
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The worst enemy of the free world & its puppet, the muslim born* bowing moron, Mr X “president” of the United Media

Forbes: Saudi Abdullah is the world's richest ruler

MR X, FACE IT, YOU LOST ALL CREDIBILITY IN THE FREE WORLD & MOREOVER, PAINTED YOURSELF IN A CORNER WITHOUT RETURN! As long as the U.S. Constitution defends freedom of/from religion, freedom of girls/women etc. USA is at war with islam & will always be! Klevius quiz: How come that Mr X (Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro - or whatever) who was "assisted" into Harvard law school by Abdullah's legal advisor (a NOI racist) & specialized in constitutional issues, seemingly doesn't understand the basics of the basis of democracy & human rights (i.e. negative human rights)? If he did he would never be able to "respect" islam. Or is he already so convinced that he can turn the US constitution upside down by the help of his powerful islamofascist pals & the United Media?! He certainly already sidestepped the constitution when he became "president" without even proving his own identity!
* To our knowledge Obama hasn't committed open apostasy as yet. As a muslim he can't be a president (yes, there are those other reasons as well) because islam (in any logical meaning of the word) doesn't permit the freedom entitled by the U.S. constitution, e.g. freedom of/from religion. Compare this to islamofascist Saudi Arabia & its evil dictator (the most important representative/caliph of islam) he bowed for! This is why apostasy (leaving islam) is considered the worst crime against islam**. On the other hand, if he did leave islam at some point (after being in Pakistan as a 20 year old & changing his name from Barry to Arabic Barack?!) he violates the most central tenet in islam which fact also proves that a true muslim can never be in accordance with the US constitution or Negative Human Rights!
** Why don't you get it MR X? Didn't you read history or were the books already changed in favor of islam?! The "faith" you "respect" is based on enslavement, the number of victims by far exceeds any other ideology on the planet, it's totalitarian, & once in (via birth) you are stuck. Add to this all the other one-way tricks of islam, e.g. sexist abuse of women as sex slaves & ideological reproducers under the threat of Sharia & apostasy ban, a muslim man can marry whoever & the kids become muslims while a muslim woman can only marry muslims etc etc. The basic formula of islam consists of everything opposite to the idea of freedom of the individual as described in the US constitution & the UN Declaration of 1948!

The Saudi "king", the "islamic world's caliph", is the main representative of islamic hate mongering all over the world through mosques, schools, universities etc. He is also behind the Cairo declaration of islamic "human rights" (which is the very opposite to the original Human Rights Declaration of 1948), which denies girls & women freedom (to make this evil islamic declaration look more positive it's embedded in a retorics of "accepting cultural traditions". This is also the guy behind OIC's (57 islamofascist countries who have hijacked UN's Human Rights Council) UN resolution to criminalize criticism of islam. Nothing of this info can be found on Wikipedia which instead praises this man's "philanthropy". Apart from the fact that it's easy to be philanthropic when you sit on a mountain of money given to you without you doing anything, the Saudis are famous for "islamic philanthropy", i.e. to use donations for the purpose of spreading islamofascism (compare, for example, Klevius post on how the Saudi house acted in the Tsunami catastrophe!). And, as described elsewhere on this blog, the "House of Saud" was founded on plantation slavery outside Riyadh & the whole of the country was stolen by the help of a few jihadists. But Mr X Obama (or whatever) is by no means Abdullah's only friend. "Obama" has to share him with e.g. Sudan's Omar al-Bashir (indicted by the International Criminal Court for what has been described as the Darfur genocide).

Rakesh Maria (Mumbai): “My boys have ferreted out the real conspiracy behind the attack. The danger we have exposed is not only to India, but to the whole world. The sooner the world realizes that, the better.”

Klevius comment: And the sooner the world realizes that it's islam per se, the better. Contrary to the proposed picture of islam prevalent in mainstream media, islam is not less but more related to crimes/terrorism than generally thought. This is because most islamic atrocities are under reported no matter how intensely the committed crimes/terror acts are linked to islam. And as you know, islam is an evil political ideology outlined for the purpose of offering moral comfort for what otherwise would be classified as pure evilness. A robber's moral.

Get rid of your cowardice fear & dangerous ignorance:
Origin of islamWhat is rapetivism?
Origin of religion

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