
Sunday, July 17, 2011

News of the World: The real culprit is the Sharia supporting islamist Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud! (and BBC)

According to Independent’s Ian Burrell and Oliver Wright: “The fatal blow appears to have been delivered by the Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, News Corp's second biggest shareholder, who summoned the BBC on to his boa." Klevius comment: BBC (funded by compulsory fees) then more than willingly functioned as a puppet megaphone for this Sharia islamist by day after day filling their news with this propaganda until the desired result was achieved.. 

This islamist extremist guy (i.e. Sharia fanatic) has used Western oil money to buy into media and is now betraying others while trying to get an even better grip!

From Klevius post April 28 2009:

One of the most eager islamist missionaries, Al Waleed Bin Talal Al Saud (the guy who accused US for 9/11 & offered oil money in "compensation") who probably has functioned as a "goalkeeper" (i.e. he has probably rolled much more money than he has "earned") for washing Saudi oil money into islamofascist "charity" around the world, isn't only the main contributor to the islamization of Harvard but also connected to muslim born Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro's (or whatever) suspicious academic admission to Harvard (via the supremacist fascist organization Nation of islam's Khalid Mansouri - see pic at Mr X's right ear - who has been Al Waleed Bin Talal Al Saud's legal "advisor" in US). Moreover, this money puppet also supports so called islamic feminism, of which I've warned for more than a decade now.

According to much media reporting it's the "extremist muslims" who ask for Sharia

That alone makes Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud without a doubt an "extremist muslim". And at the same time much of the media try to assure you that the Sharia threat isn't real but "fear mongering". But this same media never comment on the fact that OIC (57 partly or wholly islamized nations) has agreed to abandon Human Rights and to replace them with islamic Sharia. And finally, Sharia is said to differ "only" when it comes to issues such as marriage, custody and other aspects of family matters. However, although there's much more to it, this is the very anti Human Rights soul of islam's evilness, i.e. what I call institutionalized sexist rapetivism. In other words, no matter if Arab feminists (via the approval of their husbands, male family members, dictators etc guardians) get the right to drive (cars, planes, helicopters, buggies or whatever) they will forever be sex segregated out of reach of full Human Rights hence continuing their long islamic tradition of being seen by men as belonging to an other inferior species.

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