
Friday, March 26, 2010

A vote against OIC/islam/Sharia is ALWAYS more important than any other issue - if you know the background!

Choose the best from those (admittedly few) parties/individuals which are clearly against islam (not against immigrants but against islam, stupid!)! So what's the difference between a Human Rights Constitution & Sharia? Well it's more than between day & nights! It's the difference between good & evil, & it's spelled Negative Human Rights!

This evil*, muslim born (hence unconstitutional if a true Sharia muslim who hasn't committed official apostasy) Mr X "president", has sent an islamist (a muslim who has learnt the Koran by hearth!) to "represent" USA at OIC (the world's most intolerant & dangerous organization, busy using UN to promote islamofascism & to violate Human Rights & free speech, while protecting islamist criminals such as e.g. Sudan's "president" Bashir, arrrested in his absence by International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity)!

* He ignores the suffering of islam's victims in OIC & beyond. He has spent Millions to hide his past! He "respects" islam, the most intolerant "faith" built on the racist assumption that non-muslims (& all women) are below muslim men & that it should be the only tolerated "faith" ("faithless" people aren't even considered humans)! And he "respects" islam's most intolerant dictators & organizations! He supports Sharia (i.e. OIC) the worst crime against girls/women throughout 1400 yrs!

Cure your bottomless ignorance abt islam by studying its dark medieval origin & its equally dark contemporary OIC actions!

Islam isn't a "spiritual" source other than for evil. Islam is the sad footprints over 1400 yrs of slavery & genocides (from the "chosen people" to delusive megalomania! OIC knows it, that's why they now want to put the lid on the grim history of islam. And islam is tied to its roots & history in a way unlike any other evil ideology. The glossy commercial abt islam you're fed by every day has nothing to do with what has kept islam going! And of course Klevius could admit that making that glossy pic law is a foolproof road to islam's complete destruction. However, why wait while so many suffer under the dying Leviathan?!

Klevius philosophy lesson free of charge for you (but remember intellectual copyright!): "Allah" is a man-made image, i.e. an idol assembled on a robber's moral foundation (the racist idea abt "infidels")! Apart from infidel slaves in general, islam's main host for parasitism is girls/women! Islam parasitism is specialized in rapetivist reproduction & apostasy ban, the latter an evil-smelling medieval corpse ONLY FOUND IN ISLAM TODAY! What's more, this is the only analysis which corresponds not only to Koran but also to history! However, neither this analysis nor history has ANYTHING in common with your children's school books abt islam!

Why don't you stupid islam supporters take a look at Lina Joy in "moderate" Malaysia! In 2007 a Federal Court ruled that only an islamic Sharia court can allow her to remove the word ‘Islam’ from the religion category on her id card so she could marry a non-muslim. And they don't because it's against evil islam to let people decide what to believe! Since then we haven't hardly heard anything from this explosive case. Why? Same reason no one seems interested in Mr X "president's" relation to islamofascism?

Friday, March 19, 2010

When islam murders this little apostate girl muslims are diagnosed schizophrenic. Does UK copy the Swedish (& Soviet) psychostate tactics?

When the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anna Lindh, was stabbed to death by a drug addict who got his Rohypnol from a state psychiatrist, the court rapidly made him mentally ill via a psychiatrist working for the state Social Board! see Klevius Psycho-state report from 2004). Now England uses the same tactics to belittle the role of evil islam & the muslim murderer (who was a keen Koran reader & mosque visitor) in the torturous death of the 7 year old Khyra Ishaq apostate. Btw, the Saudi "king" & Caliph of literal Koranic islam is Mr X "president's" first call. And btw, when did you last hear BBC criticizing Human Rights in Saudi Arabia?! Too busy accusing China (hence supporting the islamic Uyghur fascists - um, literal Koran readers).

Watch up muslims! Listen to the British justice: "Wrong" interpretations of Koran (e.g. reading the text as such without adding the "right interpretation") now fulfils a criterion for schizophrenia!

Sentencing remarks by Justice Roderick Evans, Birmingham Crown Court, 12 March 2010: The present trial proceeded on the same basis until after you, Abuhamza, had given evidence on your own behalf and the first of two psychiatrists who had reported about your mental state had begun to give
evidence. At that point, it emerged that the two psychiatrists who had been instructed by your legal representatives to examine you and the psychiatrist instructed on behalf of the prosecution to examine you – each one of them an eminent consultant forensic psychiatrist with long experience in the fields of medicine relevant to this case – were in agreement as to your mental state. They agreed that you suffered from schizophrenia and that during the three month period leading up to Khyra’s death you were suffering a relapse in that condition and experiencing a psychotic episode. The three consultants were asked to consider whether your schizophrenia substantially diminished your responsibility for Khyra’s death within the meaning of Section 2 of the Homicide Act 1957.

I read their answer from the joint medical report which they prepared:
“[It is] agreed that for approximately two weeks before Khyra’s death his schizophrenia did substantially impair his mental responsibility. He was unable to comprehend that Khyra was dying; his mental state significantly deteriorated; he became more brutal towards the children; his behaviour was strange; he was self neglecting; and had become totally preoccupied with decorating the house but was doing so in a completely disorganised manner due to his disorganised thinking. He believed that exorcising Khyra from the djinns was in her best interests and this belief was delusional (Klevius: i.e. the belief in Koran).

There was clear evidence in the final stage of the following symptoms of schizophrenia (Klevius remark: Long since I worked as a carer on an isolation unit for schizos. There I learnt, after carefully studying some 40 journals & due patients, that ALL genetic/prenatal-virus schizophrenia emerge at the latest before the age of 20. I also learnt that many shrinks love to try to "cure" this incurable disease, & to extend the diagnosis beyond this - see Angels of Antichrist! And don't mix drug symptoms with schizo-diagnosis!).

a. Delusional interpretation of Islamic beliefs (Klevius: This is the first time I've seen this criterion for schizophrenia. Is it already in the DSM? And who should decide what is "Delusional interpretation of Islamic beliefs"? The Saudi Wahhabi/Salafi Caliph - you know Mr X "president's" best pal?!).
b. Odd behaviour in the form of posturing (Klevius: Against Mecca?!).
c. Disorganised thinking and behaviour (Klevius: Islam).
d. Social withdrawal (Klevius: Racist segregation is the very essence of islam throughout 1400 yrs. This is why muslims don't want to truly integrate with Western Enlightenment).
e. Lack of insight (Klevius: Islam proposes "lack of insight" when it comes to infidels & apostates!).

Prior to the final stage (meaning the last two weeks) there is evidence that he was able to think more clearly and plan his behaviour. He was aware that hitting the children and depriving them of food was an attempt to change their behaviour. He, therefore, had the cognitive capacity to appreciate the impact of his actions upon others. Prior to the final stage we agree it was unlikely that his schizophrenia impaired his mental responsibility.”

In the light of the agreed medical evidence the prosecution took time to reassess the case against you, Abuhamza. It was right that they should do so and having done so they came to the conclusion that in the light of the agreed medical evidence there was no basis upon which they could invite the jury to convict you,
Abuhamza, of murder and that a verdict of manslaughter was inevitable. They, therefore, decided not to pursue the charge of murder against you any further. It was obvious that that was a decision reached after very careful consideration by the prosecution and, in my judgment, it is a decision which is entirely correct on
the evidence available in this case.

The prosecution accepted your plea, Abuhamza, to manslaughter on the basis of diminished responsibility, that is, that you possessed the necessary intent for murder – an intent to do Khyra really serious harm - but that your mental responsibility for her death was substantially impaired by your abnormality of mind.

Klevius comment: Hadn't these murderer/accomplice been muslims they'd never been so leniantly treated by the politically correct English justice system. And remember that an important part (probably most) of this leniency is due to an effort to protect islam. Read more below abt the grave delusion this jusice suffers from.

Comment by "Daniel": "This murder was commited according to exact instructions from the quran.
Surah 4 – Al-Nisa’ THE WOMEN
004.015 If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence of four (reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them, or God ordain for them some (other) way.
khyra was locked up in her room til she died.
they forced her into islam. she refused to wear their clothes. they killed in the name of allah. the step dad said she was possessed by an evil spirit (the Koranic Jinn)".

Klevius comment: Thyra, like Rifqa Bary in USA, didn't want islam, and the socal workers didn't want to offend muslims. That's why Thyra was tortured by islam to death! It's also significant that the muslim stepfather who conducted the deadly islamic ritual, gets away with manslaughter, as does the mother who had to obey him in accordance with islamic Sharia! I rest my case.

Thyra was never home educated - she was Koran schooled!

Gerald Warner: "Thyra Isaq initially went to school, with a 100 per cent attendance record. There her condition aroused suspicion, so that the school contacted the authorities. Nothing was done. Social workers subsequently visited her home, so it cannot be claimed they did not know where she was – one of the reasons now being advanced for registration of children. This whole tragic, abusive situation had nothing whatever to do with homeschooling."

Klevius comment: But all with islam!

The social state in the best interest of the state bureaucracy

Children’s services at Birmingham City Council were last year described as “unfit for purpose” after it emerged that 16 children known to social workers, including Khyra, had died of abuse or neglect in five years.

Tim Yeo, MP, suggested in Parliament that Suffolk social workers acted in the Smith case in a manner “sometimes tantamount to child kidnapping”. That the Coote family fled the same authority “rather bears out the theory I had that the department intervenes not with the aim of helping couples become good parents but of separating vulnerable couples from their baby”

Klevius comment: Read Angels of Antichrist - social state vs kinship (the most important sociological paper from the last century)!

Although girls & women are the main victims of islam the British justice system focuses on protecting this medieval evil - the worst crime ever against humanity!

Justice Roderick Evans again: You, Abuhamza, dealt with these children in the way that you had been dealt with as a child. You thought that you could improve them by the way you treated them and even when Khyra was coming to the end of her life your intention was to try to make her better by reading the Koran over her to rid her body of the djinn or evil spirit which you believed had possessed her.

Klevius comment: This is an old social state trick, i.e. to accuse someone else (see e.g. Klevius thesis Pathological Symbiosis). When it comes to the Koranic "djinn" it seems not "schizophrenic" at all to use the same book that introduced it to cure it, if you're a muslim believing in the evil Koran. According to said book (or rather smorgosboard for an evil "moral") a Djinn has a free will, & freedom (especially for girls/women) is the very opposite to islam, i.e. evil according to Koranic "moral".

Justice Roderick Evans: Angela Gordon, you had been a caring, active and good enough mother to these children up to the end of 2007 and even during the latter stages of the period when Abuhamza was living in your house there is evidence that you reacted to some of Abuhamza’s conduct in a way which was caring of the children.

Klevius comment: Gordon reportedly change after having converted to islam & "married" her daughter's murderer. That she even dared to try to protect the children against her Sharia protected husband is truly extra ordinary. But the fact that she anyway let things happen may be compared to women in general when it comes to submission under evil sexist islam.

Justice Roderick Evans: Abuhamza, while I accept the important part that your background and mental illness played in these events I accept also the evidence of the doctors that prior to the early part of May i.e. up to about two weeks before Khyra’s death, you had the cognitive capacity to appreciate the impact of your actions on the children. Despite your background and mental illness you must bear a significant degree of responsibility for the death of Khyra and, of course, the cruelty to the other children.

Klevius comment: The murderer "must bear a significant degree of responsibility" for the murder he committed!? I can't believe it. I thought a murderer ought to take full responsibility for his murder!

Justice Roderick Evans: Although I have come to the conclusion that you, Gordon, did not intend to kill or seriously harm Khyra or indeed any of your children, your mental illness cannot absolve you of all your responsibility for what happened. You were the primary carer of these children a position from which to great measure you abdicated. I have heard evidence that you were on occasions forceful and determined in dealing with authorities about the children. Those are aspects of your personality which you could and should have deployed to protect your children against what was happening to them in their home during the early part of 2008 before your mental health severely deteriorated (Klevius: Deteriorated because of the islamic Koran reader's intimidations against her & the kids?!). They were entitled to look to you for protection (Klevius: & the islamic patriarch was protected by Sharia islam!) and for a significant part of the period which we have been considering I am satisfied, on the medical evidence, that you could have protected them. Instead you played your part in the conduct which led, ultimately, to Khyra’s death and the cruelty to your other children.

Klevius comment: This is really a bad move from justice Evans. Blaming the mother for lacking enough "motherhood" (read submission to sex segregation) is a mean accusation, especially when knowing that islam is the worst form of patriarchal dominance! Compare the "blaming the mother" tactics in psychoanalysis! Also check Klevius' Psychosocial timeline!

Would you believe it! This moron really writes that "Although I have come to the conclusion that you, Gordon, did not intend to kill or seriously harm Khyra or indeed any of your children, your mental illness cannot absolve you of all your responsibility for what happened." If the mother did not intend to kill or seriously harm Khyra or indeed any of the children, why then does Evans, in his sentencing, equal the grim deeds of islam & the step father against the children & Khyra's death, with the rest product extractable from his own statement "your mental illness cannot absolve you of all your responsibility for what happened"?!

Klevius sentence: This judge should immediately be remowed from the justice system. Not only that, he should also be given a full time education of islam's atrocities throughout 1400 yrs, completed with a list abt the different categories of islam's victims. And even more importantly, he should be made aware of "modern" islam's direct connection with its evil past unlike any other "faith" (see e.g. Origin of islam - unless Google or someone else has managed to block you from it).

The Soviet psychostate (allegedly still alive in Russia today)

Diagnosing those who read Koran as it's written schizophrenic, also implies that those who warn for islam, incl. those who investigate islam's atrocities throughout 1400 yrs (not to mention the extremely violent expansionist & totalitarian way it emerged under its own decrets in Koran & how this is connected to islam's very essence) could be equally diagnosed!

Richard O'Keeffe: The (Soviet Gulag) camps’ populations would continue to ebb and flow with the perceived need to root out enemies and anti-Soviet conspiracies. The neo-Stalinists continued to run a totalitarian state, but not with nearly the same ferocity. As opposed to the victims of arbitrary mass arrests, those who now found themselves in psychiatric hospitals were allegedly suffering from “sluggish schizophrenia” — defined as an illness whose sufferers possess “ideas about a ´struggle for truth and justice,’”

Klevius: And for you morons who cowardly try to escape this intellectual challenge by referring to some sort of “minimum need of conformism” for a society to work, you may consider that this minimum level actually happens to be the maximum level of Negative Human Rights, i.e. its very definition, and that your extension is the very definition of fascism! (Intellectual copyright Klevius).

What's the difference between "hyper-religiosity" in islam, & political jihadism?!

There's no room for private "spirituality" in islam!

Islam is all political because of its deliberate aim "to cover ALL aspects of life". So those "muslims" who think they can believe in a "spiritual islam" while wholly rejecting political islam are truly delusive. By doing this they only contribute to evil political islam! Why not just make sure this won't happen by committing apostasy?! If your "spirituality" is private why then call it islam?!

Klevius, still (?) your only intelligent enough & informed enough, yet unbiased (i.e. resting on Negative Human Rights) source for the understanding of totalitarian islam(ofascism) & sex segregation

The hunt on individual freedom is now clearly on! If YOU don't stand up against totalitarianism then your last hope, the freedom protected by Negative Human Rights (understood as the basis for the first part of the 1948 Human Rights Declaration) will crumble. The main tool out there right now is the OIC (57 islamist nations) effort to change Human Rights to its opposite Sharia, and the silent approval from Mr X "president" etc politicians & others around the globe. OIC has already managed to get Sharia accepted as "human rights" in the UN!!!

The British casualties in Afganistan in the fight for the implementation of islamic Sharia is now the double of the casualities when George W Bush liberated Iraq!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Out of Africa as an apelike chimp/Homo hybrid and out of Asia as fully modern humans

The Homo skull was big already hundreds of thousands of years ago without really performing anything worth of mentioning. However, some 40,000 yrs ago a sudden explosion in creativity emerged among humans in the north lacking archaic (apelike) features! Again, only Klevius offers the answer (2004): It wasn't a bigger skull but a more sophisticated brain that made the trick! And this new brain genome we got by hybrdizing with our closest relative, a chimplike ape whose brain had been more sophisticated because of jungle adaptation. Just like Honda etc vs BMW etc - quality instead of cc! Or islamic rapetivist collectivism instead of freedom for the individual! In conclusion Homos needed bigger brains when they stepped out from the jungle to the open savannah many Millions of years ago. So they simply grow bigger until a chimp/human hybrid gene flow caught up with them. Adaptation to the cold Asia was then the final stage. (INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY BY KLEVIUS)

See the fascinating truth: Why didn't fully modern humans evolve in Africa? And why weren't you told?!
The pic is a reconstruction made on a Homo floresiensis skull. H. floresiensis was an apelike creature who used same type of stone tools as Homo erectus although the former had less than half the brain size.

Islam heavily intervened in the discovery of Homo floresiensis via its Indonesian representative the so called "anthropologist"* Teuku Jacob who stole the remains and even damaged them!

* Teuku Jacob was the head of Indonesian "anthropology" & hence closely tied to "muslim interpretations", i.e. essentially a crypto-evolutionist, i.e. one who believes in evolution only when it doesn't involve humans. Whereas Klevius proposes a streightforward evolutionary explanation to the emergence of modern humans, islamists want to have it a "divine intevention" when the human "spirit" entered the brain. Compared to Klevius explanation, this naive (or deliberate) confusion misses the very point, namely that we are 100% mixed with the rest of nature, & that there's not the slightest hint of any "divine spirit" other than that an ape brain that was better structured than the Homo brain ("Homo" floresiensis is probably a wrong & misleading name), entered the Homo skulls via hybridization & as a consequence got much more space. If this is "divine" then whatever could be called "divine" hence making the wording pure non sense (see more on Philosophy in depth by Klevius)!

We don't consider apes humans, do we. We don't even call the apelike Homo floresiensis human. So why call those Homos who happened to walk on two legs & superficially resembling us humans?!

What is extremely confusing for many, & understandably so, is the fact that the dumb Homos were much bigger & humanlike than the pygmy sized hybrids which spread out of Africa (& East Asia?). See Klevius Out of Africa as pygmies and back as global mongoloids! A completely new understanding of the human evolution will open up in front of your eyes - supposing you open them!

Cro Magnon (Europe) skull 28,000 bp representing a typical Aurignacian. The Cro Magnon skull was in fact some 15-20% bigger than the average of today. This is because the adaptive pressure for the evolution of intelligence has long since stopped because there cannot be any real evolution among us anymore (only a variety of gene expressions) because we're simply too many & too mixed for evolutionary niches to survive long enough (not even the remotest tribes usually fulfil this criterion). In fact, as I wrote in Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor (1992), we may well already have slipped into a slight retardation. This would certainly explain the many stupid "anthropologists" etc out there, wouldn't it!

The hallmark of modern humans, Aurignacian culture, never developed in Africa but only in Eurasia.

Aurignacian is the hallmark of the emergence of truly modern humans, i.e. people who are clearly distanced from the level of culture seen among e.g. Homo floresiensis, Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis & even so called "modern sapiens" etc more apelike creatures.

Unfortunately (but logically due to the climate situation back then) Aurignacian is centered in Europe & northern Asia hence making it politically incorrect.

Aurignacian culture is solely associated with skulls much more sophisticated (i.e. less archaic) than ALL other such cultures & started after 40,000 years ago so whatever is presented for you before that is not made by humans but by Homos or other apelike creatures. No, Klevius isn't racist against apes or Homos but just wants to distinguish between them & human creatures in accorance with YOUR view on what to be considered human!

There's rights now an exhibition at the David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, which is such a charlatan example of misleading & confused "science" you can ever imaging.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Islamic OIC "human rights" (Sharia) for muslim women: You have the right to be fucked whenever your husband feels for it!

see Origin of islam

However, according to the Enlightened* Western (i.e. global/universal) Negative Human Rights a woman has the right not to be fucked! If you have difficulties understanding this difference between night & day, pls don't hesitate to comment/ask below!

* "Enlightenment" was the period during which it became obvious that a true human moral can only be built on the logic of ALL humans as equals regardless of sex etc. without any loopholes such as the islamic "duties", "responsibilities" etc in the sexist Cairo declaration on "human rights"!

Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri at The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) established by the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC):” The Islamic concept of enlightenment is based on a solid foundation of belief and science.”

Klevius comment: The Western (global/universal) concept of enlightenment is based on an even far more “solid foundation” of logic! Foundations built on belief ARE NO FOUNDATIONS AT ALL! Ask a builder! The bigger the mosque or church, the smaller the individual’s rights! This is also why socialists & islamic "believers" share a common interest to deny Negative Human Rights (the basic freedom space surrounding the individual through which sexist or racist islamic Sharia intrusions shouldn't be allowed).

Instead of protecting the collective we need to protect the rights of the weakest in the society, the individual. Sharia doesn't protect the freedom of women, it locks them up! See also Klevius article Social democracy & the rights of the individual (1994 in Swedish) & Angels of Antichrist - the social state vs kinship (1996).

Not only has the islamofascist OIC (57 islamist nations led by the Saudi Caliph, you know, Mr X “president’s” first call) stolen the name ‘human rights’ and applied it to it’s extreme opposite, Sharia, but they have also tried the same with Enlightenment! When do you really gonna get it? These islamists are racists/sexist fascists using UN for trying to deny women and girls equal freedom rights!

Because of Islam's inborn evil inconsistancy islam is doomed forever to burn in the fire of Enlightenment! And the longer it takes for people to realize it, the longer the suffering of islam's victims!

The desperate white washing of not only islam's dirty origin, but also islam's very essence, sexist sex segregation (rapetivism), ought to be put under sharp light, not the least because of the widespread ignorance, naivity & deliberate political confusion of the issue.

Klevius question: Isn't it kind of embarrassing that Klevius is still your best & only reliable source on sex segregation?
Just look at the total 'gender' confusion out there! The real disaster seems to be Wikipedia. Just look at their gender page & due discussion forum. The only thing that stands definitely clear is a messed up naive & confused but extremely tendentious agenda against "Western gender views". It's very laughable in its would-be-wise attitude with talk abt "original research" etc while heavily pushing for "original bias" instead.

Just google 'gender klevius' & you get the best on the net abt it! So far Klevius has no competitors whatsoever when it comes to the understanding of sex segregation, the basic element in "monotheist" "religions" culminating in islamic rapetivism.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Obama respects islamic genocides - so why did you call the warnings "racist"? And why does Sweden want to cut off pre-islamic history?

Every day now more & more of those naive journalists who contributed to the disastrous "election" of Mr X, reconsider their action as well as their "president". But back then they shouted "racist" to every critical voice on the man of whom no one still doesn't know anything except that he's deeply involved with islamism. However, to be fair one has to admit that he lives up to his slogan abt "change". He seems actually to change his promises almost ever day.

Islam is gencidal by nature

Islam itself is a solid proof that the intention of the Ottoman government was to annihilate Armenians. Don't let yourself be fooled by Koran "interpretors" whose agenda rests on the pursuit to make islam look good. The only true reading of Koran/islam is history & the inevitable & evil logic of islam's initial appearance!
In fact, according to Koran, it's even enough if a muslim is prevented from "practicing their faith" to start slaughtering the infidels. The only working & logical pattern in islam is its racist aim for totalitarianism, & its sex segregation!

From segregation to genocide

Segregation is difference. Difference can be achieved by accusations, e.g. abt what someone with the same skin tone as you, did hundreds of years ago. Accusations can also be as simple as that you don’t share my belief & therefore you’re an infidel, i.e. morally less worthy. For that (political racist) purpose it comes handy to demand a “religious belonging” (this is why different "faith" people only "love" eachother when they need help against a third party, usually the "secular", "atheist" etc). The end product is a feeling of the ego as being on top compared to others.

The opposite to "monotheist" "faith" "religions" is the freedom basis of Negative Human Rights, i.e. that everyone is equally worthy. The racist idea that someone (generally) is more worthy than others is sick but nonetheless the basic tenet of “monotheisms”.

The very aim & end product of segregation is genocide.

Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) is a born muslim who pretends not to be a muslim. Most of his associates are islamists (see pic) & he's an accomplice to the ongoing islamic genocide in Darfur, & a denier of the islamic genocide of the Armenians in the past! Unlike George W Bush (the last president of USA), the Haague tribunal etc etc, Mr X "president" doesn't think the systematic islamist murdering raping starvation etc. of Millions of Africans counts as genocide! What's more important for him is the islamization of America.

Unlike most people pretending to be muslims & who are more or less ignorant abt the evil backbone of islam, Mr X "president" pretends to not be a muslim while using that very islamic evil.

In Sweden the islamization process has proceeded to a point where history isn't only distorted (see e.g. Origin of Vikings) but where thousands of years are proposed to simply be cut off. According to the latest proposal from the Swedish Board of Education, history lessons should start from after the birth of islam (the worst crime ever against humanity) so that insignificant & for muslims possibly insulting texts abt e.g. Greek democracy & Roman law are omitted.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Shinto Honda high tech vs Protestant BMW old fogies

Honda has ALWAYS outperformed BMW when it comes to technology & quality & safety & environment. However, when Klevius points to this selfevident fact something similar happens as when a Dane draws a funny pic of the desert robber Mohammed! Why this extreme self delusion?! And why doesn't media talk abt the safety consequences of bad engineering? BMW, VW, Audi, Volvo (not to mention French & Italians) have extremely poor records throughout the last 5 decades! What's more, the Euros turn out to burst into flames MUCH more often than similar Japanese cars (same pattern with TV's btw)! See a Swedish insurance list over car fires (not caused by islamic jihadists but mostly because of poor quality). Obama's racist Detroit campaign against Japanese high tech is really a low mark, isn't it!

Technology in religion

1 Shinto/Secularism/Buddhism etc non-monotheist true religions (see the web's best Definition of religion)
2 Protestantism (a protest against Catholic Christianity)
3 Other religions
4 Catholicism
5 Islam/Mohammedanism (the by far worst form of Judaic "monotheisms")

Is BMW a cult or a religion - or just insanity? BMWs have always been dangerous due to poor quality & poor handling

BMW rides high on an empty reputation boosted by racist attitudes against non-European cars (now Japanese but soon also Chinese - Korean cars are slightly less smeared because 1) Koreans are more "monotheist" & 2) Koreans have, wrongly, been seen as not a tech threat).

As a rule of thumb, everything that's going faster than an old fogie on your Bimmer is probably Made in Japan! Remember how the production of European performance cars stalled after the Kobe earth quake?!

Btw, isn't it strange howe different the real world is from that one on the news & superficial fashion outlets!

If you really need an oldfashioned 6-in line, go shop for an old Nissan GTR (1989-), the unbeaten Japanese super car. Then you also get 4WD, 4WS & computer controlled tuning so you don't have to suffer with the RWD (hotted up by Mitsubishi though) of a lousy over weight & over priced M3!

Here's a funny story abt some crazy Japanese street mechanics enlivening a tired BMW by the help of an old 1999 Honda S2000 STANDARD engine - 250 hp from 2 litre WITHOUT A TURBO more than a decade ago! Kiss my ass Ferrari). Note the BMW's rev meter's redline at 6000 plus, & how the lively Honda engine pushes the needle all the way round to the start position at zero! see the hilarious video!

Read Klevius - your way out of media indoctrination & false idols!

BMW makes below average quality cars which it manages to sell as quality cars although the only high quality on a BMW is the price tag. BMW has had serious safety & "drivability" issues as long as I can remember. But the selling (cheating) idea is good: Change as little as possible to save costs & spice up the old corpse with cheap electronics etc! In fact, the main part of BMW's marketing department is outside the office & works for free, i.e. the buyers! Just take a look at the Bimmer forums! Orthodox thinking is the rule & questioning where the Kaiser's clothes are is blasphemy.

I used to be a Bimmer fan some hundred years ago so I know it hurts to face the truth. However, I was well rewarded by the Japs I carefully chose for my particular way of life. The worst chock I as a driver have ever encountered was when I for the first time got a Subaru Leone Turbo in my rear mirror & a couple of seconds later saw it vanishing in the blizzard in front of me challenging my view on myself as the best ice/snow driver in the village, no in the world*. I was ready for the nut house until I was told it was a permanent (but switchable to FWD) 4WD with a front mounted boxer, computer controlled air suspension etc (btw Subaru was first in the world with mass produced 4WD passenger cars - Audi Quatro came a decade later!)! At that time I had already switched to FWD from RWD. RWD worked surprisingly well though in an old Mazda Luce 1800 from the 60s with good tyres & good balance, an extremely long stroke but soft & powerful high quality alu OHC engine with roller valve lifters & 94 mm stroke x 76 mm bore, & a built in rear axis "slip resitance", unlike the stupid Bimmers of the time which I frequently saw "parked" head down beside the road). The Luce had an electronic Mitsubishi fuel pump three times the size & power of other cars I checked (most cars back then had still conventional pumps, though). It also helped that it had four headlights which could be doubled (low+high beam) from the switch, plus a Mitsubishi generator that was among the biggest & most powerful of its time (plus a wonderful rarity still lacking on many cars, an analogue ampere meter! Everything of this was standard, as was the built in probably best engineering quality in the world at the time - due to Toyo Kogyo's expertice as precision instrument makers & the only company capable of producing functioning rotary engines - NSU/Audi & MB miserably failed!). Moreover, double big wiper motors & separate bass/discant horns with a lovely & convincing bass tone also added to the fun in the slippery snowy Finnish darkness! My first Luce was only driven some 300,000 km when I bought it so it lasted for years despite my youthful carelessness abt oil changes etc insignificant details! The gearbox was by far the best of its time & the clutch extremely smooth, responsive & light compared to e.g. Volvos & Saabs etc. Although only 104 hp on 1050 kg the car was very powerful at higher speeds for its time (we're of course talking the manual version). Cars with a lot more hp were easily beaten at high speed on long upward slopes due to the high & flat torque curve etc. The brakes were double the size of the neighbor's heavy American V8 & always in neat balance with the wonderful clutch/engine for some "creative driving". On top of this came an "oldfashioned" but extremely well made worm-and-roller steering system that kept the car going straight no matter if you hit a pothole (in fact I lost a front wheel while driving 120 km/h on a Finnish highway in a blizzard due to loose bolts - the car just dropped down a little & slided until it stopped. I was abt to pass another car so I had to waive to the driver to continue. He looked scared at me & the rolling wheel in front of us). However, the zero toe in & perfect camber/caster angles under most conditions paired with suitable tyres, resulted in a soft & forgiving, yet distinct control. When I got my Honda with rack & pinion I was first irritated of even "too much" steering precision. The Luce didn't have servo so I could read the road well via the wheel & through the well functioning seat. The front seats had continuously variable "lady killer" livers (not standard on all cars even today) that came in handy when tired or otherwise feeling for a horizontal position. The cons? Too short suspension movements (McPherson front/solid rear axle with leaf springs - i.e. as far you can get from a Honda!) which I stiffed up a bit by changing to the one's aimed for the "pickup". Even then you had to try avoiding chassi contacts at high speeds although the big bussings usually gave you a last chance.

* driving fast on poor icy/snowy roads in the dark for most part of the year makes a master of most (surviving) people!

When I first tried a Subaru with permanent 4WD I reved it up on a partly icy spot & expected a nice slip on both axis. However, there was no slip but a brutal push forward that almost hurt me! The second unexpected surprise came on the road when I switched from FWD to 4WD & realized how this stiffed up the whole car in a manner that I'd never felt before. It was as you were suddenly sucked to the ground through all four wheels (this you can never feel in AWD's). Third surprise was the wanderful & reliable AW throttle drifting experience - with no switching between the axis, just pure 50/50 power distribution all the time! Passing young foolish & struggling Bimmers in the blizzard with ease & speed while picking one's nose was admittedly always fun with a Subaru.

BMW silent iceberg of death & disaster

Unlike Toyota who has got a "quality problem" from Detroit/Ill's Mr X "president" without really having one**, BMW has a huge quality problem without anyone really talking abt it.

** The only possible fault was a device not made in Japan but by the American CTS Corp!

One of the many dangerous Bimmer "non-lemons" going on out there is here exemplified with the following commentator: "What I meant was with the documented unusually high failure rate of the N54 / x35i HPFPs and people being stranded on the highway or having a near accident, an extended warranty doesn't do anything to resolve these important issues, which certainly should not still be happening after four years. If a fuel pump on other BMW models can go 100K without failures, how can the N54 HPFPs failing in 400, 1,200, 3,000, 5,000, 7,000, or 30K miles be reasonable or acceptable?"

BMW M3 (2010) – poor engineering compensated with the oldest of tricks, a big V8!

Driving a BMW M3 (2010) compared to Subaru Sti is like having 3 big passengers while lacking 4WD! Both cars have the same torque, so the only advantage of M3 is more horsepower! And because of the extra weight & lack of 4WD (not to mention that the Subaru boxer is much lover) you may conclude the rest by yourself. And I’ve not even mentioned the price gap: M3 $58,400 Subaru Sti $34,995. Also consider the better reliability of the Subaru! In real life “drivability” there’s no way the M3 could ever compete with a Subaru. Some 240 kg extra load & dead front wheels will inevitably take its toll!

But of course you can comfort yourself that you got a BMW badge & some more or less insignificant extras for your $24,000 you paid on top of the Subaru $34,995 price tag! But the quality difference & the lack of 4WD will always annoy you.

Who makes the best V8 in the world, Yamaha or Lexus?

Of course you already know that Yamaha makes the V8 in Noble 650.

And of course you know that Lexus LFA is the best supersport car around! And that the 500 kg heavier (Veyron's AWD - which is significantly inferior to that of e.g. Subarus - doesn't help much to counteract half a tonne of mass in the curves) & three times more expensive Veyron is a laughable truck in comparison! And if you need more power than a Subaru go for a Nissan GTR! A Veyron doesn't stand a chance against a Nissan GFTR on Nurburgring!

The emotion trapped spin head(s?) on Top Gear got it (deliberately?!) all wrong with his smear campaign against the wonderful Honda Civic Type R when missing the real point of the best non hybrid green sports car. Because of Honda’s technological superiority it has managed to make engines that can be driven either as normal cars with below average fuel consumption & pollution, or, to rev it up when you feel for it & suddenly getting a sports car’s engine. Where others use turbos Honda rests on technical sophistication (just like the 1959 bike example above). A turbo consumes/pollutes much more in normal driving simply because you can't avoid using it when it's there. In fact, Honda's introduction of Civic many decades ago has saved the world from a lot of unnecessary fuel consumption.

In conclusion, Japan continues to offer not only the best cars for general usage but also the greenest cars (Prius presented 1996) as well as the best sports cars (incl. so called super cars - the aluminium Honda NSX & the Atessa Nissan GTR were already presented in the late 1980s & had both a long history of advanced sports technology going back to the 1950s & 60s)!

Audi's gas pedal disaster that no one seems to talk abt!

The plastic gas pedal in many new Audis is just falling on the floor because it breakes so easily, especially during winter! What's next for Audi - the brake pedal? And as you can see on the list below this is surely not the only problem with Audi's (& VW's) poor quality.

According to a unique insurance report only one out of the 50 car models most likely to suffer a car fire was Japanese, whereas 30 of the 50 least likely to burn were Japanese!

Klevius comment: The pattern is exactly the same as in hundreds of car quality surveys!