Acknowledgement: This isn't "the explosive sex tutorial" that Klevius will present shortly!
And no, Klevius isn't a Christian, and yes, it's the very origin of islam, not "in the name of islam" we're talking!
Essential Klevius reading for those (i.e. most people) not familiar with the deep bedrock of this topic:
Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state (1996 - the most important sociological paper from the last Century).
The Echo of incest - child sexual abuse as described in a Swedish news series 1998 (only available in Swedish but see pic below which is a summary of main research results, and which shows that there is a 1,000 times difference between the real, i.e. research actually targeting what is discussed, and the highest alleged numbers).
Pathological symbiosis (probably the world's only critical analysis of the emergence and disappearance of "pathological symbiosis" in psychoanalysis).
The British social state and the Cleveland scandal 1987
Social state professionals, social worker
Sue Richardson and pediatricians Marietta Higgs and Geoffrey Wyatt,
were central in the Cleveland incest hysteria case 1987 that destroyed the lives of 121 children and their families.
Cleveland sex abuse of children and parents by authorities in the words of one sufferer:
'It was cruelty we received at the hands of people that were
supposed to protect you'.
The Cleveland child abuse scandal occurred in Cleveland, England in 1987, where 121 cases of suspected child sexual abuse were diagnosed by Dr Marietta Higgs and Dr Geoffrey Wyatt, paediatricians at a Middlesbrough hospital (in the now abolished county of Cleveland). After a number of court trials, 26 cases involving children from twelve families were found by judges to have been incorrectly diagnosed, and cases involving 96 of the 121 children alleged to be victims of sexual abuse were dismissed by the courts. In the other cases, the child was subject to a child-protection order, and some were removed from their parents' care permanently.
Klevius comment: The cost of the inquiry (1988) alone was £4000000, a fraction of the other costs caused by these fanatics let loose with tax payers money within the social state and protected and monopolized by law.
The Cleveland inquiry
Dr Higgs, as a new consultant venturing
into a new
field, is criticised for
undue reliance on physical signs
alone, in particular
the anal
dilatation test. She was too
ready to draw certain
conclusions from her findings
and too fixed in her belief
that the children should be
separated from their parents to allow "disclosure."
She lacked appreciation of the forensic
elements of
her work and did not recognise
the inadequacy
resources in Cleveland to meet the crisis.
Her relentless
pursuit of her goals, which never
seemed to be
interrupted by a pause for thought,
caused unnecessary
distress to children and their families
Sue Richardson, was to become
an "inner child" psychotherapist in Newcastle. In the 1991 book she
edited, Child Sexual Abuse: Whose Problem?3, Richardson describes the theory as
applied to the 161 children caught up in the Cleveland fiasco. She states that "[a]
high proportion of these children had not told of the abuse before the
investigation. These children were either not old enough, or in our belief,
psychologically ready to tell an adult what happened to them." (italics
added). Thus Richardson appears to assume that all the children jettisoned into
care over two months in Cleveland were sexually abused - even though the
majority eventually went home and had no further dealings with social services
and no suspicion of abuse.
Klevius comment: If you have read
Pathological symbiosis and
Angels of Antichrist (no, Klevius isn't a Christian) you have now gathered much of the picture. However, you may also benefit from reading Klevius unique
Psychosocial Freud timeline while waiting for Klevius coming sex tutorial..
The British social state and islamic pedophilia 2012
This "infidel" sex slave child died because of islam! Had her abusers not been muslims she might have had a much better chance to survive. She and many other girls were abandoned by "child protection" authorities who had stolen them from their family/kinship base in the first place well knowing that they were even more at risk in state "care" (see Klevius research + referred other research in
Pathological symbiosis and
Angels of Antichrist), police and prosecutors for years despite all possible evidence and cries for help.
The stories that spewed out of Liverpool Crown Court last week defied belief.
‘Muslims pick me up. They get me drunk, they give me drugs, they have sex with me and tell me not to tell anyone. I want to move.’
Anonymous Mirror writer “Fleet Street Fox” (why anonymous?!): Victoria Agoglia, ran away from her care home 21 times in two months, was found by the police five times, and on the same night she was picked up from the care home by a gang of men in a car she died from a heroin overdose. She was 15 years old. It’s believed that another four of those girls have died since. There are 65,000 children in care in the UK today - how many of them are perfectly safe? These 'homes' are anything but. They're either run on a shoestring by a local authority or a private business, neither of whom want to devote cash or attention to troubled children who need both. The people who work in them aren't able to enforce curfews or take a degree of parental responsibility. And they are being run in our name, with our money, and are failing our children. It's a national scandal of appalling proportions which demands an inquiry. There won't be one, because people who need our help the most are left to fend for themselves while politicians badger for inquiries into their pet projects. The nasty truth is that too many people of wealth and privilege believe that a 12-year-old girl from Rochdale in a short skirt simply cannot be raped.
£100,000-250,000 per child and year paid from taxpayers' money to keep muslim pedophiles served with child sex
Out of some 65,000 young people in state care, just 1,800 girls are in children’s homes. Of these were 631 suspected cases of girls involved in prostitution while in care. There is strong reason to assume the figures are a serious underestimate.
And not only does the care system fail to protect young girls/children, it actually puts them in jeopardy.
Anne Marie Carrie, chief executive of Barnardo’s, the children’s charity, pointed to a recent study that found sexual exploitation was raised as an issue of concern by almost two-thirds of girls in residential care.
Fiona McIntosh (Mirror): Why isn’t there an immediate inquiry being launched into the care homes that charge councils £250,000 a year for each troubled child, yet fail to look after them?
Who will take responsibility for the CPS cock-up that meant the pleas of a 15-year-old girl were not taken seriously enough to save her and so many others?
Not a single adult in their lives put a stop to the serial rape of these children until it was too late. Not only were these girls failed by their families, they were failed by care homes paid to look ¬after many of them.
Even the Crown ¬Prosecution ¬Service failed these kids by refusing to act when the abuse was reported two years before arrests were made.
Klevius comment: A note to those of less than average intelligence: Yes, muslims without knowledge in islamic/Koranic Sharia "teaching" would probably have the same amount of pedophiles and other rapists as any other population!
The origin of islam was based on sex slavery/child sexual abuse
Also consider that totalitarian islam is always under attack as long as not everyone submits to it. Hence Jihad and taking sex slaves from the "infidel enemy" is acceptable. And as Mohammed functions as a raw model for muslims nothing in islam hinders them from abusing non-muslim (or wrong-muslim) children.
Koran (33:50) - "O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom
thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses
out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee" This is
one of several personal-sounding verses "from Allah" narrated by
Muhammad - in this case allowing himself a virtually unlimited supply of sex
partners. Others are restrained to four wives, but may also have sex with
any number of slaves, as the following verse make clear:
Koran (23:5-6) - "..who abstain from sex, except with those joined to
them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands
possess..." This verse permits the slave-owner to have sex
with his slaves. See also Koran (70:29-30).
Koran (4:24) - "And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those
(captives) whom your right hands possess." Even sex with married
slaves is permissible.
Koran (8:69) - "But (now) enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and
good" A reference to war booty, of which slaves were a part.
The Muslim slave master may enjoy his "catch" because (according to
verse 71) "Allah gave you mastery over them."
Koran (24:32) - "And marry those among you who are single and those who
are fit among your male slaves and your female slaves..." Breeding
slaves based on fitness.
Koran (2:178) - "O ye who believe! Retaliation is prescribed for you in
the matter of the murdered; the freeman for the freeman, and the slave for the
slave, and the female for the female." The message of this verse,
which prescribes the rules of retaliation for murder, is that all humans are
not created equal. The human value of a slave is less than that of a free
person (and a woman's worth is also distinguished from that of a man's).
Koran (16:75) - "Allah sets forth the Parable (of two men: one) a slave
under the dominion of another; He has no power of any sort; and (the other) a
man on whom We have bestowed goodly favours from Ourselves, and he spends
thereof (freely), privately and publicly: are the two equal? (By no means;)
praise be to Allah." Yet another confirmation that the slave is is
not equal to the master. In this case it is plain that the slave owes his
status to Allah's will. (According to 16:71, the owner should be
careful about insulting Allah by bestowing Allah's gifts on slaves - those whom
the god of Islam has not favored).
Sex slavery pedophilia in the islamic Hadiths:
Bukhari (80:753) - "The Prophet said, 'The freed slave belongs to
the people who have freed him.'"
Bukhari (52:255) - The slave who accepts Islam and continues serving his
Muslim master will receive a double reward in heaven.
Bukhari (41.598) - Slaves are property. They cannot be freed if an
owner has outstanding debt, but can be used to pay off the debt.
Bukhari (62:137) - An account of women taken as slaves in battle by
Muhammad's men after their husbands and fathers were killed. The woman
were raped with Muhammad's approval.
Bukhari (34:432) - Another account of females taken captive and raped
with Muhammad's approval. In this case it is evident that the Muslims
intend on selling the women after raping them because they are concerned about
devaluing their price by impregnating them. Muhammad is asked about
coitus interruptus.
Bukhari (47.765) - A woman is rebuked by Muhammad for freeing a slave
girl. The prophet tells her that she would have gotten a greater heavenly
reward by giving her to a relative (as a slave).
Bukhari (34:351) - Muhammad sells a slave for money. He was thus a
slave trader.
Bukhari (72:734) - Some contemporary Muslims in the West, where slavery
is believed to be a horrible crime, are reluctant to believe that Muhammad
owned slaves. This is just one of many places in the Hadith where a
reference is made to a human being owned by Muhammad. In this case, the
slave is of African descent.
Muslim 3901 - Muhammad trades away two black slaves for one Muslim slave.
Muslim 4112 - A man freed six slaves on the event of his death, but
Muhammad reversed the emancipation and kept four in slavery to himself.
He cast lots to determine which two to free.
Bukhari (47:743) - Muhammad's own pulpit - from which he preached Islam -
was built with slave labor on his command.
Bukhari (59:637) - "The Prophet sent Ali to Khalid to bring the
Khumus (of the booty) and I hated Ali, and Ali had taken a bath (after a sexual
act with a slave-girl from the Khumus). I said to Khalid, 'Don't you see this
(i.e. Ali)?' When we reached the Prophet I mentioned that to him. He said, 'O
Buraida! Do you hate Ali?' I said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Do you hate him, for he deserves
more than that from the Khumlus.'" Muhammad approved of his men
having sex with slaves, as this episode involving his son-in-law, Ali, clearly
proves. This hadith refutes the modern apologists who pretend that slaves
were really "wives," since Muhammad had forbidden Ali from marrying
another woman as long as Fatima (his favorite daughter) was living.
Abu Dawud (2150) - "The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent a
military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met
their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives.
Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were
reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their
husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Koranic
verse: (Koran 4:24) 'And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those
(captives) whom your right hands possess.'" This is the background
for verse 4:24 of the Koran. Not only does Allah grant permission for
women to be captured and raped, but allows it to even be done in front of their
husbands. (See also Muslim 3432)
Abu Dawud 1814 - "...[Abu Bakr] He then began to beat [his slave]
him while the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) was smiling and saying: Look at this man
who is in the sacred state (putting on ihram), what is he doing?"
The future first caliph of Islam is beating his slave for losing a camel while
Muhammad looks on in apparent amusement.
Ibn Ishaq (734) - A slave girl is given a "violent beating" by Ali in
the presence of Muhammad, who does nothing about it.
Ibn Ishaq (693) - "Then the apostle sent Sa-d b. Zayd al-Ansari, brother
of Abdu'l-Ashal with some of the captive women of Banu Qurayza to Najd and he
sold them for horses and weapons." Muhammad trades away women
captured from the Banu Qurayza tribe to non-Muslim slave traders for
property. (Their men had been executed after surrendering
peacefully without a fight).
Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller) (o9.13) - According to Sharia, when
a child or woman is taken captive by Muslims, they become slaves by the mere
fact of their capture. A captured woman's previous marriage is
immediately annulled.
Since its origin islam rides on racism
These posts were quickly removed from Yahoo and Ms Lucy Black has still to be arrested and sentenced. But BBC seems to be too busy trying to eliminate critical competitor voices etc so the public doesn't get any info about this disgusting phenomenon (the pic of the murdered girls is attached by Klevius).