If Phillip Garrido had been black (like the muslim Washington snipers Malvo & Muhammed), the chances are huge that he had been a muslim jihadist terrorist with even more tragedies behind him!
Both in the case of islam as well as in the Garrido case it's all abt girls/women who bond to their kidnappers & rapists, the so called Stockholm Syndrome!
Ed Smart: "I don't agree on the Stockholm Syndrome because I think that in many cases, these children do try to escape, and after numerous attempts they feel it's hopeless, and so they try to survive. And that's not necessarily bonding with these monsters. It is a matter of survival."
Klevius comment: That's Sharia! Islam is grounded on slavery, rapetivism & apostasy ban (see Origin of islam). The victims of islam have been harmed mentally (e.g. infidel racism) as well as physically (e.g. genital mutilation). They have no self-esteem because they feel guilt and shame - or hide it behind exaggerated "pride". They are emotionally dependent, frightened. They have not lived a normal life in a free Western sense.
Phillip Garrido, the pedophile who kidnapped & sex abused an 11 yr girl Jaycee Dugard & fostered two kids with her, has a church business called God's Desire, based out of his home in Antioch.: "The Creator has given me the ability to speak in the tongue of angels in order to provide a wake-up call that will in time include the salvation of the entire world," "What's kept me busy the last several years is I've completely turned my life around," Garrido told KCRA 3. "And you're going to find the most powerful story coming from the witness, the victim -- you wait. If you take this a step at a time, you're going to fall over backwards and in the end, you're going to find the most powerful heart-warming story."
Klevius comment: And he was abt to do it, just like Mohammed, but the police took him. Unlike Mohammed, Phillip Garrido didn't resort to enough (collective) violence! Btw, Phillip Garrido reportedly used to be a tall & good looking guy who married a Jehova's Witness during his prison sentence in the 1980s.
Reportedly "calls for the death sentence from outraged citizens are already being voiced for this tragic and violent crime against Jaycee". Well, Mohammed died some 1400 yrs ago but half a billion of his victims are still alive. But who should talk for them? Ayaan HIrsi Ali & her likes, of course.
Keith Ablow (a psychiatrist): “To maintain one’s desperation and grief and rage for many years, would be too damaging to the human mind – so the human mind tells itself a story about safety and contentment to safeguard itself – that’s the essence of Stockholm syndrome.
Klevius comment: When Arabic muslim slave traders & jihadists kidnapped or bought 100 of Millions of slaves, for feeding the islamic Sharia system of finance, the victims (those who didn't die) clearly developed a Stockholm syndrome in the form of "islamic cukltural heritage".
Stepfather, Carl Probyn: "Jaycee has strong feelings with this guy," "She really feels it's almost like a marriage."
Peter Klevius was the first (1992-94) to solve consciousness, and the first (1992) to point out the mongoloid (cold adaptation) link between the Jinniushan fossil in China and Khoisan people in Africa.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Islam's ultimate hypocrisy & bigotry is "submission to peace" & ignorantialism!
* see Klevius Origin of true religion to understand this!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The two biggest lies of today (Mr X* "president" & islam) are one - they respect rapetivism & female sexual mutilation!
Mr X "president's" dearest friends are "the guardians of islam" in the extremely intolerant & totalitarian fascist "house of Saud". "King" Abdullah for whom he so deeply bows has been for long top rated on the lists of the worlds most notorious dictators!

*The so called "president" is a fake made possible via a dirty Saudi-islam connection. Moreover, how could Hawaii state health director Chiyome Fukino be able to personally inspect Obama's birth certificate in Nov 2008, although it had been destroyed 7 years earlier? And how was FactCheck.org able to have "seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate" around the same time if it was destroyed in 2001? The fact remains, no one knows who he is! Barry Barrack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever), the double muslim (muslim father & muslim adoptive father) who thinks (or pretends) he is a (black supremacist?!) Christian & blinks the worst sins of islam (after slavery & genocides), i.e. apostasy ban (which denies Obama the right to leave islam), & denies muslim women from loving non-muslim men (if they don't convert to islam)while encouraging muslim men to rape or marry non-muslim women, hides (or lacks) his real (long form) birth certificate & has spent huge amount of money & effort to cover up the fact that he isn't a natural born US citizen as assumed by the constitution. Moreover he has for years deliberately & cunningly abused a hole in the justice system that doesn't demand him to present this paper (a change of the law is under work but will it include a sitting "president"?! Even bin Laden could, in theory, have become "president" of the US by applying this method! And what's the difference, really?! May be bin Laden should have killed fewer civilian muslims than Obama's cruel slaughtering by a hugely escalating war campaign + stealthy & bloody drone attacks against civilians.
Obama's close islamofascist friends & "associates"
Can you tell who is a "moderate muslim" eager to broadcast a positive picture of islam's peacefulness, & who stabbed his divorcing wife at least 9 times & then chopped her head off while she was still alive? OK, I agree, they all look capable of it. Correct answer is the guy to the left who's rewarded by top islamofascists from islam's muslim terror organization CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations - these guys are also busy accusing FBI for offending muslims because FBI has monitored a California mosque that hosts islamic terrorists planning blow up jobs in California). Btw, the British lord Ahmed (who threatened Britain with 10000 street jihadists if Wilders was allowed entrance to Britain) to the right has also accused of murder/manslaughter (this dangerous islamofascist who Catholic Blair rewarded with a lord title, got away with only 3 months in jail because the biased British court "thought" he had just stopped his 20 minute constant SMS session while driving, just seconds before he killed a person!? Btw, Mr X "president's" first call was to the islamofascist Saudi leader whose legal adviser is the Nation of Islam guy at his right ear (same guy who arranged & paid for his Harvard studies) while Ingrid Mattson at his left ear is a wahhabist islamofascist who wants to make islam & Sharia the new constitution of USA!
Islam a millstone around Africa's (& the rest of the world's) neck!
Why don't we hear more abt the Saudi "princess" who escaped Saudi islamofascist Sharia law & was allowed secret refuge in Britain?!
Rapetivism & female sexual mutilation
The muslim Hui came from the Arabian peninsula & Persia mixing & arriving in China shortly after Muhammed had started his islamic genocides. The first Arab islamic delegation met with the Tang Dynasty China in 651 one year after the Arab colonization of Persia. Arab (& some Persian merchants) settled in southeastern China where the beginnings of foot binding can be traced. In 758, the Tang emperor opened up for some 20,000 muslim jihadists against the An Lushan rebellion. These muslim jihadists of course remained in China afterward, settling mainly in the northwest (Gansu & Ningxia). Similarily btw, in 801 the Tibetans allowed some 20,000 Arab and Sogdian muslim jihadists to fight the Nanzhao kingdom in Yunnan, southwestern China. These islamic jihadist allies turned, as always, to be disastrous for girls/women. As everyone with even rudimentary understanding of islam knows, islam lacks everything in itself simply because it's originally based purely on parasitism & nothing else. As a consequence Arabic islam always consumes, transforms & abuses local traditions, culture, science & technology. But the illegitime Mr X "president" not only "respects" Arabic islamofascism but also loves it. In this sense the unconstitutional US "president" is in fact a rapist & accomplice to islam's ongoing crimes.
Origin & continuing of infibulation & foot binding etc
Origin of islam
The islamic Origin of Vikings
No matter how much you muslim girls/women try to "think for yourself" islam rules over you & even tries to punish you if you think you will divorce it!

Klevius comment: In the world's most populated muslim country, Indonesia (where Mr X "president" as an Indonesian citizen with a muslim father went to Koran schools & mosques"), every muslim baby girl is sexually mutilated (having her clitoris partially or totally destroyed) by women. And I can assure you that they aren't happy with it! So why is the sexually mutilated & abused girl on the pic above so happy? Because of the same reason the girls on the site look so happy. Islamic indoctrination! The mutilated girl is happy not to be expelled from her muslim family & happily pays a horrifying price for it. This is called "islamic colonization of the family" in Klevius terminology (compare Angels of Antichrist). The female knights at Worldpulsemagazine.com against sexual mutilation on the other hand, seem to be happy out of happy & pure ignorance abt the origin of the "religion" islam. But their work against islamic atrocities is nonetheless praiseworthy, of course.
Monotheist rapetivism/circumcision started in old Judaism as a means for making enough Jews to conquer neighbouring tribes. However, only with islam did it become perfectly evil as a means for violent conquest by the cock & the sword (search my sites & blogs for more on this).
As a man I can tell you girls/women an open secret (most uncircumcised boys/men already know it) i.e. that my penis sometimes (even without sexual erection) use to temporarily "circumcise" itself, i.e. that the foreskin leaves the corona of the glans bare. I can feel it as an irritation in my pants & usually search for an opportunity to pull the foreskin back while I think with compassion abt you who are circumcised. Moreover, when masturbating I (or someone else) don't need any oil etc, I simply use my foreskin. And when I have intercourse with a not so wet woman (only time I do it is when she insists on it - a curious fact abt female sexuality in itself) I simply spit on my gland. All the myths abt positive effects of circumcision are justifications for the continuing of an ancient culture of rapetivism. Nature is definitely wiser than the angry Jewish God of the chosen people or the confined Arabic Allah & his/hers/its bloodthirsty "messenger" & later "interpreters"!
What is termed Western civilization rests on an inevitable logic of the individual's Negative Human Rights that has sprung out from technology/industrialization (remember that these rights constitute the foundation for human rights & are therefore attacked by not only islamists but also leftists & some liberals). As a consequence even girls/women are counted as equals to boys/men. This, however, stays in absolute opposition to islam which rests on sex segregation/rapetivism (this is why islamic countries have their own Cairo declaration of "human rights" i.e. segregated "rights" for females!). Western civilization has no skin color or religion & because technological advances are inevitable (unless you become a hermit, of course) no one can escape it (see Endarkened Obama & enlightened Ayaan Hirsi Ali).
Arabic islam is pure backwardness glorified with oil money from the Western civilization!
Isn't it sad that only Klevius (so far) really articulates the core problem, sex segregation (see e.g. From Klevius without love)!
*The so called "president" is a fake made possible via a dirty Saudi-islam connection. Moreover, how could Hawaii state health director Chiyome Fukino be able to personally inspect Obama's birth certificate in Nov 2008, although it had been destroyed 7 years earlier? And how was FactCheck.org able to have "seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate" around the same time if it was destroyed in 2001? The fact remains, no one knows who he is! Barry Barrack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever), the double muslim (muslim father & muslim adoptive father) who thinks (or pretends) he is a (black supremacist?!) Christian & blinks the worst sins of islam (after slavery & genocides), i.e. apostasy ban (which denies Obama the right to leave islam), & denies muslim women from loving non-muslim men (if they don't convert to islam)while encouraging muslim men to rape or marry non-muslim women, hides (or lacks) his real (long form) birth certificate & has spent huge amount of money & effort to cover up the fact that he isn't a natural born US citizen as assumed by the constitution. Moreover he has for years deliberately & cunningly abused a hole in the justice system that doesn't demand him to present this paper (a change of the law is under work but will it include a sitting "president"?! Even bin Laden could, in theory, have become "president" of the US by applying this method! And what's the difference, really?! May be bin Laden should have killed fewer civilian muslims than Obama's cruel slaughtering by a hugely escalating war campaign + stealthy & bloody drone attacks against civilians.
Obama's close islamofascist friends & "associates"
Can you tell who is a "moderate muslim" eager to broadcast a positive picture of islam's peacefulness, & who stabbed his divorcing wife at least 9 times & then chopped her head off while she was still alive? OK, I agree, they all look capable of it. Correct answer is the guy to the left who's rewarded by top islamofascists from islam's muslim terror organization CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations - these guys are also busy accusing FBI for offending muslims because FBI has monitored a California mosque that hosts islamic terrorists planning blow up jobs in California). Btw, the British lord Ahmed (who threatened Britain with 10000 street jihadists if Wilders was allowed entrance to Britain) to the right has also accused of murder/manslaughter (this dangerous islamofascist who Catholic Blair rewarded with a lord title, got away with only 3 months in jail because the biased British court "thought" he had just stopped his 20 minute constant SMS session while driving, just seconds before he killed a person!? Btw, Mr X "president's" first call was to the islamofascist Saudi leader whose legal adviser is the Nation of Islam guy at his right ear (same guy who arranged & paid for his Harvard studies) while Ingrid Mattson at his left ear is a wahhabist islamofascist who wants to make islam & Sharia the new constitution of USA!
Islam a millstone around Africa's (& the rest of the world's) neck!
Why don't we hear more abt the Saudi "princess" who escaped Saudi islamofascist Sharia law & was allowed secret refuge in Britain?!
Rapetivism & female sexual mutilation
The muslim Hui came from the Arabian peninsula & Persia mixing & arriving in China shortly after Muhammed had started his islamic genocides. The first Arab islamic delegation met with the Tang Dynasty China in 651 one year after the Arab colonization of Persia. Arab (& some Persian merchants) settled in southeastern China where the beginnings of foot binding can be traced. In 758, the Tang emperor opened up for some 20,000 muslim jihadists against the An Lushan rebellion. These muslim jihadists of course remained in China afterward, settling mainly in the northwest (Gansu & Ningxia). Similarily btw, in 801 the Tibetans allowed some 20,000 Arab and Sogdian muslim jihadists to fight the Nanzhao kingdom in Yunnan, southwestern China. These islamic jihadist allies turned, as always, to be disastrous for girls/women. As everyone with even rudimentary understanding of islam knows, islam lacks everything in itself simply because it's originally based purely on parasitism & nothing else. As a consequence Arabic islam always consumes, transforms & abuses local traditions, culture, science & technology. But the illegitime Mr X "president" not only "respects" Arabic islamofascism but also loves it. In this sense the unconstitutional US "president" is in fact a rapist & accomplice to islam's ongoing crimes.
Origin & continuing of infibulation & foot binding etc
Origin of islam
The islamic Origin of Vikings
No matter how much you muslim girls/women try to "think for yourself" islam rules over you & even tries to punish you if you think you will divorce it!

Klevius comment: In the world's most populated muslim country, Indonesia (where Mr X "president" as an Indonesian citizen with a muslim father went to Koran schools & mosques"), every muslim baby girl is sexually mutilated (having her clitoris partially or totally destroyed) by women. And I can assure you that they aren't happy with it! So why is the sexually mutilated & abused girl on the pic above so happy? Because of the same reason the girls on the site look so happy. Islamic indoctrination! The mutilated girl is happy not to be expelled from her muslim family & happily pays a horrifying price for it. This is called "islamic colonization of the family" in Klevius terminology (compare Angels of Antichrist). The female knights at Worldpulsemagazine.com against sexual mutilation on the other hand, seem to be happy out of happy & pure ignorance abt the origin of the "religion" islam. But their work against islamic atrocities is nonetheless praiseworthy, of course.
Monotheist rapetivism/circumcision started in old Judaism as a means for making enough Jews to conquer neighbouring tribes. However, only with islam did it become perfectly evil as a means for violent conquest by the cock & the sword (search my sites & blogs for more on this).
As a man I can tell you girls/women an open secret (most uncircumcised boys/men already know it) i.e. that my penis sometimes (even without sexual erection) use to temporarily "circumcise" itself, i.e. that the foreskin leaves the corona of the glans bare. I can feel it as an irritation in my pants & usually search for an opportunity to pull the foreskin back while I think with compassion abt you who are circumcised. Moreover, when masturbating I (or someone else) don't need any oil etc, I simply use my foreskin. And when I have intercourse with a not so wet woman (only time I do it is when she insists on it - a curious fact abt female sexuality in itself) I simply spit on my gland. All the myths abt positive effects of circumcision are justifications for the continuing of an ancient culture of rapetivism. Nature is definitely wiser than the angry Jewish God of the chosen people or the confined Arabic Allah & his/hers/its bloodthirsty "messenger" & later "interpreters"!
What is termed Western civilization rests on an inevitable logic of the individual's Negative Human Rights that has sprung out from technology/industrialization (remember that these rights constitute the foundation for human rights & are therefore attacked by not only islamists but also leftists & some liberals). As a consequence even girls/women are counted as equals to boys/men. This, however, stays in absolute opposition to islam which rests on sex segregation/rapetivism (this is why islamic countries have their own Cairo declaration of "human rights" i.e. segregated "rights" for females!). Western civilization has no skin color or religion & because technological advances are inevitable (unless you become a hermit, of course) no one can escape it (see Endarkened Obama & enlightened Ayaan Hirsi Ali).
Arabic islam is pure backwardness glorified with oil money from the Western civilization!
Isn't it sad that only Klevius (so far) really articulates the core problem, sex segregation (see e.g. From Klevius without love)!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Islam's guardian is Mr X* "president's" best friend & the worst enemy of the world. He (& Co), not Bush, is behind Iraq's blood bath!

State (tax) sponsored BBC has committed a serious (& longlasting) crime by not reporting truthfully / extensively abt what kind of threat to the free world islamic Saudi Arabia really constitutes (why should nonsponsored Klevius have to do the work?!)! Neither has BBC followed up the scandalous UK-Saudi connections (bribes, weapons, Saudi violations of human rights etc etc). In this respect BBC has blood of naive victims of brute islam on their fingers! Moreover, not only does BBC lack the most important quality of a news reporting media, it also actively & continuously tries to cover up or mislead its audience!
How the Saudis murder iraqis & others
Saad Yusuf Al Mutalibi, international affairs director at the Iraqi Ministry of Dialogue and Reconciliation, has repeated what everyone slightly informed abt islamic atrocities has known for long, namely that the Saudi "king" Abdullah & Co are directly responsible for not only the majority of today's bombings etc in Iraq but also for the insurgencies that followed after Bush & US marines had toppled Saddam Hussein! BBC immediately tried to cover this up by talking like representatives of the House of Saud, & leading attention away from the Saud's indisputable main responsibility for islamic terror in Iraq as well as in the rest of the world.
* Barry Barrack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever), the double muslim (muslim father & muslim adoptive father) who thinks (or pretends) he is a (black supremacist?!) Christian & blinks the worst sins of islam (after slavery & genocides), i.e. apostasy ban (which denies Obama the right to leave islam), & denies muslim women from loving non-muslim men (if they don't convert to islam)while encouraging muslim men to rape or marry non-muslim women, hides (or lacks) his real (long form) birth certificate & has spent huge amount of money & effort to cover up the fact that he isn't a natural born US citizen as assumed by the constitution. Moreover he has for years deliberately & cunningly abused a hole in the justice system that doesn't demand him to present this paper (a change of the law is under work but will it include a sitting "president"?! Even bin Laden could, in theory, have become "president" of the US by applying this method! And what's the difference, really?! May be bin Laden should have killed fewer civilian muslims than Obama's cruel slaughtering by a hugely escalating war campaign + stealthy & bloody drone attacks against civilians.
Obama's close islamofascist friends & "associates"
Can you tell who is a "moderate muslim" eager to broadcast a positive picture of islam's peacefulness, & who stabbed his divorcing wife at least 9 times & then chopped her head off while she was still alive? OK, I agree, they all look capable of it. Correct answer is the guy to the left who's rewarded by top islamofascists from islam's muslim terror organization CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations - these guys are also busy accusing FBI for offending muslims because FBI has monitored a California mosque that hosts islamic terrorists planning blow up jobs in California). Btw, the British lord Ahmed (who threatened Britain with 10000 street jihadists if Wilders was allowed entrance to Britain) to the right has also accused of murder/manslaughter (this dangerous islamofascist who Catholic Blair rewarded with a lord title, got away with only 3 months in jail because the biased British court "thought" he had just stopped his 20 minute constant SMS session while driving, just seconds before he killed a person!? Btw, Mr X "president's" first call was to the islamofascist Saudi leader whose legal adviser is the Nation of Islam guy at his right ear (same guy who arranged & paid for his Harvard studies) while Ingrid Mattson at his left ear is a wahhabist islamofascist who wants to make islam & Sharia the new constitution of USA!
Islam a millstone around Africa's (& the rest of the world's) neck!
Why don't we hear more abt the Saudi "princess" who escaped Saudi islamofascist Sharia law & was allowed secret refuge in Britain?!
A Saudi "princess" who faces Sharia stoning by the "guardians of islam", fled to Britain, only to find 85 anti-human rights British Sharia courts busy with muslim marriage cases where women are denied the right to love or marry non-muslim "infidels" or to leave islam!
The Saudi death, rape & intimidation terror
A book discussion with the author, LAURENT MURAWIEC Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Featuring a keynote address by RICHARD P ERLE Hudson Institute Trustee and American Enterprise Institute Resident Fellow:
Terrorism is not just some killer throwing a bomb or throwing himself as a bomb onto a target. Terrorism is an integrated chain. It comprises the financiers, the logisticians, the intellectuals, the predicators, the books that are written and that serve to indoctrinate and brainwash kids into becoming killers.
Freedom House found books with the seal of the Saudi government distributed in mosques throughout the U.S. full of incitement to hate and calling for waging war against the West, Jews, and Christians. At hearings held by the committee Nina Shea showed video clips that showed Saudi clerics – prominent ones – inciting over Saudi state television – inciting with words: “in the fight against infidels, throats must be slit, skulls must be shattered,” end quote.
On the official Saudi TV, IQRA, prominent cleric Musa Al-Qarni, who’s family has a lot of terrorists in it – said: “The uproar and the chaos that we see today in the human race – the killing, the acts of aggression, the rape, the robbery, and the disgrace of honor – what causes this is that the banners which are hoisted high are those of the Jews, the Christians, and other religions and faiths and not the banner of Islam. We ask Allah to strengthen the spirit of the jihad five years in
Iraq and to help them against their enemies – the Jews and the Christians. Likewise, I emphasize that the jihad that the Muslims are fighting in Iraq in order to repel the enemy aggressor – the Jews and the Christians – who are attacking land and honor. I emphasize that this jihad is legitimate jihad, jihad for Allah’s sake. And it is considered defense of Muslim countries, their lands, and their honor. The doubts that are raised against this jihad are not correct and are out of
place.” This is on state television in Saudi Arabia.
In fact, Saudi Arabia continues to fund terror through such organizations as the International Islamic Research Organization, the World Muslim League, the World Association of Muslim Youth, all of which – well, they’re not NGOs. They’re often called NGOs, but they’re not because on their boards you find Saudi cabinet members and princes – leading princes of the royal family. For example, Prince Salman, half-brother of King Abdullah, full brother of late King Fahd, is known to control IIRO distributions with an iron hand.
According to Matthew Levitt of The Washington Institute “Saudi officials have exhibited at a minimum a clear pattern of tolerating funds earmarked for
extremist purposes. For example, one Saudi official stated that a Saudi organization created to crack down on charities that fund terrorism has been ineffective because its personnel doesn’t want to uncover high-ranking Saudis actively financing such charities. The Saudis have taken steps to combat money laundering and freeze accounts related to the September 11th conspirators. I would add that nothing has been done against the September 12th conspirators, the September 13th, 14th, and all the rest of it. Moreover” – this is Matt Levitt speaking again – “the recently passed new regulations governing private fundraising – Saudis are now encouraged to donate funds only through established groups operating under the direct patronage of the royal family.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Disgusting & irreparable slave islam - & its bowing & "respecting" puppet Mr X* "president"
*He, the double muslim (muslim father & muslim adoptive father) who thinks (or pretends) he is a (black supremacist?!) Christian & blinks the worst sin of islam (after slavery & genocides), i.e. apostasy ban (which denies Obama the right to leave islam), hides (or lacks) his real (long form) birth certificate & has spent huge amount of money & effort to cover up the fact that he isn't a natural born US citizen as assumed by the constitution. Moreover he has for years deliberately & cunningly abused a hole in the justice system that doesn't demand him to present this paper (a change of the law is under work but will it include a sitting "president"?! Even bin Laden could, in theory, have become "president" of the US by applying this method! And what's the difference, really?! May be bin Laden should have killed fewer civilian muslims than Obama's cruel slaughtering by a hugely escalating war campaign + stealthy & bloody drone attacks against civilians.
Don't let yourself be fooled by quantity instead of quality! Most of the stuff written/preached in the name of islam has nothing to do with real islam. Why not? Simply because they blink the origin of islam & hence the real issue namely racism against "infidels"-slavery-deliberate genocides-rapetivism-apostasy ban.
Am I an "islamophobe" when I think a system of belief, islam, is disgusting when it promotes a cancerous illogical belief such as that muslim men can marry non muslim women but not vice versa?! Or that muslims are not allowed to change their "faith"! Both are grave violations against Human Rights.
The violent, sexist & illogical primitive superstition called "monotheism" culminated in islam, the worst crime ever against humanity - now spreading its racist/sexist hate mongering by the help of the House of Saud & its oil money it has got for nothing from the Western technoLOGICAL civilization. These Saudi islamofascists even have the guts to try stopping any criticism of their evil "faith". And they do this through what was meant to protect us from these kind of evil thugs, the UN!
All sophisticated "god"-religions are based on biological sex segregation, i.e. they have at least TWO original gods & the creation is made, not out of nothing as in "monotheisms", but out of what is already existing albeit lifeless (Klevius 1992:21-22)! The incredible stupid & illogical idea abt a "starting point" &/or a "first mover" etc would be complete nonsense were it not for its evil ulterior motive, rapetivism! However, although denying heterosexual creation (a "faith" for germs?!) the "monotheists" have been extremely eager to emphasize cultural sex segregation for the simple reason that males want more sex than females & that by making females into breeding cattle they got a power boost for additional conquest. On this evil path islam has made sex segregation 100% via Sharia & apostasy ban!
What? The Jews! Oh, didn't I mention it? Didn't you know that Christians were Jews believing in Jesus & that muslims were Jews believing in Mohammed?!
"Western" civilization didn't evolve as a result of monotheism(s) but as a "protest" against it & is based on technology & hence is inevitable in every free society. And the reason Europe US Japan etc have been ahead the pack is simply because islam has cursed most of the others. A more successful protest than the one some women tried in the early years of Christianity, when they, tired of being sex slaves, escaped into celibacy. Many of the Western "protesters", however, wanted to still keep half of the monotheist message, i.e cultural sex segregation (see e.g. From Freud to bin Laden & the link to Klevius Psychosocial timeline)!
Africa is a collateral damage caused by islam
Most people still seems alarmingly ignorant of the scoop of islamic slavery. Although they might have heard that islam sanctions slavery they have simultaneously often fallen victims for the heavy islamist propaganda that "islamic slavery was/is a good slavery". Truth being that islamic slavery was the worst of them all, not the least because it was the very backbone of the islamic ideology & that it produced such an enormous quantity of suffering among its victims (remember Klevius poem on the title page of Demand for Resources:... and the forgotten suffering...!
The islamic "faith" belongs to a weird system of belief originating in the old militaristic (& racist) Jewish approach of "a chosen people", the main tools being the sword & rapetivism/circumcision. Islam was a return & extremist extrapolation (through militant success) of this evil formula. Slavery wasn't only sanctioned but the very basis for islamic finance & survival. This is also the reason why islam itself is impotent in technology. As a parasite it has always abused others for itself. What is remarkable is the way many historians today try to turn black to white by making the products of non-islamic civilizations islamic. Of course the scientists in lands occupied by islam had to become muslims, or at least work for islam!
Every Kunta Kinte was abducted & sold by islam!
We already know for sure that many hundred of Millions were abducted, tortured & murdered by islam. So for example, we do know that for every castrated boy captured for to be resold in the islamic slave system of finance, 9 would die because of the castration. We also know that islamic plantation slaves counted in Millions long before the first Millennium!
However, the main body of islamic slavery through 1400 yrs has been slave girls as sex toys for muslim jihadists & as physical & cultural reproducers of islam.
Ausaf Ali: "Qur'an is very particular about and prefers that Muslim men should marry free believing women, as the ideal Islamic society consists of both free Muslims and Muslim slaves. Only when and if a Muslim cannot afford to marry a free Muslim is he or she told to marry a Muslim slave. This is what is counseled in verse 24:25, quoted above. The verse is addressed both to the Muslim man as well as the Muslim society in speaking of marrying "from among those whom your right hands possess." A slave girl is available, as it were, for a cheaper bride price; she also remains the slave of the man who owns her even after her marriage to another Muslim. Of course, the owner does not retain the right to have her service him sexually after her marriage to another Muslim, but he still retains the right to demand any other kind of service. Marriage does not change the status of the slave girl."
The most alluring aspects of evil ideologies is their cover up for their commoners while still keeping enough info open to attract racist & sexist beliefs in their ignorant followers.
So what to do?
Simple, just go back & read the original UN Human Rights Declaration from 1948. The negative part of it, i.e. that every human, incl. females should be free & not tied to sex as they are in islam & the islamic misogynist Cairo declaration from 1990 initiated by the fascists from Saudi Arabia & supported by 57 other islamic states.
But islam has changed someone might think. But the simple answer to this is that islam, due to its original formula incl. racism against infidels, racist sexist & anti-human rights marriage laws (rapetivism), apostasy ban etc., can only "change" out of itself & then there is no islam in any meaningful sense anymore!
Klevius/KLEVUX, your best (& sometimes only) source for social science & anthropology!
Don't let yourself be fooled by quantity instead of quality! Most of the stuff written/preached in the name of islam has nothing to do with real islam. Why not? Simply because they blink the origin of islam & hence the real issue namely racism against "infidels"-slavery-deliberate genocides-rapetivism-apostasy ban.
Am I an "islamophobe" when I think a system of belief, islam, is disgusting when it promotes a cancerous illogical belief such as that muslim men can marry non muslim women but not vice versa?! Or that muslims are not allowed to change their "faith"! Both are grave violations against Human Rights.
The violent, sexist & illogical primitive superstition called "monotheism" culminated in islam, the worst crime ever against humanity - now spreading its racist/sexist hate mongering by the help of the House of Saud & its oil money it has got for nothing from the Western technoLOGICAL civilization. These Saudi islamofascists even have the guts to try stopping any criticism of their evil "faith". And they do this through what was meant to protect us from these kind of evil thugs, the UN!
All sophisticated "god"-religions are based on biological sex segregation, i.e. they have at least TWO original gods & the creation is made, not out of nothing as in "monotheisms", but out of what is already existing albeit lifeless (Klevius 1992:21-22)! The incredible stupid & illogical idea abt a "starting point" &/or a "first mover" etc would be complete nonsense were it not for its evil ulterior motive, rapetivism! However, although denying heterosexual creation (a "faith" for germs?!) the "monotheists" have been extremely eager to emphasize cultural sex segregation for the simple reason that males want more sex than females & that by making females into breeding cattle they got a power boost for additional conquest. On this evil path islam has made sex segregation 100% via Sharia & apostasy ban!
What? The Jews! Oh, didn't I mention it? Didn't you know that Christians were Jews believing in Jesus & that muslims were Jews believing in Mohammed?!
"Western" civilization didn't evolve as a result of monotheism(s) but as a "protest" against it & is based on technology & hence is inevitable in every free society. And the reason Europe US Japan etc have been ahead the pack is simply because islam has cursed most of the others. A more successful protest than the one some women tried in the early years of Christianity, when they, tired of being sex slaves, escaped into celibacy. Many of the Western "protesters", however, wanted to still keep half of the monotheist message, i.e cultural sex segregation (see e.g. From Freud to bin Laden & the link to Klevius Psychosocial timeline)!
Africa is a collateral damage caused by islam
Most people still seems alarmingly ignorant of the scoop of islamic slavery. Although they might have heard that islam sanctions slavery they have simultaneously often fallen victims for the heavy islamist propaganda that "islamic slavery was/is a good slavery". Truth being that islamic slavery was the worst of them all, not the least because it was the very backbone of the islamic ideology & that it produced such an enormous quantity of suffering among its victims (remember Klevius poem on the title page of Demand for Resources:... and the forgotten suffering...!
The islamic "faith" belongs to a weird system of belief originating in the old militaristic (& racist) Jewish approach of "a chosen people", the main tools being the sword & rapetivism/circumcision. Islam was a return & extremist extrapolation (through militant success) of this evil formula. Slavery wasn't only sanctioned but the very basis for islamic finance & survival. This is also the reason why islam itself is impotent in technology. As a parasite it has always abused others for itself. What is remarkable is the way many historians today try to turn black to white by making the products of non-islamic civilizations islamic. Of course the scientists in lands occupied by islam had to become muslims, or at least work for islam!
Every Kunta Kinte was abducted & sold by islam!
We already know for sure that many hundred of Millions were abducted, tortured & murdered by islam. So for example, we do know that for every castrated boy captured for to be resold in the islamic slave system of finance, 9 would die because of the castration. We also know that islamic plantation slaves counted in Millions long before the first Millennium!
However, the main body of islamic slavery through 1400 yrs has been slave girls as sex toys for muslim jihadists & as physical & cultural reproducers of islam.
Ausaf Ali: "Qur'an is very particular about and prefers that Muslim men should marry free believing women, as the ideal Islamic society consists of both free Muslims and Muslim slaves. Only when and if a Muslim cannot afford to marry a free Muslim is he or she told to marry a Muslim slave. This is what is counseled in verse 24:25, quoted above. The verse is addressed both to the Muslim man as well as the Muslim society in speaking of marrying "from among those whom your right hands possess." A slave girl is available, as it were, for a cheaper bride price; she also remains the slave of the man who owns her even after her marriage to another Muslim. Of course, the owner does not retain the right to have her service him sexually after her marriage to another Muslim, but he still retains the right to demand any other kind of service. Marriage does not change the status of the slave girl."
The most alluring aspects of evil ideologies is their cover up for their commoners while still keeping enough info open to attract racist & sexist beliefs in their ignorant followers.
So what to do?
Simple, just go back & read the original UN Human Rights Declaration from 1948. The negative part of it, i.e. that every human, incl. females should be free & not tied to sex as they are in islam & the islamic misogynist Cairo declaration from 1990 initiated by the fascists from Saudi Arabia & supported by 57 other islamic states.
But islam has changed someone might think. But the simple answer to this is that islam, due to its original formula incl. racism against infidels, racist sexist & anti-human rights marriage laws (rapetivism), apostasy ban etc., can only "change" out of itself & then there is no islam in any meaningful sense anymore!
Klevius/KLEVUX, your best (& sometimes only) source for social science & anthropology!
Monday, August 03, 2009
Did Harvard prof. Henry L Gates never really like 'Whitey' & is he an islamophob?
Islam is by far the worst ideological crime ever committed. 1400 years of hate speech, murder, rapetivism & genocide has culminated in pure islamofascism spreading out of the House of Saud whihle money & power hungry puppets blink all the Saudi atrocities.
Klevius introductionary comment: Believe it or not but before 2000 I did not in any sense racially profile blacks. I can admit tghat at a very young age I sometimes slipped to profiling some especially weird looking people but without any notice on their skin color. Later I just acknowledged the simple fact that people look different. I also lived in an assumption that classic racism was long since securely buried & that I could continue enjoying my rage against white racists in Mississippi Burning etc. Then suddenly I encountered pure black racism (often disguised as an inherited right to be hostile against people with light skin color in general)
Today I'm also forced to racially profile blacks simply because of their own eager profiling/segregation of themselves (& me). I realized that black racism (& in extension now all racism targeting "whites" incl. latino speaking Euro-American whites) is a cheap populist tool for politics. So when I occasionally meet blacks who aren't separatists it feels almost as a relief, although I simultaneously hear the feeble minded "uncle Tom" mumbles from the background. This racist/sexist segregational cancer is the fertile ground for evil racist/sexist islam spread by the world enemy no 1 the Saudi Abdullah & Co! You know the guy & the "faith" Mr X "president so eagerly & deeply respects & bows for.
The response by Harvard prof. Henry Gates at the sight of Crowley was both racist & an example of racial profiling. Unlike officer Crowley, Gates (& Mr X "president" - see below) had never received education abt racial profiling (BTW, how come I managed to avoid RP without such education?!). And Mr X "president's" instant backing of Gates without even knowing the facts is also a clear sign of racial profiling.
So when should the "black community" speak out against their own racial profiling?
Does prof. Gates fulfill the PC definition of an islamophob?!
Thomas E. R. Maguire: "In into Africa, the BBC/PBS six-part series Henry Louis Gates, Jr. reinforces many of the negative stereotypes of Africa and its diverse culture. This paper deals with the way that Henry Louis Gates, Jr. portrays Islam negatively in a manner similar to the traditional and modern manifestations of Orientalism. The camera films several veiled women walking down the street as Gates mentions that, “for 2,000 years Arab merchants have settled on this coast. You can see their influence everywhere. There seems to be a mosque on every street corner.” Soon after, he goes to meet with Sheikh Bedawi, “one of Lamu’s most venerable Islamic scholars.” During the conversation, Sheikh Bedawi, somewhat light-skinned but clearly African, claims that he is of pure Arab descent, tracing his ancestry to the prophet Mohammed. He also explains that he tries not to look badly upon those with African blood. His translator adds that Arab men used to take African women as concubines, which led to African people being considered inferior. Leaving Lamu by boat, Gates says, “whatever Sheikh Bedowi says, that supposedly pure Arabic blood has long been mixed with the blood of Black Africans.” In this first encounter with Islamic Africa, the image of Islam progresses from veiled women, mosques, and a Qu’ranic school to bigotry, concubines, and confused identity, neatly reaffirming the Islamic simulacrum."
Klevius comment: This sleazy style of writing is typical of (deliberately?) ignorant islam supporters' cover up of islam's atrocities. Read Origin of islam! In fact, the Swahili phenomenon constitutes perhaps the main body (together with the Indian subcontinent) of islam's monstrous ideologically based genocidal crimes!
Racism is always based on segregation & the worst isn't even mentioned in most islam criticism, namely sex segregation, the main topic of Klevius/KLEVUX sites/blogs, papers, books etc!
Klevius introductionary comment: Believe it or not but before 2000 I did not in any sense racially profile blacks. I can admit tghat at a very young age I sometimes slipped to profiling some especially weird looking people but without any notice on their skin color. Later I just acknowledged the simple fact that people look different. I also lived in an assumption that classic racism was long since securely buried & that I could continue enjoying my rage against white racists in Mississippi Burning etc. Then suddenly I encountered pure black racism (often disguised as an inherited right to be hostile against people with light skin color in general)
Today I'm also forced to racially profile blacks simply because of their own eager profiling/segregation of themselves (& me). I realized that black racism (& in extension now all racism targeting "whites" incl. latino speaking Euro-American whites) is a cheap populist tool for politics. So when I occasionally meet blacks who aren't separatists it feels almost as a relief, although I simultaneously hear the feeble minded "uncle Tom" mumbles from the background. This racist/sexist segregational cancer is the fertile ground for evil racist/sexist islam spread by the world enemy no 1 the Saudi Abdullah & Co! You know the guy & the "faith" Mr X "president so eagerly & deeply respects & bows for.
The response by Harvard prof. Henry Gates at the sight of Crowley was both racist & an example of racial profiling. Unlike officer Crowley, Gates (& Mr X "president" - see below) had never received education abt racial profiling (BTW, how come I managed to avoid RP without such education?!). And Mr X "president's" instant backing of Gates without even knowing the facts is also a clear sign of racial profiling.
So when should the "black community" speak out against their own racial profiling?
Does prof. Gates fulfill the PC definition of an islamophob?!
Thomas E. R. Maguire: "In into Africa, the BBC/PBS six-part series Henry Louis Gates, Jr. reinforces many of the negative stereotypes of Africa and its diverse culture. This paper deals with the way that Henry Louis Gates, Jr. portrays Islam negatively in a manner similar to the traditional and modern manifestations of Orientalism. The camera films several veiled women walking down the street as Gates mentions that, “for 2,000 years Arab merchants have settled on this coast. You can see their influence everywhere. There seems to be a mosque on every street corner.” Soon after, he goes to meet with Sheikh Bedawi, “one of Lamu’s most venerable Islamic scholars.” During the conversation, Sheikh Bedawi, somewhat light-skinned but clearly African, claims that he is of pure Arab descent, tracing his ancestry to the prophet Mohammed. He also explains that he tries not to look badly upon those with African blood. His translator adds that Arab men used to take African women as concubines, which led to African people being considered inferior. Leaving Lamu by boat, Gates says, “whatever Sheikh Bedowi says, that supposedly pure Arabic blood has long been mixed with the blood of Black Africans.” In this first encounter with Islamic Africa, the image of Islam progresses from veiled women, mosques, and a Qu’ranic school to bigotry, concubines, and confused identity, neatly reaffirming the Islamic simulacrum."
Klevius comment: This sleazy style of writing is typical of (deliberately?) ignorant islam supporters' cover up of islam's atrocities. Read Origin of islam! In fact, the Swahili phenomenon constitutes perhaps the main body (together with the Indian subcontinent) of islam's monstrous ideologically based genocidal crimes!
Racism is always based on segregation & the worst isn't even mentioned in most islam criticism, namely sex segregation, the main topic of Klevius/KLEVUX sites/blogs, papers, books etc!