Islam is the garbage bin that collects and feeds on racist and sexist hate
Here's a typical comment that reveals a complete ignorance about islamic racism and sexism
Takuan Seiyo
13 March, 2015 at 10:12
No, the reason these Swedish women are being raped is not because they are unveiled. They are being raped because they are white, and they are perceived by the nonwhite men –who are also far more aggressive, ethnocentric racist and male chauvinist than Whites are — to be free loot in a society of feminized, brainwashed, weak men who have given up both dominance and protection of their women. They are being raped also as a sign of contempt for the insane white host society, mad enough to elevate its nonwhite wolves to a position of respect and “equity,” and even to import them by the millions, as the UK, Sweden and the rest of Europe have done.
Consider this typical headline, for instance, in USA Today: “Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: ‘Staggering disparity’” The headline should have read instead, “Racial gap in U.S. violent crimes: ‘Staggering disparity.’” Or worse yet, “White America Does The Crime, Black America Gets The Time” in the Swedish-like Huffington Post.
Then consider that if one takes the time to analyze FBI crime statistics — still, in the United States alone, broken down by race — it becomes apparent that American Blacks murder at seven times the rate of other races, and rob at eight times the rate. As to forcible rape, FBI statistics show that of reported 14,611 cases in 2011, 65% were by “whites” and 32.9% by blacks Since whites are 66% of the population and blacks are 13%, that alone would show a propensity to rape two and a half times as large among Blacks as it is among Whites — but even that is a gross understatement and a result of manipulated statistics.
The “white” category includes “Hispanics’ — and anyone who reads any local press in the United States knows the inordinately high number of rapes that are committed by the “Hispanic” imports, primarily the illegal ones. If the “Hispanics” were counted separately, the disparity of rape rates between Blacks and Whites would be at least double or triple the 2.5x showing now.
Until we perceive that this is one worldwide problem identical in all White countries,
until we stop pretending that this a problem of Islam rather than a problem of sabotage of all White societies by their ruling elites that leads to their Eloization under domestic or imported Morlocks, no solution can possibly be found.
Klevius comment: And "the ruling elite" accuses you! And neither of you are interested in emptying the smelling bin!
'I will kill you' shouts the brain dead* hateful black muslim supremacist racist clown Louis Farrakhan
* Can we agree that hateful people are
not only stupid but also dangerous - to all of us, including
themselves. Ok, he's smarter than Sharpton but what does that really
It's still far short of what could be expected from an ordinary
civilized man.
Just listen to this childish but hateful rant to childish but, as a
consequence, hateful listeners.
This hateful racist is whom Obama's minister for some 20 years awarded!
Yes, Klevius knows very well that
people are very vulnerable to theatrical performance - especially when
this helps to excuse one's often misdirected anger about oneself. This
is why Klevius would never even dream of acting like Farrakhan. And this
is why Klevius believes in Human Rights instead of segregation.
I will kill you if you put your hands on me' Farrakhan said in a
context where some presumably white official during the "million man
marsh" had explained an escape route for him in the case of violence.
And for his black audience (above) he made it sound the opposite to what
the official had meant. Farrakhan unscrupulously played the race card
hard, hinting the possible violence was white, not black, and then in a
childish but obviously for this audience effective way (see how happy
they look at the very moment he utters 'kill') played the hero card by
stating that he 'should die with his people'. Moreover, Farrakhan knows
very well that many young and some older black haters love to hear him
hinting at hate violence by using words like 'kill' and 'fight back'
etc. He also loves using the word 'devil' when talking about white
people. Why? Simply because Nation of Islam's very racist hateful core
idea is that "whites" are evil devils while "blacks" are "god's" chosen
people. No other race is as good as "blacks" according to just one of
the unbelievable fantasies from which Farrakhan's muslim hate
organization emerged (see more about NOI furthest down on this posting).
How many police officers and civilians have been assaulted and murdered
by young black haters because of muslim clown Farrakhan's and others
continuous hateful agitation?
NYPD officers turning their back
against NY mayor Blasio who together with muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X
"president" Hussein Obama Soetoro (or whatever) has been agitating in
support of black racism. NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos (top
left) were murdered by a black thug (with a long criminal record) while
sitting in their patrol car. Whereas every muslim is tied to Human Rights violating islam via islamic
sharia, a black police has no such a tie to black criminals. However,
because blacks in certain areas are hugely over represented in crime
stats (hence also proportionally in general stats), it would be quite
strange if equally many whites were pulled over, arrested etc. in such
And here's the commented text
When journalists rape
9 March, 2015 swedishsurveyor 7 Comments
A couple of weeks ago there was an incident on a ferry where a number of Somali citizens were arrested for gang raping a Swedish woman. For reasons unknown the media decided to label the perpetrators as Swedish. I wrote a straightforward post on the matter but I was still a tad confused as to why the nationality of the perpetrators was omitted. A couple of hours later I stumbled upon this chronicle written by a journalist and author who writes under the pen name Julia Caesar. She has now given me the green light to translate it and publish it on Swedish Surveyor. At risk of sounding sexist I doubt a man could have written a text of this calibre and on this topic. I know I couldn’t.
When journalists rape
The gang rape of a 45-year old woman on the Viking Line Finland Ferry Amorella was followed by yet another rape. Journalists raped the truth and the Swedish public by lying about the ethnicity of the criminals. The 8 suspected perpetrators were alleged Swedes, despite seven being Somali citizens and one being Iraqi.
The 4 suspected criminals that have been arrested are all Somali citizens and Muslims. None have Swedish citizenship. But in the media they were called ”Swedish” in big fat headlines. The Swedish media once again revealed its unscrupulous agenda when it comes to violent criminal immigrants. The perpetrators are protected, the victims are completely disregarded.
Five times more normal that immigrants rape
In a sane society citizens have a right to information regarding who commits exceptionally violent crimes so as to make an educated call regarding the risks they are exposing themselves to. How are Swedish women and young girls supposed to protect themselves against rape if they don’t find out that immigrants are overrepresented five times over? The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention revealed that in their report 2005:17. It is now 10 years old and relies on numbers that are 15-20 years old.
For political reasons no later report has come in. All of public Sweden, including the media and state authorities, are in agreement to silence everything that shows the destructive consequences of mass immigration, Islamization and multiculturalism
Journalists protect serious criminals
Sweden is not a healthy society but a very sick society. The lies fester and permeate more and more sectors of society. Politicians commit the worst rape. The group rape on M/S Amorella is a direct result of the mass immigration to Sweden from Muslim countries and primitive honour cultures that has been going on for decades. The mass immigration policies have amongst other things resulted in our country topping the list of reported rapes in Europe and incessantly leads to more and horrible brutal rapes of Swedish women.
Tens of thousands of women are sacrificed every year on the altar of multiculturalism. Politicians disregard the victims. The silence reveals their indifference to their own people’s safety. No Swedish government has ever cared about attempting to curtail the rape rates in the only way that could give a noticeable result: minimizing immigration from Muslim countries. To place Swedish women’s security and safety above mass immigration is, of course, racism.
”Funky mood with an international touch”
Are you feeling up for a relaxing day cruise on the Baltic Sea? A little ”funky mood” with an ”international touch”? This is how the ship-owner Viking Line writes on their website:
”M/S Amorella is our daily cruiser that chugs back and forwards to Ã…bo, every night from Stockholm. You can count on a funky mood with an international touch, good food, an abundance of tax-free bargains, comfortable spa-treatments and Swedish dance bands, every Friday and Saturday in the nightclub”
Eva, 45 (assumed name) was one of those who bought a ticket on Amorella’s Cruise to Ã…bo the 30th of January 2015. Maybe she felt like a relaxing day cruise. But the trip ended in an unexpected fashion. She was lured into a hut and was subjected to a gang rape by seven Somalis and one Iraqi.
Four out of five have Somali citizenship
Pettersson’s blog publishes the name of the five suspected perpetrators who have been arrested, three in Finland and one in Sweden.
Abdullahi Barre Barre, born 1992, Sundbyberg. Somali citizen.
Ahmed Nur Abdurahman Ahmed, born 1991, Hässelby. Somali citizen. Previously convicted for several property offences.
Abdullahi Ahmed Jama, born 1991, Spånga. Somali citizen.
Mohamed Ahmed Abdi, born 1990 in Mogadishu, Somalia. Somali citizen.
Bjar Mhamad Shakir, born 1987 in Arbil, Iraq. Swedish citizen but may also have Iraqi citizenship. Previously arrested for several crimes such as narcotics crimes, joyriding, theft, assault, robbery, etc.
4 of the 8 suspected rapists have been detained. All are Somali Muslims and have Somali citizenship. Four have been released, amongst them the Iraqi Bjar Mhamad Shakir, but they are still being suspected of the crime.
”For the time being the four individuals that have been released are under suspicion, but I can’t go into detail of what that those suspicions consist of because the preliminary investigation is still underway.” – says prosecutor Elisabeth Brandt.
The entire media calls the perpetrators ”Swedish”
The gang rape of 45-year old Eva is followed by yet another rape. Journalists raping the truth and the Swedish people. Swedish journalists see it as their duty to protect violent criminals by deceiving the public with regards to their ethnicity. They habitually omit facts and thus actively contribute to the rape of girls and women.
The weekend entails a news drought and undermanned newsrooms. In that situation a gang rape is more than welcome. The entire Swedish media quickly posts big headlines:
Several Swedish men suspected of rape on Finland Ferry (Dagens Nyheter)
Six Swedish men raped woman in cabin (Aftonbladet)
Six Swedes arrested for rape on ferry (Expressen)
Eight Swedes suspected for ferry gang rape (TT)
All reporting stems from TT (The Newspapers’ Telegram Bureau), which the entire Swedish media subscribes to. Even in the Finnish media the suspects are called Swedes, like in this quote taken from Helsingfors Dagblad:
”According to Ekot the investigation will be transferred to Sweden, because all the men were Swedes.”
But the information comes from SR Ekot in Sweden.
Somali and Iraqi citizens are called ”Swedes”
The radio, State-owned Swedish Television (SVT), all the big newspapers and every little podunk paper screams out that Swedes have committed a gang rape on a Finland Ferry. The bells didn’t even ring in the newspaper offices when it turned out that the men needed a Somali interpreter during the detention in the Finnish district court. The majority of the public who solely consume mainstream media naturally get the impression that their countrymen have committed this horrendous crime.
Why do the journalists consciously lie to the Swedish people? They do it to push their own sick agenda and hammer in the notion that Swedish men are full-blooded racists, Nazis, barbarians and brutal gang rapists.
Above all it’s about Swedish journalist having sworn to protect immigrant criminals under any and all circumstances. Not a single suspected hair may ever be touched on an immigrant’s head. The really bizarre thing is that journalists in the mendacious Swedish media beat themselves on the chest and think they are doing something good and admirable. They imagine that with their lies they will counteract racism and xenophobia.
How can they hate the Swedish people so?
I try to explain the medias lies to a Swedish friend who has lived abroad for many years.
Why do they do this? How can they hate the Swedish people so much that they lie to this extent? They are Swedes themselves? She says.
I try to explain again. The Swedish seed of self-hatred planted years ago. How journalists look down on normal Swedes and think they are better than them and that they can therefore hate all other Swedes without including themselves in the hatred.
Their schadenfreude – exhilaration – when Swedes have committed a crime.
Mechanisms completely without logic
I’m a journalist. I know the talk in the newsrooms. The cynicism. The arrogance. The raw jokes. The superiority. The power trip. The hate that is spewed on everyone and anyone who is perceived as differing from you and your norms. The reluctance to admit that you’re at fault. Journalists never make mistakes. They have a thousand excuses to write as they do. Journalists are always right. They always know best and for the stupid peasantry they have only disdain.
I give up trying to explain. I don’t understand either how journalists with their blatant lies can smear a whole people – their own people. It’s best described as mechanisms completely without logic. Mechanisms that verge on insanity.
Raped and beaten by four Somalis
The media has used the same tactic that was used to protect the gang rapists on M/S Amorella every single time that immigrants have committed a rape or gang rape. On new years eve 2004 Jenny Lémon, 24, was assaulted with a baton and subjected to a very brutal rape in Gothenburg by four Somalis; Omar Mohamed Omar, Jassin Abdikarim Mahamud, Abdulgadir Mohamed Khalif and Mursal Abdullahi.
Jassin Abdikarim Mahamud, born 1987, kicks her several times in the groin. Jenny Lémon is seriously injured and has to undergo several operations. A friend of hers, Linda, is also severely injured. All except Omar Mohamed Omar are prosecuted but receive very mild punishments.
Aftonbladet set their well-oiled lying apparatus in motion
Aftonbladet set their well-oiled lying apparatus in motion and called the perpetrators ”Swedish”, illustrating with silhouettes typical European profiles. The reader was supposed to believe that the Somali perpetrators were ethnic Swedes. Even Expressen bluffed with regards to the ethnicity of the perpetrators.
Jassin Abdikarim Mahamud changed name to Lamin Abdikarim Ali but didn’t change appearance. In November 2010 he broke into an 84-year old ladies address on Sturegatan in Falun and raped her several times. In Expressen, the man’s lawyer informed us that his client ”felt really bad”.
”Just being aware that he could be guilty of that which he is being accused of makes him feel really bad”
How the 84-year old woman felt after having been robbed and raped repeatedly was not something the journalists were interested in.
Between the rapes of Jenny Lémon, 2004, and the 84-year old woman in Falun 2010, Lamin Abdikarim Ali committed several brutal crimes. Despite the medias protection he was in July 2011, finally sentenced to a noticeable penalty. Svea Court of Appeals sentenced him to 9 years in jail.
Double error and completely morally f***ed up
Journalists defend themselves by saying that they follow the ethical guidelines of the press.
According to the rules a criminal’s ethnicity should only be disclosed if it is ”relevant in the context”. Criminal’s ethnical origin or nationality should not be disclosed if it ”lacks meaning in the context and is disrespectful”. According to the documented understanding of Swedish journalists ethnicity is never relevant – with one exception: if the perpetrator is Swedish. Then the ethnicity suddenly becomes so important that you throw the ethical rules out the window and scream out the Swedish ethnicity in fat headlines.
Even if it had been true that the rapists on Amorella were Swedish the journalists clearly broke the press-ethical rules by stating the Swedish ethnicity. Double error and completely morally f***ed up.
Tried to make them Swedish citizens.
The media works in a different reality than just a few years ago. The truth slips out quickly via the Internet and the social media. Soon the correct information regarding the gang rapists on Amorella were out on the web. Then the media switched to another dishonest strategy.
Dan Malmqvist writes in Nya Tider:
”When Richard Aschberg and Victor Stenquist published their article in Aftonbladet it had already been disclosed in social media that the perpetrators were Somali. It is hard to not suspect that they were attempting ”damage control” when both writers instead starting accentuating the men’s alleged Swedish citizenship. They went so far as to falsifying what the authorities had told them”
Words are placed in the prosecutor’s mouth
About the prosecutor Elisabeth Brandt Aftonbladet writes.
”She is now going to request that the errand is investigated in Sweden due to the victim and the suspected perpetrators being Swedish citizens”
”Yeah well, that’s something Aftonbladet will have to stand for then” comments prosecutor Brandt when Nya Tider asks if she really said that.
NyT: You don’t recognize that you said that?
”No, what I said was in that case that they had their residence in Sweden”
When the media eventually realize that the rapists are Somalis the news quickly disappears.
Where are the prominent feminists?
African immigrants grossly defile a Swedish woman. Who stands up for her? Where are the prominent feminists? Where are they hiding, all the loud-mouthed champions of women’s rights and freedoms?
Where is the Feminist Initiatives party leader Gudrun Schyman? Where is the rape expert Katarina Wennstam? Where are the super-feminists Maria Sveland and Athena Farrokhzad? Former Minister of Equality Maria Arnholm (fp)? Where is Margot Wallström (s)?
It’s as silent as the grave. No silence echoes as loudly as the silence of feminists when immigrants rape Swedish women.
Margot Wallström cries for raped women
The 10th of October 2010 Margot Wallström cries in State-owned Swedish Television (SVT). It is a Sunday, and the program isMargot-Wallström-gråter-över-våldtagna-kvinnor-i-Kongo-2010 called Agenda.
Margot Wallström was at this time and until June 2012 the UN general secretary Ban Ki-moon’s special representative in questions that revolve around sexual violence in conflicts. She has met raped women in Congo, and she is crying for them in a reportage by SVT very own Marika Griehsel.
Margot Wallström bursts into tears but pulls herself together and says
”Now it’s time to wipe the tears. It’s time we act.”
”We have broken the longest silence in history”
In a big article in Dagens Industri Weekend on the 4th of February 2011 Margot Wallström gets asked whether or not Ban Ki-moon is a feminist.
”Yes, if he hasn’t been then he is on his way to becoming one.”
When she is asked if it is possible to stop the sexual violence in war and conflicts she responds:
”Of course it is!”
”These aren’t crimes that should be followed by impunity and amnesty. There must not be amnesty for these perpetrators. The United Nations shall make sure that all doors are closed for them. We won’t allow a career for rapists. They should know that we will follow them and they will be punished in accordance with international law!”
She draws a parallel with the Nurnberg trials and how the rape are regarded as “unspeakable” and says:
”We have broken the longest silence in history”
”That sounds completely crazy”rafibahaduri_179652225
When Margot Wallström was interviewed in DI Weekend approximately six years have passed since the brutal gang rape of Jenny Lémon in Gothenburg. Later in the same year as the interview is published, 2011, eight asylum-seeking Afghanis will rape a 29-year old mother in an asylum home in Mariannelund. It is the most brutal gang rape in Sweden’s history. Seven of them are sentenced to a jail sentence of 4,5 and 6.5 years. Six of them are deported from Sweden for a 15-year period.
Four years later the 45-year old Eva on M/S Amorella will be gang raped by Somali citizens.
When Granskning Sverige in March, 2014, call up Margot Wallström and confront her with the Swedish rape statistics from a report compiled by the UN-organ UNODC from 2010 she laughs and says:
”That sounds completely crazy. I don’t know where you got those numbers from” (approximately 10 minutes in)
A feminist foreign policy does not include Swedish women
Today Margot Wallström is the Foreign Minister in Stefan Löfvens red-green government and she has declared that she intends to set a ”feminist foreign policy”. If someone were to ask her what she plans on doing about the 6000 women who are raped in Sweden every year (The unreported number is estimated to be 10 times higher, in other words 60 000 according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention) she would probably put on a confused face. When she finally manages to pull herself together she would probably say that the feminist foreign policy does not include Swedish women.
Then she would say that she as a minister cannot express herself on individual questions. In that case the entire government must think the same way. Seeing as Stefan Löfvens government and all other Swedish governments in the past are agreed on one thing: that it is completely o.k. to sacrifice tens of thousands of women every year for multiculturalism we can assume Wallström thinks its o.k. too.
Her last trump card would be to point out that the tear-dripping assignment with regards to raped women in Congo concerns rape in war and conflict. And Sweden is a peaceful country.
Sweden is no longer a peaceful country
That is precisely where the cookie crumbles. Sweden was once a peaceful country but it is not a peaceful country any longer. Sweden is a country whose citizens have been pushed into war by politicians who have allowed mass immigration from the worlds most underdeveloped and violent countries and cultures. Politicians rape their own people through a yearly mass import of tens of thousands of Muslim men with a backwards view on women.
After 45 years of mass immigration nobody can claim that immigrants from the Middle East or Africa are like us or pretend to believe that they become like us the second their feet touch Swedish soil. There is an abundance of evidence pointing in the other direction. In Muslim culture it is legitimate to rape a woman if she doesn’t cover herself up. In Muslim culture a mans honour rests between a woman’s loins, and a mans sexuality is a woman’s responsibility. Both to satisfy (intramarital) and to guard against (extramarital)
All cultures are equal, even those that rape and murder
In cultural relativist Sweden it is forbidden to consider any culture to be better than another. All cultures are alleged to be equally good, even those who oppress, female genital mutilate, rape, and beat their women and murder their own children. Primitive and primeval cultures are glorified as ”exotic” and ”exciting”, and immigrants are encouraged to keep them and live them out on Swedish soil. How are Swedish women supposed to protect themselves if they don’t get correct information but are instead spoon-fed perfidious propaganda about the blessings of multiculturalism and everyone’s equal value?
That is why Swedish women are raped
Consequently uninformed Swedish girls and women get their lives ruined when their souls and genitals are torn apart via brutal rapes, committed by immigrants who think they have all the right in the world to violate unveiled women.
That is why Jenny Lémon was raped by four Somalis (Muslims) in Gothenburg.
That is why an 84-year old woman in Falun was raped by a Somali Muslim.
That is why a 29-year old mother was raped by eight Afghans (Muslims) in Mariannelund.
That is why a 45-year old Eva was raped by seven Somalis (Muslims) on-board the M/S Amorella.
That is why Swedish girls and women will continue to be raped by imported Muslims for the foreseeable future.
There is one word for these notorious unscrupulous liars, politicians and journalists alike, who bear the responsibility for this war on the Swedish people.
Magna Carta Libertatum is the first rudimentary effort in a long
struggle towards the final 1948 Human Rights declaration which PM David
Cameron now again seems to betray by giving in for Human Rights
violating sharia.
Back in 1215 Magna Carta (the first predecessor to Human Rights) was
produced to stifle traitor King John's effort to islamize Britian.
Compare this to the British PM Cameron's attacks on Human Rights while
seemingly proposing Britain as the center of islamofascism outside
Mideast (beginning with London sharia finance).
King John the Traitor, PM David
Cameron and the islamofascist "king" Abdullah who pretended to be
"reformist" while steering the country in an even more intolerant
direction by new sharia inspired laws by early 2014 (e.g. equalizing
Human Rights, Secularism and Atheism with "terrorism" and due penalties - compare
Raif Badawi and others).
King John in the early 13th century sent envoys to Mohammed al-Nâsir
asking for his help. In return King John offered to convert to Islam and
turn England into a muslim state. The muslim jihadist Mohammed al-Nâsir's view on King John: "I never read
or heard that any king possessing such a prosperous kingdom subject and
obedient to him, would voluntarily ... make tributary a country that is
free, by giving to a stranger that which is his own ... conquered, as
it were, without a wound. I have rather read and heard from many that
they would procure liberty for themselves at the expense of streams of
blood, which is a praiseworthy action; but now I hear that your wretched
lord, a sloth and a coward, who is even worse than nothing, wishes from
a free man to become a slave, who is the most miserable of all human
beings." Mohammed al-Nâsir concluded by wondering aloud why the English
allowed such a man to lord over them — they must, he said, be very
servile and soft.
Klevius wrote:
Background: Strange Swedish attitudes in the public debate!
Swedish white collar fascists /former defender of Pol Pot etc?) now
want to stop external criticism against totalitarian Islam (i.e. against
an ideology that forbids internal criticism)! Also see
Klevius' Definition of Religion (usually top-rated on MSN)
!Also note that According to British YouGov's survey 2005
one in four (abt half a million) British Muslims sympathises with
motives of Islamic terrorists- more than 100.000 British Muslims are
ready to actually support Islamic terrorists- about 16,000 British
Muslims declare themselves willing, possibly even eager, to embrace
Islamic violence (For the worldwide spreading of Islam, and to conquer
the non-Islamic world?!).Official Sweden talks
child abuse at home while kids are abused to death at schools (Swedish
readers may compare this with the analyses presented in Ekot om incest )!* Linda said she
felt like a slave (compare the girls in Darfur raped by Islamic paramilitaries) on the school's toilet
when she had to give sex services to the boy with "many dangerous
relatives" (also see Nov 30 posting below abt Gangs of Arabs & dogs
terrorizing Sweden). This is in line with e.g. "street Islam" (see
Brief history of true Islam)
which states (compare Koran's "infidel" and marriage/rape practices)
that "white" girls/women are whores and should be abused and
intimidated! Which is exactly what is taught in many Muslim (or Islam
influenced) homes, before the kids show up as evil gangs in schools and
on the streets! This racism is the real power of Islam, from Mohammed to
the irresponsible parents of the kids chasing Linda. And equally
irresponsible Swedish political correctness! Compare the
chancellor of justice, Göran Lambertz, who isn't at all interested in
the Swedish Radio Islam's continuing denial of Holocaust and extreme
hatred propaganda against Jews! Today Islam is the world's
most powerful violent ideology. Is that why not only Saudi-Arabic
oil-billionaires but also the Swedish state and Swedish white collar
fascists so eagerly support and defend it?! Also see the horryfying
WMD-link Sweden-Iran!
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Islam must prepare to rule the world".Also compare the Rissne gang rape case
where the boys were fiercly defended against the Swedsh whore (age 14)
etc. by a huge gang of parents and relatives. Their ultimate "penalty"
then was to visit an Islamist imam (sic)! I.e. the representative for
what actually might have boosted their and their parents' racist/sexist
attitudes! "The informal censorship in stories related to immigration in Sweden. Similar incidents are reported with shocking frequency, to the point where some observers fear that law and order is completely breaking down in the country."True Islam has a bad influence on both Muslim and non-Muslim cultures Islam
is an evil ideology of rapetivism, exploitation & conquest
ultimately based on pure racism - not to be confused with cultural
ethnicity of the people that have happened to live under this evil
ideology! One might even say that most of the disadvantages may be
traced to how Islam has affected people's behavior, not to the people!
No matter which changes are made to it, true Islam (i.e. attraction of
Islam) is based on infidel racism and sex segregation. Islam's
jihad-"paramilitaries" in the West are youngsters brainwashed by parents
and Koranic agitation at home, in youth organizations, mosques, on the
street etc) If this attraction is removed, Islam becomes an empty eunuch
just like Chistianity. And that's OK to me. In the long run both racism
and sex segregation are doomed anyway - just like true Islam!Islam at work today: 20,000 Egyptian riot police kill at least 25 unarmed Sudanese refugees in Cairo outside UN!!!
Sweden now praises and rewards misled and brainwashed children who at
school write naive and glorifying nonsense abt Islam (uncritically
gathered from Islamist sources). These writings and Linda's death
represent the two extremes of the Swedish hypocrisy (also see
Hypocritical Swedish misogynist imam Leif Karlsson).
For a background see
From Klevius without love - freedom from sex segregationKlevius' definition of religionKlevius' definition of (the holy) negative human rights"We feel every effort is made to silence the real circumstances abt Linda's death" (i.e. political correctness of the
social state may not be disturbed? Also note that
has a compulsory school, unlike in other Nordic countries were it's
only the fulfilling of a child's education that is compulsory - not the
attendance in one of the world's worst school system!).
13, was a Swedish girl who, together with her best friend, used not to
follow the stereotypical, stupid ("sexy") girlish style (often incl.
being sex servants to certain boys) so common now in Sweden (see the
Swedish girl problem and
Angels of Antichrist and
Sex segregation in LVU). She was sporty, climbing etc "
a certain "gang" (plus, of course, the ordinary confused Swedish school
attitude: glorifying Islam, pro-sex segregation, pro-child sex, etc)
forced her (after severe bullying) to wear make up etc. Then she was
sexually abused on the school's toilet while 6-7 of his friends were
outside (like many other helpless Swedish girls). The day she eventually
hung herself by using her sister's jump rope, she had been called a
whore and other namings by a boy who also physically abused her and
threatened to send his relatives on her.
Status among girls is based on "drinking, smoking, giving boys sex services, and using lots of make up and sexy clothes."
Sounds pretty pathetic to me. According to Linda's friend "they" who
have power control the school - including the pathetic Swedish teachers
(compare P. Klevius' Echo of Incest, an analysis of the strange fact
that while Western bio-parents are the least likely to commit sexual
abuse. they are the most targeted, and vice versa, while sexual abuse
committed by other kids in a heavily depending/pressuring environments
at school etc, are the most common, they are the least addressed!).
compare the weird psychoanalytic idea abt the necessity of sex etc
stupidities (From Freud to bin Laden). And it seems the younger the
better. Compare the Swedish state funded institute that sexually abused 6
year old children by forcing them to listen to stories abt oral sex etc
(see e g
Swedish state pedophilia rewarded) !
Linda was described as secure and happy at home and outside the school.
- i.e. the world's oldest family religion with the world's best high
tech vs. the world's youngest state "religion" with brainwashing Koran
schools, physical & cultural desertation & low-tech
Klevius' namingKlevius' sites & blogs so far the only ones clearly addressing the horrors, abuse and confinement of sex segregation!Update: Georgetown’s Capitulation to Radical IslamRape stats: 44% of women who were date raped have considered suicide!
The true and original Nordic "Christmas" (Midwinter feast) had nothing to do with Mideast or the Swedish social state!According to Peter Klevius'
Demand for Resources (1992) we may expect a return to
the Nordic roots preceeding the influence of (the quite late) Mideast
As a matter of fact the first signs are already there, and perhaps
logically, some of the foremost bearers are often from - yes, Mideast,
Africa etc. After all, they probably know the best about the culture
(usually Islam) they escaped, don't they (and what abt the new threat of
global warming that may turn Sweden from the coldest social state to an
iceberg due to a vanishing Gulf stream?)
The Swedish social state (see Childless child psychoanalysts stealing children and Angels of Antichrist - social state vs family) is the evil dragon that has grown in a lack of attachmentIn
Sweden psychodynamic hoax psykologists have a total say against parent
in court matters of children's custody etc. Against every idea of how
democracy is supposed to work,
a few fanatics smuggled a hoax
psychoanalytic concept into the Swedish act LVU regulating when the
state may abduct children from their original homes. And the
real catch is that this criterion, which no one really knows what it is,
now is hidden from the Swedish people in the preparatory works, and
only appears as "some other ccondition in the home" in the visible text
of the act! You have to visit a certain library and you have to know
exactly on which page to look. Read the unique story as presented in
a unique academic paper!
Also note that everyone involved denies having anything to do with it
(also see the revealing series of e-mails in the appendix of the paper).
Now the
psycho-mafia in Sweden
wants to go one step even further by demanding that children could be
abducted if psychodynamic hoax psychologists (i.e. sorcerers - of course
you knew that pd is rooted in exorcism) aren't allowed to "assess"
children whenever they feel for it!
Remember, we aren't talking
child abuse or neglect but rather a pathological hatred against parental
love, which is transformed into bureaucratic child trafficking. Whereas
most of the healthy and well-being kids are from very caring homes. the
same bureaucracy does nothing to prevent teenage criminals from
continuing and increasing their series of crimes and atrocities.
Especially if they are from Muslim families (and that's not very rare!).
Furthermore the Swedish government's own "expert" in these matters is
an Islamist (Masoud Kamali, a professor whose scientific method is
"racism") who proposes that Muslims should be excepted from LVU!
Swedish reader may check out
Fosterlandet Sverige and
Utgör LVU en påtaglig risk för barns hälsa och utveckling!
Are "Muslims" hijacked by Islam - the worst crime ever against humanity?Jim Elders: "six
centuries of lying dormant like smoldering algae in the cesspools of
the world, these creatures from the black lagoon of history have
returned, and they are using the same weapon that they used in the dark
ages: terrorism. It’s the only weapon they have because they have been
busy spending the last six centuries mutilating their own kind, killing
members of their own families and strapping bombs to fools...It’s a
shameful indictment of their apathy and appeasement when the broadcast
and print media refuse to air and print opposing views to Islamic
radicalism for fear they will be inundated with scorn from Islamic
sympathizers who spend their time searching the Internet and newspapers
for anything that might resemble an affront to their so-called religion
of peace. When are these people of peace going voice their affront to
their brothers and sisters who are not so peaceful? I’ll answer that:
never, because they agree with their terrorist brothers and sisters."The Jordan Times: "...members
of these wealthy Gulf societies acknowledge their very real security
dilemma. They know they cannot protect themselves and their coveted
resources against traditional local powers like Iran and Iraq, and must
rely on foreign protection (the British before 1971, the Americans
since). Yet American military forces in Saudi Arabia after 1990 and in
Iraq today are the main instigators of anti-American sentiments
throughout the region, and the primary magnets that attract hundreds of
young Arabs to fight in Iraq against the US presence and what they see
as an American-installed puppet government. This is a cruel but deep
dilemma: their main source of security — foreign troops — is also the
main reason for their insecurity in the face of homegrown terrorism"Update December 1, 2005: The worst criticism ever against the Swedish government!The
Swedish government boosts Islam while neglecting the Swedes! Today a
commission heavily condemned and critisized PM Göran Persson (the guy
married to the leader of the state monopoly liquid store Systembolaget,
which has been involved in the deepest bribe scandal so far in Sweden)
and several in his cabinet etc for serious neglect/delay/confusion etc
of their duties/acting while some thousand Swedes suffered the Tsunami
Swedes feel abandoned by the Swedish state). According to the commission Sweden was among the very worst and far behind its neighbours!
Islam the worst crime ever against humanity- 1400 years of colonialism,
murder and institutionalized slavery/rape/totalitarianism? The tight
connection between original Koran texts and the attractive usage of the
"infidel" concept boost both contempt/racism/sexism as well as
pan-Arabic Islam itself!
Attacking gangs of dogs running looseA gang of loose dangerous dogs forces at least four to hospital.
Attacks by dogs have been increasingly common last years in (especially southern) Sweden.
risk to be attacked is extremely high for children. But in Sweden no
one (except a few parents) really cares for children anymore!
Six year old child biten into pieces by pitbull gang while walking to the day care center!Klevius comment:
Increasing criminality and lonelyness make street terrorists and the
possession of dangerous dogs mirriring today's cold Swedish politicized
environment. It clearly seems that dogs are preferred - not children!
The only ones not getting paid in Sweden are bio-parents and adoptive
parents. Everyone else spongs on the Swedish social state (which used to
be called a welfare state for some reason unknown to me). Also see P.
Angels of Antichrist - social state vs kinship!
gangs openly insult and attack Swedes, Jews etc. Swedish children have
to have guards at school! Muslim fascism, racism & deep
anti-semitism rapidly rising in Sweden.A 16 year old in
an interview yesterday described how Arabs treat Swedes: "Svennes"
(racist naming of "white" Swedes) don't have any say cause then the
Arabs come with 50 brothers/cousins! He also said that sissy "svennes"
just play games while Arabs have sex with the girls.
source: Swedish radio news &
also see
"Do you think that we Arabs are racist?"Klevius comment:
Firstly I want to assure you that I'm fully aware of you non-racist
non-Islamist "Arabs" and that you are excluded from any criticism of
mine. Secondly, a "Svenne" can never accuse an "Arab" for racism because
no matter how lonely s/he is s/he still belongs to the "majority".
Thirdly, do Muslim parents induce contempt and racism/sexism in their
kids? And if so, why does a Swedish Muslim professor propose that Muslim
families shouldn't have to obey the rules in the Swdish child
protection act LVU, assumed to take care of agressive, violent, racist
and sexist children? Children who often also fail to perform
15, got death threats and was chased and bullied by teen gang (?) at
school because he wore a Swedish flag badge and his father loves old
American cars!Swedish girl, 17, raped by teenage
boys in public swimming pool in front of 30 Swedes who, according to the
victim, "just stared" (in Husby - an immigrant suburb of Stockholm)!Muslim Swedish girl spits her teacher in his face when finding out he's a Jew!source: Swedish radio today
comment: There has been a tremendous rise of not only Muslim
anti-semitism but also Muslim racism in general (source: Sweden's
official institute for the prevention of crimes, BRÃ…, usually notorious
for its "politically correct" play with "sensitive" figures)!
Sweden's supreme court OKs the view that gays equal “cancer” by referring to human rights!A
clergyman preached that homosexuality is a "cancer tumour on the body
of society". The supreme court avoided the issue (so that Islam could
preach its homophobia in peace) by saying that the European Council on
Human Rights would probably have defended free speach given that the
case had been filed to it (sic)!
Linda, the Swedish Rosa Park,
and her friend Jenny facing Somalian/Nordic rapist/beaters in Swedish
court, notorious for excusing hatecrimes committted by immigrants
(especially if they are non-"whites"/Muslims).Sweden opens up for more Muslim immigrantsIn
the next news excerpt listeners were told that (in practise Mideast)
immigration should be made easier by a new regulation allowing “adult
children to those already inside Sweden”.
'religious profiling
African/Dutch heroine Ayan Hirsi Ali (named with racist disgust in Sweden):"Arab
journalists should engage in more self-reflection, and not see all
problems as caused by some outside force. "There is a total lack of
freedom in the Arab and Islamic world", "a lack of equality for and a
culture of violence towards women".
Klevius comment: Isn't it
fantastic that when Islam's fascist messengers commit evil acts, they
usually get rewarded and the victim blamed. No matter if it's the US
that is bombed with passenger planes or Swedish teenage girls raped and
beaten on the street (see below). The bad guys are always "explained" in
terms of political correctness!
EU wants to emphasize “the historical cultural Islam/Arab contribution" (sic)!Klevius comment: What did I say above and what "contribution" (see
some thoughts on 1400 years of Arabic/Islamic oppression)?!
Remember - the difference between "moderate" and "radical" Islam is nothing but a line drawn in water!Every
aspect of Islam is carefully outlined for the sole purpose of its
master(s). It's a deep irony then that this is used in defense of Islam.
Of course pan-Arabic Islam was keen to let non-Muslim women and
children survive. Pan-Arabic/islamic exspansion rests on keeping women
busy as reproducers/fosterers of babies and Islamists.
racism/contempt & sex segregation are the pan-Arabic/Islamic tools
- Did Bush, Condi & Blair get it (WMD=Islam) right after all?
the difference between "Arabs" shouting "racist" when gazed at in the
aftermath of 9/11 when a quite homogenous group of Arabs crashed four
planes against innocent civilians in the name of Islam and Allah, and
those "colored" accusing every "white" for colonialism etc?
Arabic Koran-Islam's rape hell: "Koran (the manual for plunder, rape and murder)"
Robert Spencer: Mohammad's rape jihad (still going on from Darfur to Western cities).
Osama bin Laden did a great mistake. For the first time in history he shed light into the dark cave where he & true Islamic "civilization"(brief/concise history lesson by Klevius)
resided! Although many have choosen to blink the shocking truth, the
inevitable conclusion will be that Islam is doomed to total defeat
precisely on those grounds that made it popular in the first place!
There seems to be a straight (and perhaps not at all surprising) link
between the cruel "infidel" contempt/hatred preached in Koran, and the
attitudes among many Muslims. What launched my curiosity was a very
trivial experience on the street. I drove my car and saw a family almost
approaching a crossing. Just to be kind I stopped although I could have
passed without danger. When the young boy in the Muslim family realized
that he didn't have to wait until I'd passed, he looked at me with
stunning contempt (I was surprised and I'd never seen him before and the
place was new for me) and begun walking utterly slowly and with a
supercilious and arrogant attitude I'd never seen before in a child! My
first reaction was to approach him through the window and ask why he
gazed so angry at me, but when I saw the older youngsters in the family I
realized that wasn't probably the best move. However, the picture
really screamed out that this extreme behavior was learnt/reinforced at
home (mosques, Koran schools etc), only he didn't hide it as did the
rest of the family. OK, I realized, that's how the Koranic "infidel"
contempt/hatred is effectively passed to the next generation via
hypocritical (and psychologically child abusing) parents. From that
picture there was only a small step to understanding how suicide killers
and street rapists etc are purportedly made. This picture (plus what
else I saw when I'd learnt to see) also learnt me that it's a lie to
argue that the Koranic "infidel" contempt/hatred belongs to a distant
past and could be interpreted away. No way!
get rid of terror? OK, get rid of Islam! Honestly by differing between
Islam and your REAL ethnicity, or just cowardly/naively by becoming a "Muslim Refusnik".
But in the latter case, remember you're still sharing reading habits
with Osama! Also remember that most people advocating: "Islam's OK but
it's hijacked!" use to hang in puppet wires leading, if not to Mecca, so
at least to Arabic oil-for-Islam money pockets! Albeit sometimes the
wires may be hard to see. Look carefully!
the main idea/ideology in pan-Arabic Koran Islam the worst (1400 years
of slavery, rape/institutionalized rape, murder and "dhimmitude") crime
ever against humanity? I for one know no competitor to
Arabic Islam in this respect! The info is there on the net, in libraries
etc. Why don't you pick it up?
ever an ideology of conquest may be blamed, it's certainly pan-Arabic
Islam. Its initial as well as later conquests were made possible exactly
due to the key concepts in Arabic Koran. Focusing
on "nice Islam" is like focusing on Hitler's moustache (luckily Hitler
realized the enormous fascist potential in Islam only too late!)!
National-socialism hijacked by the Germans? That someone should have
"hijacked" Islam is the worst of misconceptions. No, it's innocent
humans (mostly children and youth) who are hijacked/abused (via Koran
teaching, mosques, youth organizations etc) by the racist/sexist
totaltarian militaristic ideology of pan-Arabic Koran Islam! And when
should those responsible be punished/apologize (You probably already
know that no one is in charge for what Islam causes. That's part of its
inborn strategic evilness)? But who cares abt the "forgotten suffering"
(P. Klevius 1992) of Islam's victims through 1400 years until today's
Sudan etc? And we always hear the same: It has nothing to do with Islam!
real problem isn't radical Islam, it's "moderate" Islam and its naive
(or greedy) supporters who have paved the way for an Islamic
totalitarian fascist/sexist.cultural HIV!
A historical parallel from the delivery room
our knowledge abt germs and viruses, dangerous contaminations used to
be common in medical care. When, due to new technologies,
industrialization etc, and medical institutions became common, the
delivery rooms surprisingly turned into death traps, compared to
deliveries at home. This happened roughly through two stages: 1)
statistically a hospital contains more dangerous germs and viruses than
at home. As a consequence the nurses/midwives were more likely to
contaminate. 2) Because of the casualties caused by nurses' (unknown)
contamination, physicians were asked to participate at the crucial
moment. But they were even more likely to contaminate (pockets full of
unclean scalpels etc)!
Islam & integration - a tautology!Although
it's Arabic Islam that constitutes the main obstacle against
integreation, we too often hear the opposite from the media and
politicians, i.e. that it's Muslims who are excluded becaus of racism.
Yes, Islamic racism!Isn't it a tragic irony that Eurabia
now offers money and support to that very same Islam that has assisted
in the cultural (and economic - compare Arab/Islamic countries in
general) confinement of its street terrorizing youth! The difference in
the outcome of, for example, Shinto (with superior tech, art, litterature, music etc) and Islam
is no co-incidence. And neither is the economic and technical
backwardness of Islam-Arabic countries, compared to the "West" (by
"West" I mean all technologically* progressive nations/areas incl., for
example, South Africa since 1999, and other African and other areas
capable of standing on their own).*
The simple fact that technology is the basis for ALL economies (incl.
oil-sponging economies), is often overlooked by idealist etc! Also see
P. Klevius' Demand for resources - on the right to be poor (1992)!
seen as an "ethnic seal" due to its concept of "infidels" (i.e. our
ethnicity is better than theirs), constitutes the main obstacle for real
integration (not assimilation, which is an impossible concept - two
people can't meet and discuss openly without also altering each other,
no matter how little! See e.g. Inside Klevius mind!).
Hence, by promoting Islam, the process of mutual integration is
effectively stopped thus giving space for mutual racism and even
contempt (Islam IS contempt against the "others", the non-Muslims)! Do young (and older) Islamists really know Islam, and do we (all) really want a Eurabia? Why boost racist/sexist totalitarian pan-Arabism?
The Islamic "civilization's" suicide formula, in fact, equals its non-integration formula
Lack of attachment
(see below) and social confusion, combined with Koran reading/teaching
("infidel" hatred/contempt), are the means used to psychologically abuse
a human being for the purpose of killing others and/or spreading Arabic
Islamic contempt and sexism, instead of integration.
Saudi funded Islamists infiltrating universities and "helping" youngsters
like e..g. Hamas use to throw bombs with one hand and charity with the
other, so do "peaceful" Islamists (called young Muslims in he news) use
to "calm down" the situation (which was initially organized/agitated by
them or their pals) while showing a "nice" face of Islam (remember
Hitler's moustache)
now believe that the entire uprising has central control via the
Internet and cell phones. However, even the Telegraph waits until the
penultimate paragraph to inform its readers that the suspected
organizers of the riots are comprised of Islamist militants and drug
dealers ... quite a different picture than what the media has painted
for the last week, of a spontaneous protest based solely on economics.
The New York Times still completely avoids the "M" and "I" words in its report"
Lee Kaplan: "80% of the mortgages on mosques in the US are paid for by the Wahhabist Saudis.
the last 30 years the Saudi Royal Family has contributed upwards of 70
billion US dollars to infiltrate worldwide institutions with propaganda
against the West and Israel. This sum, it has been observed, makes the
one billion dollars per annum spent by the Soviet Union during the Cold
War for Communist propaganda pale by comparison. [4] The Saudis see
donations to our universities as a way of promoting their political and
religious propaganda. To quote their English language daily, Ain Al
Yaqueen: "The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under the custodian of the Two
Holy Mosques, King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz has positively shouldered
responsibility and played a promising role in order to raise the banner
of Islam all over the globe and raise the Islamic call either inside or
outside the kingdom."[5] The new head of Middle East Studies at UC Santa
Barbara, Stephen Humphreys, holds a chair named after Aziz himself. The
head of the Muslim American Society , W. Deen Muhammed, has stated that
Saudi gifts require the receiver to prefer the Saudi "school of
thought." While Humphreys denies there are strings attached, one wonders
how likely a thesis on Saudi misogyny or their educational system
teaching hatred of Americans, Jews and Christians would go over in Saudi
funded departments if someone hoped to advance or be tenured"
Gordon Cucullu: "The
Saudi infiltration of American Islam has been as frighteningly quiet as
it has been pervasive. Virtually every imam at an American mosque is a
Wahhabi – Saudi trained, funded, and vetted – a religious leader who
promotes a virulent brand of fundamentalist Islam with the ultimate aim
of imposing Shari’a law upon the non-Moslem world."
It's Peter Klevius against the Islamic "civilization"** and one billion, sorry, 0,5 billion "Muslim Refusniks",
and one billion, sorry, 0,5 bllion supporters! OK it's not fair. My
only defense is that I'm at least not kicking a person but an
(sexist/racist/totalitarian - according to its party programme)
To my understanding a "civilization" which sole and main purpose is to
(re)produce more of its own followers (through oil-money, slavery,
slave-harems, rapes and/or institutionalized rapes/confined
mothers/Koran teachers, i.e. Islam has been the world's foremost
girl/woman abuser during 1400 years!) doesn't meet the criterion for a
real civilization, which also includes technologies and production.:
Peter Klevius sites/blogs are the only ones addressingthe combination of sex segregation and lack of attachment (Angels of Antichrist and Pathological Symbiosis as the key underlying issue! Also see From Freud to bin Laden! For a deeper, philosophical background see Peter Klevius boook Demand for Resources (1992).
Update Nov 11, 2005:
for the relationship of Islam to other cultures, the Koran is very
clear. People of other cultures are to be forcibly converted to
Islam—under threat of death—except for a few whose existence may be
tolerated so long as they accept the status of "dhimmi," second-class
citizens who dutifully accept a whole series of restrictions lest they
offend the sensibilities of Muslims"
children/youngsters' rapes etc got EVERYTHING to do with Islam and with
contempt against the "infidels" (in Koran) inherited from an older
generation of Muslims (at home, in mosques, Koran schools etc)!
number of rapes committed by Muslim immigrants in Western nations are
so extremely high that it is difficult to view them only as random acts
of individuals. It resembles warfare. This happens in most Western
European countries, as well as in other infidels countries such as India. In Bradford, England, Channel 4 pulled a documentary about Pakistani and other Muslim men sexually abusing white English girls, some as young as 11. Writer Theodore Dalrymple thinks
that "thanks to their cultural inheritance, (Muslim) abuse of women is
systematic rather than unsystematic as it is with the whites and
Islam - the beast that's running loose without anyone in charge?
IS ISLAM THE WORST CRIME IN HISTORY AND THE WORST THREAT AGAINST HUMANITY? (see postings & links below) Dangerous blinkers: Just focusing on some tiny ”good” part of Islam is like focusing on Hitler’s moustache!
(also see Linda - the white Rosa Park!)
Iranian president wants to kill the Jews! It is all Muslims versus all non-Muslims, just as the Koran’s Allah dictates.
but note: “Enemies
of Islam are seeking to destroy the great role women have been given in
Islam by corrupting them and hence corrupting the Islamic world.” These
enemies of Islam are “the Jews, Christians, and hypocrites”(Hypocrites
refers to Muslims who are considered too secular by more religious
Klevius comment: What a relief I'm not a Jew, a Christian nor a hypocritical Muslim!
Islamic & Christian co-existence in IndonesiaGirls beheaded as they walked to a Christian school in Indonesia. The heads were found some distance from the bodies - one outside the school in Sulawesi (planned to be the center for an Islamic state). "The hidden background to all this is the funding of r
adical Imams, mosques, and pesantrens (Islamic boarding schools) by Saudi Arabia"
(also see Indonesian Islamic crypto-creationist "scientist" stealing and destroying fossil evidence of human evolution!).
line drawn in the water between moderate and fundamentalist Islamists
is getting stormy! Do greedy vote fishing politicians ("Gallowayism")
take responsibility for their flirting with fascist Islam?
in the West may do whatever atrocities and either find support in
Islam, blame it on "infidel" culture, hide under "minority" protection
(a one billion "minority"?!), or apply to the human rights construed by
those same "infidels"! On top of this we get even more confused by the
(non-existing?) gap between fundamentalists and "moderates".
Pekgul, Kurdish "moderate Muslim" leader of Sweden's socialdemocratic
women, yesterday, on the pro-Islamic Swedish state radio, got a lesson
by Haider Ibrahim, the president of Islamic Shia societies in Sweden,
about what Islam really is about (apart from a tool for Arabic
expansion), namely sex segregation.
In the name of freedom of religion (sic - totalitarian Islam, which is no religion but a tool for Arabic conquest,
applying for something it says it's aiming to deny others!) the
Islamists in the program stubbornly stated that they don't care abt what
women think abt it (i.e. that Islam's rights overrule women's rights)
because Islam is more important. And when Nalin Pekgul argued that Islam
also has to respect Swedish culture and society, Haider Ibrahim didn't
agree at all and responded that Nalin Pekgul is a racist (i.e. he said
that her view equalled that real Muslims weren't welcomed nor tolerated
in Sweden).
The confusion gets complete when a female Swedish
teacher naively defends Islamic sexism/sex segregation and a female
"researcher" (right after the appearance of well-off civil engineer and
data consult Haider Ibrahim enjoying Gamla Stan - Stockholm's perhaps
most exclusive part) tells us that these thoughts breed among youngsters
because they are poor outsiders living in immigrant suburbs!
The pan-Arabic/Islamic success formula:
Confine (sex segregate) females as institutionalised reproducers
(physical or cultural) of Arabic Islam. I.e. a sort of sex segregated
language imperialism (which also can be used by non-Arabic fascists - as
long as Koran is connected to Arabic of course). Furthermore this sex
segregation results in an evil cycle of chauvinism that forces females
even deeper behind the cultural veil of sex segregation
Klevius/KLEVUX the only sites/blogs - so far - addressing the real problem, sex segregation:
The disastrous Arabic/Islamic veil trap
What is sex segregation?
From Klevius without love - a surprising, but logical, definition of feminism
Klevius definition of religion
Was Jesus religious?
Definition of the HOLY Negative Human Rights
sex segregation is the key issue here, it's (outside its usage as an
occupational complaint) almost only addressed by Islam (in a destructive
female-confining way) and Peter Klevius (de-sex segregation as the only
road to real emancipation). Feminist confusion
and a general "sex lag" in the wake of secular de-sex segregation and
globalization, mix with oil-sponsored pan-Arabic Islamism. A strange
situation, indeed. Welcome to enjoy the individal against the one
billion collective of oil-fueled Islam supported by another billion
leftists/feminists etc! I know, its not fair - I wouldn't put a dime on
Islam in the long run. Poor logic is a born looser! Unfortunately also a
bad looser in this case.
Stop the male Islamic
chauvinists´"rape party" (rapetivism) now - in Sudan as well as in
Paris, London, Amsterdam, Malmö etc etc!
Freedom FROM "relgion"!
support a sexist/racist "religion" that cleraly states it aims to rule
the world! Real religion is kinship, ancestor worship etc ties (see Klevius Vagina Gate).
Shinto is a religion, Judaism is at least based on kinship religion,
and Buddhism is a (not totalitarian) philosophy born in a kinship
tradition in transition to kingship (I'm waiting for the re-building of
the Afgan Buddha statues that the lunatic Islamists destroyed!.
EU seems well adapted to Islamic sex segregation
leaders, who were yesterday portrayed together, all wore suits and
penises. But only one has really proved being a man. Isn't it strange
then that his pal in the US, you now the one EU leaders use to spit on,
seems to have no problem with women, nor what color they come in! This
EU feature is well in line with Europe's heritage and with Hitler's
revenge to the posterity, Volkswagen, and (apart from its bad quality -
see Infodesk on rapetivism & non-Hip Hop high tech)
its corrupt, crimminal and sexist culture (read the general news abt
the most recent atrocities). So, for example, did VW really dark
businesss with Saddam, which fact makes the German attitude against Bush
more understandable and in line with France, Bush's main opponent and
main accomplice with the former Islamic Socialist Arabic Baath-dictator.
"Nalin Pekgul is confused"
Update Oct 29: Parvin Kaboly, president for the society of Iranian Women's Rights.Nalin
Pekgul is confused! The amount of girls in Sweden now forced to wear
the veil is chocking! We shouldn't allow reactionary values and
traditions dictate the life of small girls. The Swedish government and
educational system allow oppression under the titles "minority cultures"
and " freedom of religion".
Barbara Stock (The Threat of Quiet Islam): "Islam
is able to keep the world’s attention on the terrorist attacks while
“peaceful Islam” quietly goes about the business of taking over entire
countries and working its way into the fabric of the legal and
governmental systems of others. American Muslims are now petitioning
that the call to prayer be blasted over loud speakers five times a day
in quiet neighborhoods and towns. This is Islam’s first step in using
democracy to destroy democracy."
Update due to feedbacks/misunderstandings:
Tariq Ramadan (sexist Islamist - see Klevius posts abt him): "Islam is not the problem. The problem is with Muslims.
Peter Klevius (anti-sexist/anti-racist non-believer: Islam is the problem, not the "Muslims".
Klevius blogs and sites are the only ones yet on the net, addressing
the tragical root cause of non-Arabic women turning to the racist/sexist
Arabic Islamic veil trap (see From Freud to bin Laden).
The pan-Arabic Islam formula: Confine (sex segregate)
females as institutionalised reproducers (physical or cultural) of
Arabic Islam. I.e. a sort of sex segregated language imperialism, which
also can be used by non-Arabic fascists - as long, of course, as Koran
is read in Arabic
(see the pan-Arabic veil trap)
A tiny tip of an iceberg 1400 year deep (quoted from "Over
2 Million Sudanese civilians in Southern Sudan and Darfur are
slaughtered by Sudanese military and the government sponsored Janjaweed.
Reported rape camps, mutilations and crucifixions in the area. 10,000
civilians are still murdered each month."
woman, no matter how educated/wealthy, who embraces Arabic Koran Islam,
also contributes to Islamic oppression of her weaker sisters who are
confined in the same veil trap
but also functioning as institutionalized, sex segregated procreators
of new Koran* readers in an already overpopulated world! Just for the
sake of spreading Arabic linguistic etc oil-imperialism (see Arabic/Islamic brotherhood built on racism and raped and veil trapped sisters).
Koran contains texts which would never be allowed in any school etc
context if it wasn't for its hiding as "religion" by the help of those
very negative human rights Arabic Koran denies (the racist "infidel"
concept, sex segregation etc etc).
Whereas the so-called “Muslim identity” is in fact sex segregated,
cultural (often confused with ethnicity) confinement of girls/women as
physical/cultural reproducers in the service of Arabic-Islamic Koran
imperialism, the so-called “Western identity” is, contrary to Islamists’
propaganda, healthy, and, in fact, in the long run the only possible
path of freedom based on negative human rights.
The failures of the modern society often ascribed to secularism is due
to lack of attachment, which in turn is due to technological development
and the phenomenon of the “social state” (described in Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state)
and at least equally hard affecting “Muslim” generations. The false and
superficial "Muslim belonging" felt at different conferences/seminars
etc only benetits the spreading of Arabic pan-Islamism, not the people.
These happenings etc (far away from Darfur) are usually sponsored by
Arabic oil billionaires who most often haven't produced anything good
worth mentioning (I don't count cheap Islam promoting "bribes" to the
"poor") but, on the contrary, have all the inherited Islamic Jihad blood
on their fingers (see Klevius comparison with Shinto). If Hitler was around and said he'd come up with "a nice National-socialism" would he and his money be equally accepted?!
Islamic feminism confusion
Islamic feminists have completely misunderstood the concept of feminism (see Klevius definition of feminism).
Feminism is what the word implies, i.e. sex segregation emphasized, and
historically it has appeared as strong reactions to the women's
emancipation movement in mid 1890s (same time as Freud's misogynic PA
construction - see From Freud to bin Laden)
and later as difference, glamour etc feminism, as a reaction to the
60s-70s´ (the time that made e.g. football available for girls)! But
because feminists have been eager to propose ownership for whatever good
that has been done in the past, the word is travelling artificially
backwards in time, and seems now to have reached the road's end! But the
underlying message is the same, fighting FOR, not AGAINST sex
Citation from the Peace Encyclopaedia:
was an alibi for Arab imperialism. And it was an imperialism of a type
which the world had not known so far. The Arabs not only imposed their
ruthless rule and totalitarian creed on the countries they conquered;
they also populated these countries with a prolific progeny which they
procreated on native women. Every Arab worth his race 'married' scores,
sometimes hundreds of these helpless women after their menfolk had all
been killed. Divorce of a wedded wife had been made very easy by the
'law' of Islam. A man could go on marrying and divorcing at the rate of
several women during the span of a single day and night. What was more
convenient, there was no restriction on the number of concubines a man
could keep. The Arab Conquerors used these male privileges in full
measure. And in a matter of a hundred years, Iraq, Palestine, Syria,
Egypt and North Africa which had been non-Arab countries for countless
ages became Arabic-speaking countries."
Fiery Bush-hater (which in the context of Iraq means pro-Zarqawi) gets Swedish Nobel prize in literature 2005! Peter Klevius' comment:
And this is no coincidence but, in fact, the main motive why Harold
Pinter got it! He may be a goog writer etc as well, I don't know, but
that wouldn't certainly have been enough (in his case) for the Nobel
Greetings to the Iraqi people for the
constutional election - but also some serious regret for how anti-Bush
Islamist supporters have paved the way for continuing Islamic oppression
of girls/women! With less anti-Bushism, less corpses and a better (less
Arab-Islamic) constitution would have been likely!
Swedish state TV children's program, racist/sexist Islam is presented
as (or at least hinted to be) anti-racist (sic)!? This is made in a
disgustingly deceitful way. It's like the promotion of Hitler jugend
although worse and more creeping. "We are all together" put in the mouth
of an innocent child with an Arabic name, who hence is amde a
representative and promotor for the worst of malign racist/sexist
totalitarianism! This abuse, brainwashing and promoting of fascist
ideologies from the Arabic terrorist and massmurderer bin Laden to the
Arabic oil-dictator and "king of sex-segregation" Abdullah, ought to be stopped - see Many nations and -isms have already reconsiled and apologized for their historical atrocities. Arabic Islam has not!!
comment: Islam is not only a "religion" of violence, but it is also,
and even more so, a "religion" of sexism i.e. sex segregation. This
sexism doesn't restrict itself to the abuse of girls/women for the
forced and frenzy over-production of Islamists-to-be (i.e. pregnancy
& "ideological" confinement!), but also to a more subtle/stealthy
sex segregation (see From Freud to bin Laden)!
Islamic sex segregation etc (the veil-trap)
is now rapidly making its late transition to modern Western sex
segregation outside home. But whereas Islam can't survive without sex
segregation, we (the world) can't avoid real de-sex segregation/emancipation
(incl. d-ss outside home) if we want equal rights independent of our
differences, strengths, weaknesses, sex, intellect, capabilities, age,
race etc etc! And in that picture Islam remains a mediEVIL ghost
prolonging unnecessarily a healthy transition (also see the Holy negative human rights).
hypocrisy and/or cowardness when dealing with a violent, totalitarian
movement which arbitrarily spreads rapes and death fatwas by those who
are most "religious", but without anyone responsible! The problem hence is Islam as an ideology, not the Muslims as humans
girls and women in Sweden (not to mention Darfur etc) are raped and
physically abused and humiliated at a rate that is sky-rocketing, the
Swedish state radio keeps its mouth tightly shut. But when a few lost
young "we could call them neo-Nazis" bang on the door of a school
principal (who had started a "very active campaign on value-base" and
who had previously turned away one of the boys) then it's reported in
length as a very dangerous and violent, important matter of general
But not a single comment on all the Islamic attacks on
Swedish schools (recently some 20 "immigrants" repeatedly attacked
Mälarhöjdens skola in Stockholm)!
Sweden is, by the way, possibly
the most raped country in the world! And no wonder. Recently when a
girl called the police for having been sexually assaulted by
"immigrants" (i.e. Mideasterners) she called the police. When the police
arrived they were beaten by the boys families and friends etc so they
had to call for some 50 patrols before they could arrest the 14-15 year
old perpetrators. But while interrogating the girl at the police office
someone shot through the windows with a machine gun repeatedly. What
happened then? Of course the polices were accused for being to "harsh"!
" issue to be hushed-up"?Arab/Islam's
Black Slavery (the Eastern part): 17 million Africans! Men castrated,
women used as sex-machines etc - still ongoing while feminists and the
left shut their eyes!
former Maoist radio promotes the wife-beater's Islamic Sharia banking
system where interests are hidden for the purpose of pretending
the Lariba American Finance House, based in Pasadena, California,
operates its Islamic banking services in 28 states, modeled on the
Sharia'aa Foundation guidelines of "His Eminence" Sheikh Yusuf al
Qaradawi. The good sheikh endorses suicide bombing, wife-beating—and
attacks against America. Lariba also sells Islamic mortgages to Fannie
Also see July
17 and 25, 2005, postings abt the evil roots of Islam revealed in
British survey, and how Chatham House via a female Arabic Islamist (Mai
Yamani (Muslim feminist and the daughter of fired Saudi oil minister
Yamani), supports Muslim terrorism.
A propaganda film about Islam has been shown at Chatham House.
Arab New's has a, perhaps not surprisingly, positive view on the film sponsoring Arab Islamism: "his
impressions of the debate on varying interpretations of Islam. In a
school in Lahore, a teacher tells him that she teaches the girls how to
be true followers of Islam; she tells him that Islam does not prevent these girls from working when they grow up, provided they have permission from their husbands"
Klevius comment: Would you believe this is 2005?!
Arab News: "From
Pakistan, the crew moves to Indonesia, and a security guard in
Jakarta’s Istiqal Mosque. The guard says that he wants his son to grow
up to be a Muslim who will be “a credit to his country and to his
religion.” For him, Islam is a way of life which guarantees his son’s secure future"
Klevius comment: Sure is, but what about his daughters?
Arab News goes on: "In
Malaysia, there is a group — “Sisters in Islam”— which seeks equality
between men and women in religion. One of the members is a female law
student who wants to become a judge; she believes that religion is a
belief in the heart and that classifying people into “believers” and
“non-believers” is unjust. Religion, in her opinion, is between a person
and God"
Klevius comment:
So why pick a totalitarian and political, rather than religious, system
of belief? But, apart from that, there's also another and completely
differnt Islamic Malaysia out there. One that isn't reported about in
the PR-film for Arabic Islamism shown at Chatham house: "Today,
Sky Kingdom's village square is a bare patch of earth, littered with
the broken tiles of bulldozed monuments. The well has been filled in.
The villagers, many facing charges of violating a fatwa banning contact
with their leader, have been warned not to talk. In a country where
freedom of religion is enshrined in the constitution, the Sky Kingdom
followers are discovering there is no freedom to reject or reinterpret
Arab News continues: "Beside
the debate (in Morocco), we are shown the life of a simple Muslim woman
who works in a carpet factory and contentedly performs her daily
prayers. Her dream is to have enough money to make the pilgrimage to
Klevius comment:
Amusing, isn't it? Wonder where that "Makkah" may be? Must be a real
paradise and good example for all women around the globe. And especially
so for non-Arabic women. Or...?!
See Klevius Definition of religion (No. 1 on MSN)!
and Klevius Definition of sex segregation (No. 1 on MSN)!
and Klevius Definition of human rights (No. 1 on MSN)!
(see May 24, 2005 posting for details on Leif Larsson's deep hypocrisy)
Also see Klevius definition of religion (most visited on MSN)
Klevius definition of feminism (most visited on MSN)
Klevius definition of sex segregation (most visited on MSN)
and Sex segregation From Freud to bin Laden
Is "misogynist" an appropriate word for this Islamist? Judge for yourself!
Leif Larsson alias Abd al Haqq Kielan: "According to the Koran the woman ought to be dependent of the man, and obey him as long as she lives."
doubtful whether a woman should be allowed to have the right to a
social life of her own, outside the home. If the woman wants to visit
female friends it's OK but if the man says no then it's a no."
"A Muslim man never greats a woman by taking her hand."
within Islam isn't based 6n love" and "The woman has no right to marry
by her own, it's the father, a brother or some other relative who
decides whom to marry."
the Swedish state radio P1) Swedish state Islamist Leif Larsson alias
"Abd al Haqq Kielan" today again revealed his total (or deliberate?)
indifference about Islamic extremism (is it because he's an extremist
himself, see above?) that he hasn't seen any young Muslim radicals in
the mosques and if there are any in Sweden that's not his problem but up
to the police!
Again, there is no such thing as "moderate" Islam! Read the Koran!
Islam's only chance to get rid of its racist/sexist/totalitarian
heritage (rigidly connected to its Middle Age scripts as it is), is to
heavily edit the Koran itself (and why not - it took 23 yrs to compile
it and the editing continued long after Mohammad's death! See 26, July 2005 What's true Islam?),
or openly abandon it as an absolute source! This, of course, might then
considerably diminish Islam's popularity among, yes, "extremists" in
all forms.
Klevius blogs and sites, FOR people and AGAINST evil ideas, grow
faster than Islam! Today in honour of ALL the victims and suffering
caused by "true Islam" during 1400 years!You may have a look - considering the general popularity (see below - blog figures not available yet) of
Klevius' Interdisciplinary News, and
Klevius site against racism/sexism and for the holy (negative) human rights (some 6.000 clients and some 50.000 hits/month after one year, on just one of the sites - and unsponsored)
Search ResultsResults 1 - 10 of about 7,860,000 for interdisciplinary news - 0.23 sec
1 Klevius' interdisciplinary news
Klevius' interdisciplinary news. This is a news blog dedicated to an
informed, interdisciplinary approach to -
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Blogger about objectionable content. What does this mean? BlogThis!
Klevius' interdisciplinary news This is a news blog dedicated to an
informed, interdisciplinary approach to the topics of ... Cached page 8/31/2005
and Klevius page
Definition of religion is number one on MSN
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Answer: Religion:
sacred engagement with that which is believed to be a spiritual
reality. Religion is a worldwide phenomenon that has played a part in
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Klevius' definition of religion...
sex segregation, uncertainty, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Condoleezza Rice
Religious concepts and definition of religion by P. Klevius The
Forgotten (Islamic) Holocaust "For the sake of Islam itself its true ... Cached page
2 Scientology and the Definition of Religion
scientolog, scientoogy, scienology, sientology Scientology and the
Substantive Definition of Religion Scientology and the Comparative
Definition of Religion Scientology and the Functional Definition of ... Cached page
3 Scientology and the Definition of Religion
scientolog, scientoogy, scienology, sientology Scientology and the
Substantive Definition of Religion Scientology and the Comparative
Definition of Religion Scientology and the Functional Definition of ... Cached page
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4 Definition of religion
Definition of religion alt.memetics archives March 17-22, 1995 Number of articles: 14 From: Richard Pocklington Newsgroups: alt.memetics Subject: Re: Religion: definition of Date: 17 ... Cached page
5 A Definition of Religion - Susan Law's Views and Interviews Site ...
philosophy buddhism essays opinions, definition religion, Definition of
Religion - from Susan Law's Views and Interviews - opinions and essays
on various topics: philosophy, Buddhism Essays A Working ... Cached page
6 The Complexity of Religion and the Definition of 'Religion' in ...
Definition of feminismWeb ResultsPage 1 of 185,413 results containing definition of feminism (0.11 seconds)
SPONSORED SITESBeing Jane - A Site for Happy Feminists -
Declare your Feminism. Be happy. Be a Redefined Feminist. A site for redefining feminism to symbolize women coming together...
Answer: Feminism:
collective term for systems of belief and theories that pay special
attention to women’s rights and women’s position in culture and
Learn more about FeminismRelated MediaRelated ArticlesEncarta Answers
From Klevius without love: Definition of feminism and sex segregation...
Islam, Islamist, feminism, feminist, August Strindberg, From Klevius
without love: Definition of feminism and " Tomboy ", and the gate to
freedom and real emancipation. Romantic love is the tabula rasa of ... Cached page
2 feminism: Definition and Much More From
American poet and essayist) Thelma Rosner More> Copyrights:
Dictionary definition of feminism The American Heritage® Dictionary of
the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2004, 2000 by Houghton
... Cached page 8/31/2005
3 Tomato Nation
of women's rights and interests -- feminist n or adj -- feministic adj
Above, the dictionary definition of feminism -- the entire dictionary
definition of feminism. It is quite straightforward and concise ... Cached page
4 Sex segregation, feminism and religion
Californian oil company in 1933! For a theoretical understanding of sex
segregation and definition of feminism, and their connection to the
ongoing Arabic-Islamic mass rape/genocide in Sudan, start at ... Cached page
of feminism at feminism definitions dictionary
dictionaries glossary glossaries thesaurus reference English Spanish
French German Italian Latin Greek Sanskrit foreign ... Cached page
Deceptive, stealthy ties between so called "moderate" Muslims
and extremism (i.e. the true, violent and racist/sexist totalitarian
Sharia Islam) contribute to the worst form of terrorism, i.e. the daily
Islam-inspired street violence/sexism/racism in all forms, around the
globe. Where does Nation of Islam and other (even Wahhabi-inspired?) Pan-Arabic US-islamists stand on this scale?"...established
that there can be no such thing as moderate Islam, most Americans, and
certainly the political class, still believe that it exists"While
the administration in a northern Nigerian town now has hired some 9,000
Shariah polices to guard and arrest those who don't follow the recently
introduced rigid Islamic Sharia sex segregation rules
on public transportation etc, many US blacks (Islamists?) complain
about polices in search of Islamic bombers/terrorists on US public
transportation!The religion of Arab slave tradersIslam is the sexist, racist and totalitarian religion of the Arabs, i.e.
those who had traded in slaves for some 1000 years
before they started exporting them to America! So why are blacks today
praising a Pan-Arabic movement? Apart from its obvious and self-evident
lack of black intelligentsia (why should they be in NI?), its racism,
its abundance of "jihadist" violence, and its stupid, sexist view on
women, Nation of Islam is also known for being deeply schizophrenic
about this troublesome fact.
But whereas the Nation of Islam
fanatics deliberately and rentlessly attempt for the true, systemic and
totalitarian Islam (i.e. they are anti-democratic fascists and
?terrorists?), many others have no reasoned approach beyond personal
motives. Hence they just assist totalitarian fascism without even really
acknowledging it. In fact, it seems that one of the main considerations
(others being personal empowerment, family values, discipline, moral
behavior etc) behind US black women turning to
sexist/racist/totalitarian Islam, is that it's not a European/white
religion (sic)!? That seems to be more important than sticking their
heads into an Arabic/Islamic
"rapetivism" and Sharia-totalitarian dead end?!
a short (but very informed - the reference list could be 100 times
longer than the text) summarized history on the real essentials of Islam
What's true Islam?Sex segregation
is probably also the main culprit behind violent and sexist gangs. US
black urban homes became populated mainly with females (and some looser
uncles etc) when the performing youth went to education, work etc
ooutside the community, and those young males who wouldn't/couldn't
perform stayed, not at home, but on the streets. Because of extreme sex
segregation there were seldom more contacts than hugs and kisses. What
should boys possibly talk about with sex segregated wommen (see
What's sex segregation)?
Sadly, most social scientists are leftists/liberals and hence without
motivation for even looking at this important aspect of black culture in
read about male "rapetivist" Hip Hoppers' stunning incompetency (or is
it deliberate racist-sexist vulgo mentality) about cars, tech etc!
Girls, seriously question your stupid boyfriends!Also see Do Islam And Hip-Hop Make A Deadly Mix?Islam's racist/fascist and totalitarian "infidel"/non-believer ideologyBy the way, isn't it strange that usually when whatever bad happens in the name of Islam, it's never the "true" Islam!?
But terrorists are victims of Islam - historically and situationally! Also read: Victims of Islam: Women, by
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the heroic Muslim woman who abandoned Islam!Hidden Islamic theoretical hypocrisy"It is preferable not to begin hostilities with the enemy before having invited the latter to embrace the religion of Allah"Because
Islam/Koran doesn't consider non-Muslims/non-believers as real humans
(before they submit themselves under the Islamic Allah, or at least
belong to "the people of the book"!) it's easy for imams etc to claim
that Islam protects "humans".
Another dirty trick is to state that
suicide is forbidden in Islam, without telling the truth that if it's
made during Jihad it's allowed and even praised (see
Klevius' definition of negative human rights + fundamentalist test and
Klevius' definition of religion)!
is delusional and dangerous to maintain that this (Jihad) ideology is
rooted in social deprivation, backwardness, injustice, or despair.
Moreover, paying subsidies to suspend global jihad terrorism is
tantamount to paying a tribute to terrorist states, and buying one's own
peace and security as temporarily ransomed privileges — instead of
living by the principles of universal human rights, which proclaim the
inviolability of every human being."Why naive Swedish family haters turned to IslamThe cold machinery of the Swedish socialdemocratic "social state" (i.e. a welfare state gone bad - see
Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship)
was built during some 80 years of almost one-party ruling. It destroyed
effectively family and kinship ties and left the Swedes alone out in
the modern cold at the extreme egoistic/individualistic end on the
World Values Survey chart.
the truth is that Islam was born as a military strategy, not for but
against family and kinship values. This is, in fact, the basic idea and
meaning of Islam, i.e. to replace kinship with kingship as a means for
conquest and submission ("peace")! When these naive morons visited so
called Muslim countries they were stunned by the warm "family- and
kin-atmosphere" they interpreted as Islam although it wasn't, but rather
tribal ethnicity hiding from modernity in the backwardness under Islam!
world's most powerful woman (Condoleezza Rice) is black! Klevius now
suggests she should be made the world's most powerful PERSON!Not everyone, however, seems to share Klevius' view. Here a dissident voice from Egypt:
"We thank Allah that there are no similar [women] in our Arab world, otherwise our lives - we men - would be absolute hell."You may also be interested in:
What's true Islam/Arab? A "blind", sexist Swedish "Leif Larsson-imam" who calls himself a Sunni "Abd al Haqq"?!and
Klevius' heroic women - and some tiny menand
Intelligent design may not be that intelligent after all!
According to British YouGov's survey:
- one in four (abt half a million) British Muslims sympathises with motives of Islamic terrorists
- more than 100.000 British Muslims are ready to actually support Islamic terrorists
about 16,000 British Muslims declare themselves willing, possibly even
eager, to embrace Islamic violence (For the worldwide spreading of
Islam, and to conquer the non-Islamic world?!).
responses indicate that Muslim men are more likely than Muslim women to
be alienated from the mainstream and that the young are more likely to
be similarly alienated than the old."Interestingly
it's also reported that some 80 per cent of the British Muslims think
the UN sanctioned attack on the Islamic talibans and the hunt for
Islamic terrorists in Afganistan also was an attack on Islam as a whole!Klevius' comment:
In many countries fascism and National Socialim are already long since
forbidden as inhumane, anti-democratic and totalitarian. No matter if we
read Hanna Arendt, the Koran, or different surveys, the emerging
picture of Islam is at least equally totalitarian and anti-democratic in
its ultimate and pronounced strive towards a world order where it
constitutes "the only final ideology". But furthermore it also
pronounces a rigid segregation betweeen the sexes (
What is sex segregation?)
that effectively outrules real emancipation. Although the free world
now (the last decade) happens to be in the grip of a desperate
sex-distinction (separatism) fashion, this isn't necessarily the
situation for our kids or their kids. So why should we assist to lock
them up by totalitarian, racist and sexist Sharia-Islam?! (Also see the
Nazi/Arab connection on
Klevius' definition of the holy (negative) human rights) and
Klevius' definition of religion, which excludes Islam.
What should a "Muslim" do?Very
simple. Just clearly distance yourself from the totalitarian "infidel"
propaganda in Islam! Openly admit that every non-Muslim is equal to
every Muslim no matter of religious faith or lack of it (see Klevius'
Fundamentalist test).
If you still think Islam has a case, you may read
Klevius' approach on Ibn Khaldun and the production of luxuries (things and services) in
Demand for Resources - on the tight to be poor (1992). The book was written with kind assistance and support from late
George Henrik von Wright (Wittgenstein's successor at Cambridge).
Europe means "the land of sunset/darkness".
So what if Islam isn't the resquer its clerics claim, but rather part of that very darkness?
by the way, used to consider one class of individuals as superior to
another based upon race, creed or origin! Also compare the
Swedish state Islamist and misogynist, imam Leif Larsson "Abd al Haqq Kielan" and his hypocrisy!
Background info on religion and sex segregation: The Vagina Gate in the Atom of Kinship.