Islamism Grows Stronger at the United Nations
Which scripture is more holy? The Koran, which considers part of humanity in terms of non-human "infidels" and "unbelievers", or the Universal Declaration of (negative) Human Rights, which considers all humans as humans and as equals, no matter of sex, religion/lack of religion, race etc.
Islam isn't actually even a religion. Insted it's forceful and greedy fascist (totalitarian) politics veiled in relgious retorics. Although some countries with Islam as the declared state religion have constitutional provisions protecting religious freedom that may, theoretically, compare favorably to international standards, Islamic praxis has clearly, and progressively, revealed its limitations. Misled and confused and/or brainwashed "Koran youngsters" and even children, are used to enforce violent and fascist Islam. Simultaneously a "soft" spreading of totalitarian Sharia Islam among disorganized and vulnerable Western youth (fuelled by oil/drugs etc money) is performed through mosques, Imams, youth and other Islamic/Muslim organizations etc aided by democratic tax payers and those very Human Rights and anti-discriminatory laws that Islam itself denies others when in power (compare "religious police" and other stupidities unheard of since long in the West).
Klevius comment: It's the very blend of expansionist pan-Arabism (i e Islam), abundance of oil and drug money, abuse of poor people's situation (which in many parts of the world often may have been originally caused/contributed by that very same Islam, see e g The Forgotten Holocaust), educated but detached and sex segregated youth, and the abuse of democracy, affirmative actions and human rights, which are the secrets behind Islam's rapid spreading - not its message, whatever it might be (should we ask bin Ladin or Western naive or smart Islam scholars for the "proper" interpretation?!).
Oil money now feeds racist/sexist, Islamic movements in the US: "Blacks" against "whites" or "blacks and browns" against "whites" or even "colored" against "whites"! And media and some politiicians seem well lubricated to avoid mixing the t-word with the "proper and nice" Islam (which of course only exists in the minds of those naive Westerners who haven't realized that Islam, unlike e.g. Christianity, gets all its power from its basically racist/sexist - sometimes under cover, sometimes openly - message appealing to troubled individuals):
Ironically, while here at home Arab and Islamic lobbies are pressuring editors not to relate terrorism to Islam, a growing number of Arab journalists and intellectuals, far from shying away from the use of the T-word in connection with Islam, go as far as explaining Islamic terrorism as a result of Islamic culture’s failures in the modern age
"For the sake of Islam itself its true teachings should not be so clearly expressed"
Sex segregation and feminism meet in Islam
"A problem with Majab’s argument is that she never asks herself if any theoretically feminist reinterpretation of Islam is possible. Another problem is that both Islamic feminists and atheists feminist have only an ideological approach to religion. One argues that without believing in religion, women’s emancipation is impossible; the other proposes that it is only possible when you do not believe on religion. The question is, with these views, if any dialogue for women solidarity and equality between these groups is possible"
Klevius comment: Yes, if feminism is seen as I see it, namely as institutionalised sex segregation (also see From Klevius without love and Why do you call yourself a feminist, Judith Butler?.
Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship.
Totalitarian and fascist terror Islam in Uzbekistan and elsewhere.
"For the sake of Islam itself its true teachings should not be so clearly expressed"
"After Hizb ut-Tahrir’s appearance in Auburn, Iraqi exiles described protesters as fundamentalists sympathetic to al-Qaeda’s leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, saying they had held up the same black flag with white lettering that has appeared in the videos that precede beheadings of hostages in Iraq".
Disgustingly biased Swedish state media continue supporting Islamic fascist atrocities home and abroad!
When two Swedes living in Brazil get caught by Brazilian police for having filmed teenagers, that is a headline news in Swedish state radio, but when a barely 13-year old is drugged and raped by four Mideasterners in Sweden, or when a 60 year old women is robbed, beaten and threatened with knives and then raped by "five men" (plus hundreds, maybe thousands of similar cases), that is hardly even reported.
Islamic violent and totalitarian fascism abusing poor and powerless people (who often already have been abused by their own governments but now face the even worse threats and suffering from fundamentalist Islam, with blood traces to Islamic oil money) always get support from Swedish state media, which seems more interested in the spreading of Islam than of the best of the people.
When Islamic totalitarian fascism is spreading in Central-Asia, Swedish state radio solely focuses on "the wrong picture given by the tyrant head of the state", and the "liberation movement" (i e in practice Islamic terror and totalitarian Sharia fueled from Saudia-Arabia, Iran etc)!
When George W Bush visited Georgia and was celebrated by thousands BBC and other main news channels reported the enthusiastic welcoming as the main news of the day. But not in Sweden of course, where (Rapport et al) it was only briefly mentioned as a small secondary news that "Putin may dislike Bush's visit to Georgia today"!
When the ongoing Islamic slaughter and genocide in Sudan sometimes (very rarely) is mentioned in Swedish state media it is usually blamed on "Christian resistance movements", not the real Islamic culprits sitting in Khartoum, Egypt, Saudi-Arabia and elsewhere while innocent, poor blood is flooding for the sake of Islam and oil money!
When lunatic Islamists in Afganistan take every excuse to oppose the county's strive towards freedom and democracy Swedish state media focuses on toilets on Cuba, shanting like the barely teenage Islamic terrorists "Death to US"! Compare this to what Afganistan's elected president says: Mr. Karzai dismissed suggestions the protests are actually aimed at the presence of U.S and other allied forces in Afghanistan, saying the country would "go back immediately to chaos" if foreign forces left." He also says the violence is an attack on Afghanistan and the government will fight the threat as it fought Soviet occupiers in the 1980s. The president says he has ordered his security agencies to arrest anyone involved in fanning the unrest whether they are Afghans or foreigners.
Hello Klevius, you seem to have understood the true nature of Islam. You should visit us at FOMI, and visit my blog Islamkritik