
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Muslim born & Saudi fed Mr X "president" & how the Saudis put him in the White House - & the islamization of (an already sexist) Harvard

In Klevius series True islam

Klevius comment: One of the most eager islamist missionaries, Al Waleed Bin Talal Al Saud (the guy who accused US for 9/11 & offered oil money in "compensation") who probably has functioned as a "goalkeeper" (i.e. he has probably rolled much more money than he has "earned") for washing Saudi oil money into islamofascist "charity" around the world, isn't only the main contributor to the islamization of Harvard but also connected to muslim born Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro's (or whatever) suspicious academic admission to Harvard (via the supremacist fascist organization Nation of islam's Khalid Mansouri - see pic at Mr X's right ear - who has been Al Waleed Bin Talal Al Saud's legal "advisor" in US). Moreover, this money puppet also supports so called islamic feminism, of which I've warned for more than a decade now.

Those who study Koran know that islam from scratch denied rights of girls/women precisely because their sex attraction to Mohammed & his male accomplices combined with the reproductive capabilities of girls/women (both physiologically as well as culturally when rising children under the threat of the Sharia sword & apostasy ban) made their status confined as sex slaves. And the main difference between infidel sex slaves & muslim sex slaves was that the former couldn't transit inheritance, simply because it was already robbed somehow! The extremely childish, ridiculous & backward (not to say desperate) notion that islam gave more "rights" than the tribal Arabs preceeding it is simply not true in its context! This is why "islamic law did not succeed in expunging the patriarchy of the pre-Islamic world from their practices". Islam IS sex segregation &rapetivism! This fact isn't at all altered by "muslim" pilots etc! Btw, the Saudi State Department has warned that "Women considering relocating to Saudi Arabia should be keenly aware that women and children residing in Saudi Arabia as members of a Saudi household ... are considered household property and require the permission of the Saudi male head of their household to leave the country."

In conclusion one may consider that islamofascists have succeeded in placing an illegitimate & unconstitutional stupid muslim puppet in the lead of Americans because of the same reason as they succeeded to take over Harvard. Sex segregation (remember Summers?)!

There’s hence a straight line from Mr X’s miserable* pre-Harvard university records (Mr X's Harvard constribution was miserable as well) via Mecca (Riyadh) to the White House.

* Miserable in the sense that law schools usually prefer high scores. Another point is, of course, Mr X's poor writing records. Maybe he can only read!

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