Although Ayaan Hirsi Ali isn't electable she certainly would have been the perfect candidate, wouldn't she. Yes, you're right, of course she is more electable than muslim born Sharia-islam supporting Mr X "president". Whereas she would defend the Constitution against islam he undermines it for islam. Or if he is a muslim apostate then he should be even more ashamed of "respecting" a totalitarian ideology that considers apostates as non-humans worthy of hell, shouldn't he! Hardly in line with US ideals of individual freedom and Human Rights.
However, as it stands now it looks like Herman Cain is the only choice for America to avoid a continuing submission to the worst hate crime ever against humanity. Sadly he follows the religious fanatics when it comes to same-sex marriage etc. And interestingly, he is now, because of his courage to criticize islam the main target for medial racism. Whereas 50% white (plus a mix of Arab and Kenyan) Obama (Mr X "president") during his first campaign was presented as "black" in an always positive manner and usually with the US flag neatly photographed with him, Cain, who is black, gets the quite opposite and negative attention.
The PC media does everything to get Sharia supporting white Perry instead.
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