Remember, islam isn’t a faith but a totalitarian parasitic & occupying ideology using politics, violence & rapetivism (syn. islamofascism)! Islam's terror formula is an evil jihad* "moral" based on infidel racism/slavery/rapetivism/apostasy ban.
* remember that totalitarian ideologies are, per definition, always "threatened" & hence need to fight the "unbelievers"!

The self proclaimed islam/Koran interpretor, the fanatic & heavily disturbed islamic lunatic muslim (he was a muslim, right?) named Nidal Malik Hasan, was at least on the right track when he stated that "Obama & the US army are fighting muslims".
But according to New York Times (& other media morons), they are not fighting muslims but non-muslims, i.e. those who have "misinterpreted" the Koran.
However, according to Klevius, the US army isn't fighting muslims nor non-muslims but islam.
Wondering over Klevius lack of capitals in islam & muslim? Well, I don't use it in communism & communist, or murder & murderer either (yes I used to do it & haven't bothered to change everywhere)!
DOROTHY RABINOWITZ on political islam correctness etc: What is hard to ignore, now, is the growing derangement on all matters involving terrorism and Muslim sensitivities. Its chief symptoms: a palpitating fear of discomfiting facts and a willingness to discard those facts and embrace the richest possible variety of ludicrous theories as to the motives behind an act of Islamic terrorism. All this we have seen before but never in such naked form. The days following the Fort Hood rampage have told us more than we want to know, perhaps, about the depth and reach of this epidemic.
One of the first outbreaks of these fevers, the night of the shootings, featured television's star psychologist, Dr. Phil, who was outraged when fellow panelist and former JAG officer Tom Kenniff observed that he had been listening to a lot of psychobabble and evasions about Maj. Hasan's motives.
A shocked Dr. Phil, appalled that the guest had publicly mentioned Maj. Hasan's Islamic identity, went on to present what was, in essence, the case for Maj. Hasan as victim. Victim of deployment, of the Army, of the stresses of a new kind of terrible war unlike any other we have known. Unlike, can he have meant, the kind endured by those lucky Americans who fought and died at Iwo Jima, say, or the Ardennes?
Officials determined that "the communications were benign and contained no threat".
Malik Nidal Hasan came under scrutiny by officials beginning last year for communicating with Anwar al-Awlaki, who had been a scholar at a mosque Hasan attended when he lived in Virginia. The Virginia mosque where al-Awlaki taught had also been visited by 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Hani Hanjour.
Officials briefed on the case said that an individual overseas was being monitored when authorities recognized that Hasan had contacted the scholar. The FBI notified two of the bureau's Joint Terrorism Task Force offices, which pursued the leads on Hasan. "We don't have any indication that he was directed, we don't have any indication that there were co-conspirators but, once again, this is fairly early on in what may be a complex and long-term investigation,"
Klevius comment: You did have indication that "he was directed"! He was clearly directed by Koran/islam fueled by Mr X "president's" beloved Saudi Abdullah & Co.
There's no way islam can accept Negative Human Rights (the fundament on which the US Constitution & the free world stands). This is why you can't be a true muslim in USA! Either you skip islam or you skip being an American! Says Klevius who is a true American!
Cure your ignorance abt islam:
Origin of islam
The Jewish/islamic origin of the Vikings
Klevius is (so far) your only in-depth guide on sex-segregation as the key to understanding medieval rapetivism in the 21th century (see e.g. Klevius definition of feminism!
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