
Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Swedish dilemma, Islam, sex segregation and the detached Swedes

Also see the previous posting! Weekly Standard: " 2003 noted that "a few" of the 6-to 10-year-old girls were wearing headscarves. On a visit in January 2005, fully 80 percent were covered in class--only a handful were not."

"Sweden has suddenly become as heavily populated by minorities as any country in Europe. Of 9 million Swedes, roughly 1,080,000 are foreign-born. There are between 800,000 and 900,000 children of immigrants, between 60,000 and 100,000 illegal immigrants, and 40,000 more asylum-seekers awaiting clearance. The percentage of foreign-born is roughly equivalent to the highest percentage of immigrants the United States ever had..."

Klevius’ comment: As it used to be in France but worse. How many Koran bred terror cells are right now flourishing in Sweden? And how many Islamic terrorists will end up in crucial positions in the Swedish society?

"Swedes voted by a narrow margin to enter the European Union in a 1994 referendum held in in the wake of a devastating recession"
Klevius comment: Sweden would never have entered EU in 1994 if it hadn’t been for the propaganda and misleadings from the Swedish state controlled TV (e.g. the total neglecting of presidential candidate and long-term renowned Finnish anti-EU politician Paavo Väyrynen's important visit to Sweden the week before the referendum).

But Swedes have been unwilling to surrender their currency for the euro.
Klevius’ comment: This was because there was a (basically female/male) split within the social-democratic party itself.

The social-democrats have ruled the country totally (with to short exceptions in the 70s and the early 90s) since 1932 and until present. And even before 1932 the social-democrats were main players on the political board in Sweden long before (they strongly prolonged the process of the female vote and they contributed strongly to the 1924 general child protection act that forced the by now world famous writer Astrid “Long-stocking” Lindgren, as a pregnant 18 year old girl to escape the horrifying Swedish orphanages. Sweden had a very cruel system even before, described by Nobel prize winner Harry Martinsson in his self-biography). For a deeper understanding of the Swedish "social state" and how it's connected to Swedish sex segregation, read Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship!

The welfare state is the real women’s trap and this can easily be seen in OECD statistics where Swedish women lag considerably behind in the private sector and in natural sciences.

The Swedish anti-racism that, after the war, spurred out of the Swedes bad conscience has now been turned into a political pro-terrorist tool for confusing immigrants in general with Islam. A development that now has made Sweden a terrorist’s haven as close to an Islamists heaven one can imagine. The bad thing isn’t immigrants but rather the expansionist Islamic Koran schools. Militant Islam (Is there a non-militant Islam?) is based on social exclusion (We and the “infidels”) and sex segregation. Also see From Klevius without love to get a closer look under the hijab!

The fact that immigrants have shown themselves overwhelmingly in favor of European Union membership, both at the ballot box and in opinion polls is rather due to the overall multi-national spreading of Islam and the practical benefits of easiness to connect to other immigrants throughout Europe.

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