
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Disgusting & irreparable slave islam - & its bowing & "respecting" puppet Mr X* "president"

*He, the double muslim (muslim father & muslim adoptive father) who thinks (or pretends) he is a (black supremacist?!) Christian & blinks the worst sin of islam (after slavery & genocides), i.e. apostasy ban (which denies Obama the right to leave islam), hides (or lacks) his real (long form) birth certificate & has spent huge amount of money & effort to cover up the fact that he isn't a natural born US citizen as assumed by the constitution. Moreover he has for years deliberately & cunningly abused a hole in the justice system that doesn't demand him to present this paper (a change of the law is under work but will it include a sitting "president"?! Even bin Laden could, in theory, have become "president" of the US by applying this method! And what's the difference, really?! May be bin Laden should have killed fewer civilian muslims than Obama's cruel slaughtering by a hugely escalating war campaign + stealthy & bloody drone attacks against civilians.

Don't let yourself be fooled by quantity instead of quality! Most of the stuff written/preached in the name of islam has nothing to do with real islam. Why not? Simply because they blink the origin of islam & hence the real issue namely racism against "infidels"-slavery-deliberate genocides-rapetivism-apostasy ban.

Am I an "islamophobe" when I think a system of belief, islam, is disgusting when it promotes a cancerous illogical belief such as that muslim men can marry non muslim women but not vice versa?! Or that muslims are not allowed to change their "faith"! Both are grave violations against Human Rights.

The violent, sexist & illogical primitive superstition called "monotheism" culminated in islam, the worst crime ever against humanity - now spreading its racist/sexist hate mongering by the help of the House of Saud & its oil money it has got for nothing from the Western technoLOGICAL civilization. These Saudi islamofascists even have the guts to try stopping any criticism of their evil "faith". And they do this through what was meant to protect us from these kind of evil thugs, the UN!

All sophisticated "god"-religions are based on biological sex segregation, i.e. they have at least TWO original gods & the creation is made, not out of nothing as in "monotheisms", but out of what is already existing albeit lifeless (Klevius 1992:21-22)! The incredible stupid & illogical idea abt a "starting point" &/or a "first mover" etc would be complete nonsense were it not for its evil ulterior motive, rapetivism! However, although denying heterosexual creation (a "faith" for germs?!) the "monotheists" have been extremely eager to emphasize cultural sex segregation for the simple reason that males want more sex than females & that by making females into breeding cattle they got a power boost for additional conquest. On this evil path islam has made sex segregation 100% via Sharia & apostasy ban!

What? The Jews! Oh, didn't I mention it? Didn't you know that Christians were Jews believing in Jesus & that muslims were Jews believing in Mohammed?!

"Western" civilization didn't evolve as a result of monotheism(s) but as a "protest" against it & is based on technology & hence is inevitable in every free society. And the reason Europe US Japan etc have been ahead the pack is simply because islam has cursed most of the others. A more successful protest than the one some women tried in the early years of Christianity, when they, tired of being sex slaves, escaped into celibacy. Many of the Western "protesters", however, wanted to still keep half of the monotheist message, i.e cultural sex segregation (see e.g. From Freud to bin Laden & the link to Klevius Psychosocial timeline)!

Africa is a collateral damage caused by islam

Most people still seems alarmingly ignorant of the scoop of islamic slavery. Although they might have heard that islam sanctions slavery they have simultaneously often fallen victims for the heavy islamist propaganda that "islamic slavery was/is a good slavery". Truth being that islamic slavery was the worst of them all, not the least because it was the very backbone of the islamic ideology & that it produced such an enormous quantity of suffering among its victims (remember Klevius poem on the title page of Demand for Resources:... and the forgotten suffering...!

The islamic "faith" belongs to a weird system of belief originating in the old militaristic (& racist) Jewish approach of "a chosen people", the main tools being the sword & rapetivism/circumcision. Islam was a return & extremist extrapolation (through militant success) of this evil formula. Slavery wasn't only sanctioned but the very basis for islamic finance & survival. This is also the reason why islam itself is impotent in technology. As a parasite it has always abused others for itself. What is remarkable is the way many historians today try to turn black to white by making the products of non-islamic civilizations islamic. Of course the scientists in lands occupied by islam had to become muslims, or at least work for islam!

Every Kunta Kinte was abducted & sold by islam!

We already know for sure that many hundred of Millions were abducted, tortured & murdered by islam. So for example, we do know that for every castrated boy captured for to be resold in the islamic slave system of finance, 9 would die because of the castration. We also know that islamic plantation slaves counted in Millions long before the first Millennium!

However, the main body of islamic slavery through 1400 yrs has been slave girls as sex toys for muslim jihadists & as physical & cultural reproducers of islam.

Ausaf Ali: "Qur'an is very particular about and prefers that Muslim men should marry free believing women, as the ideal Islamic society consists of both free Muslims and Muslim slaves. Only when and if a Muslim cannot afford to marry a free Muslim is he or she told to marry a Muslim slave. This is what is counseled in verse 24:25, quoted above. The verse is addressed both to the Muslim man as well as the Muslim society in speaking of marrying "from among those whom your right hands possess." A slave girl is available, as it were, for a cheaper bride price; she also remains the slave of the man who owns her even after her marriage to another Muslim. Of course, the owner does not retain the right to have her service him sexually after her marriage to another Muslim, but he still retains the right to demand any other kind of service. Marriage does not change the status of the slave girl."

The most alluring aspects of evil ideologies is their cover up for their commoners while still keeping enough info open to attract racist & sexist beliefs in their ignorant followers.

So what to do?

Simple, just go back & read the original UN Human Rights Declaration from 1948. The negative part of it, i.e. that every human, incl. females should be free & not tied to sex as they are in islam & the islamic misogynist Cairo declaration from 1990 initiated by the fascists from Saudi Arabia & supported by 57 other islamic states.

But islam has changed someone might think. But the simple answer to this is that islam, due to its original formula incl. racism against infidels, racist sexist & anti-human rights marriage laws (rapetivism), apostasy ban etc., can only "change" out of itself & then there is no islam in any meaningful sense anymore!

Klevius/KLEVUX, your best (& sometimes only) source for social science & anthropology!


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    is english your language? I can't even understand this retarded drivel..There may be some good points in there but its hard to say, becuase you write like a mental retard.

  2. Anonymous3:50 AM

    IDIOT..... This is Jared Lee Loughner doctrine....careful people

  3. These two comments really show the depth of the problem, don't they! My only advice, take a reading course and try again!

    We have a situation where OIC (representing the world's muslims) replaces Universal Human Rights with islamist Sharia, and a bunch of morons like these who either don't have a clue, or are islamofascists of the worst kind...
