy outdated illogic. The definition of a "moderate" religion is how close it has managed to reform itself towards Human Rights equality.
The new black upper-class are those coming from Western universities and Western culture! Just think about how they would have been looked upon with whiter skin color! Or just read stupid sociology etc works about "white/Western colonialism".
Europe is the most secularized Human Rights bastion after socialist* fascism caused WW2. Industrialization was born in Europe after having got rid of Catholicism. In the rest of the world it's Atheist countries such as Japan and China who have been the most technologically progressive.Then comes the backward continents Catholic Latin/South America and last the continent destroyed by islam, i.e. Africa.
* Fascism and Nazism grew out of "moderate" socialist parties - much like state Communism grew out of social-democracy before the 1917 revolution.
When should the Pope visit Mecca and the Saudi dictator family who is behind most of islam's atrocities today?
Klevius: Isn't it puzzling that both the Pope and the die hard (and presumably non-religious) socialist Jeremy Corbyn both avoid Saudi Arabia, the "guardian of islam", while still talking about "dialogue" with islam and "islamophobia"!?Klevius wrote 10 years ago:
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Pope Ratzinger: Cooperate against extremism! Klevius translation: Castrate Islam!
Also see July 26 posting: True roots of "true" Islam!
Klevius wrote a year ago:
Monday, December 01, 2014
Pope asks muslim leaders to speak up against islamic state. Why?
The religion of piece(s)
John Cleese on muslim stupidity
So called "moderate muslims" (i.e. non-practicing "muslims") are disgusting racist cowards who hide themselves from muslim terrorism by saying they are muslims while non-muslims are targeted. On top of this they (together with true muslims) also benefit from Western "diversity" policy under which they can socially bully and terrorize non-muslims by using the handy "islamophobia" and "hate" sword."British muslims" have greater 'faith in the police' than the rest of the population. So what about muslim jihad victims?
Six out of ten "British"* muslims rate the police as either good or excellent according to the British Journal of Criminology.
* You can't be a muslim without sharia, and you can't have a sharia ruled Britain - or?!
Klevius (who, btw, also happens to have a Master's Degree in criminology): Perfectly sharia compliant police after years of "education" by the same imams who support those who kill and despise British soldiers in the name of islamic ideology. However, a more telling report would be who have the least faith in the police. Klevius qualified guess is that it would be the victims of muslim jihadists.
Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo
It would help a lot of girls/women if BBC's sharia presenter Mishail Husain would commit apostasy by dismissing sharia. But she never will because she isn't as brave as Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Or does she propose Human Rights violating sharia for Britain? Why isn't she even asked about it? There seems reportedly to be lot of time while she is laughing at (ignorant?) British license fee payers together with other BBC presenters during
Klevius wrote:
Monday, July 29, 2013Pope Francis: Gays are ok - women are not!
Klevius intellectual translation: Whereas (male) gays are seen as fully humans although sexually dysfunctional, women are seen as a different species. Therefore the Pope & Co can accept gay priests but not female priests.
Pope Francis: The Catholic door is closed for women priests and the decision is definitive!
As a background you may read Klevius' Sex and Gender Tutorial
The female patriarchy that keeps the Pope & Co and islam ticking
Klevius (sadly still the web's by far foremost expert on sex segregation/apartheid): While reading the Catholic horror from Brazil below please keep islam in mind! And, in an extension, think about general sex segregation, and you will start understanding what Klevius is ranting about...
Catholic nuns (O’Connor & Drury 1998) reporting from Brazil and the US:
"It's our culture and we can't change it,"
Fear of ridicule, change, and loss of security
An inherent need to put other women down
Among some women in both countries there seems to be an inherent need to put other women down. Women frequently do not help one another. They criticize each other, thereby working against solidarity. They tend to replicate the patriarchal model by using what little power they have to force other women into submission. By criticizing women who speak for equality and by reporting such "heretics" to the clergy or hierarchy, they marginalize those who have the courage to stand against the tide of clerical oppression.
Women act as tormentors both from the top down and from the bottom up. This was evidenced by an Episcopal woman priest in the United States who admitted she oppressed women because that was the only model she had ever seen in the church. Another example is, the sister in the diocesan office who, behind the scenes, forced the bishop's secretary to resign by overtly oppressing her. Similarly, the women in a Brazilian parish boycotted their Methodist minister simply because of her gender. In another Catholic parish the women
Western liberation
Those communities who have European or North American members are likely to be in the forefront in liberating themselves from the burdens their patriarchal formation has placed upon them.
Fear and jealousy
Fear has a lot to do with it. Women don't have as much experience being active and speaking out, assuming responsibility in a wider reality. They assume responsibility in their own house, but when you ask them to do something in the community they refuse. Fear is the problem with women. [Middle‑aged Woman in CEB, Petropolis]
Women are afraid that other women will talk about them if they are different, if they do things against the social customs. [Young Married Woman, Brasilia]
For the most part, the women who were not afraid to challenge the status quo were sisters or economically independent women. A wealthy woman in the north noted:
Patriarchy functions only with the cooperation of women
With naive consciousness they continue to promote what their mothers and grandmothers told them
"It's not just culture we inherit in life. Women must face up to their historical programming," noted Irma Passom, former religious and political activist. "Our grandmothers and mothers had a certain guilt, which they passed on.
Women are formed to hang their heads. I saw this in my own home. The
mother passes these ideas on in the family. There is no point in trying to