
Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Swedish girl/woman problem: Rapes, violence, contempt, fear and 71 % income compared to men. Head of Swedish state feminist org: "Men are animals"

Example 1: When the Swedish Prime minister and his main political opponent in upcoming election were planning a debate on Swedish state TV they asked for a female reporter to avoid an all-male setting. They were denied without any particular motive, obviously because of a lack of a suitable female person.

Example 2: Sweden scores among the worst nations when it comes to rapes and violence against girls/women and according to a poll published today in Aftonbladet 85 % of Swedish women fear to go out.

Example 3: Swedish girls have such a low self esteem and are so self-destructive that the Swedish state felt obliged to launch a "Girl-project" to deal with it. This move had nothing to do with "a relentless pursuit for perfection" in a state that is often considered a good example of gender equality, but quite the contrary a desperate response to a flood of reports indicating that some 40 % of Swedish girls have really serious socio-psychological (and even physical) problems related to their bad situation. Compare this to Klevius (1996): "Agneta Pleijel complained, already in her 'letter' (1993) to Selma Lagerlöf (The world's first female Nobel prize winner in literature) about the apparent weakness in Swedish girls’ self-esteem despite the high degree of female workers and femininity in day caring, pre-schools and preliminary schools"

Example 4: 15 % of young Swedish women suffer from vulvodynia (vestibulitis) caused by having intercourse without really wanting to (see What is sex segregation?)

Example 5: According to the president of the Swedish state's official feminist organization ROKS, men are animals and walking dillos" and when the surprised female interviewer asked once again if that was really what she meant, she repeated it and added "Don't you think so?"!

Example 6: Sweden prides itself with a law that makes the buying (but not selling) of sexual services illegal. Usually those who have been convicted have lost their jobs. A military officer lost his military as well as his civil job. But when a judge (Leif Thorsson) in the Swedish Supreme Court was sentenced for exactly the same type of crime nothing happened except that he had to pay a fine!

Klevius comment: All of this is a result of a really heavy (and partly a secondary effect of the world's most elaborated social state) sex segregation that then continues in other, and more disguised, forms in adult women. So for example are most of the Swedish women employed by the state in traditional or recently created "feminine" occupations. Sweden lags far behind most of OECD when it comes to women's technical etc performances.

So when you see reports where Swedish women score high, give it a second thought. Who planned/wrote it, and why? So for example is the structure of UN reports often heavily influenced by Swedish feminists. Others are profiled by similar countries in EU (+ Canada etc) for plain political reasons.

For an overview of the state of the Swedish state see Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship + links.

Sweden as the haven for sex segregated Islamists see below!

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