
Sunday, August 30, 2009

What’s the difference between Phillip Garrido & Mohammed/islam (the "faith" of kidnapping, slavery & rapetivism)?

If Phillip Garrido had been black (like the muslim Washington snipers Malvo & Muhammed), the chances are huge that he had been a muslim jihadist terrorist with even more tragedies behind him!

Both in the case of islam as well as in the Garrido case it's all abt girls/women who bond to their kidnappers & rapists, the so called Stockholm Syndrome!

Ed Smart: "I don't agree on the Stockholm Syndrome because I think that in many cases, these children do try to escape, and after numerous attempts they feel it's hopeless, and so they try to survive. And that's not necessarily bonding with these monsters. It is a matter of survival."

Klevius comment: That's Sharia! Islam is grounded on slavery, rapetivism & apostasy ban (see Origin of islam). The victims of islam have been harmed mentally (e.g. infidel racism) as well as physically (e.g. genital mutilation). They have no self-esteem because they feel guilt and shame - or hide it behind exaggerated "pride". They are emotionally dependent, frightened. They have not lived a normal life in a free Western sense.

Phillip Garrido, the pedophile who kidnapped & sex abused an 11 yr girl Jaycee Dugard & fostered two kids with her, has a church business called God's Desire, based out of his home in Antioch.: "The Creator has given me the ability to speak in the tongue of angels in order to provide a wake-up call that will in time include the salvation of the entire world," "What's kept me busy the last several years is I've completely turned my life around," Garrido told KCRA 3. "And you're going to find the most powerful story coming from the witness, the victim -- you wait. If you take this a step at a time, you're going to fall over backwards and in the end, you're going to find the most powerful heart-warming story."

Klevius comment: And he was abt to do it, just like Mohammed, but the police took him. Unlike Mohammed, Phillip Garrido didn't resort to enough (collective) violence! Btw, Phillip Garrido reportedly used to be a tall & good looking guy who married a Jehova's Witness during his prison sentence in the 1980s.

Reportedly "calls for the death sentence from outraged citizens are already being voiced for this tragic and violent crime against Jaycee". Well, Mohammed died some 1400 yrs ago but half a billion of his victims are still alive. But who should talk for them? Ayaan HIrsi Ali & her likes, of course.

Keith Ablow (a psychiatrist): “To maintain one’s desperation and grief and rage for many years, would be too damaging to the human mind – so the human mind tells itself a story about safety and contentment to safeguard itself – that’s the essence of Stockholm syndrome.

Klevius comment: When Arabic muslim slave traders & jihadists kidnapped or bought 100 of Millions of slaves, for feeding the islamic Sharia system of finance, the victims (those who didn't die) clearly developed a Stockholm syndrome in the form of "islamic cukltural heritage".

Stepfather, Carl Probyn: "Jaycee has strong feelings with this guy," "She really feels it's almost like a marriage."

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