
Saturday, March 06, 2010

Obama respects islamic genocides - so why did you call the warnings "racist"? And why does Sweden want to cut off pre-islamic history?

Every day now more & more of those naive journalists who contributed to the disastrous "election" of Mr X, reconsider their action as well as their "president". But back then they shouted "racist" to every critical voice on the man of whom no one still doesn't know anything except that he's deeply involved with islamism. However, to be fair one has to admit that he lives up to his slogan abt "change". He seems actually to change his promises almost ever day.

Islam is gencidal by nature

Islam itself is a solid proof that the intention of the Ottoman government was to annihilate Armenians. Don't let yourself be fooled by Koran "interpretors" whose agenda rests on the pursuit to make islam look good. The only true reading of Koran/islam is history & the inevitable & evil logic of islam's initial appearance!
In fact, according to Koran, it's even enough if a muslim is prevented from "practicing their faith" to start slaughtering the infidels. The only working & logical pattern in islam is its racist aim for totalitarianism, & its sex segregation!

From segregation to genocide

Segregation is difference. Difference can be achieved by accusations, e.g. abt what someone with the same skin tone as you, did hundreds of years ago. Accusations can also be as simple as that you don’t share my belief & therefore you’re an infidel, i.e. morally less worthy. For that (political racist) purpose it comes handy to demand a “religious belonging” (this is why different "faith" people only "love" eachother when they need help against a third party, usually the "secular", "atheist" etc). The end product is a feeling of the ego as being on top compared to others.

The opposite to "monotheist" "faith" "religions" is the freedom basis of Negative Human Rights, i.e. that everyone is equally worthy. The racist idea that someone (generally) is more worthy than others is sick but nonetheless the basic tenet of “monotheisms”.

The very aim & end product of segregation is genocide.

Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) is a born muslim who pretends not to be a muslim. Most of his associates are islamists (see pic) & he's an accomplice to the ongoing islamic genocide in Darfur, & a denier of the islamic genocide of the Armenians in the past! Unlike George W Bush (the last president of USA), the Haague tribunal etc etc, Mr X "president" doesn't think the systematic islamist murdering raping starvation etc. of Millions of Africans counts as genocide! What's more important for him is the islamization of America.

Unlike most people pretending to be muslims & who are more or less ignorant abt the evil backbone of islam, Mr X "president" pretends to not be a muslim while using that very islamic evil.

In Sweden the islamization process has proceeded to a point where history isn't only distorted (see e.g. Origin of Vikings) but where thousands of years are proposed to simply be cut off. According to the latest proposal from the Swedish Board of Education, history lessons should start from after the birth of islam (the worst crime ever against humanity) so that insignificant & for muslims possibly insulting texts abt e.g. Greek democracy & Roman law are omitted.



  2. I was 14 when I realized the moral stupidity of Christianity (after reading the looner Kierkegaard), and had I only known abt the laughable but much worse sect called Mohammedanism/islam when I was five I'm sure I'd immediately condemned it!

    "Monotheisms" are disastrous in general and horrifying in particular when it comes to the parasitic islamic basic tenet of sponging on "infidel" slaves (incl. girls/women). And as you as a muslim ought to know, whereas Christianity tried to end the islamic slavery islam continued because IT'S NOT ONLY SANCTIONED BY KORAN AND KORAN IS "ALLAH'S LAST WORD", BUT IT'S ALSO THE VERY ORIGIN OF "SHARIA FINANCE"!

    The 1400 yr old methodical islamic slave blood sucking and destruction of most of the entire African continent is just but one example of its inherent evilness and impotency to progress.

    Islam's evil infidel slave moral rests on ultimate racism/sexism and was the fuel for it's initial expansion (slaves, rapetivism, booty). This is why ISLAMIC SHARIA "HUMAN RIGHTS" OFFERED BY O.I.C. NOW IS THE VERY OPPOSITE TO THE REAL HUMAN RIGHTS BASED ON FREEDOM!

    You can never build a coherent moral on racist/sexist segregation! And despite islam's totalitarian aim, it would immediately die if it lacked "infidels" and sex segregated women! However, as it's now it will rapidly die anyway because its basic evil tenets are decapitated one by one in an accelerating tempo, soon leaving just a rottening smelling body which cannot longer by any stretch be called islam!

    And when islam is castrated we anti-fascist freedom fighters get more time for better things to do.
