
Saturday, February 12, 2005

"For the sake of Islam itself its true teachings should not be so clearly expressed"

"Their (Osama Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi) view of Islam is exactly what Muhammad, Ibn Taymiyya, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Khaldun, and all the greatest Qur’anic commentators, muhaddithin, and theologians in the history of Islam, would have understood and shared. Some Muslims believe that at the moment, Islam is too weak, and therefore, for the sake of Islam itself, the truth of its teachings should not be so clearly expressed, and acted upon."

Klevius comment: This is exactly what I mean with "stealthy" and "creeping" Islam. Compare this Jihadist quote with the "moderate" (i.e. stealthy) below:

"One of the most known and respected Muslim scholars of the 20th century, the late Muhammad Al-Ghazali..." (compare above) The "moderate" (i.e. stealthy) author continues: "Many of the sloppy statements and erroneous conclusions are the result of failing to consult with mainstream Muslim organizations, and neglecting to understand the dynamics within the American Muslim community."

Klevius comment: Yes, right, in other words exactly what the Jihadist in the first quote above meant!

The most dangerous "secret" and racist power of Islam is the idea about "infidels" and unbelievers (i.e. what really makes Islam so exciting for many a lunatic. By being a Muslim I'm a better person than the "infidels", seems to be the weird logic for many). The only option for a "good Muslim" then is to completely and honestly abandon this lunatic and totalitarian basic idea of Islam. See Klevius' definition of religion.

If Bush & Condi got it right, then someone must have got it wrong?

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