
Monday, November 30, 2009

Islamo-ignorance: Only 57,5 % of Swiss infidels realize the danger of islam!

If you, like Mahmud Muhammad Taha (excecuted by islamic Sudan), try to remove slavery, gender inequality, & jihad (& perhaps even "infidel" racism) from Koran (without being assassinated), you still face the ultimate problem with sex segregation as it is stipulated by the Koran & by the notorious Cairo (Sharia) declaration of islamic "human rights"created by 57 OIC countries (btw, the same block that wants to criminalize critical scrutiny of islam, the worst crime ever).

As the corner stone of the islamic "faith" hence is a legalized sex segregation it is also in stark opposition to the 1948 Human Rights Declaration & the European Convention, which both defend girls'/women's right not to have their freedom limited because of their sex. The OIC's Cairo (Sharia) declaration clearly states (via Sharia) that females are exempted from certain rights because of their sex related "duties" & "responsibilities" (btw, most of the Sharia law concerns restrictions put on girls/women).

While Millions of muslims throw stones on the infidel "Satan" (you, the Westerner - incl Westernized "muslims") on their "pilgrimage"* to the most intolerant nation in the world, Saudi Arabia, Klevius again offers a history lesson for those deeply misled & ignorant abt islam:

* The islamic hate mongering "pilgrimage" tradition was originally a slave trade journey to the Meccan slave market. Compare Africa's mualim "hero" Mansa Musa who, on a single pilgrimage, brought tens of thousands of African slaves to Mecca.

Minarets have had two main functions throughout history, neither of them which is the calling to "prayer" (islam is essentially abt jihad politics & submission, not abt a personal faith - personal faiths are seldom totalitarian, are they):

1) As a watch tower (this they got from the Romans). Koran doesn't stipulate neither minarets nor mosques, hence lacking any directives for such constructions. There's reason to believe that the first minaret ever was used in Basra (more than 30 yrs after the alleged death of Mohammed - no one knows anything for sure abt this Mohammed who isn't even officially referred to at this time) as a watch tower over Zanj plantation slaves imported from East Africa. In fact, Koran was compiled as a moral defense for a Sharia finance based on slavery parasitism.

2) As a tool for the warning, humiliation & intimidation of infidels, i.e. not a phobia but a very real threat (i.e. islam's most central tenets: infidel racism-Sharia sexism-apostasy ban). Because minarets were used to indicate the presence of islam they initially existed only in predominantly non-Muslim cities. There were no minarets at the alleged "mosque" of Mohammed in Medina nor at the original mosque in Mecca.

Muslims & islam supporters behaving exactly like nazis & nazi collaborators in 1938!

Stephen H. Norwood, professor of history at the University of Oklahoma, is author of "The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complicity and Conflict on American Campuses":

Last week's last-minute cancellation at Princeton and Columbia Universities of a lecture by Arab feminist Nonie Darwish - an author who has strongly denounced Islamic intolerance and jihadism - brings to mind American universities' unwillingness to protect campus free speech rights for opponents of Nazism during the 1930s. Princeton's reason for shutting down the scheduled presentation by Darwish strikingly resembles those given by Queens College's president in April 1938 when he withdrew an invitation to anti-Nazi German Jewish exile Ernst Toller to speak on campus. The parallels between Darwish and Toller are powerful. Both were made pariahs in their homelands and came to the United States seeking freedom. Darwish, who grew up in Gaza and in Egypt, became a staunch critic of radical Islam. She wrote a book titled "Now They Call Me Infidel." Toller called his autobiography, published in the United States in 1934, "I Was a German." The Nazis burned his books and confiscated almost all of his property.
In both cases, these challenges to authority made the speakers too "controversial" to appear on some campuses here. In Darwish's case, after the Princeton invitation was issued and accepted, a campus Muslim student group protested - and the sponsoring student organizations then withdrew their invitation. This was met with the university administration's approval - or at least its silence. The university apparently would rather not have the headache of having to worry about bad headlines. Toller's case followed a similar pattern. In April 1938, after Germany's Jews had suffered years of savage street beatings, expulsion from the professions and university faculties, Toller was to speak at Queens College. The college's president, Paul Klapper, suddenly cancelled the renowned playwright's lecture, citing opposition from faculty members and students. Klapper claimed that Toller was an "ardent propagandist." Translation: His opposition to Nazism was too pronounced.

Klevius comment: Just like Geert Wilders, right!

Avoid desiformation & cure your bottomless & truly frightening ignorance abt islam! Read abt the perverse Origin of islam

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