Klevius intellectual wives: Oriana Fellaci (a true journalist - her photo ought to be in front of every BBC & other media "executive"), Wafa Sultan, Nonie Darwish, Hirsi Ali. Klevius intellectual concubines are so many so their pics won't possibly fit here. Klevius main rival: Mr X "president's" first call, islamofascist Don Abdullah Juan (see Klevius love letter to Edit Södergran to get it), the "guardian of islam". He & his pals have blood on their fingers, not only from Darfur, Iraq, Afganistan etc, but also from millions of victims for islamic street jihadism all over the world, fueled by Koranic infidel racism.
Gal Luft: The murdering of 13 U.S. soldiers in Fort Hood by Nidal Malik Hasan is one in a string of events involving muslim soldiers and veterans. According to General Norman Schwarzkopf’s aide, Rick Francona, Saudi officers appeared to have been directed by their senior military or religious leadership (i.e. Abdullah & Co, i.e. Mr X "president's" first call - Klevius comment) to spot and assess potential converts to islam among American military members. Once targeted, Saudi military officers, incl. an imam, would attempt to meet the American outside of the work area. These approaches included generous gifts & literature abt islam. Americans who decided to convert to Islam were rewarded by an all expenses paid trips to Mecca, & payments as high as $30,000. The commander of Saudi forces in the Gulf, Prince Khaled bin Sultan, bragged in his memoir that more than 2,000 American troops converted to islam through this campaign. “These muslim troops are now the messengers of islam in the U.S. forces” said Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Phillips, a Jamaican-born convert to islam, who worked under the auspices of the U.S. Air Force while converting U.S. troops to Islam. After the war, Phillips moved to the United States to “set up Islamic chapters in the U.S. Defense Department.”
Note: ‘Evil’ is here conceptualized as something that a majority of people would normally consider evil (if released from a confusing/blurring & anti human rights ‘faith’ propaganda).
Islam’s evil original formula: An evil racist "infidel" moral that opens up for slave rading/trading/trafficking & the subjugation of girls/women under the sex terror (rapetivism) of Sharia in the dead end of apostasy ban.
The overpaid (usually paid by taxpayer's - 50 of BBC's executives earn more than the PM!) "executives" behind political correctness (PC)
"White" children, forcibly shipped to Australia, whose children now are the target for often brutal PC racism (tooling islam), is just but one example revealing the dangerous, unethical & deeply immoral racist segregation of people based on their skin nuances. The whole PC movement (which, as a byproduct, unfortunately bolsters evil islam) rests on the false allegation/self guilt (you name it) that white people have statistically been more technologically/economically successful (because industrial technology happened to start in Europe) & that this has something to do with colonialism (this view is not only rudely unfair against less fortunate "white" - and "black" - individuals/people but also excepts all wealthy "black" Europeans. In fact, there’s really nothing to prove that European colonialism, on the whole, didn’t benefit those people, sometimes even hugely, compared to islam’s purely parasitic imperialism/colonialism based on slavery in its three main modes: sex slavery/household slavery, plantation slavery, & "soldier"/jihadist slavery. It was islam's blood-sucking that delayed Africa's & other's progress.
In this context it’s also important to note the extreme intellectual desperation/fraud hiding in efforts to prove islamic slavery more "benign" than others. Slavery has always “leaked” between the classes just like in the society as a whole. Only in the case of islam it's popular to pick the cherries. When the overwhelming amount of islam's historical & contemporary atrocities becomes non-escapable the only refuge is to make evil good, isn't it!
Those "white" overpaid "executives" (in media & politics) are today's ruling class, i.e. belong to that very same strata they use to spit on historically (often incl. the "bourgeoisie"). And precisely because their hypocrisy is so obvious they desperately have to defend themselves by pretending not to be racist although they are almost as racist & sexist as those islamists they support. In this process they even boost their own racism & simultaneously commit a double sin against those in a weaker position in society!
Angels of Antichrist, Homo Filius Nullius & sex segregation
In possibly the most important sociological paper in the 20th century, it is argued that the socialist individualisation/collectivisation (the social state) of humans has resulted in a dehumanization that is best visible in the state's (often horrible) praxis with children. The "BBC executives & Co" mafia belongs to this unfortunate outcome of Enlightenment. These are also the guys who now (again) betray us with a fascism that is more deceptive than ever.
Klevius comment: When I was a young boy I used to read Holocaust documentaries mainly because I couldn't for my life understand how Germans, who looked & behaved exactly like people around me, could have committed such atrocities. What really scared me was that no one gave me the slightest clue to having solved the problem of the popularity of fascism. It was only after 9/11 & the emerging PC movement I really started understanding how the social mechanisms behind fascism work & what motivates them.
Of course, nothing will change before the true adaptation of Negative Human Rights as they were initially intended. Such a move would legally wipe out fascism & islam in one strike! And of course, we'd face new problems. However, what counts is what we're facing now.
And no, there's no risk for more persecution of muslims than there's for muslim persecution of non-muslims. Quite the contrary. Propaganda news exaggerate whatever happens to "vulnerable muslim minorities" while covering up muslim atrocities, racism, sexism etc against the invisible group of non-muslims, although we're talking abt a one Billion plus islamic majority Umma/O.I.C., & although the real minorities are the non-muslim & muslim individuals who suffer under this fascist elephant in the porcelain shop.
The older part of tendentious & hugely overpaid (are they even doing anything or are they contra productive?) the notorious "BBC executives" belong to the generation that sexually exploited vulnerable girls under the false mantra of "sexual liberation for women". Remember, that back then the position of girl's was even more vulnerable than today. They were just released from their homes while still carrying the old sexual moral heavily on their shoulders. And when they heard/saw the boy bands playing on Cavern they screemed out their sex segregation while the boys were rewarded by sex (some 50 bands or so used to play in one night).
This "sexual liberation" had happened before, in the Victorian/Edwardian era. However, when we look at what happened in Japan a century ago we'll find that the slogan was quite the opposite namely "freedom from sex" (no, Klevius isn't proposing any certain attitude abt sex, only to get rid of rapetivism, i.e. institutionalized or individual sexual pressure & due sex segregation, self rape, rape etc)!
One may summarize the overpaid smuggish "executive" Beatles generation (& many of their kids) as going from free sex to the hermetically closed islamic burqa (Sharia) & its unfree content which is excluded from whatever sex or love except for the duty to satisfy her husband whenever he feels for it!
The medieval islamic conquerers brought no women with them, only their swords.
Today the same is repeated. Most are young muslim men who are supposed to take non-muslim wives, whereas muslim immigrant women (except for Ayaan Hirsi Ali & Co) are tied with/to islam via Sharia & aren't allowed to fall in love with non-muslims.
Yes, most islamic slavery through 1400 yrs have been "peaceful", i.e. just kidnapping or cheaply buying slaves from criminal locals.
When women & children of Mali suffer even starvation on top of everything else because of islam (i.e. no food but a huge over production of kids while the muslim men are loitering around thanks to UK welfare) it's almost parodical when BBC, the knight of islam, cries abt it, isn't it.
Islam is always one way - the dead end!
Cure your ignorance:
Origin of islam
The islamic origin of Vikings
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