** why is a subtly hate mongering son of the world's most disgusting and ruthless dictator families called a "prince"?! And why isn't Saudi Arabia's role in islamic world terror even discussed?! And why is Saudi Arabia allowed to state terrorize Bahrainis etc without any reaction from the world community? And why are children taught that islam has been/is a peaceful religion when the truth is as opposite it could be. And all the non-reported islam connections behind jihadism inspired attacks on non-muslims around the world on a daily basis?!
The Norwegian mass-murderer said he'd got enough of islam propaganda
Could a more balanced view on islam have avoided the Norwegian tragedy?
We are taught it's "islamophobic" to suspect islam or its guardian the Saudi dictator family for inciting terror. We are taught to blink islam's historical atrocities although history easily proves islam as the worst ideological hate crime ever. And we are taught to to blink the ongoing slaughtering raping and intimidation against non-muslims around the world.
This is Alwaleed bin Talal, the Saudi "prince" who has never worked but lives on Western oil money which he uses to incite hatred against non-muslims. He represents the Saudi dictator family in their Sharia effort to take over or crash media, research etc around the world critical of islam. His last target was Murdoch.
The Norwegian connection
First it was allegedly a group called "Helpers of Global Jihad" (Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami) that has taken responsibility for the Norwegian terror. This is the same group as the Stockholm bomber in December 2010.
Then it turned out to be a Norwegian "Oklahoma-bomber" named Anders Behring Breivik.
Klevius comment: Clearly muslim organizations want the "honor" of having done it in the name of islam. However, when it turns out to be a non-muslim behind the terror, then, will we see the same rhetoric as Alwaleed bin Talal used after 9/11, namely that it was the country's own fault?! I.e. in this case that Norway should be more open for the views of whatever, if anything, he represented?! And if it had been a Koran reading muslim we'd been told it got nothing to do with islam. Now when it's a Bible reading Christian we supposedly will be told it got nothing to do with neither of these two extremisms although we know for sure that islam does its best to eliminate Christians around the world with almost no reaction from media and politicians. And in the very homeland of islam, Alwaleed's "Saudi" Arabia, Christianity is forbidden altogether, without this strange fact causing the slightest of a problem for islam supporters.
It's often alleged that polarizing may feed extremism. Well, could that be part of this too. I.e. extreme leniency against islam combined with extremely derogatory rhetoric about everything "right-wing"/Christian.
Says Klevius, a non-rightwing/non-leftwing* non-believer in "god/gods", but a supporter of Universal Human Negative Rights as opposed to the racist and sexist islamic Sharia that OIC is imposing.
* see Klevius profile
Farming boss Anders Behring Breivik according to The Sun
Nice case of foot in mouth you have there.
ReplyDeleteSomething very fishy here.