
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saudi Abdullah poopes in his dress and sides with Mubarak while his White House puppet rolls his eyes in confusion

The curse of islam - its origin 

What do these guys (Qutb, ElBaradei and Khomeini) have in common? Klevius troublesome answer: Their countries are tied to islamist sharia via OIC's Cairo declaration against Universal Human Rights! But ElBaradei pretends not to see it when he invites Muslim Brotherhood to the party. And like Khomeini he doesn't care for women's Human Rights. Btw, ever thought about the impossible oxymoron 'muslim sisterhood'? Such sisterhood is possible only under the Universal Human Rights Declaration which states that one's biological sex (not "gender" as Wikipedia and other idiots confuse you with) shouldn't be a reason for exclusion or impositions etc freedom robbing. And if you choose apostasy, i.e. not to obey OIC's sharia impositions, then you're hardly a muslim anymore!

Egypt's real problem is islam!

Qutb, the very soul and idol of Muslim Brotherhood, panicked when he visited USA and saw all the (almost) free women on the streets. However, he was much more impressed by Hitler (note Qutb's and ElBaradei's moustaches) whom he saw as Allah's revenge on the Jews. Qutb wrote some 30 books (sic) about the Koran but didn't have a clue about its origin! He never understood taht islam was far more worse to women than anything in the West. Just take a look at Egypt's etc muslim countries' level of rapetivism (girls/womens' illitteracy and ignorance paired with their islamic sex slavery duties (sharia) has resulted in an overproduction  of youngsters without jobs etc)!

Muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" confused when his Chaliph supports Mubarak

According to the Saudi state press agency Saudi "king" Abdullah supports Mubarak. Muslim born Mr X "president's" big idol and master reportedly said: "No Arab or muslim can bear that some people, in the name of freedom of expression, have infiltrated Egypt to destabilize its security. Saudi Arabia stands resolutely with the government and brotherly people of Egypt." Sheikh Khaled Al Khalifa (Bahrain) also agrees with Mubarak: “Egypt will settle and genuinely move forward. What will happen in the next few days will prove that everyone is serious about the stability of Egypt."

The worst "president" ever. Good at selling himself, a disaster for USA and the free world.

Klevius comment: The main reason Muslim Brotherhood wants Mubarak to go is neither his for African leaders so typical corruption etc., nor his age, but rather the only good thing Mubarak stands for, namely not to let islam into politics. And the Saudi hate mongering Abdullah, the "guardian of islam", really shows off his sleezyness bigotry and hypocrisy, doesn't he! The last thing he wants to happen to Egypt is its takeover by pious muslim brothers. Getting too close to home, does it! Surrounded by muslim revolutionaries, who's next. And Mr X "president's" $60 Billion worth of weaponry hasn't been delivered as yet.  Has the good old wahhabi caliph got smitten by some islamophobia! An echo of the origin of islam...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Klevius state of the world: Don't be shortsighted! Shun sharia banks etc - if you care about your freedom and others!

Where is the end of evil islam compliancy? How big and inflamed should the bubble be before it bursts? 

Sharia compliant finance is a treacherous means for subverting Human Rights. One more tool in islamic jihadism (terrorism and islamist propaganda lectures in universities, mosques schools, media etc being some of the others)
The connection between sharia finance (the idea of profit instead of interest is, as almost everything else, copied from ordinary Judaism) and the origin of islam, is called parasitism, i.e. the exact opposite to the Western idea about technological production (in this respect islam resembles creepy bankers, and, like Ponci scemes, cancer etc. inevitably destroys its host). The only "production" in islamic ideology is the optimal reproduction of more muslims.

Sharia is the motor of islam. It was originally created as a tool for parasitic islam (genocides and colonialism via kafir racism and rapetivist sexism) and its main currency slaves, has since been supplemented by oil (paid by Western technology - islam as every parasitism, hasn't been capable of producing anything except inequality and suffering throughout 1400 yrs, by utself).

Sharia is taking root in the US under muslim born Mr X "president"

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of TMLC: Judge Zatkoff’s ruling (Texas) allows for oil-rich muslim countries to plant the flag of islam on American soil. His ruling ignored the uncontested opinions of several Sharia experts and AIG’s own website, which trumpeted Sharia-compliant financing as promoting the law of the Prophet Mohammed and as an ethical product, ‘and a new way of life.’ His ruling ignored AIG’s use of a foreign Islamic advisory board to control investing in accordance with Islamic law. This astonishing decision allows the federal government as well as AIG and other Wall Street bankers to explicitly promote Sharia law.

Mr X "president" respects/approves of the idea of swapping the US Constitution and Human Rights for islamofascist sharia. And his (not the US's) OIC representative is a deep believer in the art of babbling a racist/sexist medieval warfare text by heart.

Look at the Mr X "president" portrait! The creepy guys in the middle rewarding a wife murderer (he was the head of Bridges TV, which was supposed to give the Americans a "true picture of peaceful islam")  are CAIR islamists .

CAIR (Council of American islamist relations), which is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case, is at a continuous war against Human Rights and the US Constitution. It jumps with its lawyers on every case that can benefit islam by the help of those very Human Rights CAIR wants to destroy! Usually under crypto word as"racism", "islamophobia" etc. CAIR also attempts to intimidate government agencies and citizens' groups by demanding the exclusion of critics of international islamic jihadism, such as lectures etc.

About one of CAIR's special targets Bat Ye'or said: "Robert Spencer incarnates intellectual courage when, all over the world, governments, intellectuals, churches, universities and media crawl under a hegemonic Universal Caliphate's New Order. His achievement in the battle for the survival of free speech and dignity of man will remain as a fundamental monument to the love of, and the self-sacrifice for, liberty." According to former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy, Spencer is America's most informed, fearless, and compelling voice on modern jihadism.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Is OIC's sharia messenger baroness Warsi a muslim traitor?

Take a look at a Nordic informed view on the Origin of Vikings  so to enhance your understanding of the origin of islam. Would you believe it! Brits (and many others) still believe that the Viking age started in the 790s with the conquest* of Lindisfarni. The true origin of islam is so disgusting that OIC demands its silencing, via what is now to be considered the world's most important mosque, the UN!

* Yes, 'conquest' in exactly the same meaning as Mohammed's and islam's "conquests"!

David Cameron! Islam is, from its very beginning and ideological core parasitism resting on slavery. This is why slavery is sanctioned in the Koran! This was the origin of sharia finance! Today islam sponges on Western oil money and aid. And this is why OIC is desperately whitewashing islam! Why don't you listen to this African narrative about Arabic islamic slavery, so to get courage enough to kick out Warsi and replace her with some of the many "muslims" against sharia - if you necessarily need a muslim to lead Brits!? But listen carefully, Mr Cameron! Although "The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa" is presented as a "shocking insight" it doesn't even come close to the origin of islam! The author even naively compares islam with Christianity. Pls, take a look at India's history and consider that the muslims there are either descendants to Arab-islamic slave raiders/traders and their local collaborators, or of those who submitted to islam to avoid being enslaved (also compare what Klevius has written about the Romanis, and K. S. Lal's "Muslim Slave System in Medieval India" about the import of African slaves to India by muslims through the Middle East, a trade never undertaken by India's indigenous religions due to limited contact with Africa.)! Klevius, on the other hand, who isn't a Christian and has never been and will never become, offers the only understanding/analysis of islam and its gruesome and non-comparable atrocities, that both fits its origin as well as the troublesome fact that islam today doesn't fit within Human Rights, and that islam today needs protection from its own evilness.

Islamophobia is a strange concept boosted by OIC. If you want to whitewash evil, it's a nice rethorical trick to call those who point to that evilness islamophobes! Interestingly enough, Trevor Phillips, the head of Runnymede Trust when it launched its completely flawed islamophobia campaign, has himself been accused as an islamophobic racist by former London mayor Ken Livingstone!

Is this why Warsi (who used to call pious muslims "idiots") now bawls about "islamophobia"?!

Pakistani Sayeeda Warsi, who isn't considered a real muslim by pious muslims, is now alternating in OIC's (islam's) headquarter in Jeddah Saudi Arabia and as unelected political leader in UK. Did her OIC boss order her to boost (in UK) for OIC's evil "defamation"/"blasphemy" law?! You know, the criminalization of criticism against evil islam/sharia (the worst crime ever against humanity), that OIC has been successful in UN to establish.

Also take a look at my posting: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 UK Camoron uses political Islam while denying Islam is Islam - and forbids BBC calling bin Laden & Co Islamists!Camoron acted as a typical useful political idiot when paving the way for evil islam.

Warsi received support for her general but unsuccessful election campaign from her old friend "Lord" Ahmed, a Labour peer, notorious for killing people while recklessly driving while SMS-ing for some 20mminutes, and for allegedly threatening England's Parliament with 10,000 muslim street jihadists if the Dutch freedom fighter Geert Wilders was allowed to enter the country that already possesses numerous medieval sharia courts ruling in the most central human rights issues around, i.e. family/girls/women etc issues were islamic sharia is the furthest from the Universal Human Rights Declaration of 1948! Warsi allegedly "welcomed Ahmed's support". Both Ahmed and Warsi can be seen to the left on the Mr X "president" pic below.

Melanie Phillips:: "There is a division between those British Muslims who are happy to live as British citizens under one law for all and thus subscribe totally to British and western values of democracy and who thus pose no threat to anyone at all, and those who want instead to live under sharia and as such are attempting to subvert Britain and the west in order to negate its democratic values and human rights and replace them by an Islamic theocracy. Yet Warsi is saying this distinction is in itself evidence of bigotry. So what does that tell us about her own views about sharia in Britain? Does the co-chairman of the Conservative Party support the encroachment of sharia – or does she want it to be resisted on the basis that as a British democrat she supports secular human rights and one law for all?"

Klevius comment: There are no "British muslims" who are happy to live as British citizens "under one law for all" except, of course, if that law is sharia. Per definition such "muslims" can't be. If you call yourself a muslim then you submit to full islam/sharia, if only just by being a silent/approving number in the Billion mass! Only those who subscribe totally to "Western" (they aren't "Western" but universal, dude!) values of democracy and Human Rights, i.e. Negative Universal Human Rights (not OIC's racist/sexist sharia "rights" in the form of OIC's Cairo declaration) thus pose no threat.But they are no real muslims either.

OIC openly declares (by adopting Cairo deckaration) it wants to implement islamic sharia (i.e. islamic infidel racism and sexist sex apartheid) instead of real Universal Human Rights (i.e. individual freedom).

Much of this happens within what has become UN's OIC mosque in the midst of New York!

In other words, if Warsi approves of OIC she also approves of islamic sharia! And if so, that would mean PM Camoron, eh Cameron, and his party approve of islamic sharia as well!? 

Black islamic supremacism non-existent in Google but abundant in US and UK!

A Google news search today on 'black supremacist' resulted in three blocks of 'white supremacist'!
Strange, isn't it when keeping in mind that both US and UK are flushed with this racist black hate mongering by ultra fascist Nation of islam, one of the worst/weirdest forms of evil islam?!

The concept of Negative Human Rights is the backbone of the "non-Stalin part" of the Universal Human Rights Declaration of 1948. For a definition that blows your head off take a read! Negative rights defend the individual against the collective, hence being the ultimate resort for human dignity. No wonder communists/socialists/islamists have shunned the concept - to an extent that OIC had to replace negative rights with sharia in order to fit islam.

Medieval BBC is offending non-religious people by replacing 'spiritual' with "religious" and 'natural cause' with "will of god"!

Most people on Earth aren't superstitious in the sense that they really believe in angels and monotheist gods gaming with mankind and individuals. So it's really a double insult! Firstly, somehow to assert that this kind of superstition is universal, and secondly, to monopolize language.

Btw, if you want the net's most advanced view on what it is to be a human, what consciousness is and isn't, and how the brain works, please try EMAH (the Even More Astonishing Hypothesis). It gives you a final explanation of the difference between robots and humans, as well as how to create an AI program.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Two pathetic but potentially dangerous islamofascist converts: A mother who doesn't know her daughter, and a par-anormal "professor"* in occult** Arabic fairy telling

* How can you possibly be a university professor when you believe in fairy tales, practise occultism, and create history falsification?! And why is theology, not to mention its mad cousine islamology, even allowed within universities?!
** The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to "knowledge of the hidden".

Update: The muslim born traitor "president" demands "a more civil debate" (in his propaganda abuse of a tragedy caused by an insane left-wing murderer who apparently also symphatized with muslim terrorists). Klevius comment: Did Mr X "president" allude to OIC's sharia based blasphemy/defamation legislation in UN, which would effectively hinder ANY speach, writing, art etc considered not islam friendly enough?!

Via Paki voices BBC defends racist muslim sexism (see prev. post) against non-muslims by accusing the poor 12-14 year old foster children for "too revealing clothes" and "ease of sex". BBC also notes that muslim women (sic) weren't targeted!? In conclusion BBC blames BNP and EDL for muslim Koran triggered pedophilia. Moreover, BBC says the Koran should be followed when it says girls should be educated (in islam?!) but not when it says that non-muslim girls are allowed to be raped by muslim men. Please, do participate with more News about BBC's biased and dangerous cherry picking. Klevius comment:  Is BBC more fundamentalist islamic than the Taliban?!

Don't trust this Finnish/Swedish muslim leader when it comes to islamic terrorists, she doesn't have a clue!

Helena Benaouda is chair woman of the Muslim Council of Sweden. Her daughter has a child together with Munir Awad, the Swedish terrorist who has been assisted/freed/supported etc by the Swedish state time after time, when arrested around the world for different islamic terrorist activities and preparations etc. I had no idea, Helena said. She has also said: All forms of extremism are unacceptable and I just like everyone else, must take the threat of extremism - including islamic extremism - seriously.

Klevius comment: Really! Isn't she the most cute example of perverted islamophilia (compare the papthetic Swedish convert islamofascist and former leader of Swedish muslims, Leif Carlsson aka abd al Haqq Kielan - see my 2005 posting)? An uprooted Finn in Sweden trapped by a muslim representative of evil islam! But sadly she isn't alone. The whole media and political world is full of her kinds! Let me guess, when the Saudi Arabs murdered thousands of innocent people in 9/11 she probably applauded it as did the muslm world, while her teenage daughter sucked it all up!

Don't buy a Koran translated by Sahib Bleher, he really believes in angels and other occultism, as well as in 9/11 conspiracy theories!

How many islamic jihad murders, rapes etc has this islamofascist contributed to. Is he just simple minded or deliberate?! And how on earth has any university let him and his alikes in, in the first place?! This ship wreck of distorted mind is of course boosted by BBC.

Sahib Mustaqim Bleher: "You cannot translate the Koran itself but just its meaning. We have this different concept that is the verbal revelation, direct word of god, and of course, that is not accessible for man to paraphrase, or put in his own words, but the meaning must be understood, and for those who don’t have access to the Arabic language, they need to turn to a translation."

Klevius comment: !? Ever heard such crap?! This guy is a real islamist fundamentalist "truther". He really shows he won't even in theory contribute to any attempt of reforming islam! Or perhaps he just happens to share Klevius' and the Pope's view that such an attempt is miserably doomed to fail.

Moreover, this islamofascist not only believes in an invisible and non-existing* "Allah", on top of that he also claims that he really believes in "angels", i.e. not only in a metaforical sense!  For this crackpot an angel really transported him(?)self to Mohammed, at a time when Mohammed didn't even exist (first historical appearance of any Mohammed is more than half a century after his alleged death, and then only as a recarnation of Jesus on an inscription in Jerusalem and on some suspicious Malikian coins). The simple fact is that everything about Mohammed is made up of almost nothing in retrospective! "Almost"?! Well, except, of course, islam's main pillar, sex and booty jihadism resting on the immoral and racist infidel/non-believer/idolator/pagan (or whatever) excuse!

And, btw, why should only one angel spread "god's" message to only one ordinary Aramaic Arabic man when there were allegedly myriads of linguistically skilled angels (messengers) waiting for the job?! Or was this evil "god" still equally mad and revengeful as in Babel?! A religion of the Arabic language must have come handy for the Arabic speaking slave raiders/traders as well as oil billionaires!

Sahib Bleher: "The weirdest conspiracy theory out there is that a few bearded and turban-clad individuals somewhere in an unknown Afghan cave could have duped American air traffic control and penetrated the defences of the Pentagon with such apparent ease. Sure, bin Laden is still out there somewhere and Elvis lives, let's not question those truths!"

Klevius comment: Indeed! You really are a crack pot, aren't you. What's wrong with you!"Gods", angels, messengers, secret meanings only understood in Aramaic (Jesus language) Arabic, Bush bombing NY with planes etc etc.! Ever thought about seeing a doctor?

In my already diminutive book Demand for Resources (1992) I used a whole chapter (Science and References) to address the problem with peer reviews and the politicization of social scie nces. Applied to islamology it would mean that all you have left of the origin of islam is an empty bucket full of strange dynamics asking for answers. So Klevius methodology is to pick out the few bits there are, clean them from islamic "faith" dirt and propaganda, and then put these pieces together in accordance with what we know about the Medieval Mideastern keril surrounding this evil phenomenon (we do know it was evil because of its violence tracable via other sources and connections. Turns out there was no other phenomenon than a Jewish "civil war" (I know, a "civil war" without an empire or state sounds strange, doesn't it, but consider that it's still going on - see e.g. the Jewish Defence League's struggle against islam suporting Jews today) between the "Jews believing in Jesus" and other Jews, in the shadow and aftermath of the general "Sassanian wars".

We now pay the price for ever letting the theologicans stay in what was aimed to become scientific universities in the aftermath of the Enlightenment (understood as the realization and confirmation of the universal human - a renaissance thought product that had evolved as a reaction against islamic Jewish/Ottoman slave trading/raiding economy - when Shakespeare wrote about the Jew in Venice he was much better informed than Google or BBC readers in general - you reader of this are, of course, an exception).

Women's deep ignorance* about sex and religion (yet also deep involvement in) is a main contributor to the fact that this disastrous medieval Leviathan called islam is still around! This ignorance is partially inevitable because it's a physiological fact (heterosexual attraction - see below) not possible to be experienced by women, only by most men. But sex segregation is clearly visible for everyone who opens her/his eyes! And the only key is de-sex segregation. This is where Klevius happens to be in the forefront of he world right no. Unlike many other fighters against islamofascism (e.g. Pamela Geller springs to mind - she might not realize how close she is to that very islam she criticizes) Klevius isn't confined in unnecessary (usually "monotheist" induced) sex segregation. In fact, Klevius has always argued that unnecessary cultural sex segregation not only limits the potentials of girls/women, but also indirectly paves the way for islamofascism.

* Women's ignorance about sex is twofold. Firstly, they don't understand heterosexual attraction (HSA), no matter how much we talk about flowers and bees, hence ending up with a skewed and completely misleading "equal sexuality" paradigm (remember that HSA comes on top of other expressions/experience of sexuality, esthetics etc). Secondly, because sex segregation inevitably in general limits girls' potentials (not to be confused with by heart study usuccess - compare the discussion about "electrical girls and mechanical boys" in Angels of Antichrist) compared to boys, this creates an inferiority complex (not Penis envy, as Freud erroneously thought, but a general physical and cultural "skill complex") wich is then covered (i.e. explained away) by female beauty (HSA) as something culturally (not physical) feminine, which it is. In other words, the dog sex attraction (HSA) of a female behind etc physical features affecting the male brain stem, is confused (often deliberately) with the woman's personality, which has absolutely nothing to do with it. Applied to Klevius definition of the Negative Human Rights, girls/women are now (since Enlightenment) for the firsta time ever intellectually and legally freed from the reproductive "curse" of their bodies (curse only when combined with sex segregation and rapetivism - Klevius says nothing about individuals sexual activities when they aren't pushed via distorting sex segregation). However, due to its nature as a gold reservoire for excuses and hiding place for incompetency, sex segregation is often furiously defended by, yes women (what in sociology is called the "female patriarchy") not the least in muslim societies. As you dear reader know, Klevius has, since 2004 tried to tell the world via the web, that true feminism shares the sex segregated ideology of islam, hence making muslim feminism quite logical (see From Klevius without love). Although Buddha and others had their share of the "woman"problem, it's in the semitic language sphere were "monotheist" sex segregation has had its fertile ground. This is quite ineresting because only the semitic language sphere (together with later indo-European) has separate pronouns for women and men. Moreover, the first civilization in Mideast was the non-semitic and non-sexist (compared to the surrounding semitic people) Sumerian people. From this perspective it's quite disastrous that the Buddha statues in Afghanistan remain destroyed by muslims, isn't it!
For a starter to understand sex segregation in modernity, do visit Klevius Psychosocial Freud timeline, and From Freud to bin Laden. They might open some novel landscapes for you.

Klevius question to you islamophobic muslims (i.e. muslims against sharia): Are you blind and deaf?! If not

Look at this map!  

Read this: The map shows OIC, dedicated to the violation of Human Rights and the introduction of worldwide sharia (its Cairo declaration), and now the largest voting bloc in UN. OIC wants to criminalize criticism of islam or anything that doesn't fit the muslim dogma about the origin of islam and the cover up/distortion of its 1400 yrs of slave finance! What this map doesn't show are all the nations were islamists are already on the verge to succeed in their often violent islamization strive (look at, for example, muslim born Mr X. "president's" Kenyan islamist "cousine"/friend - you know the guy behind the election atrocities against non'muslims and the hunt on LGBT people)! And all of this because of insane and dangerous political correctness.

Listen to this extremely low estimate on 140+ Million African victims of islamic atrocities!

Realize that the only non-occult explanation of the emergence of what we now call islam tightly follows "the extreme polemics" of Klevius! Without occultism and conspiracy theories etc.

Consider the evil impact of this muslim born (apsostate or traitor?) Mr X (all his records, incl "long form" birth certificate etc, are hidden!) "president" (supporting, or even "respecting", sharia is against the US Constitution) with all his support for the worst kind of islamofascistst, home and abroad! This traitor has been heavily backed up, not so much by the people as by the media. BBC has for a week now been busy filling every news report with this moron sponging on the Tucson tragedy. The bias is almost unbelievable! No wonder people don't trust news agencies anymore. The naked speculation in boosting Obama's crumbling support while simultaneously demonizing his opponents (the subtler the worse), is almost a copy of how he was elected by the media as the media "president". Klevius guess is that this must be one of the most disgusting exploitations ever of dead or injured people. And the murderer, mentally ill Jared Loughner, happened to be a “left-wing” like Obama himself, but also "quite lberal".

An Arizona politician seeks sharia advice from an slamic terror organization

Obama's creepy CAIR (founded by an al-Qaeda affiliate) friends have now succeeded in over talking ignorant Indiana state Rep. Bruce Borders who now, after meeting CAIR/al-Qaeda, says he won't introduce legislation that would deny recognition of the Islamic Sharia in the state!

Klevius comment: Why didn't he ask bin Laden or Mulla Omar etc, or some of his local already racist/sexist sharia practising imams?!

Muslim born Mr X "president" has appointed an islamist (sharia supporter?) Koran-by-heart reader to represent US at OIC'!

Muslim born Mr X "president's" first call was to the worst of islamic hate mongerers, the Saudi wahhabi caliph!

Muslim born Mr X "president" has proved to be a professional stand up orator (although his educators' advices are embarrassingly obvious).

Muslim born Mr X "president" (or his advisors) has utilized the inferiority complex (i.e. racism) that darker skin seems to cause among many of its bearers.

Do we really need to boost human reproduction on this planet by the help of islamic sharia rapetivism? Over population is the main threat today, especially for the poor ones. Islam is based on rapetivism, i.e. the reproduction of as many new muslims as physically possible. Economically islamic ideology is based on parasitism, i.e. the enslavement of others. Islam itself therefore has no capability to feed itself. Quite the opposite to, e.g. China, which has allowed only one child per family, is non-theist, and a powerful producer of the only real asset, technology.

The only possible reform of islam is its eradication. And the faster the better if we want to minimize the suffering. And here your best terminator is called Negative Human Rights, i.e. the basis for the freedom part of the Universal Human Rights Declaration from 1948. Negative rights for a positive future without islam. Criminalize islam, not those who point to the historical fact that islam is the worst crime ever against humanity!

If you'd like to participate in this extremely important and humanitarian intellectual charity work against the exploitation of humans, please start commenting on Klevius BBC News blog, aimed to point out media bias favoring evil racist/sexist islam.

Klevius, your extremely normal* intellectual butler at your service.

* Klevius is so normal so he is despised by most left and right wingers. And his defense of LGBT people, and especially his criticism of sex segregation, wipes off most of the rest. But again, so extremely normal so he's positioned just right in the middle between those who support islamAND LGBT, and those who oppose islam AND LGBT, as well as those who support feminism AND islam, and those who oppose de-sex segregation AND islam (to understand this latter you're adviced to read Klevius Definition of feminism). However, apart from being extremely normal, Klevius is also extremely intelligent, which fact you shouldn't waste on problematicing Klevius but rather islam. :)

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Who was Mohammed? These muslim pedophiles are as close you can get to the true historical origin of islam and its Koranic sanction of sex slavery!

The Koran is written on the basis of sex and booty jihad. Simple as that. This explains why muslim "empires" always "developed" into misery, especially when slavery, the Koran sanctioned Sharia finance of islam, was forbidden by the West. However, Klevius will also present you with a more complicated picture of the origin of islam (carefully avoiding tendentious and behind the curtain steered charlatan Wikipedia), yet the basic formula is always the same.

In the meantime, take a look at and contribute to the new blog on how BBC's misleading islam propaganda pushes innocent people in tragic relations with believers in islam!

These guys from UK really try to follow pure Koranic islam! However, the pattern is the same around the world!

Rapetivism, a cornerstone of islam

A provisional inquiry, "Shariah Law and American State Courts," evaluated 50 appellate court cases from 23 states that involved conflicts between Sharia and American state law. There were examples of American judges accepting "input" from Sharia in rendering judgments, included an odious, widely publicized New Jersey ruling that upheld Sharia-sanctioned marital rape. Appellate court intervention was required to reverse this ruling in July 2010: Western legal norms prevailed over Sharia -- with the presiding judge soberly concluding that the Muslim husband's "conduct in engaging in nonconsensual sexual intercourse was unquestionably knowing, regardless of his view that his religion permitted him to act as he did." Completely ignored at the time of these New Jersey proceedings was the fact that marital rape is not recognized as criminal, but rather is sanctioned by a fatwa of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America.

Many of these muslim pedophiles* victims are those very girls the social state has "taken care of". This is a topic Klevius has researched since the 1980's both theoretically and in praxis  (as a solicitor). Take a look at Angels of Antichrist (perhaps the most important sociological paper from the last Century) and Pathological symbiosis!

* technically a true 'pedophile' is someone who is sexually interested in children who haven't reached puberty. However, now the term has been heavily conflated as including anyone below 18 (or sometimes 21) when there is a grooming/rapetivist relation.

Already have muslim "community leaders" threatened UK politicians for hinting these muslims are "Asians" (why are Mideastern muslims always veiled as "Asians" when they are just a tiny minority compared to the real Asians?! An deep insult against non-muslim Asians, isn't it!)

How islam sanctions enslavement of "infidel" girls/women (e.g. during jihad - remember that islam is immediately "under attack" as long as you don't submit under it):

“It is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other wives even though their beauty attracts you, except those (captives or slaves) whom your right hand possesses. And Allah is Ever a Watcher over all things.” Surah 33:52
And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts from illegal sexual acts). Except with their wives and the (women slaves and captives) whom their right hand possess,--for (then) they are not to be blamed.” Surah 70:29-30
“Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess,--for then, they are free from blame;” Surah 23:6
“(1) Two categories of women have been excluded from the general command of guarding the private parts: (a) wives, (b) women who are legally in one’s possession, i.e. slave-girls. Thus the verse clearly lays down the law that one is allowed to have sexual relations with one’s slave-girl as with one’s wife, the basis being possession and not marriage. If marriage had been the condition, the slave-girl also would have been included among the wives, and there was no need to mention them separately…..” Meaning of the Qur’an Book 8, page 10, footnote 7.
“Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those (captives and slaves) whom your hands possess. Thus has Allah ordained for you…..” Surah 4:24
Tafsir of Mawdudi, Book2, page 112, footnote 44:
“That is, ‘Those women, who became prisoners of war, while their husbands are left behind in the War Zone, are not unlawful because their marriage ties have been broken by the fact that they have come into the Islamic Zone. It is lawful to marry such women and make them wives, and it is also lawful for those, in whose possession they are, to have sexual relations with them.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

BBC: Why do more UK women than men convert to islam? Klevius: Because of islamofascism and your misleading propaganda, stupid!

Some 100.000 UK women have converted to islamofascism, but only a tiny fraction of men. Why? Because only muslim men, not muslim women, are allowed to marry non-muslims according to islam. So when muslims from backward islam contaminated nations escape to the West, it's only the muslim patriarchs who can mingle with non-muslims. And because of her usually bottomless ignorance about islam, combined with racist attitudes from the muslim patriarch's muslim family, she often considers it easier to convert! Remember, the very lure of islam is its racist infidel message. Read Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Infidel before you marry a muslim man! And avoid Sharia banking if you want to help islam's victims and avoid even more islamofascism!

OIC (57 islamist nations, i.e. the islamic world* Umma under the Saudi caliphate) has frenetically tried to remove the protection of LGBT people from UN's list of extrajudicial executions. An amendment, however, passed with 93 countries voting yes, 55 voting no and 27 abstaining. And the only reason OIC didn't get it its way was because some Western countries threatened to stop their welfare payments to these backward islam contaminated nations! But think again! UN, which was created for the purpose of defending individuals against fascit totalitarian movements, was on the verge to follow OIC's islamofascist proposal!

* "world Umma" because OIC, via its Cairo declaration on "human rights", extends its sharia power to all muslims in such a way that the protection Western "muslims" have lived under in the West is now undermined via UN resolutions which demand criminalization of whatever is considered negative information about islam and its murdering, raping and robbing "prophet".

Islamic sharia OIC (57 muslim majority nations) has for long attempted to reverse gains made for LGBT people at the UN. Islamic sharia OIC (57 muslim majority nations) objected to the idea of any legal definition to “sexual orientation”, hence paving the way for, among other atrocities, so called “gay killings”, popular in for example Mr X “president’s homeland Kenya where his “cousin” and strongly supported friend Odinga agitates for the arresting of all “homosexuals”**. “Round up every homosexual and lock them all up” was this islamofascist’s message.” He didn’t mention killing but was that just political vocabulary?!

**Basically the term ”homosexual” has less to do with sex and more with sex segregation. Why? Because what is at stake here when it comes to Human Rights, is not whether or how people do sexal performances, but quite the opposite, the right not to be tied by one’s sex!

Sunday, January 02, 2011

A majority of the world's muslims want to kill Obama! Or do they?!

According to a Pew Research poll, most muslims want islam to steer politics. In big muslim countries such as Pakistan, Egypt, Nigeria etc. most muslims support stoning of adulterers, the amputation of thieves’ hands, and the death penalty for converts from islam to other religions. However, if sharia is interpreted as demanding death penalty for apostasy, and as most muslims in the world seem to approve of sharia, then it could also be interpreted as a majority support for killing apsostates.

Klevius comment: This seems like bad news for muslim born Mr X "president" who says he is a Christian. Unless he still counts as a muslim, of course...

Islamic terrorism also got strong support. In Nigeria half of the muslims approved of al-Qaeda.

That 85% of Pakistani muslims support sex apartheid in the workplace is just trivial in this context. As long since noted by Klevius sex segregation is the very backbone of racist/sexist islamofascism.