
Sunday, January 24, 2016

BBC forgets to tell that the "unaccompanied children" are mostly young muslim men due to sharia sex segregation and the islamic one way muslimification formula..

What do you think is the proportion of hateful, racist and sexist violent non-muslim Chinese migrants compared to similar muslim migrants?

This is Linda who was 18 when she a decade ago met four "unaccompanied child refugees" in Sweden. And this story continues as long as you blink islam's hate inciting incompatibility (sharia) with equal Human Rights. And stop steering at your Westernized "muslim". Either he is no muslim at all or he's just hiding his sharia syphaties for you. Or maybe he's just an ignorant idiot - which would be a much nicer option than being a sharia muslim.

When should young ignorant (because of heavy propaganda instead of education about islam) girls be properly informed about islam's patriarchal one way muslimification, i.e. that because women in general are inferior in islam, then it's the muslim father that determines the custody and religion. And the non-muslim wife is put under hard social pressure to convert as well. And a non--muslim husband to a muslim woman is completely unacceptable. So no matter what the circumstance, the children always become muslims and consequently placed under the threat of the worst crime known to islam, namely apostasy, i.e. to leave islam. And no matter if the punishment is earthly or heavenly, one thing is for sure, a muslim apostate is always a pariah in the muslim "community".

Klevius wrote about this aspect of evil islam more than a decade ago on his blogs and sites:

Saturday, December 04, 2004

When Islamic fundamentalists and "their" women move West

Women risk lives criticizing Muslim extremists
In Somalia, says Allas, "If you are a girl, you always are in fear of your parents, your older brothers, your male neighbors. It is always the man ... It is always fear and fear and fear.

"When I came to Holland, for me it was, Whew! What freedom! What a country! It was love, immediately," she recalls.

"But Holland is not the same."

Award for anti-fascist work and death threat from Islam

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Feminism and Islam both share sex segregation

Klevius' comments to an Islamist's view on women.

According to:

Muslim Response to Feminism: Holistic Approach

" Holistic approach does not isolate woman from absolute society , they see womans rights and position within the whole structure of the society and avoid the segragation of society in terms for feminism or masculinism or any sort of monocentric approach as opposed to feminism."

Klevius' comment: On the contrary, "women's rights and position within the whole" is segregation in precisely the same way as feminism!

"According to holistic approach, society as a whole including men and women are addressed to their individual and social responsibility without any monosex inclination. The feminist perspective is monosexim perspective, neglecting the valueable place of men and woman side-by-side as a unifying force in family and in society. Holitsic approach looks at one comprehensive position of woman and man in public, private, in society and in politics."

Klevius' comment: "individual and social responsibility" (for men and women respectively) again is segregation! And the idea that feminism is a monosexism is ridicilous having in mind that the ultimate political aim of most feminisms is to underline the difference between men and women! See Why do you call yourself a feminist, Judith Butler?

"One of the distinguished scholars who offered the holistic approach was Shaheed Mutahhari. He explained the reason and the necesaty of different treatment of woman in Islam according to biological and pychological differences between man and woman. while the apologists try to reread the Holy text in line with change - changed codition of the current society."

Klevius' comment: This non-problem (i.e. the lunatic idea that a man can't handle his attraction towards women without burkas etc - in fact real rapists, no matter if they rape because of Islamic "infidel" contempt or some other bad cultural reasoning, aren't biologically but culturally determined to do so) is out-lined and "solved" on From Klevius without love (+ additional links offered on the page). The pages also explain why feminists contrary to Islamists deny HSA (heterosexual attraction).

Peter Klevius

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Swedish sex segregation 2005 - In memory of Linda 13, sex slave* & abused to death by "a gang" in her school

Background: Strange Swedish attitudes in the public debate! Swedish white collar fascists /former defender of Pol Pot etc?) now want to stop external criticism against totalitarian Islam (i.e. against an ideology that forbids internal criticism)! Also see Klevius' Definition of Religion (usually top-rated on MSN)!

Also note that According to British YouGov's survey 2005 one in four (abt half a million) British Muslims sympathises with motives of Islamic terrorists- more than 100.000 British Muslims are ready to actually support Islamic terrorists- about 16,000 British Muslims declare themselves willing, possibly even eager, to embrace Islamic violence (For the worldwide spreading of Islam, and to conquer the non-Islamic world?!).

Official Sweden talks child abuse at home while kids are abused to death at schools (Swedish readers may compare this with the analyses presented in Ekot om incest )!
* Linda said she felt like a slave (compare the girls in Darfur raped by Islamic paramilitaries) on the school's toilet when she had to give sex services to the boy with "many dangerous relatives" (also see Nov 30 posting below abt Gangs of Arabs & dogs terrorizing Sweden). This is in line with e.g. "street Islam" (see Brief history of true Islam) which states (compare Koran's "infidel" and marriage/rape practices) that "white" girls/women are whores and should be abused and intimidated! Which is exactly what is taught in many Muslim (or Islam influenced) homes, before the kids show up as evil gangs in schools and on the streets! This racism is the real power of Islam, from Mohammed to the irresponsible parents of the kids chasing Linda. And equally irresponsible Swedish political correctness! Compare the Swedish chancellor of justice, Göran Lambertz, who isn't at all interested in the Swedish Radio Islam's continuing denial of Holocaust and extreme hatred propaganda against Jews! Today Islam is the world's most powerful violent ideology. Is that why not only Saudi-Arabic oil-billionaires but also the Swedish state and Swedish white collar fascists so eagerly support and defend it?! Also see the horryfying WMD-link Sweden-Iran!
and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Islam must prepare to rule the world".

Also compare the Rissne gang rape case where the boys were fiercly defended against the Swedsh whore (age 14) etc. by a huge gang of parents and relatives. Their ultimate "penalty" then was to visit an Islamist imam (sic)! I.e. the representative for what actually might have boosted their and their parents' racist/sexist attitudes! "The informal censorship in stories related to immigration in Sweden. Similar incidents are reported with shocking frequency, to the point where some observers fear that law and order is completely breaking down in the country."

True Islam has a bad influence on both Muslim and non-Muslim cultures

Islam is an evil ideology of rapetivism, exploitation & conquest ultimately based on pure racism - not to be confused with cultural ethnicity of the people that have happened to live under this evil ideology! One might even say that most of the disadvantages may be traced to how Islam has affected people's behavior, not to the people! No matter which changes are made to it, true Islam (i.e. attraction of Islam) is based on infidel racism and sex segregation. Islam's jihad-"paramilitaries" in the West are youngsters brainwashed by parents and Koranic agitation at home, in youth organizations, mosques, on the street etc) If this attraction is removed, Islam becomes an empty eunuch just like Chistianity. And that's OK to me. In the long run both racism and sex segregation are doomed anyway - just like true Islam!

Islam at work today: 20,000 Egyptian riot police kill at least 25 unarmed Sudanese refugees in Cairo outside UN!!!

But Sweden now praises and rewards misled and brainwashed children who at school write naive and glorifying nonsense abt Islam (uncritically gathered from Islamist sources). These writings and Linda's death represent the two extremes of the Swedish hypocrisy (also see Hypocritical Swedish misogynist imam Leif Karlsson).

For a background see From Klevius without love - freedom from sex segregation
Klevius' definition of religion
Klevius' definition of (the holy) negative human rights

"We feel every effort is made to silence the real circumstances abt Linda's death" (i.e. political correctness of the social state may not be disturbed? Also note that Sweden has a compulsory school, unlike in other Nordic countries were it's only the fulfilling of a child's education that is compulsory - not the attendance in one of the world's worst school system!).

Linda, 13, was a Swedish girl who, together with her best friend, used not to follow the stereotypical, stupid ("sexy") girlish style (often incl. being sex servants to certain boys) so common now in Sweden (see the Swedish girl problem and Angels of Antichrist and Sex segregation in LVU). She was sporty, climbing etc "Tomboy".
But a certain "gang" (plus, of course, the ordinary confused Swedish school attitude: glorifying Islam, pro-sex segregation, pro-child sex, etc) forced her (after severe bullying) to wear make up etc. Then she was sexually abused on the school's toilet while 6-7 of his friends were outside (like many other helpless Swedish girls). The day she eventually hung herself by using her sister's jump rope, she had been called a whore and other namings by a boy who also physically abused her and threatened to send his relatives on her.

Status among girls is based on "drinking, smoking, giving boys sex services, and using lots of make up and sexy clothes." Sounds pretty pathetic to me. According to Linda's friend "they" who have power control the school - including the pathetic Swedish teachers (compare P. Klevius' Echo of Incest, an analysis of the strange fact that while Western bio-parents are the least likely to commit sexual abuse. they are the most targeted, and vice versa, while sexual abuse committed by other kids in a heavily depending/pressuring environments at school etc, are the most common, they are the least addressed!).

Also compare the weird psychoanalytic idea abt the necessity of sex etc stupidities (From Freud to bin Laden). And it seems the younger the better. Compare the Swedish state funded institute that sexually abused 6 year old children by forcing them to listen to stories abt oral sex etc (see e g Swedish state pedophilia rewarded) !

Linda was described as secure and happy at home and outside the school.


Nature Shinto meets the raping fields of monolitheist** Islam - i.e. the world's oldest family religion with the world's best high tech vs. the world's youngest state "religion" with brainwashing Koran schools, physical & cultural desertation & low-tech totalitarianism
** Klevius' naming

Klevius' sites & blogs so far the only ones clearly addressing the horrors, abuse and confinement of sex segregation!

Update: Georgetown’s Capitulation to Radical Islam

Rape stats: 44% of women who were date raped have considered suicide!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Islam's "gender" trouble

Deborah Hope: "The silence of most Western feminists on the issue of Islam-sanctioned violence is one of the most shaming aspects of the present debate." The immutable word of God, expressed through the Koran, is that "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one superior to the other." and "Good women," it continues, "are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them, forsake them in beds apart, and beat them. Then, if they obey you, take no further action against them." (Koran 4: 34).

Klevius comment: There's no hope for Islam in any form - Koran is Islam's burka! As the Pope noted Islam's stuck with Koran (i.e. because it's "god's" final and unchallengable word and because the "last messenger" is dead, "god" as well as humans are effectively cut off from Koran, hence leaving it open for every interpretation including the most literal). And as Klevius continues repeating Islam's stuck with sex segregation/rapetivism (incl. infantilised fear for heterosexual attraction) and parasitism (from pure slavery to a variety of sponging strategies - see e.g. Origin of Islam and Origin of Vikings). Also consider Klevius definition of religion and Klevius definition of negative human rights!


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