
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Muslim born & Saudi fed Mr X "president" & how the Saudis put him in the White House - & the islamization of (an already sexist) Harvard

In Klevius series True islam

Klevius comment: One of the most eager islamist missionaries, Al Waleed Bin Talal Al Saud (the guy who accused US for 9/11 & offered oil money in "compensation") who probably has functioned as a "goalkeeper" (i.e. he has probably rolled much more money than he has "earned") for washing Saudi oil money into islamofascist "charity" around the world, isn't only the main contributor to the islamization of Harvard but also connected to muslim born Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro's (or whatever) suspicious academic admission to Harvard (via the supremacist fascist organization Nation of islam's Khalid Mansouri - see pic at Mr X's right ear - who has been Al Waleed Bin Talal Al Saud's legal "advisor" in US). Moreover, this money puppet also supports so called islamic feminism, of which I've warned for more than a decade now.

Those who study Koran know that islam from scratch denied rights of girls/women precisely because their sex attraction to Mohammed & his male accomplices combined with the reproductive capabilities of girls/women (both physiologically as well as culturally when rising children under the threat of the Sharia sword & apostasy ban) made their status confined as sex slaves. And the main difference between infidel sex slaves & muslim sex slaves was that the former couldn't transit inheritance, simply because it was already robbed somehow! The extremely childish, ridiculous & backward (not to say desperate) notion that islam gave more "rights" than the tribal Arabs preceeding it is simply not true in its context! This is why "islamic law did not succeed in expunging the patriarchy of the pre-Islamic world from their practices". Islam IS sex segregation &rapetivism! This fact isn't at all altered by "muslim" pilots etc! Btw, the Saudi State Department has warned that "Women considering relocating to Saudi Arabia should be keenly aware that women and children residing in Saudi Arabia as members of a Saudi household ... are considered household property and require the permission of the Saudi male head of their household to leave the country."

In conclusion one may consider that islamofascists have succeeded in placing an illegitimate & unconstitutional stupid muslim puppet in the lead of Americans because of the same reason as they succeeded to take over Harvard. Sex segregation (remember Summers?)!

There’s hence a straight line from Mr X’s miserable* pre-Harvard university records (Mr X's Harvard constribution was miserable as well) via Mecca (Riyadh) to the White House.

* Miserable in the sense that law schools usually prefer high scores. Another point is, of course, Mr X's poor writing records. Maybe he can only read!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The original islam again attacks Pakistan, while Mr stupid X "president" "respects" it!


The area we today call Pakistan was more than a Millennia ago slaughtered, enslaved & raped by Arabic islam (submission). This is the root of the problem with Pakistan - how to get rid of islam!

Klevius comment: Anyone curious abt the real origin of islam now has the opportunity to see it live - not only in Afghanistan/Pakistan, but around the world. And when wealthy Pakis escape from islam to the West they stubbornly repeat the Western dogma: "Islam isn't islam". Why? Because they, like the moron in the White House & other supporters of islamofascism, "respect islam" the worst crime ever against humanity! Would you believe it! Aggressive islam (i.e. political islam) creeps through the Vagina gate, AK47, TNT, & democratic institutions (which hence have ceased to be democratic). Like all fascisms islam is a one way road to hell.

According to Bill Warner (Center for the Study of Political Islam) 61 percent of the Koran talks ills of unbelievers or calls for their violent conquest and subjugation, but only 2.6 percent of it talks about the overall good of humanity.

Moorthy Muthuswamy: In fact, an appropriate and statistically acceptable characterization is that Islamic doctrines overwhelmingly preach dislike, hatred and conquest of unbelievers and that this material constitutes the majority of the content in the Koran. Using this statistical basis, one may also interpret that the token “goodness” toward unbelievers is present in the Koran in order to camouflage the true intent of subjugating and conquering them. When this anti-unbeliever-rich Islamic doctrine is preached through mainstream mosques, one could justifiably claim that neither the mosques nor the people who deliver the sermons there nor those who listen to them are likely to develop a moderate outlook toward unbelievers.

During the past sixty years from every Muslim majority region of South Asia – without exception – upon gaining power Muslims have set about marginalizing and worse – expelled most non-Muslims to the neighboring non-Muslim majority areas. This occurred despite the people sharing everything – including ethnicity, culture, language, but excluding religion. Most of these expulsions occurred before 1975, when money from Saudi Arabia was starting to flow into the region to immerse the population with even more Islam.

Statistical Islam helps us, probably for the first time, comprehensively contest misinformed notions upon which flawed Western policies vis-à-vis Islam/Muslims have been based.

Data analysis strongly discounts President Obama’s assertion given in the first interview of his presidency to the Saudi Arabian TV network, Al-Hurra: “[w]e cannot paint with a broad brush a faith [Islam] as a consequence of the violence that is done in that faith’s name.”

The analysis – subject to data and statistics – suggests that Muslim populations strongly driven by Islamic doctrines find “mutual interest and mutual respect” vis-à-vis Western civilization rather elusive. In this context, President Barak Obama’s declaration in his inauguration is really a ticket to nowhere – “[t]o the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect.”

Emancipation vs submission - Negative Human Rights vs islam

Samir Amin: “Mahmood Taha of Sudan was the only Islamic intellectual who attempted to emphasize the element of emancipation in his interpretation of Islam. . . . Taha's execution was not protested by any Islamic group, ‘radical' or ‘moderate.' Nor was he defended by any of the intellectuals identifying themselves with ‘Islamic Renaissance' or even those merely willing to ‘dialogue' with such movements. It was not even reported in the Western Media.”

Klevius comment: No wonder! This is precisely why islam is submission, i.e. to oppose emancipation!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The worst enemy of the free world & its puppet, the muslim born* bowing moron, Mr X “president” of the United Media

Forbes: Saudi Abdullah is the world's richest ruler

MR X, FACE IT, YOU LOST ALL CREDIBILITY IN THE FREE WORLD & MOREOVER, PAINTED YOURSELF IN A CORNER WITHOUT RETURN! As long as the U.S. Constitution defends freedom of/from religion, freedom of girls/women etc. USA is at war with islam & will always be! Klevius quiz: How come that Mr X (Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro - or whatever) who was "assisted" into Harvard law school by Abdullah's legal advisor (a NOI racist) & specialized in constitutional issues, seemingly doesn't understand the basics of the basis of democracy & human rights (i.e. negative human rights)? If he did he would never be able to "respect" islam. Or is he already so convinced that he can turn the US constitution upside down by the help of his powerful islamofascist pals & the United Media?! He certainly already sidestepped the constitution when he became "president" without even proving his own identity!
* To our knowledge Obama hasn't committed open apostasy as yet. As a muslim he can't be a president (yes, there are those other reasons as well) because islam (in any logical meaning of the word) doesn't permit the freedom entitled by the U.S. constitution, e.g. freedom of/from religion. Compare this to islamofascist Saudi Arabia & its evil dictator (the most important representative/caliph of islam) he bowed for! This is why apostasy (leaving islam) is considered the worst crime against islam**. On the other hand, if he did leave islam at some point (after being in Pakistan as a 20 year old & changing his name from Barry to Arabic Barack?!) he violates the most central tenet in islam which fact also proves that a true muslim can never be in accordance with the US constitution or Negative Human Rights!
** Why don't you get it MR X? Didn't you read history or were the books already changed in favor of islam?! The "faith" you "respect" is based on enslavement, the number of victims by far exceeds any other ideology on the planet, it's totalitarian, & once in (via birth) you are stuck. Add to this all the other one-way tricks of islam, e.g. sexist abuse of women as sex slaves & ideological reproducers under the threat of Sharia & apostasy ban, a muslim man can marry whoever & the kids become muslims while a muslim woman can only marry muslims etc etc. The basic formula of islam consists of everything opposite to the idea of freedom of the individual as described in the US constitution & the UN Declaration of 1948!

The Saudi "king", the "islamic world's caliph", is the main representative of islamic hate mongering all over the world through mosques, schools, universities etc. He is also behind the Cairo declaration of islamic "human rights" (which is the very opposite to the original Human Rights Declaration of 1948), which denies girls & women freedom (to make this evil islamic declaration look more positive it's embedded in a retorics of "accepting cultural traditions". This is also the guy behind OIC's (57 islamofascist countries who have hijacked UN's Human Rights Council) UN resolution to criminalize criticism of islam. Nothing of this info can be found on Wikipedia which instead praises this man's "philanthropy". Apart from the fact that it's easy to be philanthropic when you sit on a mountain of money given to you without you doing anything, the Saudis are famous for "islamic philanthropy", i.e. to use donations for the purpose of spreading islamofascism (compare, for example, Klevius post on how the Saudi house acted in the Tsunami catastrophe!). And, as described elsewhere on this blog, the "House of Saud" was founded on plantation slavery outside Riyadh & the whole of the country was stolen by the help of a few jihadists. But Mr X Obama (or whatever) is by no means Abdullah's only friend. "Obama" has to share him with e.g. Sudan's Omar al-Bashir (indicted by the International Criminal Court for what has been described as the Darfur genocide).

Rakesh Maria (Mumbai): “My boys have ferreted out the real conspiracy behind the attack. The danger we have exposed is not only to India, but to the whole world. The sooner the world realizes that, the better.”

Klevius comment: And the sooner the world realizes that it's islam per se, the better. Contrary to the proposed picture of islam prevalent in mainstream media, islam is not less but more related to crimes/terrorism than generally thought. This is because most islamic atrocities are under reported no matter how intensely the committed crimes/terror acts are linked to islam. And as you know, islam is an evil political ideology outlined for the purpose of offering moral comfort for what otherwise would be classified as pure evilness. A robber's moral.

Get rid of your cowardice fear & dangerous ignorance:
Origin of islamWhat is rapetivism?
Origin of religion

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A DUMB INSULT TO THE FREE WORLD! Mr X "president's" bow for evil islam & its most intolerant* representative, muslims' World Caliph, "explained"!

One of Obama's many islamofascist friends, Ingrid Mattson (check his left ear on the pic on the previous post below), the leader of US muslims who wants to change the US constitution to an islamic one, once said that muslims shouldn't talk with too intelligent people. Is dumbness the trade mark of islam?

The White House denies that the "president" bowed!?

Klevius comment: Together with his friend Sudan's Omar al-Bashir (indicted by the International Criminal Court for Darfur genocide) Saudi "king" Abdullah is an annual figure on The World’s 10 Worst Dictators list. But Abdullah is even worse

because of his hypocritical use of "inter-faith" rhetoric while spending oil money for the purpose of islamic hate mongering all over the world through mosques, schools, university courses etc etc. He is also behind the Cairo declaration which denies girls & women freedom (see e.g. previous posts). This is also the guy behind OIC's (57 islamofascist countries who have hijacked UN's Human Rights Council) UN resolution to criminalize criticism of islam! In short, this is the true islamofascist that the disastrous new US "president" Mr X bows so deep in front of so he almost hit his head on the floor, while his White House gang tries to offer one pathetic excuse after the other!

And btw, islam IS Abdullah & Saudi intolerance & hate mongering! It's its very nature (see Origin of Vikings & Origin of islam).

Dumb kids & their supporters who really are so utterly stupid so they believe paparazzis are worse than islam (& a surprising amount of grown ups) fueled by Abdullah & idolizing an other dumbhead, illegitimate & unconstitutional Mr X Obama (or whatever - see postings below).
No, I'm not insulting you US voters who were cheated by media! I'm insulting you who knew that he stands for a racist approach similar to his other friends in the black supremacist league Nation of Islam, yet still voted for him! And you who have been brainwashed feel such a confused guilt for something you don't have anything to do with but was, in fact, caused by islam. Compare your own stupidity to the imam who said muslims have more right to Australia than non-Aborigine Australians because "we came by our own free will"!

Klevius comment: Isn't it amazing that those people who are the most fixated with "inherited sin" also happens to be completely blind for islam's 1400 years of historical & contemporary sin, notwithstanding it's written in blood all over?!

Shinto meets islam

The moron with the stolen high tech Japanese video camera on the pic above may be compared to the stupid & non technical islamofascist oil billionaires drooling over Honda's super high tech robot Asimo. As you may already know (especially if you have read Klevius history lessons) islam has, from start, showed an amazing (but logical - islam is parasitism) technological impotency.

Klevius islam lesson: islam in perspective

Wheras West (founded on Negative Human Rights) lacks racism & sexism (in fact, actively prohibits & criminalizes such tendencies - except in the case of islam itself of some funny reason), islam is BUILT on precisely these two disgusting remnants from the past!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Muslim born "president" X bows for Saudi islamofascist (but not for the Queen) & wants to islamize US/EU while abandoning female victims of islam

HOW COME THAT CRITICISM OF THE WORLD'S MOST RACIST (& sexist) POLITICALLY FASCIST IDEOLOGY (which very slavery soul rests on infidel racism & Sharia rapetivism embedded in a totalitarian veil of apostasy ban) IS NOW CALLED "RACIST"?!

The illegitimate Mr X "president" has decided that not only should islamofascist terrorist supporters such as Saudi supported Ingrid Mattson & CAIR (see pic below) help islamize US but also that Turkey should reinvent Ottomanism led by islamofascists, & do the same with EU. And at the same time this confused (or deliberate) Mr X tells us his 70,000 troops new war in Afghanistan is for the sole purpose of protecting US, not Afghan girls & women! That's why he OKs islamic marital Sharia rape.

Can you tell who is a moderate muslim eager to broadcast a positive picture of islam's peacefulness, & who recently stabbed his divorcing wife at least 9 times & then chopped her head off while she was still alive? OK, I agree, they all look capable of it. Correct answer is the guy to the left who's rewarded by top islamofascists from the muslim terror organization CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations - these guys are right now busy accusing FBI for offending muslims because FBI has monitored a California mosque that hosts islamic terrorists planning blow up jobs in California). Btw, the British lord Ahmed (who threatened Britain with 10000 street jihadists if Wilders was allowed entrance to Britain) to the right is also accused of murder & causing death (this dangerous islamofascist recently got away with only 3 months in jail because the biased British court "thought" he had just stopped his 20 minute constant SMS session while driving, just seconds before he killed a person!? Btw, Mr X "president's" first call was to the islamofascist Saudi leader whose legal adviser is the Nation of Islam guy at his right ear while Ingrid Mattson at his left ear is a wahhabist islamofascist who wants to make islam & Sharia the new constitution of USA!

Look at the Ottoman Turkish couple (Erdogan & his Sharia submissive wife)! This is islamofascist sex apartheid in person, representing islamofascist Sharia rapetivism in general.

Islam is anti democratic & anti human rights from the first page of Koran to the last jihadist
Voting for a person who supports islam isn’t democracy but its very opposite, simply because islam IN ALL FORMS (that makes it meaningful to call it islam) is the anti thesis of democracy! To understand the depth of this statement you may have to visit Klevius definition of Negative Human Rights, the foundation of democracy). This is also why 56 islampofascist countries have adopted an "islamic human rights declaration" which, in fact, is a deeply sexist Sharia rapetivism.
Islam is a set of norms and ideals that emphasizes the inequality of girls/women.
Islam is rooted in slavery and rapetivism and glorifies these usually among civilized people as evil perceived customs.

Mr Xs scandalous & shameful anti constitutional "presidency"
John Eidsmoe, an expert on the U.S. Constitution: "She basically is asking, 'By what authority' is Obama president," he told WND. "In other words, 'I want you to tell me by what authority. I don't really think you should hold the office.' It's clear that Obama has something in the documentation of his history, including his birth certificate, college records and other documents, he does not want the public to know. What else could be the reason for his hiring law firms across the nation to fight any request for information as basic as his Occidental College records from the early 1980s."

Jerome Corsi: "The main reason doubts persist regarding Obama's birth certificate is this question: If an original Hawaii-doctor-generated and Hawaii-hospital-released Obama birth certificate exists, why wouldn't the senator and his campaign simply order the document released and end the controversy? That Obama has not ordered Hawaii officials to release the document leaves doubts as to whether an authentic Hawaii birth certificate exists for Obama."
Obama officials repeatedly have declined comment, relenting only one time to call such allegations "garbage."

Bowing, deeply, for islamofascism
Wesley Pruden: "He bowed deeply to the Saudi king in London, so deep that he risked banging his head on the floor, a real presidential first. When he got to Ankara on Monday, he stopped just short of converting to Islam, probably raising the hopes of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who told Americans last month that if only they would adopt Islam, they wouldn't any longer have to fear beheading knives raised in the name of Allah and peace."

Frank J. Gaffney Jr (update 7 April 2009): The video (the flogging of an Afgan girl who refused to submit to islamic Sharia "marriage" with a muslim Taliban leader) is inconvenient as it provides a vivid insight into the repressive, totalitarian and misogynistic nature of Shariah at the very moment that President Obama has been aggressively promoting the idea that the Islamic world must be "respected." To do so, he insists that non-Muslim Americans must use "respectful language" with regard to Islam and its followers. He went beyond words to demonstrate his submission to the King of Saudi Arabia by deeply bowing before him (something he did not do for the queen of England). The trouble is that any criticism of Shariah and of those - including the Taliban - who practice it as authoritative Islam dictates is not simply seen as disrespectful. It amounts to blasphemy, a capital offense under Islamic law. Among those promoting the application of Shariah blasphemy laws worldwide are: the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), a kind of international mafia enterprise made up of 57 Muslim-majority countries around the world; the so-called Alliance of Civilizations, which met in Turkey during Mr. Obama's visit there; and the United Nations Human Rights Council and General Assembly, which are - like the alliance - increasingly dominated by the OIC. Non-Muslims' obligation to "respect" Islam is also high on the agenda of the seditious Muslim Brotherhood and scores of groups in the United States that operate as fronts for it. (Worryingly, some of the latter claim the Obama administration has expressed a desire to pursue the hiring of 45 Muslim Americans the brotherhood types have vetted for the purpose).

Turkey's islamofascist leadership is anti democratic & anti secular. Simply voting for anti democracy doesn't fulfill the criterion for democracy!
Erdoğan: "Moderate Islam is a term open for discussion. There is no need to place a new term before or after Islam. Klevius comment: I 100% agree.

Malaysia's former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad:"There is nothing extreme about Islam if we follow its teachings as contained in the Quran." Klevius comment: There's nothing extreme in totalitarianism, except totalitarianism itself, of course.

Erdogan: Islam means peace. Therefore, Islam refuses all radicalism. Klevius comment: But also do note that islam has this in common with all totalitarian movements! It simply means that non-islamic is synonymous with "radicalism". Morover, islam means submission, not peace!

Howard, former PM in Australia: "By moderate Islam I actually mean real Islam."

Did I mention that Mr X "president" is an islamosocialist just like late Saddam Hussein. In the socialist camp he is also then in bad company with such historical profiles as Hitler:
Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927: "We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

Klevius comment: This is the basic failure of Marxism/communism/socialism (see Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor, & Angels of Antichrist - social state vs kinship). However, unlike islam they didn't have sex slavery at the top of their agenda.

Illegitimate & unconstitutional Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) in the Turkish parliament: “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.” Klevius comment: Assuming he didn't refer to all the African slaves islam gathered & sold, or to 9/11, what is left is Mr X's own extremely racist & sexist black supremacist organization Nation of Islam. You know, those guys who murdered Malcolm X & spat on Martion Luther King!