Peter Klevius was the first (1992-94) to solve consciousness, and the first (1992) to point out the mongoloid (cold adaptation) link between the Jinniushan fossil in China and Khoisan people in Africa.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Sweden supports Islamic bio-terror! The "Western whore", the Islamist-Arabic self-centered, oil-fueled, totalitarian pimp & the root of evil
Already four years ago Karolinska Institutet (KI) in Stockholm and the Swedish governemnt knew that Iran develops WMD in the Pasteur Institute. Despite this Sweden continues its cooperation with the Iranian Islamists in the field of viruses used for bio-terror. To understand this read the previous posting for a start! Also note that Sweden (KI) is the EU-center for contagious diseases (European Union Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - ECDC)! It may also be noted that Fidel Castro has contributed A SIGNIFICANT ITEM ON BIOTERROR FOR IRAN and that Swedish members in the EU parliament have felt sympathy for Fidel Castro’s regime throughout the years.
The evilness of Islam is purest by its Arabic wells - the oil-for-Islam exchanging Saudi sheik families - but most visible among the poor and the weird!
Arabic evil in Bosnia and elsewhere: Wahhabism -- the Cancer/Syphilis of Islam
"Arab militias, known as the Janjaweed, in a campaign of rape and widespread killing against the ethnic Africans"
Klevius comment: Where's the border between evil and "good" Islam? Nowhere that I know about. And Cancer is a "totalitarian" disease that can only be cured by eliminating all cancer cells/metastasises (there are no "good" cancer cells/metastasises to my knowledge - see Definition of Religion and Fundamentalist Test). Disconnect pan-Arabic Islam from the rest of the world so the Islamic Saudis could clean it up themselves at home or continue living in its shadow if that's what they really want! And non-Muslim Arabs are welcome as refugees to the rest of the world, aren't they (and even "Muslims" if they keep their "religion" as a non-political private matter just for themselves)? The fundamentalists are right in one sense, there's no other Islam than theirs, and that's precisely why it's doomed - and the wanna-be's "Islam" obviously then doesn't have any need for racist/sexist pan-Arabism and the Arabic sources and wells.
Amnesty: The Janjawid are now supported and funded by the government; they wear uniform and continue to attack, kill, rape and abduct civilians. About a million people have fled from their burnt villages and have taken refuge in towns in Darfur, while more than 120,000 have crossed the border into Chad
The Western whore takes the bait of the Arabic oil-pimp?
The sexist Islamo-totalitarian evil (=Wahhabism, the real root of Islam) Arabic sheik-billionaires smile while naive Westerners swallow their money-baits (from Hollywood to universities, mosques and youth etc organizations). The effect of this oil-for-Islam, sex segregated world-capitalism is already very visible, e.g. in the boosting of the Arabic (Islamic) language and culture. Narrow-minded leftists/feminists etc eagerly forget about the rest of the (non-Muslim) world. This is actually quite similar a process as the fascist women movement in the 1930s!
A Western Catch 22: Fundamentalist sex segregated Islam funded by Arabs or slightly less fundamentalist sex segregated Islam funded by the Westerners own tax
Westerners shouldn't fall in the trap of giving money to Muslim organizations just to prevent the fascist Arabic influence. Instead they should stop the fascist Arab money before the damage made has become even worse!
Modernity can't be stopped by Middle Age perspectives - it only prolongs the suffering in the process towards a global community based on The Holy 1948 UN Declaration on the (negative) Human Rights.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Swedish Islamist Leif "Abd al Haqq" Karlsson, naive (or hypocrite & traitor?) top imam denies women a social life outside home
Definition of sex segregation (and feminism).
Acknowledgement for the reader: Islam/Muslims shouldn't be confused with immigration/immigrants! And Muslim (see Definition of religion) immigrants should first pass the Fundamentalist test before accepting themselves or being accepted as democratic participants respecting the holy 1948 Universal Human Rights Declaration in a democratic society!
Logic that excludes Islamic racism/sexism: From Klevius without love: Sex, kinship and friendship (non-sex marriage, the Vagina gate and the atom of kinship).
Sweden is one of the worst hit countries in Europe of Muslim immigration and Political Correctness.
Abd al Haqq Kielan, as Leif Karlsson now prefers to call himself, is the ultimate example of a naive and confused Westerner who has fallen in the Islamic trap he has himself assisted to dig with the help of his own projections on what he thinks is Islam.
Leif Karlsson/Abd al Haqq Kielan also says he doesn't believe in political Islam (i e the only Islam that is now relevant) but that he is a little bit surprised (sic) about the many young political Islamists in the mosques!
also see: "Unveiled women beg for rapes" Forum mot Islamisering (Forum against Islamization)!
Klevius comment: Leif Karlsson/Abd al Haqq Kielan is in person the ultimate proof for Klevius statement that the Swedes are the world's most lost people (according to the World Values Survey and hence also most vulnerable for political, sexist, pan-Arab(ic) Islam. Did Leif crash his head against the uncertainty/dynamics of ultimate modernity, and then bounced back to the darkest corner of the Middle Ages (also see e.g. Slavery and the Infidel in Islam for a start)?
Leif Karlsson/Abd al Haqq Kielan's statement that women shouldn't be allowed a social life outside home, clearly reveals a complete misinterpretation of the world of today. In fact, (see e g What is sex segregation?) the future of Islam is Muslim feminism (i e very much outside the home but still heavily sex segregated).
Behind the timid looking Leif Karlsson/Abd al Haqq Kielan's back Islamic racism and sexism keeps growing. One of his co-traitors (feminism and Islam both share the same bases of rigid sex segregation), head of the Domestic Violence Unit at the Malmö Police, Anna Gustafsson, claims that we are dealing with a “technical” increase, not a real one. However, national statistics reveal that reported rapes against children have almost doubled in Sweden during the past ten years. The number of rape charges per capita in Malmö is 5 – 6 times that of Copenhagen,
Poor Leif, I'm sorry to say that you might have been betrayed and abused as a tool for political Islam, and that you probably don't even have the courage to escape your betrayers and your own private illusions.
Where is the Kierkegaard of today, capable of desarming a political world "religion" with totalitarian and racist ("infidels") sexist ambitions? "For Kierkegaard, the true meaning of Christianity is the individual standing alone before and in the presence of a transcendent God"
If you have even the remotest belief that Islam could be democratic start with Klevius' definition of religion and The holy 1948 Declaration on Universal Human (negative) Rights. If you are puzzled with the "holy" see posting below Thursday, May 12, 2005!
If, on the other hand, Leif Karlsson isn't naive one may be forced to consider the possibility that he is a traitor:
"The doctrine of Jihad and Jizya essentially means building the Islamic Empire by denying infidels all rights except the right to serve their Muslim masters. The secret of Islam’s survival and longevity lies in both the deceptive cloak it wears in the form of a religion, and in the fact that economic weakness is always inherited by states based on its tenants. Up until the age of oil this has made Islamic countries appear relatively unthreatening"
Although we use to reject undemocratic and fascist movements and parties, the worst of them all, Islam, is by many allowed to continue to sponge on human rights and democracy. Why?
When asked why he converted to Islam Leif Karlsson refers to his trip to Morocco in the 70s, and how "nice it was" and the "small streets and the crowd of people" etc. If Leif Karlsson had been less naive and had read more facts rather than the Koran he'd be more familiar with the reality of Islam (e.g. Edmondo de Amicis' - a basically Islam friendly author - revealing 19th century trip to Morocco or Today's reality of Arab/Islamic slave trading in North-Africa!
Oil-for-Islam in Sweden?
Christer Nilsson, minister and deputy head of mission at the Swedish Embassy: “We want to let Saudis know that Sweden is a friendly country, where processing a visa application would not take more than ten days,” Nilsson said, adding that endorsement of Schengen visa by any of the member countries entitles a tourist to visit them without any hassle."
The naive and impossible idea of non-Muslims living together with Muslims is like the impossibility for a non-Muslim/Muslim marriage to be successful (without the non-Muslim converting to Islam):
"And do not marry Al-Mushrikaat (idolatresses) till they believe (worship Allaah Alone). And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress), even though she pleases you” “And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al‑Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allaah Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater)
So, the only way to go is, in the global end, non-Muslim. Why? Because of the rigidity (totalitarian racism and sexism) inherited in Islam itself:
"We (Muslims) Will Rule America; Israel is a Cancer; Jews are a Virus Resembling AIDS; Muslims Will Finish Them Off".
Klevius* comment: What about us non-Jews, non-Christians, non-Muslims, non-Communists and non-Feminists? Sorry, I forgot - we don't even count as humans.
Sucking money from the state(s) is so much easier if you belong to, say, an Islamic(ist) organization. Islam, the "religion" that has created little except violence, slavery, exploitation, senseless powerty, and colorful mosques built by innocent blood, has now become more powerful just because it happens to sit on the top of an oil-well, which it was unable to even open without the help of the "infidels"!
Islam, a shaky and hence hypersensitive totalitarian "poligion" protected by oil, "white collars" and socially lost lunatic jihadists
An "Arab" racist ethnicity and an "Arabic" language, which is in fact a very late branch of Hebrew and Aramaic - the language of Jesus. In fact it seems that the necessary full written Arabic wasn't even around at the time of Koran, which is basically a Syro-Aramaic liturgical Christian scripture that was "spiced" with "Arabism", i.e. the tools/rules necessary for conquest and exploitation. (Note! You "Arabs" who aren't Muslims, have all my respect. And you who pretend you are a Muslim, stop it and fight for your self respect and a FREE world - most of the world will support you!)! Because I'm almost convinced that "Arabs", behind their Islamic intellectual and sexist/racist yoke, have the same capabilities as other people, abandoning Islam would most probably finally open up for real productivity in "Arab" countries. I look forward to buy the first high quality tech product really Made in Arabia by Arabs (it doesn't need to be even close to the almost unreachable Made in Japan top level Shinto technology, though).
Islamic desecration of The Holy and Universal 1948 (negative) Human Rights Declaration
Pre-Islam "Arabs" used to reveal an overwhelming immorality, and were robbing trading caravans, and sold the stolen goods at dumped prices on the market, hence destroying every effort for a decent commerce. But Islam was not the moral correction needed (as many seem to belief), but on the contrary its ultimate perfection to become a tool for conquest, robbery and exploitation on a global (and most often "white collar") scale.
If Islamic "Arabs" really want to be accepted as global citizens they have to entirely abandon Islam and everything it stands for! On the wealthy sheik level as well as on the lunatic jihadist level! Such a move (which is inevitable and already in progress albeit too slowly for the sake of the victims of Islam) will also open up for the REAL emancipation for those women who have been affected in one way or another by this heritage from the Middle Age desert robberers.
After 9/11: Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) financed Al Qaeda with some $1M donation because he was so impressed and happy by the deed!
How much do Islamic "Arabs" in the West gain of the support Islamic organizations (legal and illegal) suck from Western states compared to non-Islamic immigrants (who might even be refugees from Islamic genocide and other atrocities)?!
It was perfectly understandable to create, and then to present to those conquered, a belief-system that would incorporate bits and pieces of Christianity and Judaism, and yet be a supersessional and supremacist ideology (with "Arabs" and the Arabic language always supreme) that would appeal, because of those elements of the prior montheisms, to those very Christians and Jews (or, later, the Zoroastrians of Persia). Muhammad is depicted above all as an Arab tribal leader, a warrior, striking temporary truces, ordering political assassinations, doing whatever he had to do to increase his own worldly power. Islam is not an other-worldly belief system.
Basically Islam now constitutes the major desecration of the holy 1948 Universal Human Rights Declaration! Why isn't it, as a totalitarian/fascist movement officially prosecuted! It can't be hidden/protected behind filtered "good" interpretations when the Islamic reality in Sudan and elsewhere around the globe clearly shows evilness!
The Swedish fascist* state propaganda media deliberately misleads listeners by naming suicide bombers "car bombs" (other media usually talk about "suicide car bombers")hence trying to hide the horrible fact that youth/children are unscrupulously brainwashed and cheated in Islamic Koran schools, to give their and their victimes blood for a fascist and totalitarian cause!
* Remember that Sweden has been a one-party state for approximately the same time as the USSR. And whereas the Sovjet has fallen, Sweden is now possibly the heart of the world's neo-fascism (Islamic), not the least bcause it is able to hide its real face behind the widespread myth of the welfare Sweden (see Angels of Antichrist" and "In democratic countries this takes place when competing propagandists resolve their differences and agree upon one propaganda. This maneuver can be seen in amalgamations or agreements within political, economic, educational, and religious groups."
While girls and women are systematically raped and killed together with the males in Sudan, Swedish fascist Islam supporting state media closes its eye against news like: the Arab militiamen appeared "happy when they raped. They sing when they rape and tell us we are just slaves and they can do whatever they wish."
The fascist Swedish state media has a similar attitude when Swedish girls/children/women are raped/abused by Islamic gangs in Sweden.
Sweden has appointed a Sharia Islam supporter (Masoud Kamali) as the government's "expert" for how to strenghten Islam in Sweden!
According to Mr. Kamali, Muslim families should be excluded from scrutiny in cases of suspected child or woman abuse, because they have a different "tradition" and shouldn't be forced to follow Swedish customs.
The African heroine Ayan Hirsi Ali ("the left is exactly like the Muslims - Islamic abuse of immigrant women isn't a priority") now seems to be the first real crack in the fascist movement consisting of sex segregated sharia Islam and Western leftists and feminists. Klevius site on sex segregation and negative human rights is so far the only one addressing the underlying and ultimate problem, i.e. sex segregation and the social state (already profiled 1996 in Angels of Antichrist). I'm sure Hanna Arendt should have loved it.
So what's good about Sweden anyway?
Monday, May 23, 2005
The Muslim veil constitutes a sexist offence, fertilized by totalitarian Sharia Islam
The veil signs a sexist system of belief (totalitarian Islam/Sharia) according to which women should be segregated from men. In doing this it also implies that men and women aren't able to cope with eachother. In conclusion it might be fair to say that the very essence of the veil lies in this sexist assumption, which is something completely different than a woman who, because of some other reasoning, is perhaps even more covered with clothes.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
The Swedish girl/woman problem: Rapes, violence, contempt, fear and 71 % income compared to men. Head of Swedish state feminist org: "Men are animals"
Example 1: When the Swedish Prime minister and his main political opponent in upcoming election were planning a debate on Swedish state TV they asked for a female reporter to avoid an all-male setting. They were denied without any particular motive, obviously because of a lack of a suitable female person.
Example 2: Sweden scores among the worst nations when it comes to rapes and violence against girls/women and according to a poll published today in Aftonbladet 85 % of Swedish women fear to go out.
Example 3: Swedish girls have such a low self esteem and are so self-destructive that the Swedish state felt obliged to launch a "Girl-project" to deal with it. This move had nothing to do with "a relentless pursuit for perfection" in a state that is often considered a good example of gender equality, but quite the contrary a desperate response to a flood of reports indicating that some 40 % of Swedish girls have really serious socio-psychological (and even physical) problems related to their bad situation. Compare this to Klevius (1996): "Agneta Pleijel complained, already in her 'letter' (1993) to Selma Lagerlöf (The world's first female Nobel prize winner in literature) about the apparent weakness in Swedish girls’ self-esteem despite the high degree of female workers and femininity in day caring, pre-schools and preliminary schools"
Example 4: 15 % of young Swedish women suffer from vulvodynia (vestibulitis) caused by having intercourse without really wanting to (see What is sex segregation?)
Example 5: According to the president of the Swedish state's official feminist organization ROKS, men are animals and walking dillos" and when the surprised female interviewer asked once again if that was really what she meant, she repeated it and added "Don't you think so?"!
Example 6: Sweden prides itself with a law that makes the buying (but not selling) of sexual services illegal. Usually those who have been convicted have lost their jobs. A military officer lost his military as well as his civil job. But when a judge (Leif Thorsson) in the Swedish Supreme Court was sentenced for exactly the same type of crime nothing happened except that he had to pay a fine!
Klevius comment: All of this is a result of a really heavy (and partly a secondary effect of the world's most elaborated social state) sex segregation that then continues in other, and more disguised, forms in adult women. So for example are most of the Swedish women employed by the state in traditional or recently created "feminine" occupations. Sweden lags far behind most of OECD when it comes to women's technical etc performances.
So when you see reports where Swedish women score high, give it a second thought. Who planned/wrote it, and why? So for example is the structure of UN reports often heavily influenced by Swedish feminists. Others are profiled by similar countries in EU (+ Canada etc) for plain political reasons.
For an overview of the state of the Swedish state see Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship + links.
Sweden as the haven for sex segregated Islamists see below!
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Oil-for-Islam? The holy sex segregated Arabic Islam vs the perhaps even more holy 1948 Human Rights declaration! Totalitarian Islam creeping in Asia.
Islamism Grows Stronger at the United Nations
Which scripture is more holy? The Koran, which considers part of humanity in terms of non-human "infidels" and "unbelievers", or the Universal Declaration of (negative) Human Rights, which considers all humans as humans and as equals, no matter of sex, religion/lack of religion, race etc.
Islam isn't actually even a religion. Insted it's forceful and greedy fascist (totalitarian) politics veiled in relgious retorics. Although some countries with Islam as the declared state religion have constitutional provisions protecting religious freedom that may, theoretically, compare favorably to international standards, Islamic praxis has clearly, and progressively, revealed its limitations. Misled and confused and/or brainwashed "Koran youngsters" and even children, are used to enforce violent and fascist Islam. Simultaneously a "soft" spreading of totalitarian Sharia Islam among disorganized and vulnerable Western youth (fuelled by oil/drugs etc money) is performed through mosques, Imams, youth and other Islamic/Muslim organizations etc aided by democratic tax payers and those very Human Rights and anti-discriminatory laws that Islam itself denies others when in power (compare "religious police" and other stupidities unheard of since long in the West).
Klevius comment: It's the very blend of expansionist pan-Arabism (i e Islam), abundance of oil and drug money, abuse of poor people's situation (which in many parts of the world often may have been originally caused/contributed by that very same Islam, see e g The Forgotten Holocaust), educated but detached and sex segregated youth, and the abuse of democracy, affirmative actions and human rights, which are the secrets behind Islam's rapid spreading - not its message, whatever it might be (should we ask bin Ladin or Western naive or smart Islam scholars for the "proper" interpretation?!).
Oil money now feeds racist/sexist, Islamic movements in the US: "Blacks" against "whites" or "blacks and browns" against "whites" or even "colored" against "whites"! And media and some politiicians seem well lubricated to avoid mixing the t-word with the "proper and nice" Islam (which of course only exists in the minds of those naive Westerners who haven't realized that Islam, unlike e.g. Christianity, gets all its power from its basically racist/sexist - sometimes under cover, sometimes openly - message appealing to troubled individuals):
Ironically, while here at home Arab and Islamic lobbies are pressuring editors not to relate terrorism to Islam, a growing number of Arab journalists and intellectuals, far from shying away from the use of the T-word in connection with Islam, go as far as explaining Islamic terrorism as a result of Islamic culture’s failures in the modern age
"For the sake of Islam itself its true teachings should not be so clearly expressed"
Sex segregation and feminism meet in Islam
"A problem with Majab’s argument is that she never asks herself if any theoretically feminist reinterpretation of Islam is possible. Another problem is that both Islamic feminists and atheists feminist have only an ideological approach to religion. One argues that without believing in religion, women’s emancipation is impossible; the other proposes that it is only possible when you do not believe on religion. The question is, with these views, if any dialogue for women solidarity and equality between these groups is possible"
Klevius comment: Yes, if feminism is seen as I see it, namely as institutionalised sex segregation (also see From Klevius without love and Why do you call yourself a feminist, Judith Butler?.
Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship.
Totalitarian and fascist terror Islam in Uzbekistan and elsewhere.
"For the sake of Islam itself its true teachings should not be so clearly expressed"
"After Hizb ut-Tahrir’s appearance in Auburn, Iraqi exiles described protesters as fundamentalists sympathetic to al-Qaeda’s leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, saying they had held up the same black flag with white lettering that has appeared in the videos that precede beheadings of hostages in Iraq".
Disgustingly biased Swedish state media continue supporting Islamic fascist atrocities home and abroad!
When two Swedes living in Brazil get caught by Brazilian police for having filmed teenagers, that is a headline news in Swedish state radio, but when a barely 13-year old is drugged and raped by four Mideasterners in Sweden, or when a 60 year old women is robbed, beaten and threatened with knives and then raped by "five men" (plus hundreds, maybe thousands of similar cases), that is hardly even reported.
Islamic violent and totalitarian fascism abusing poor and powerless people (who often already have been abused by their own governments but now face the even worse threats and suffering from fundamentalist Islam, with blood traces to Islamic oil money) always get support from Swedish state media, which seems more interested in the spreading of Islam than of the best of the people.
When Islamic totalitarian fascism is spreading in Central-Asia, Swedish state radio solely focuses on "the wrong picture given by the tyrant head of the state", and the "liberation movement" (i e in practice Islamic terror and totalitarian Sharia fueled from Saudia-Arabia, Iran etc)!
When George W Bush visited Georgia and was celebrated by thousands BBC and other main news channels reported the enthusiastic welcoming as the main news of the day. But not in Sweden of course, where (Rapport et al) it was only briefly mentioned as a small secondary news that "Putin may dislike Bush's visit to Georgia today"!
When the ongoing Islamic slaughter and genocide in Sudan sometimes (very rarely) is mentioned in Swedish state media it is usually blamed on "Christian resistance movements", not the real Islamic culprits sitting in Khartoum, Egypt, Saudi-Arabia and elsewhere while innocent, poor blood is flooding for the sake of Islam and oil money!
When lunatic Islamists in Afganistan take every excuse to oppose the county's strive towards freedom and democracy Swedish state media focuses on toilets on Cuba, shanting like the barely teenage Islamic terrorists "Death to US"! Compare this to what Afganistan's elected president says: Mr. Karzai dismissed suggestions the protests are actually aimed at the presence of U.S and other allied forces in Afghanistan, saying the country would "go back immediately to chaos" if foreign forces left." He also says the violence is an attack on Afghanistan and the government will fight the threat as it fought Soviet occupiers in the 1980s. The president says he has ordered his security agencies to arrest anyone involved in fanning the unrest whether they are Afghans or foreigners.