What do these guys (Qutb, ElBaradei and Khomeini) have in common? Klevius troublesome answer: Their countries are tied to islamist sharia via OIC's Cairo declaration against Universal Human Rights! But ElBaradei pretends not to see it when he invites Muslim Brotherhood to the party. And like Khomeini he doesn't care for women's Human Rights. Btw, ever thought about the impossible oxymoron 'muslim sisterhood'? Such sisterhood is possible only under the Universal Human Rights Declaration which states that one's biological sex (not "gender" as Wikipedia and other idiots confuse you with) shouldn't be a reason for exclusion or impositions etc freedom robbing. And if you choose apostasy, i.e. not to obey OIC's sharia impositions, then you're hardly a muslim anymore!
Egypt's real problem is islam!
Qutb, the very soul and idol of Muslim Brotherhood, panicked when he visited USA and saw all the (almost) free women on the streets. However, he was much more impressed by Hitler (note Qutb's and ElBaradei's moustaches) whom he saw as Allah's revenge on the Jews. Qutb wrote some 30 books (sic) about the Koran but didn't have a clue about its origin! He never understood taht islam was far more worse to women than anything in the West. Just take a look at Egypt's etc muslim countries' level of rapetivism (girls/womens' illitteracy and ignorance paired with their islamic sex slavery duties (sharia) has resulted in an overproduction of youngsters without jobs etc)!
Muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" confused when his Chaliph supports Mubarak
According to the Saudi state press agency Saudi "king" Abdullah supports Mubarak. Muslim born Mr X "president's" big idol and master reportedly said: "No Arab or muslim can bear that some people, in the name of freedom of expression, have infiltrated Egypt to destabilize its security. Saudi Arabia stands resolutely with the government and brotherly people of Egypt." Sheikh Khaled Al Khalifa (Bahrain) also agrees with Mubarak: “Egypt will settle and genuinely move forward. What will happen in the next few days will prove that everyone is serious about the stability of Egypt."
The worst "president" ever. Good at selling himself, a disaster for USA and the free world.
Klevius comment: The main reason Muslim Brotherhood wants Mubarak to go is neither his for African leaders so typical corruption etc., nor his age, but rather the only good thing Mubarak stands for, namely not to let islam into politics. And the Saudi hate mongering Abdullah, the "guardian of islam", really shows off his sleezyness bigotry and hypocrisy, doesn't he! The last thing he wants to happen to Egypt is its takeover by pious muslim brothers. Getting too close to home, does it! Surrounded by muslim revolutionaries, who's next. And Mr X "president's" $60 Billion worth of weaponry hasn't been delivered as yet. Has the good old wahhabi caliph got smitten by some islamophobia! An echo of the origin of islam...
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