
Friday, February 18, 2005

Swedish 100% state monopoly TV accuses Italy for 90% TV monopoly! Pro-terror news and bribed immigration officials. Also PM & wife in bribe scandals.

Swedish state monopoly TV is notorious as an instrument (fed by tax money in general + license fees forced on everyone who possesses a TV-like device) for long term and intense political brainwashing of the Swedes. In praxis it means that one man, PM Göran Persson, dictates (see posts below on the Swedish - lack of - constitution etc) rules what the Swedes will hear/see ("non-state" TV4 got its renewed concession only because it had "behaved correctly").

The most recent example of Swedish state media manipulation is the presentation of the assassination of Lebanon's PM as a work of Israel or USA while almost no one else seems to think so including Muslim journalists. Repeatedly "experts" are brought forward to declare a Swedish pro-terrorist view.

Those of you who think Sweden isn't severely corrupt may stop reading now. The fact that terrorists can buy Swedish citizenship directly from Immigration officials is just the tip of the iceberg as are the following examples. As said before on this blog the Swedish PM is married with the leader of the huge Swedish state monopoly liquide chain Sytembolaget notorious for endless bribe scandals etc. The PM himself has no university degree but now got his doctoral hat as a bribe from a university he "made" by himself, i.e. he "helped" Högskolan (college) in Örebro becoming a university. Needless to say the PM has no other connection to the scientific field (medicine) of the faculty that promoted him. On the contrary Persson wanted to become a priest before he became a socialdemocratic politician...! Read more on Klevius' AIQ net!

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