If you, like Mahmud Muhammad Taha (excecuted by islamic Sudan), try to remove slavery, gender inequality, & jihad (& perhaps even "infidel" racism) from Koran (without being assassinated), you still face the ultimate problem with sex segregation as it is stipulated by the Koran & by the notorious Cairo (Sharia) declaration of islamic "human rights"created by 57 OIC countries (btw, the same block that wants to criminalize critical scrutiny of islam, the worst crime ever).
As the corner stone of the islamic "faith" hence is a legalized sex segregation it is also in stark opposition to the 1948 Human Rights Declaration & the European Convention, which both defend girls'/women's right not to have their freedom limited because of their sex. The OIC's Cairo (Sharia) declaration clearly states (via Sharia) that females are exempted from certain rights because of their sex related "duties" & "responsibilities" (btw, most of the Sharia law concerns restrictions put on girls/women).
While Millions of muslims throw stones on the infidel "Satan" (you, the Westerner - incl Westernized "muslims") on their "pilgrimage"* to the most intolerant nation in the world, Saudi Arabia, Klevius again offers a history lesson for those deeply misled & ignorant abt islam:
* The islamic hate mongering "pilgrimage" tradition was originally a slave trade journey to the Meccan slave market. Compare Africa's mualim "hero" Mansa Musa who, on a single pilgrimage, brought tens of thousands of African slaves to Mecca.
Minarets have had two main functions throughout history, neither of them which is the calling to "prayer" (islam is essentially abt jihad politics & submission, not abt a personal faith - personal faiths are seldom totalitarian, are they):
1) As a watch tower (this they got from the Romans). Koran doesn't stipulate neither minarets nor mosques, hence lacking any directives for such constructions. There's reason to believe that the first minaret ever was used in Basra (more than 30 yrs after the alleged death of Mohammed - no one knows anything for sure abt this Mohammed who isn't even officially referred to at this time) as a watch tower over Zanj plantation slaves imported from East Africa. In fact, Koran was compiled as a moral defense for a Sharia finance based on slavery parasitism.
2) As a tool for the warning, humiliation & intimidation of infidels, i.e. not a phobia but a very real threat (i.e. islam's most central tenets: infidel racism-Sharia sexism-apostasy ban). Because minarets were used to indicate the presence of islam they initially existed only in predominantly non-Muslim cities. There were no minarets at the alleged "mosque" of Mohammed in Medina nor at the original mosque in Mecca.
Muslims & islam supporters behaving exactly like nazis & nazi collaborators in 1938!
Stephen H. Norwood, professor of history at the University of Oklahoma, is author of "The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complicity and Conflict on American Campuses":
Last week's last-minute cancellation at Princeton and Columbia Universities of a lecture by Arab feminist Nonie Darwish - an author who has strongly denounced Islamic intolerance and jihadism - brings to mind American universities' unwillingness to protect campus free speech rights for opponents of Nazism during the 1930s. Princeton's reason for shutting down the scheduled presentation by Darwish strikingly resembles those given by Queens College's president in April 1938 when he withdrew an invitation to anti-Nazi German Jewish exile Ernst Toller to speak on campus. The parallels between Darwish and Toller are powerful. Both were made pariahs in their homelands and came to the United States seeking freedom. Darwish, who grew up in Gaza and in Egypt, became a staunch critic of radical Islam. She wrote a book titled "Now They Call Me Infidel." Toller called his autobiography, published in the United States in 1934, "I Was a German." The Nazis burned his books and confiscated almost all of his property.
In both cases, these challenges to authority made the speakers too "controversial" to appear on some campuses here. In Darwish's case, after the Princeton invitation was issued and accepted, a campus Muslim student group protested - and the sponsoring student organizations then withdrew their invitation. This was met with the university administration's approval - or at least its silence. The university apparently would rather not have the headache of having to worry about bad headlines. Toller's case followed a similar pattern. In April 1938, after Germany's Jews had suffered years of savage street beatings, expulsion from the professions and university faculties, Toller was to speak at Queens College. The college's president, Paul Klapper, suddenly cancelled the renowned playwright's lecture, citing opposition from faculty members and students. Klapper claimed that Toller was an "ardent propagandist." Translation: His opposition to Nazism was too pronounced.
Klevius comment: Just like Geert Wilders, right!
Avoid desiformation & cure your bottomless & truly frightening ignorance abt islam! Read abt the perverse Origin of islam
Peter Klevius was the first (1992-94) to solve consciousness, and the first (1992) to point out the mongoloid (cold adaptation) link between the Jinniushan fossil in China and Khoisan people in Africa.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Islam doesn't deserve Human Rights
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Monday, November 23, 2009
Mr X "president's" beloved Saudi-islamic hate mongerer strikes again: some 60 murdered in islamic terror on the Philippines while PC media is silent!
An islamic mass murder on the Philippines & most main news media don't even mention it, & those few who do don't inform you that it was islamic muslim terrorists sponsored by Saudi Arabia who did it! How long will you take this deliberate misinformation?!
This is the world's main terrorist & spreader of racist islamic hate/intolerance, the Saudi dictator (& Co) over the world's most intolerant muslim nation, who tries to cover it up (with the eager help of PC media & spineless politicians) in one way "inter-faith" talks (islam is always a dead end) & flashy spending of Western oil money. No matter if it's universities or blood money for killing other muslims (every Saudi soldier's family get USD 266,000 from "king" Abdullah when their son dies in Wahhabi jihad).
This is what media should have written if they really wanted to inform those ignorant/misled abt islam (they certainly possessed the info but didn't want you to know!):
Some 50 people ambushed, murdered, decapitated & thrown into mass graves by islamic murderers resting on what is written in the Koran, & sponsored & agitated by that very same Saudi Arabia that is the "guardian of islam" & which is now busy killing Shia muslims in Yemen! Also, this Saudi Arabia wants to criminalize (via UN & OIC) criticism of the worst crime ever. Moreover, this Saudi Arabia also initiated (via UN & OIC) the Cairo declaration which eliminates human rights for women.
Islamic Abu Sayyaf (in Arabic 'bearer of the muslim sword') in the Philippines has become noted for its ambushes of government forces, kidnappings, piracy, & the beheading of captives. The U.S. Department of Treasury in 2007 named three of their Saudi supporters: Abdul Rahim Al-Talhi, Muhammad Abdallah Salih Sughayr and Fahd Muhammad Abd Al-Aziz Al-Khashiban. According to Levey, no one identified by the US or UN as a terrorist financier has been prosecuted by the Saudi authorities.
Klevius history lesson: First of all, start by curing your bottomless ignorance abt islam (e.g. Origin of islam). Islam was in its beginning as well as now a parasitic slavery ideology capable of producing nothing except suffering & more muslims in a system of institutionalized rapetivism (Sharia).
Whatever islamic historical stone you turn around you always gonna see decay masked in a slave or oil finance.
SE Asia was islamized in exactly the same way as was Africa, namely via slave rading/trading. An Arabic network of slave rading/trading was established by the help of local chiefs while selling/using the poor in slavery. In the process the wealthy ones became even more wealyhy & powerful while they adopted islam. Also due to inter-marriage & islam's inborn dead end Sharia structure (which means every pregnancy led to more muslims or muslim slaves while none the other way round according to islamic law). Whereas both Christian & islamic praxis may have widely varied in different times & settings, islam only has an unaltered moral basis that stands firm on a moral resting on infidel racism/Sharia rapetivism/apostasy ban! Against this background it's equally pathetique & tragical that, on the one hand, these young muslim terrorists deeply aware of islam's teachings, think they're (like Pol Pot's etc willing young murderers) murdering for a good heavenly cause, &, on the other hand, those youngsters who are misinformed to believe islam is "a religion of peace" & "egalitarianism" (your only real key out of this dilemma is by understanding Negative Human Rights. And when it comes to "egalitarianism" you may remember that life is per definition not egalitarian, only death is egalitarian. This is also the main shortcoming of monotheist "godisms" (see Klevius definition of religion) However, a global system based on the elimination of taxation of work, & instead progressive taxation on luxury or "bad" consumption, combined with positive human rights such as basic education, health care etc).
It's because of islam's parasitism you can't buy any decent product made in Saudi Arabia!
What many a young jihadist doesn't seem to understand is islam's inherent evilness in the form of its infidel racism & sexist treatment of women as sex slaves. Or maybe they are...
However, they do behave like Pol Pot, don't they. And why should they be more educated than the Western morons who supported Khmer Rouge?
Btw, there was no "golden age" of islam in Spain, only a disgusting islamic slave finance. Also, there was no good (like BBC use to present it) islamic Ottoman rule. On the contrary the Ottomanian slave "empire" inevitably deteriorated until the abolishment of slavery & Western force together with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's secularization paved the way for the Turkish progress that is now again on the verge of slipping into even more islamic barbary. Let's see if the new EU president remembers what he said abt islamic Turkey as not a possible part of Europe.
This is the world's main terrorist & spreader of racist islamic hate/intolerance, the Saudi dictator (& Co) over the world's most intolerant muslim nation, who tries to cover it up (with the eager help of PC media & spineless politicians) in one way "inter-faith" talks (islam is always a dead end) & flashy spending of Western oil money. No matter if it's universities or blood money for killing other muslims (every Saudi soldier's family get USD 266,000 from "king" Abdullah when their son dies in Wahhabi jihad).
This is what media should have written if they really wanted to inform those ignorant/misled abt islam (they certainly possessed the info but didn't want you to know!):
Some 50 people ambushed, murdered, decapitated & thrown into mass graves by islamic murderers resting on what is written in the Koran, & sponsored & agitated by that very same Saudi Arabia that is the "guardian of islam" & which is now busy killing Shia muslims in Yemen! Also, this Saudi Arabia wants to criminalize (via UN & OIC) criticism of the worst crime ever. Moreover, this Saudi Arabia also initiated (via UN & OIC) the Cairo declaration which eliminates human rights for women.
Islamic Abu Sayyaf (in Arabic 'bearer of the muslim sword') in the Philippines has become noted for its ambushes of government forces, kidnappings, piracy, & the beheading of captives. The U.S. Department of Treasury in 2007 named three of their Saudi supporters: Abdul Rahim Al-Talhi, Muhammad Abdallah Salih Sughayr and Fahd Muhammad Abd Al-Aziz Al-Khashiban. According to Levey, no one identified by the US or UN as a terrorist financier has been prosecuted by the Saudi authorities.
Klevius history lesson: First of all, start by curing your bottomless ignorance abt islam (e.g. Origin of islam). Islam was in its beginning as well as now a parasitic slavery ideology capable of producing nothing except suffering & more muslims in a system of institutionalized rapetivism (Sharia).
Whatever islamic historical stone you turn around you always gonna see decay masked in a slave or oil finance.
SE Asia was islamized in exactly the same way as was Africa, namely via slave rading/trading. An Arabic network of slave rading/trading was established by the help of local chiefs while selling/using the poor in slavery. In the process the wealthy ones became even more wealyhy & powerful while they adopted islam. Also due to inter-marriage & islam's inborn dead end Sharia structure (which means every pregnancy led to more muslims or muslim slaves while none the other way round according to islamic law). Whereas both Christian & islamic praxis may have widely varied in different times & settings, islam only has an unaltered moral basis that stands firm on a moral resting on infidel racism/Sharia rapetivism/apostasy ban! Against this background it's equally pathetique & tragical that, on the one hand, these young muslim terrorists deeply aware of islam's teachings, think they're (like Pol Pot's etc willing young murderers) murdering for a good heavenly cause, &, on the other hand, those youngsters who are misinformed to believe islam is "a religion of peace" & "egalitarianism" (your only real key out of this dilemma is by understanding Negative Human Rights. And when it comes to "egalitarianism" you may remember that life is per definition not egalitarian, only death is egalitarian. This is also the main shortcoming of monotheist "godisms" (see Klevius definition of religion) However, a global system based on the elimination of taxation of work, & instead progressive taxation on luxury or "bad" consumption, combined with positive human rights such as basic education, health care etc).
It's because of islam's parasitism you can't buy any decent product made in Saudi Arabia!
What many a young jihadist doesn't seem to understand is islam's inherent evilness in the form of its infidel racism & sexist treatment of women as sex slaves. Or maybe they are...
However, they do behave like Pol Pot, don't they. And why should they be more educated than the Western morons who supported Khmer Rouge?
Btw, there was no "golden age" of islam in Spain, only a disgusting islamic slave finance. Also, there was no good (like BBC use to present it) islamic Ottoman rule. On the contrary the Ottomanian slave "empire" inevitably deteriorated until the abolishment of slavery & Western force together with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's secularization paved the way for the Turkish progress that is now again on the verge of slipping into even more islamic barbary. Let's see if the new EU president remembers what he said abt islamic Turkey as not a possible part of Europe.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Klevius Law School for the babbling Mr X “president” & his Attorney General
Read Origin of islam to understand what's going on!
You can see Mr X "president's" close islamic advisors at his ears. In the middle you have CAiR (Council of American islamic Relations, founded by bin Laden's close friend & ally) rewarding Hasan (founder of the "moderate" "inter-faith" islamic Bridget TV, supposed to deliver a better - i.e. false - picture of islam in the US) who then, in a purely Koranic/islamic style, decapitated his divorcing wife after having stabbed her some nine times.
Klevius Law School, extracted from Demand for Resources (1992:43-44): The only strictly scientific discipline, jurisprudence (narrowly defined), is characterized by an absolute truth, i.e. the intention of the legislator expressed (& blurred) in text form. A reality (or a game, if you like) that’s construed by the participants/players themselves. A possible violation is spotted by ticking off on a list of crimes (the law) in a test bench we call the judicial process. This is an experiment in which a ”case” is evaluated against the text in the law, which also regulates the judicial process itself. However, if it’s difficult or impossible to evaluate an alleged crime, this may be due to incomplete data or clumsiness in the process. Moreover, it’s also possible that complete/good enough evaluation cannot be reached due to special characteristics of a particular case. If this is the case then the defendant is acquitted (no matter how clear it is he did the deed) & may even be entitled to compensation for a “false allegation” (& maybe even a green card). A failed prosecution only needs to be judicially “false”, not false in the realm outside the judicial process. A court can never disprove an accusation , only fail to judicially prove it. An "appropriate decorum" wouldn't change this basic fact, but rather contribute to a picture of the US Justitia shooting herself in the foot.
A peculiar first consequence of the above is that the defendant has an absolute right to a fair trial, which includes the right to be treated as not guilty (although suspect) until the verdict. Intervening in this right of the suspect/defendant by someone involved in the judicial process may constitute a violation of the said process.
Mr X “president’s” babbling abt the 9/11 case may well constitute a tampering with the jurisdiction of the courts for the purpose of influencing a decision, thus violating judicial independence. A civilian trial for the 9/11 terrorists may harm the US (& world) security, place government officials and civilians at risk, and provide an islamic propaganda platform not unlike 9/11 itself. Remember how the islamic murdering of some 3000 people became used as a “liberation” flag for islam supporters!
Attorney General Eric Holder isn’t directly elected by the American people but indirectly by the illegitimate Mr X “president”, whose schizopheric decision to hold military tribunals for other detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison, including Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri (who planned the 2000 USS Cole bombing) while exempting the Islamic terrorists of 9/11, reflects the urge to de-militarize (& hence to make political) the war on islamic terror. Btw, what's the difference of bombing Cole or Pentagon?
Some examples of Mr X "president" & his Attorney General's babbling
Attorney General Eric Holder: "The defendants could have been tried in either military or civilian court, because the 9/11 attacks were both an act of war and a violation of our federal criminal law. But at the end of the day, it was clear to me that the venue in which we are most likely to obtain justice for the American people is in federal court."
"Failure is not an option (Klevius comment: Well, it is! It's the very foundation of Western justice just as falsification is the basis for Western science). These are cases that have to be won. I don't expect that we will have a contrary result."
According to Mr X "president" himself those offended by the legal privileges given to Mohammed by virtue of getting a civilian trial rather than a military tribunal won't find it "offensive at all when he's convicted and when the death penalty is applied to him".
He then partly realized his own stupidity & quickly added that he did not mean to prejudging the outcome of the trial. "I'm not going to be in that courtroom. That's the job of the prosecutors, the judge and the jury."
Klevius comment: The main difference between military & civil cases is that the former threaten the nation (even if it's just a trifling matter of discipline) whereas the latter only try to "order" a society's relations with its individuals. A failure to do so doesn't necessarily threaten the society which can adapt (man made legislation) because it's not equally limited to a specified purpose.
You can see Mr X "president's" close islamic advisors at his ears. In the middle you have CAiR (Council of American islamic Relations, founded by bin Laden's close friend & ally) rewarding Hasan (founder of the "moderate" "inter-faith" islamic Bridget TV, supposed to deliver a better - i.e. false - picture of islam in the US) who then, in a purely Koranic/islamic style, decapitated his divorcing wife after having stabbed her some nine times.
Klevius Law School, extracted from Demand for Resources (1992:43-44): The only strictly scientific discipline, jurisprudence (narrowly defined), is characterized by an absolute truth, i.e. the intention of the legislator expressed (& blurred) in text form. A reality (or a game, if you like) that’s construed by the participants/players themselves. A possible violation is spotted by ticking off on a list of crimes (the law) in a test bench we call the judicial process. This is an experiment in which a ”case” is evaluated against the text in the law, which also regulates the judicial process itself. However, if it’s difficult or impossible to evaluate an alleged crime, this may be due to incomplete data or clumsiness in the process. Moreover, it’s also possible that complete/good enough evaluation cannot be reached due to special characteristics of a particular case. If this is the case then the defendant is acquitted (no matter how clear it is he did the deed) & may even be entitled to compensation for a “false allegation” (& maybe even a green card). A failed prosecution only needs to be judicially “false”, not false in the realm outside the judicial process. A court can never disprove an accusation , only fail to judicially prove it. An "appropriate decorum" wouldn't change this basic fact, but rather contribute to a picture of the US Justitia shooting herself in the foot.
A peculiar first consequence of the above is that the defendant has an absolute right to a fair trial, which includes the right to be treated as not guilty (although suspect) until the verdict. Intervening in this right of the suspect/defendant by someone involved in the judicial process may constitute a violation of the said process.
Mr X “president’s” babbling abt the 9/11 case may well constitute a tampering with the jurisdiction of the courts for the purpose of influencing a decision, thus violating judicial independence. A civilian trial for the 9/11 terrorists may harm the US (& world) security, place government officials and civilians at risk, and provide an islamic propaganda platform not unlike 9/11 itself. Remember how the islamic murdering of some 3000 people became used as a “liberation” flag for islam supporters!
Attorney General Eric Holder isn’t directly elected by the American people but indirectly by the illegitimate Mr X “president”, whose schizopheric decision to hold military tribunals for other detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison, including Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri (who planned the 2000 USS Cole bombing) while exempting the Islamic terrorists of 9/11, reflects the urge to de-militarize (& hence to make political) the war on islamic terror. Btw, what's the difference of bombing Cole or Pentagon?
Some examples of Mr X "president" & his Attorney General's babbling
Attorney General Eric Holder: "The defendants could have been tried in either military or civilian court, because the 9/11 attacks were both an act of war and a violation of our federal criminal law. But at the end of the day, it was clear to me that the venue in which we are most likely to obtain justice for the American people is in federal court."
"Failure is not an option (Klevius comment: Well, it is! It's the very foundation of Western justice just as falsification is the basis for Western science). These are cases that have to be won. I don't expect that we will have a contrary result."
According to Mr X "president" himself those offended by the legal privileges given to Mohammed by virtue of getting a civilian trial rather than a military tribunal won't find it "offensive at all when he's convicted and when the death penalty is applied to him".
He then partly realized his own stupidity & quickly added that he did not mean to prejudging the outcome of the trial. "I'm not going to be in that courtroom. That's the job of the prosecutors, the judge and the jury."
Klevius comment: The main difference between military & civil cases is that the former threaten the nation (even if it's just a trifling matter of discipline) whereas the latter only try to "order" a society's relations with its individuals. A failure to do so doesn't necessarily threaten the society which can adapt (man made legislation) because it's not equally limited to a specified purpose.
Monday, November 16, 2009
BBC & other overpaid "executives'" IQ deficiency, islam's racist/sexist Caliph (& his puppet), the Angels of Antichrist & Klevius' islamophobic harem
Klevius intellectual wives: Oriana Fellaci (a true journalist - her photo ought to be in front of every BBC & other media "executive"), Wafa Sultan, Nonie Darwish, Hirsi Ali. Klevius intellectual concubines are so many so their pics won't possibly fit here. Klevius main rival: Mr X "president's" first call, islamofascist Don Abdullah Juan (see Klevius love letter to Edit Södergran to get it), the "guardian of islam". He & his pals have blood on their fingers, not only from Darfur, Iraq, Afganistan etc, but also from millions of victims for islamic street jihadism all over the world, fueled by Koranic infidel racism.
Gal Luft: The murdering of 13 U.S. soldiers in Fort Hood by Nidal Malik Hasan is one in a string of events involving muslim soldiers and veterans. According to General Norman Schwarzkopf’s aide, Rick Francona, Saudi officers appeared to have been directed by their senior military or religious leadership (i.e. Abdullah & Co, i.e. Mr X "president's" first call - Klevius comment) to spot and assess potential converts to islam among American military members. Once targeted, Saudi military officers, incl. an imam, would attempt to meet the American outside of the work area. These approaches included generous gifts & literature abt islam. Americans who decided to convert to Islam were rewarded by an all expenses paid trips to Mecca, & payments as high as $30,000. The commander of Saudi forces in the Gulf, Prince Khaled bin Sultan, bragged in his memoir that more than 2,000 American troops converted to islam through this campaign. “These muslim troops are now the messengers of islam in the U.S. forces” said Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Phillips, a Jamaican-born convert to islam, who worked under the auspices of the U.S. Air Force while converting U.S. troops to Islam. After the war, Phillips moved to the United States to “set up Islamic chapters in the U.S. Defense Department.”
Note: ‘Evil’ is here conceptualized as something that a majority of people would normally consider evil (if released from a confusing/blurring & anti human rights ‘faith’ propaganda).
Islam’s evil original formula: An evil racist "infidel" moral that opens up for slave rading/trading/trafficking & the subjugation of girls/women under the sex terror (rapetivism) of Sharia in the dead end of apostasy ban.
The overpaid (usually paid by taxpayer's - 50 of BBC's executives earn more than the PM!) "executives" behind political correctness (PC)
"White" children, forcibly shipped to Australia, whose children now are the target for often brutal PC racism (tooling islam), is just but one example revealing the dangerous, unethical & deeply immoral racist segregation of people based on their skin nuances. The whole PC movement (which, as a byproduct, unfortunately bolsters evil islam) rests on the false allegation/self guilt (you name it) that white people have statistically been more technologically/economically successful (because industrial technology happened to start in Europe) & that this has something to do with colonialism (this view is not only rudely unfair against less fortunate "white" - and "black" - individuals/people but also excepts all wealthy "black" Europeans. In fact, there’s really nothing to prove that European colonialism, on the whole, didn’t benefit those people, sometimes even hugely, compared to islam’s purely parasitic imperialism/colonialism based on slavery in its three main modes: sex slavery/household slavery, plantation slavery, & "soldier"/jihadist slavery. It was islam's blood-sucking that delayed Africa's & other's progress.
In this context it’s also important to note the extreme intellectual desperation/fraud hiding in efforts to prove islamic slavery more "benign" than others. Slavery has always “leaked” between the classes just like in the society as a whole. Only in the case of islam it's popular to pick the cherries. When the overwhelming amount of islam's historical & contemporary atrocities becomes non-escapable the only refuge is to make evil good, isn't it!
Those "white" overpaid "executives" (in media & politics) are today's ruling class, i.e. belong to that very same strata they use to spit on historically (often incl. the "bourgeoisie"). And precisely because their hypocrisy is so obvious they desperately have to defend themselves by pretending not to be racist although they are almost as racist & sexist as those islamists they support. In this process they even boost their own racism & simultaneously commit a double sin against those in a weaker position in society!
Angels of Antichrist, Homo Filius Nullius & sex segregation
In possibly the most important sociological paper in the 20th century, it is argued that the socialist individualisation/collectivisation (the social state) of humans has resulted in a dehumanization that is best visible in the state's (often horrible) praxis with children. The "BBC executives & Co" mafia belongs to this unfortunate outcome of Enlightenment. These are also the guys who now (again) betray us with a fascism that is more deceptive than ever.
Klevius comment: When I was a young boy I used to read Holocaust documentaries mainly because I couldn't for my life understand how Germans, who looked & behaved exactly like people around me, could have committed such atrocities. What really scared me was that no one gave me the slightest clue to having solved the problem of the popularity of fascism. It was only after 9/11 & the emerging PC movement I really started understanding how the social mechanisms behind fascism work & what motivates them.
Of course, nothing will change before the true adaptation of Negative Human Rights as they were initially intended. Such a move would legally wipe out fascism & islam in one strike! And of course, we'd face new problems. However, what counts is what we're facing now.
And no, there's no risk for more persecution of muslims than there's for muslim persecution of non-muslims. Quite the contrary. Propaganda news exaggerate whatever happens to "vulnerable muslim minorities" while covering up muslim atrocities, racism, sexism etc against the invisible group of non-muslims, although we're talking abt a one Billion plus islamic majority Umma/O.I.C., & although the real minorities are the non-muslim & muslim individuals who suffer under this fascist elephant in the porcelain shop.
The older part of tendentious & hugely overpaid (are they even doing anything or are they contra productive?) the notorious "BBC executives" belong to the generation that sexually exploited vulnerable girls under the false mantra of "sexual liberation for women". Remember, that back then the position of girl's was even more vulnerable than today. They were just released from their homes while still carrying the old sexual moral heavily on their shoulders. And when they heard/saw the boy bands playing on Cavern they screemed out their sex segregation while the boys were rewarded by sex (some 50 bands or so used to play in one night).
This "sexual liberation" had happened before, in the Victorian/Edwardian era. However, when we look at what happened in Japan a century ago we'll find that the slogan was quite the opposite namely "freedom from sex" (no, Klevius isn't proposing any certain attitude abt sex, only to get rid of rapetivism, i.e. institutionalized or individual sexual pressure & due sex segregation, self rape, rape etc)!
One may summarize the overpaid smuggish "executive" Beatles generation (& many of their kids) as going from free sex to the hermetically closed islamic burqa (Sharia) & its unfree content which is excluded from whatever sex or love except for the duty to satisfy her husband whenever he feels for it!
The medieval islamic conquerers brought no women with them, only their swords.
Today the same is repeated. Most are young muslim men who are supposed to take non-muslim wives, whereas muslim immigrant women (except for Ayaan Hirsi Ali & Co) are tied with/to islam via Sharia & aren't allowed to fall in love with non-muslims.
Yes, most islamic slavery through 1400 yrs have been "peaceful", i.e. just kidnapping or cheaply buying slaves from criminal locals.
When women & children of Mali suffer even starvation on top of everything else because of islam (i.e. no food but a huge over production of kids while the muslim men are loitering around thanks to UK welfare) it's almost parodical when BBC, the knight of islam, cries abt it, isn't it.
Islam is always one way - the dead end!
Cure your ignorance:
Origin of islam
The islamic origin of Vikings
Gal Luft: The murdering of 13 U.S. soldiers in Fort Hood by Nidal Malik Hasan is one in a string of events involving muslim soldiers and veterans. According to General Norman Schwarzkopf’s aide, Rick Francona, Saudi officers appeared to have been directed by their senior military or religious leadership (i.e. Abdullah & Co, i.e. Mr X "president's" first call - Klevius comment) to spot and assess potential converts to islam among American military members. Once targeted, Saudi military officers, incl. an imam, would attempt to meet the American outside of the work area. These approaches included generous gifts & literature abt islam. Americans who decided to convert to Islam were rewarded by an all expenses paid trips to Mecca, & payments as high as $30,000. The commander of Saudi forces in the Gulf, Prince Khaled bin Sultan, bragged in his memoir that more than 2,000 American troops converted to islam through this campaign. “These muslim troops are now the messengers of islam in the U.S. forces” said Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Phillips, a Jamaican-born convert to islam, who worked under the auspices of the U.S. Air Force while converting U.S. troops to Islam. After the war, Phillips moved to the United States to “set up Islamic chapters in the U.S. Defense Department.”
Note: ‘Evil’ is here conceptualized as something that a majority of people would normally consider evil (if released from a confusing/blurring & anti human rights ‘faith’ propaganda).
Islam’s evil original formula: An evil racist "infidel" moral that opens up for slave rading/trading/trafficking & the subjugation of girls/women under the sex terror (rapetivism) of Sharia in the dead end of apostasy ban.
The overpaid (usually paid by taxpayer's - 50 of BBC's executives earn more than the PM!) "executives" behind political correctness (PC)
"White" children, forcibly shipped to Australia, whose children now are the target for often brutal PC racism (tooling islam), is just but one example revealing the dangerous, unethical & deeply immoral racist segregation of people based on their skin nuances. The whole PC movement (which, as a byproduct, unfortunately bolsters evil islam) rests on the false allegation/self guilt (you name it) that white people have statistically been more technologically/economically successful (because industrial technology happened to start in Europe) & that this has something to do with colonialism (this view is not only rudely unfair against less fortunate "white" - and "black" - individuals/people but also excepts all wealthy "black" Europeans. In fact, there’s really nothing to prove that European colonialism, on the whole, didn’t benefit those people, sometimes even hugely, compared to islam’s purely parasitic imperialism/colonialism based on slavery in its three main modes: sex slavery/household slavery, plantation slavery, & "soldier"/jihadist slavery. It was islam's blood-sucking that delayed Africa's & other's progress.
In this context it’s also important to note the extreme intellectual desperation/fraud hiding in efforts to prove islamic slavery more "benign" than others. Slavery has always “leaked” between the classes just like in the society as a whole. Only in the case of islam it's popular to pick the cherries. When the overwhelming amount of islam's historical & contemporary atrocities becomes non-escapable the only refuge is to make evil good, isn't it!
Those "white" overpaid "executives" (in media & politics) are today's ruling class, i.e. belong to that very same strata they use to spit on historically (often incl. the "bourgeoisie"). And precisely because their hypocrisy is so obvious they desperately have to defend themselves by pretending not to be racist although they are almost as racist & sexist as those islamists they support. In this process they even boost their own racism & simultaneously commit a double sin against those in a weaker position in society!
Angels of Antichrist, Homo Filius Nullius & sex segregation
In possibly the most important sociological paper in the 20th century, it is argued that the socialist individualisation/collectivisation (the social state) of humans has resulted in a dehumanization that is best visible in the state's (often horrible) praxis with children. The "BBC executives & Co" mafia belongs to this unfortunate outcome of Enlightenment. These are also the guys who now (again) betray us with a fascism that is more deceptive than ever.
Klevius comment: When I was a young boy I used to read Holocaust documentaries mainly because I couldn't for my life understand how Germans, who looked & behaved exactly like people around me, could have committed such atrocities. What really scared me was that no one gave me the slightest clue to having solved the problem of the popularity of fascism. It was only after 9/11 & the emerging PC movement I really started understanding how the social mechanisms behind fascism work & what motivates them.
Of course, nothing will change before the true adaptation of Negative Human Rights as they were initially intended. Such a move would legally wipe out fascism & islam in one strike! And of course, we'd face new problems. However, what counts is what we're facing now.
And no, there's no risk for more persecution of muslims than there's for muslim persecution of non-muslims. Quite the contrary. Propaganda news exaggerate whatever happens to "vulnerable muslim minorities" while covering up muslim atrocities, racism, sexism etc against the invisible group of non-muslims, although we're talking abt a one Billion plus islamic majority Umma/O.I.C., & although the real minorities are the non-muslim & muslim individuals who suffer under this fascist elephant in the porcelain shop.
The older part of tendentious & hugely overpaid (are they even doing anything or are they contra productive?) the notorious "BBC executives" belong to the generation that sexually exploited vulnerable girls under the false mantra of "sexual liberation for women". Remember, that back then the position of girl's was even more vulnerable than today. They were just released from their homes while still carrying the old sexual moral heavily on their shoulders. And when they heard/saw the boy bands playing on Cavern they screemed out their sex segregation while the boys were rewarded by sex (some 50 bands or so used to play in one night).
This "sexual liberation" had happened before, in the Victorian/Edwardian era. However, when we look at what happened in Japan a century ago we'll find that the slogan was quite the opposite namely "freedom from sex" (no, Klevius isn't proposing any certain attitude abt sex, only to get rid of rapetivism, i.e. institutionalized or individual sexual pressure & due sex segregation, self rape, rape etc)!
One may summarize the overpaid smuggish "executive" Beatles generation (& many of their kids) as going from free sex to the hermetically closed islamic burqa (Sharia) & its unfree content which is excluded from whatever sex or love except for the duty to satisfy her husband whenever he feels for it!
The medieval islamic conquerers brought no women with them, only their swords.
Today the same is repeated. Most are young muslim men who are supposed to take non-muslim wives, whereas muslim immigrant women (except for Ayaan Hirsi Ali & Co) are tied with/to islam via Sharia & aren't allowed to fall in love with non-muslims.
Yes, most islamic slavery through 1400 yrs have been "peaceful", i.e. just kidnapping or cheaply buying slaves from criminal locals.
When women & children of Mali suffer even starvation on top of everything else because of islam (i.e. no food but a huge over production of kids while the muslim men are loitering around thanks to UK welfare) it's almost parodical when BBC, the knight of islam, cries abt it, isn't it.
Islam is always one way - the dead end!
Cure your ignorance:
Origin of islam
The islamic origin of Vikings
Friday, November 13, 2009
Nothing to do with Arabic islam?!
Islam's Arabic Saudi Caliph (to whom Mr X "president" so deeply bowed & to whom he made his first telephone call as "president") is busy bombing tens of Yemeni villages in his hunt for Shia muslims.
To understand the pics see Origin of islam
Also consider The Jewish/islamic Origin of the Vikings
A modern Arab woman on Arab men - a wormhole to the islamic myth abt pre-islamic Arabia
Hajar Benlahmar (slightly edited by Klevius): If i have to choose between marrying an Arab and non Arab, I'd pick the non Arab even though I’m an Arab, for one simple reason, I can't bear the mentality of Arabic men, which is dogmatic, racist, sexist - just name it (Klevius: Islam?). An Arabic man cant accept a woman as partner in life, he wants her to be under his control (Klevius: Sharia?) following his wills and denying her existence. Most Arabic men are not looking for a wife to share life with, but they are looking for a domestic servant.
Klevius comment: "A domestic servant" whose services include sex & the reproduction of dogmatic, racist, sexist boys & submissive girls.
You've heard it many times. The evil pre-islamic society was improved by Mohammed & islam. However, the opposite holds true. Because of a scandalous ignorance abt pre-islamic Arabia, sanctioned by islam (includes ibn-Khaldun & others), islamic vulgo caricatures of the pre-islamic Arabs are taken as facts by stupid "islamologs" & others even today.
The non-islamic world is at war with islam
Islam has, from scratch, been an attacking jihadist "faith", & if you are under attack & defend yourself it's called war, isn't it! Most of islam's basic tenets are opposite those of U.S. & the free democratic world. In fact, there's an enourmous & desperate effort to "reformulate"/"reinterpret" islam/Koran while simultaneously belittling the products of Enlightenment (which, btw, was caused by an attacking islam). Islam started & built its tenets as a parasitic slave finance combined with sex slavery & rapetivism confined in Sharia & apostasy ban & sealed with monotheism. That's why sex jihadism made it initially so successful, that's why O.I.C. (Organization of Islamic Countries) have their own "human rights" (Cairo declaration, which denies girls/women freedom under the cover of "responsibilities & "dignity" etc) & now wants to (via UN) criminalize criticism of islam.
To understand the pics see Origin of islam
Also consider The Jewish/islamic Origin of the Vikings
A modern Arab woman on Arab men - a wormhole to the islamic myth abt pre-islamic Arabia
Hajar Benlahmar (slightly edited by Klevius): If i have to choose between marrying an Arab and non Arab, I'd pick the non Arab even though I’m an Arab, for one simple reason, I can't bear the mentality of Arabic men, which is dogmatic, racist, sexist - just name it (Klevius: Islam?). An Arabic man cant accept a woman as partner in life, he wants her to be under his control (Klevius: Sharia?) following his wills and denying her existence. Most Arabic men are not looking for a wife to share life with, but they are looking for a domestic servant.
Klevius comment: "A domestic servant" whose services include sex & the reproduction of dogmatic, racist, sexist boys & submissive girls.
You've heard it many times. The evil pre-islamic society was improved by Mohammed & islam. However, the opposite holds true. Because of a scandalous ignorance abt pre-islamic Arabia, sanctioned by islam (includes ibn-Khaldun & others), islamic vulgo caricatures of the pre-islamic Arabs are taken as facts by stupid "islamologs" & others even today.
The non-islamic world is at war with islam
Islam has, from scratch, been an attacking jihadist "faith", & if you are under attack & defend yourself it's called war, isn't it! Most of islam's basic tenets are opposite those of U.S. & the free democratic world. In fact, there's an enourmous & desperate effort to "reformulate"/"reinterpret" islam/Koran while simultaneously belittling the products of Enlightenment (which, btw, was caused by an attacking islam). Islam started & built its tenets as a parasitic slave finance combined with sex slavery & rapetivism confined in Sharia & apostasy ban & sealed with monotheism. That's why sex jihadism made it initially so successful, that's why O.I.C. (Organization of Islamic Countries) have their own "human rights" (Cairo declaration, which denies girls/women freedom under the cover of "responsibilities & "dignity" etc) & now wants to (via UN) criminalize criticism of islam.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The elusive good "Western islam" vs true evil Mohammedan islam
Islam isn't a "faith" but a totalitarian regime. That's why islam has to stop hiding behind "freedom of religion"!
Rick Santorum: Three muslim students at Harvard University, one man and two women, who wore Western-style clothes and spoke English with little or no accent, disputed my description of Islam as it's practiced in the Middle East, maintaining that al-Qaeda's version of islam in no way reflects the islam that is practiced around the world. So I asked: Should apostates - muslims who convert to another religion - be subject to execution?
One of the women quickly said no. She insisted that she was free to leave islam if she wanted to, and that she knew other people who had done so without a problem - in the United States.
I said: What if they lived in a muslim-majority country?
Silence. Eventually, the young man blurted out, "That's different because in Muslim countries, islam and the government are one, and converting from islam is the equivalent of treason against the government, punishable by death." The two women agreed.
Klevius comment: This is why muslims can't participate in democracy without abandoning islam! This is also why muslim born (without committing open apostasy as yet - in islam you can pretend to be a Christian for the sake of islam) Mr X "president" is unconstitutional, as are all truly muslim politicians.
Again, if you don't understand the mechanism behind islam's initial success 1400 yrs ago, you end up in exactly these situations. Without knowing exactly these persons the statistical scenario is that the women represented ignorance while the man represented the evilness of Mohammed/islam.
When women share this evilness it's usually due to family, marriage etc. Of course you know that in islam women are forced to sexually satisfy muslim men while forbidden from having relations with non-muslim men. However, muslim men can have sex with both muslim & non-muslim women, four wives & an unlimited amount of concubines. Moreover, the kids are always his & muslim from birth, & it's the women's duty to foster them to obeying muslims who despise non-muslims (what Klevius call muslim racism) under the threat of Sharia/apostasy ban.
Btw, why is it that so many ask if apostasy is punishable by death? The question ought to be: Is apostasy punishable (legally or socially)? I guess this is one of a variety of islamic tactics to keep as much as possible of evil original islam alive. Islam is built on sex & threats. Sex for men & threats for women & other infidels!
To really understand the perversity of not only islam but also our own submission to its evilness, read how Jewish slave trade evolved into islamic totalitarianism in Origin of Vikings.
Rick Santorum: Three muslim students at Harvard University, one man and two women, who wore Western-style clothes and spoke English with little or no accent, disputed my description of Islam as it's practiced in the Middle East, maintaining that al-Qaeda's version of islam in no way reflects the islam that is practiced around the world. So I asked: Should apostates - muslims who convert to another religion - be subject to execution?
One of the women quickly said no. She insisted that she was free to leave islam if she wanted to, and that she knew other people who had done so without a problem - in the United States.
I said: What if they lived in a muslim-majority country?
Silence. Eventually, the young man blurted out, "That's different because in Muslim countries, islam and the government are one, and converting from islam is the equivalent of treason against the government, punishable by death." The two women agreed.
Klevius comment: This is why muslims can't participate in democracy without abandoning islam! This is also why muslim born (without committing open apostasy as yet - in islam you can pretend to be a Christian for the sake of islam) Mr X "president" is unconstitutional, as are all truly muslim politicians.
Again, if you don't understand the mechanism behind islam's initial success 1400 yrs ago, you end up in exactly these situations. Without knowing exactly these persons the statistical scenario is that the women represented ignorance while the man represented the evilness of Mohammed/islam.
When women share this evilness it's usually due to family, marriage etc. Of course you know that in islam women are forced to sexually satisfy muslim men while forbidden from having relations with non-muslim men. However, muslim men can have sex with both muslim & non-muslim women, four wives & an unlimited amount of concubines. Moreover, the kids are always his & muslim from birth, & it's the women's duty to foster them to obeying muslims who despise non-muslims (what Klevius call muslim racism) under the threat of Sharia/apostasy ban.
Btw, why is it that so many ask if apostasy is punishable by death? The question ought to be: Is apostasy punishable (legally or socially)? I guess this is one of a variety of islamic tactics to keep as much as possible of evil original islam alive. Islam is built on sex & threats. Sex for men & threats for women & other infidels!
To really understand the perversity of not only islam but also our own submission to its evilness, read how Jewish slave trade evolved into islamic totalitarianism in Origin of Vikings.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Radical islam IS islam. Why? Simply because there are no "other" islams on the shelf!
What’s the difference between a “dispassionate scholar in search of historical truth” & an intellectual warrior in “a conflict that is being waged for the highest stakes”?! There’s no difference dude (haven’t you read your Wittgenstein or Klevius)!
Remember, islam isn’t a faith but a totalitarian parasitic & occupying ideology using politics, violence & rapetivism (syn. islamofascism)! Islam's terror formula is an evil jihad* "moral" based on infidel racism/slavery/rapetivism/apostasy ban.
* remember that totalitarian ideologies are, per definition, always "threatened" & hence need to fight the "unbelievers"!
The self proclaimed islam/Koran interpretor, the fanatic & heavily disturbed islamic lunatic muslim (he was a muslim, right?) named Nidal Malik Hasan, was at least on the right track when he stated that "Obama & the US army are fighting muslims".
But according to New York Times (& other media morons), they are not fighting muslims but non-muslims, i.e. those who have "misinterpreted" the Koran.
However, according to Klevius, the US army isn't fighting muslims nor non-muslims but islam.
Wondering over Klevius lack of capitals in islam & muslim? Well, I don't use it in communism & communist, or murder & murderer either (yes I used to do it & haven't bothered to change everywhere)!
DOROTHY RABINOWITZ on political islam correctness etc: What is hard to ignore, now, is the growing derangement on all matters involving terrorism and Muslim sensitivities. Its chief symptoms: a palpitating fear of discomfiting facts and a willingness to discard those facts and embrace the richest possible variety of ludicrous theories as to the motives behind an act of Islamic terrorism. All this we have seen before but never in such naked form. The days following the Fort Hood rampage have told us more than we want to know, perhaps, about the depth and reach of this epidemic.
One of the first outbreaks of these fevers, the night of the shootings, featured television's star psychologist, Dr. Phil, who was outraged when fellow panelist and former JAG officer Tom Kenniff observed that he had been listening to a lot of psychobabble and evasions about Maj. Hasan's motives.
A shocked Dr. Phil, appalled that the guest had publicly mentioned Maj. Hasan's Islamic identity, went on to present what was, in essence, the case for Maj. Hasan as victim. Victim of deployment, of the Army, of the stresses of a new kind of terrible war unlike any other we have known. Unlike, can he have meant, the kind endured by those lucky Americans who fought and died at Iwo Jima, say, or the Ardennes?
Officials determined that "the communications were benign and contained no threat".
Malik Nidal Hasan came under scrutiny by officials beginning last year for communicating with Anwar al-Awlaki, who had been a scholar at a mosque Hasan attended when he lived in Virginia. The Virginia mosque where al-Awlaki taught had also been visited by 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Hani Hanjour.
Officials briefed on the case said that an individual overseas was being monitored when authorities recognized that Hasan had contacted the scholar. The FBI notified two of the bureau's Joint Terrorism Task Force offices, which pursued the leads on Hasan. "We don't have any indication that he was directed, we don't have any indication that there were co-conspirators but, once again, this is fairly early on in what may be a complex and long-term investigation,"
Klevius comment: You did have indication that "he was directed"! He was clearly directed by Koran/islam fueled by Mr X "president's" beloved Saudi Abdullah & Co.
There's no way islam can accept Negative Human Rights (the fundament on which the US Constitution & the free world stands). This is why you can't be a true muslim in USA! Either you skip islam or you skip being an American! Says Klevius who is a true American!
Cure your ignorance abt islam:
Origin of islam
The Jewish/islamic origin of the Vikings
Klevius is (so far) your only in-depth guide on sex-segregation as the key to understanding medieval rapetivism in the 21th century (see e.g. Klevius definition of feminism!
Remember, islam isn’t a faith but a totalitarian parasitic & occupying ideology using politics, violence & rapetivism (syn. islamofascism)! Islam's terror formula is an evil jihad* "moral" based on infidel racism/slavery/rapetivism/apostasy ban.
* remember that totalitarian ideologies are, per definition, always "threatened" & hence need to fight the "unbelievers"!
The self proclaimed islam/Koran interpretor, the fanatic & heavily disturbed islamic lunatic muslim (he was a muslim, right?) named Nidal Malik Hasan, was at least on the right track when he stated that "Obama & the US army are fighting muslims".
But according to New York Times (& other media morons), they are not fighting muslims but non-muslims, i.e. those who have "misinterpreted" the Koran.
However, according to Klevius, the US army isn't fighting muslims nor non-muslims but islam.
Wondering over Klevius lack of capitals in islam & muslim? Well, I don't use it in communism & communist, or murder & murderer either (yes I used to do it & haven't bothered to change everywhere)!
DOROTHY RABINOWITZ on political islam correctness etc: What is hard to ignore, now, is the growing derangement on all matters involving terrorism and Muslim sensitivities. Its chief symptoms: a palpitating fear of discomfiting facts and a willingness to discard those facts and embrace the richest possible variety of ludicrous theories as to the motives behind an act of Islamic terrorism. All this we have seen before but never in such naked form. The days following the Fort Hood rampage have told us more than we want to know, perhaps, about the depth and reach of this epidemic.
One of the first outbreaks of these fevers, the night of the shootings, featured television's star psychologist, Dr. Phil, who was outraged when fellow panelist and former JAG officer Tom Kenniff observed that he had been listening to a lot of psychobabble and evasions about Maj. Hasan's motives.
A shocked Dr. Phil, appalled that the guest had publicly mentioned Maj. Hasan's Islamic identity, went on to present what was, in essence, the case for Maj. Hasan as victim. Victim of deployment, of the Army, of the stresses of a new kind of terrible war unlike any other we have known. Unlike, can he have meant, the kind endured by those lucky Americans who fought and died at Iwo Jima, say, or the Ardennes?
Officials determined that "the communications were benign and contained no threat".
Malik Nidal Hasan came under scrutiny by officials beginning last year for communicating with Anwar al-Awlaki, who had been a scholar at a mosque Hasan attended when he lived in Virginia. The Virginia mosque where al-Awlaki taught had also been visited by 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Hani Hanjour.
Officials briefed on the case said that an individual overseas was being monitored when authorities recognized that Hasan had contacted the scholar. The FBI notified two of the bureau's Joint Terrorism Task Force offices, which pursued the leads on Hasan. "We don't have any indication that he was directed, we don't have any indication that there were co-conspirators but, once again, this is fairly early on in what may be a complex and long-term investigation,"
Klevius comment: You did have indication that "he was directed"! He was clearly directed by Koran/islam fueled by Mr X "president's" beloved Saudi Abdullah & Co.
There's no way islam can accept Negative Human Rights (the fundament on which the US Constitution & the free world stands). This is why you can't be a true muslim in USA! Either you skip islam or you skip being an American! Says Klevius who is a true American!
Cure your ignorance abt islam:
Origin of islam
The Jewish/islamic origin of the Vikings
Klevius is (so far) your only in-depth guide on sex-segregation as the key to understanding medieval rapetivism in the 21th century (see e.g. Klevius definition of feminism!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Three mass murderers, but two are missing from the most wanted list
"President" Omar Hassan al-Bashir (Sudan) is behind the Darfur genocide, & a good friend of the Saudi Caliph "king" Abdullah, the culprit behind the OIC efforts to criminalize scrutiny & criticism against islam, & the main thug behind the funding of global islamic jihad, who has a muslim born Indonesian "Christ-believing"** puppet called Mr X or Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever), who is responsible for a continuing mass murder of muslims & others in Afganistan & Pakistan, mainly through drone terror, & who is busy transforming USA into an islamic Sharia land in accordance with the wish of his close ally CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations).
** Mr X "president" says he believes in a "redemptive resurrection" which is a code word for a muslim view on Jesus!
The key to Mohammed's & islam's initial (& by conventional historians unexplained) success is extremely simple (see Origin of islam) & clearly written in the Koran: A racist infidel moral paving the way for a parasitic social system of slavery & rapetivism confined in Sharia law (all reproduction goes to islam & nothing to the opposite direction) & sealed by apostasy ban! Due to islam's totalitarian nature & due internal inconsistencies everything goes, e.g. real muslims vs not so real muslims etc (btw, if we were all muslims most of the men would be without wives & children).
BTW, Mr X "president's" belowed Sunni Saudi Abdullah is right now, together with Sunni Al-Qaeda terrorists, busy fighting a heavy war against fellow Yemeni shia muslim liberators (yes, you got it right)!
Saudi "king" Abdullah's close friend arrested in his absence by the International Criminal Court, but welcomed by Turkey!
Omar Hassan al-Bashir, president of Sudan, against whom the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant, has been invited to a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Istanbul. Last year, al-Bashir visited Turkey twice and "despite national and international protests the Turkish government seems to have no intention at all of changing its policy on allowing a person into the country that is under strong suspicion of being responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity".
The Darfur genocide by Sudan's National Islamic Front regime IS led by “president” Omar Hassan al-Bashir & physically performed by his extremely violent Arab/islamic para-military terrorists.
The Darfur genocide started virtually unnoticed in February 2003, under the shadow of the war in Iraq, murdering some 350,000-400,000 & with an unknown number of rape victims etc & Millions of refugees. The victims are non-Arab Furs, Massaleits, Zaghawas, Tunjurs, Birgids, Dajos etc. The pathetic notion that the victims "are also muslims" doesn't at all recognize the deep history of Arab/islamic slave racism in Africa & the cultural genocide that this "muslimhood" reflects!
Mr X "president" has repeatedly & frenetically babbled abt his "respect" for islam. Klevius question to you: Do you respect islam?
Fort Hood investigators: No terror plot. Klevius: Did they check in the Koran?
Klevius comment: How exactly, does Nidal Malik Hasan differ from Osama bin Laden?!
According to "muslim sensitive" US officials, this bloodthirsty Arabic islamic jihad inspired muslim terrorist mass murderer monster "acted out under a welter of emotional, ideological and religious pressures"! Klevius comment: What should I say? Poor man?! No, I'd rather say poor victims who happened to encounter this otherwise perfectly normal* but islam distorted "psychiatrist"!
* i.e. not suffering from a biological nerve dysfunction! Islam, like other brainwashing sects, is not biologoical! Nor is islam's main pillar sex segregation/rapetivism!
Btw, as those who have studied on KLEVUX already know, psychology/psychiatry (except for the understanding of psychic drugs) are hoax "sciences", mainly funded by tax payers!
Check out:
Klevius Psychosocial timeline
Origin of islam
And Mr X "president" (see previous postings to understand the X & the quotation marks - no, Klevius isn't even close to a racist, just read his writings against race & sex segregation, will you, stupid!) talks & covers up in the trails of his beloved Saudi mad men.
According to "muslim sensitive" US officials, this bloodthirsty Arabic islamic jihad inspired muslim terrorist mass murderer monster "acted out under a welter of emotional, ideological and religious pressures"! Klevius comment: What should I say? Poor man?! No, I'd rather say poor victims who happened to encounter this otherwise perfectly normal* but islam distorted "psychiatrist"!
* i.e. not suffering from a biological nerve dysfunction! Islam, like other brainwashing sects, is not biologoical! Nor is islam's main pillar sex segregation/rapetivism!
Btw, as those who have studied on KLEVUX already know, psychology/psychiatry (except for the understanding of psychic drugs) are hoax "sciences", mainly funded by tax payers!
Check out:
Klevius Psychosocial timeline
Origin of islam
And Mr X "president" (see previous postings to understand the X & the quotation marks - no, Klevius isn't even close to a racist, just read his writings against race & sex segregation, will you, stupid!) talks & covers up in the trails of his beloved Saudi mad men.
Friday, November 06, 2009
US islamic terrorist Nidal Malik Hasan & muslim born Mr X "president" both respect islam & its racist/ sexist Koranic jihad message!
THE MOTIVE: ISLAM! Not "radical islam" or "islamism" or "extremist islam" etc. but just the very same islam that in PC propaganda covers everything from fashion & sufism to Saudi islam!
islamic terrorist Nidal Malik Hasan was "educated" (brainwashed) in a Saudi Wahhabi mosque funded by Saudi Abdullah & Co (the very man Mr X "president" first made a call to after becoming "president" & to whom he deeply bowed at a G20 meeting)!
What a coincidence! Although, according to PC media/politicians, it's islamophobia that is the real culprit, & islam has nothing to do with a muslim man (who prays at the mosque every day) who, while shouting Allahu Akbar, mass murders US troops at Forth Hood/Texas on their way to fight muslims in islamic land, everything seems to fit at least equally well, perhaps even more, to what is written in the islamic Koran!?
To understand the home grown US (non'radical according to an imam at the US mosque he visited every day, & where he was enrolled on an islamic list for getting women) muslim jihadist terrorist mass-murderer Nidal Malik Hasan, who deliberately shot more than 40 people, you need to understand the Origin of islam!
Nidal Malik Hasan swore an oath to the US army but didn't want to obey when his ccommander in chief ordered him to the front in Afganistan killing islamic jihadists!
And why should he? His commander in chief (who isn't even a commander in chief legally - see postings below) says he respects islam, & Koran islam gives Nidal the full right to disobey everyone else except Islam anyway!
UPDATE: IS IT NIDAL MALIK HASSAN WHO IS THE REAL HERO IN FORT HOOD?! The islamic mass murderer's family & PC media now inform us that it wasn't islam's or the mass murderer's fault. It was the 40 plus victims' fault (just like 9/11) because someone had called poor Hassan a "camel jockey".
Oh my god, calling a muslim names! That might be even harder than what Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mohammed & other creepy mass murderers had to suffer. However, isn't the army the place no one can get through without being insulted?!
The main suspect is islam, i.e. the very same islam that has caused years of monstruous islamic jihad terror in Iraq & Afganistan in the aftermath of the one week liberation of Iraq.
Islam is a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder caused by Mohammed!
Without Naziphobia we shouldn't have had any World War 2, should we!
How long will it take for peolpe (muslims & non-muslims) to really understand the inevitable truth that you can't be a true muslim in a free democracy. Or, in other words, islam is no longer islam in any meaningful sense if you can.
Also read Klevius explosive Origin of Vikings!
islamic terrorist Nidal Malik Hasan was "educated" (brainwashed) in a Saudi Wahhabi mosque funded by Saudi Abdullah & Co (the very man Mr X "president" first made a call to after becoming "president" & to whom he deeply bowed at a G20 meeting)!
What a coincidence! Although, according to PC media/politicians, it's islamophobia that is the real culprit, & islam has nothing to do with a muslim man (who prays at the mosque every day) who, while shouting Allahu Akbar, mass murders US troops at Forth Hood/Texas on their way to fight muslims in islamic land, everything seems to fit at least equally well, perhaps even more, to what is written in the islamic Koran!?
To understand the home grown US (non'radical according to an imam at the US mosque he visited every day, & where he was enrolled on an islamic list for getting women) muslim jihadist terrorist mass-murderer Nidal Malik Hasan, who deliberately shot more than 40 people, you need to understand the Origin of islam!
Nidal Malik Hasan swore an oath to the US army but didn't want to obey when his ccommander in chief ordered him to the front in Afganistan killing islamic jihadists!
And why should he? His commander in chief (who isn't even a commander in chief legally - see postings below) says he respects islam, & Koran islam gives Nidal the full right to disobey everyone else except Islam anyway!
UPDATE: IS IT NIDAL MALIK HASSAN WHO IS THE REAL HERO IN FORT HOOD?! The islamic mass murderer's family & PC media now inform us that it wasn't islam's or the mass murderer's fault. It was the 40 plus victims' fault (just like 9/11) because someone had called poor Hassan a "camel jockey".
Oh my god, calling a muslim names! That might be even harder than what Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mohammed & other creepy mass murderers had to suffer. However, isn't the army the place no one can get through without being insulted?!
The main suspect is islam, i.e. the very same islam that has caused years of monstruous islamic jihad terror in Iraq & Afganistan in the aftermath of the one week liberation of Iraq.
Islam is a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder caused by Mohammed!
Without Naziphobia we shouldn't have had any World War 2, should we!
How long will it take for peolpe (muslims & non-muslims) to really understand the inevitable truth that you can't be a true muslim in a free democracy. Or, in other words, islam is no longer islam in any meaningful sense if you can.
Also read Klevius explosive Origin of Vikings!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Politically correct Swedish PM Reinfeldt: "Only barbarism is genuinely Swedish. All further development has come from abroad"
Klevius comment: If he means the Vikings the poor man is way too ignorant. They actually got their specific barbarism abroad from islam!
Young Swedes seems equally confused as Mr Reinfeldt.
According to Novus Opinion 70% of Swedes think islamic al-Qaida did the 9/11 whereas 7% didn't. However, among under 30 yr old adult Swedes only 58% thought islamic al-Qaida did it & 15% thought they didn't. Moreover, to the question whether they thought Bush & his government were involved in the attacks 8% of the Swedes in the survey said yes while 64% said no. But again, when checking for those Swedish adults under the age of 30, only half of them dismissed the conspiracy theories whereas 18% were convinced that Bush & Co somehow did it! Moreover, an additional 31% thought maybe or were unsure!
Young Swedes seems equally confused as Mr Reinfeldt.
According to Novus Opinion 70% of Swedes think islamic al-Qaida did the 9/11 whereas 7% didn't. However, among under 30 yr old adult Swedes only 58% thought islamic al-Qaida did it & 15% thought they didn't. Moreover, to the question whether they thought Bush & his government were involved in the attacks 8% of the Swedes in the survey said yes while 64% said no. But again, when checking for those Swedish adults under the age of 30, only half of them dismissed the conspiracy theories whereas 18% were convinced that Bush & Co somehow did it! Moreover, an additional 31% thought maybe or were unsure!