
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Sweden supports Islamic bio-terror! The "Western whore", the Islamist-Arabic self-centered, oil-fueled, totalitarian pimp & the root of evil

Already four years ago Karolinska Institutet (KI) in Stockholm and the Swedish governemnt knew that Iran develops WMD in the Pasteur Institute. Despite this Sweden continues its cooperation with the Iranian Islamists in the field of viruses used for bio-terror. To understand this read the previous posting for a start! Also note that Sweden (KI) is the EU-center for contagious diseases (European Union Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - ECDC)! It may also be noted that Fidel Castro has contributed A SIGNIFICANT ITEM ON BIOTERROR FOR IRAN and that Swedish members in the EU parliament have felt sympathy for Fidel Castro’s regime throughout the years.

The evilness of Islam is purest by its Arabic wells - the oil-for-Islam exchanging Saudi sheik families - but most visible among the poor and the weird!

Arabic evil in Bosnia and elsewhere: Wahhabism -- the Cancer/Syphilis of Islam

"Arab militias, known as the Janjaweed, in a campaign of rape and widespread killing against the ethnic Africans"

Klevius comment: Where's the border between evil and "good" Islam? Nowhere that I know about. And Cancer is a "totalitarian" disease that can only be cured by eliminating all cancer cells/metastasises (there are no "good" cancer cells/metastasises to my knowledge - see Definition of Religion and Fundamentalist Test). Disconnect pan-Arabic Islam from the rest of the world so the Islamic Saudis could clean it up themselves at home or continue living in its shadow if that's what they really want! And non-Muslim Arabs are welcome as refugees to the rest of the world, aren't they (and even "Muslims" if they keep their "religion" as a non-political private matter just for themselves)? The fundamentalists are right in one sense, there's no other Islam than theirs, and that's precisely why it's doomed - and the wanna-be's "Islam" obviously then doesn't have any need for racist/sexist pan-Arabism and the Arabic sources and wells.

Amnesty: The Janjawid are now supported and funded by the government; they wear uniform and continue to attack, kill, rape and abduct civilians. About a million people have fled from their burnt villages and have taken refuge in towns in Darfur, while more than 120,000 have crossed the border into Chad

The Western whore takes the bait of the Arabic oil-pimp?

The sexist Islamo-totalitarian evil (=Wahhabism, the real root of Islam) Arabic sheik-billionaires smile while naive Westerners swallow their money-baits (from Hollywood to universities, mosques and youth etc organizations). The effect of this oil-for-Islam, sex segregated world-capitalism is already very visible, e.g. in the boosting of the Arabic (Islamic) language and culture. Narrow-minded leftists/feminists etc eagerly forget about the rest of the (non-Muslim) world. This is actually quite similar a process as the fascist women movement in the 1930s!

A Western Catch 22: Fundamentalist sex segregated Islam funded by Arabs or slightly less fundamentalist sex segregated Islam funded by the Westerners own tax

Westerners shouldn't fall in the trap of giving money to Muslim organizations just to prevent the fascist Arabic influence. Instead they should stop the fascist Arab money before the damage made has become even worse!

Modernity can't be stopped by Middle Age perspectives - it only prolongs the suffering in the process towards a global community based on The Holy 1948 UN Declaration on the (negative) Human Rights.

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