An islamic mass murder on the Philippines & most main news media don't even mention it, & those few who do don't inform you that it was islamic muslim terrorists sponsored by Saudi Arabia who did it! How long will you take this deliberate misinformation?!
This is the world's main terrorist & spreader of racist islamic hate/intolerance, the Saudi dictator (& Co) over the world's most intolerant muslim nation, who tries to cover it up (with the eager help of PC media & spineless politicians) in one way "inter-faith" talks (islam is always a dead end) & flashy spending of Western oil money. No matter if it's universities or blood money for killing other muslims (every Saudi soldier's family get USD 266,000 from "king" Abdullah when their son dies in Wahhabi jihad).
This is what media should have written if they really wanted to inform those ignorant/misled abt islam (they certainly possessed the info but didn't want you to know!):
Some 50 people ambushed, murdered, decapitated & thrown into mass graves by islamic murderers resting on what is written in the Koran, & sponsored & agitated by that very same Saudi Arabia that is the "guardian of islam" & which is now busy killing Shia muslims in Yemen! Also, this Saudi Arabia wants to criminalize (via UN & OIC) criticism of the worst crime ever. Moreover, this Saudi Arabia also initiated (via UN & OIC) the Cairo declaration which eliminates human rights for women.
Islamic Abu Sayyaf (in Arabic 'bearer of the muslim sword') in the Philippines has become noted for its ambushes of government forces, kidnappings, piracy, & the beheading of captives. The U.S. Department of Treasury in 2007 named three of their Saudi supporters: Abdul Rahim Al-Talhi, Muhammad Abdallah Salih Sughayr and Fahd Muhammad Abd Al-Aziz Al-Khashiban. According to Levey, no one identified by the US or UN as a terrorist financier has been prosecuted by the Saudi authorities.
Klevius history lesson: First of all, start by curing your bottomless ignorance abt islam (e.g. Origin of islam). Islam was in its beginning as well as now a parasitic slavery ideology capable of producing nothing except suffering & more muslims in a system of institutionalized rapetivism (Sharia).
Whatever islamic historical stone you turn around you always gonna see decay masked in a slave or oil finance.
SE Asia was islamized in exactly the same way as was Africa, namely via slave rading/trading. An Arabic network of slave rading/trading was established by the help of local chiefs while selling/using the poor in slavery. In the process the wealthy ones became even more wealyhy & powerful while they adopted islam. Also due to inter-marriage & islam's inborn dead end Sharia structure (which means every pregnancy led to more muslims or muslim slaves while none the other way round according to islamic law). Whereas both Christian & islamic praxis may have widely varied in different times & settings, islam only has an unaltered moral basis that stands firm on a moral resting on infidel racism/Sharia rapetivism/apostasy ban! Against this background it's equally pathetique & tragical that, on the one hand, these young muslim terrorists deeply aware of islam's teachings, think they're (like Pol Pot's etc willing young murderers) murdering for a good heavenly cause, &, on the other hand, those youngsters who are misinformed to believe islam is "a religion of peace" & "egalitarianism" (your only real key out of this dilemma is by understanding Negative Human Rights. And when it comes to "egalitarianism" you may remember that life is per definition not egalitarian, only death is egalitarian. This is also the main shortcoming of monotheist "godisms" (see Klevius definition of religion) However, a global system based on the elimination of taxation of work, & instead progressive taxation on luxury or "bad" consumption, combined with positive human rights such as basic education, health care etc).
It's because of islam's parasitism you can't buy any decent product made in Saudi Arabia!
What many a young jihadist doesn't seem to understand is islam's inherent evilness in the form of its infidel racism & sexist treatment of women as sex slaves. Or maybe they are...
However, they do behave like Pol Pot, don't they. And why should they be more educated than the Western morons who supported Khmer Rouge?
Btw, there was no "golden age" of islam in Spain, only a disgusting islamic slave finance. Also, there was no good (like BBC use to present it) islamic Ottoman rule. On the contrary the Ottomanian slave "empire" inevitably deteriorated until the abolishment of slavery & Western force together with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's secularization paved the way for the Turkish progress that is now again on the verge of slipping into even more islamic barbary. Let's see if the new EU president remembers what he said abt islamic Turkey as not a possible part of Europe.
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