
Thursday, February 24, 2005

An intelligent & honest Swedish super-woman got fired while a pedophilia supporter got double state wages and state media comfort!

The way two completely different Swedish women are treated by the Swedish state also exemplifies how Freud, feminism and the social state are intertwined as described in Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship.!

The first woman, Inga-Britt Ahlenius, served as a critical and effective and well-renowned auditor general of Sweden until she was forced out in the cold by the Swedish socialdemocratic government who didn't like her scrutiny of the scandalous waste of tax money (see posting below abt the peculiar Swedish constitution etc). Ms. Ahlenius has now rightly been proposed as a person capable of cleaning up the black trails behind the UNs oil-for-food money. The way the Swedish state officials treated Ms Ahlenius was beyond imagination. It may be noted that her main opponent seems to have been minister of finance, Bo Ringholm, and that the former head of Riksteatern (National Theatre) Thomas Lyrevik assisted by mimicing Bo Ringholm's voice and hence confusing Inga.Britt Ahlenius (Lyrevik had previously worked on the ministry for finance and culture before he was appointed head of the state theatre involved in the notorious case of the family hating pro-left "psychodramatist" Lars Noren and the "Malexander police murderers" who escaped from prison in connection with a play.

The other woman in my example, Susanne Osten, however, is the exact opposite to Inga-Britt Ahlenius. Susanne Osten, who was appointed professor (by the state) at the Dramatiska Institutet in Stockholm, was responsible for the pornographic acts against six year old children described below (February 03, 2005 The Jackson case compared to Swedish state pedophilia). This was of course only the tip of an enormous iceberg consisting of troubled and weird ideas about children and sexuality. She now earns double full time wages from the state and the state radio supports and propagates for her repeatedly! The plattitude "moral panic" is often mentioned and is certainly not applicable to my criticism as you may recognize from the links below.

Susanne Osten (an orphan herself) belongs to a naive and confused culture of rigid sex segregation and psychoanalytic/dynamic unhappy tradition supported by the Swedish "social state" (also see Childless female child psychoanalysts in search for motherhood/femininity). There is in fact little difference between her and the small confused anorexia wanna-be sex segregated fashion models described in The Swedish girl problem. Also take a look at Klevius' Psycho-social timeline for a better understanding of Freud and the Hollywood phenomenon etc!

The basic problem for Susanne Osten and many of the small schoolgirls she and her colleagues and alikes abused is the generational transition of outdated sex segregation described in From Klevius without love. I would have no problem feeling sorry for Susanne's own tragedy if it wasn't for her deliberate sex abuse of children, that she committed by spreading her own "traumatic" sex segregation and detached/confused individuality/loneliness (fertilized by Freudian pseudoscience and feminism) via the Dramatiska Institutet. Susanne, with such a minimal and confused sex segregated knowledge about sex I don't think it's appropriate for you to even try to educate (i.e. in fact abuse) six year old girls!

Because feminism may be defined as (Karen Offen): “Femnism is the name given to a comprehensive critical response to the deliberate and systematic subordination of women as a group by men as a group within a given cultural setting”, this definition completely outrules the critical study of "women as a group" subordinating girls as a group in a sex segregated setting. And because almost all social studies now are supposed to have a "feminist approach" the only chance for a true social scientist to elaborate an unbiased scrutiny on this particular issue is to step aside from feminism (albeit without falling into masculinism either).

Klevius additional comment: Maybe you should, after all, read Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship and Klevius' News Desk to learn more abt Sweden!

Monday, February 21, 2005

Swedish female author can't differ pedophiles from others!

In an interview invited by the Swedish state controlled radio P! (only those politically correct are usually invited) author Katarina Wennstam (who's been quite successful with two rape books) says she feels "uncomfortable" with the fact that no one asked whether the (had just turned 13!) "Motala-girl" (see posting below) maybe wanted to have sex with four Turkish men, while many did so when a 21 year old woman, under heavy influence, had sex (albeit she, like the 13 girl above, didn't know about it) with three Swedish hockey stars.

Klevius' comment: I can't cause I'm puking...

Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Swedish dilemma, Islam, sex segregation and the detached Swedes

Also see the previous posting! Weekly Standard: " 2003 noted that "a few" of the 6-to 10-year-old girls were wearing headscarves. On a visit in January 2005, fully 80 percent were covered in class--only a handful were not."

"Sweden has suddenly become as heavily populated by minorities as any country in Europe. Of 9 million Swedes, roughly 1,080,000 are foreign-born. There are between 800,000 and 900,000 children of immigrants, between 60,000 and 100,000 illegal immigrants, and 40,000 more asylum-seekers awaiting clearance. The percentage of foreign-born is roughly equivalent to the highest percentage of immigrants the United States ever had..."

Klevius’ comment: As it used to be in France but worse. How many Koran bred terror cells are right now flourishing in Sweden? And how many Islamic terrorists will end up in crucial positions in the Swedish society?

"Swedes voted by a narrow margin to enter the European Union in a 1994 referendum held in in the wake of a devastating recession"
Klevius comment: Sweden would never have entered EU in 1994 if it hadn’t been for the propaganda and misleadings from the Swedish state controlled TV (e.g. the total neglecting of presidential candidate and long-term renowned Finnish anti-EU politician Paavo Väyrynen's important visit to Sweden the week before the referendum).

But Swedes have been unwilling to surrender their currency for the euro.
Klevius’ comment: This was because there was a (basically female/male) split within the social-democratic party itself.

The social-democrats have ruled the country totally (with to short exceptions in the 70s and the early 90s) since 1932 and until present. And even before 1932 the social-democrats were main players on the political board in Sweden long before (they strongly prolonged the process of the female vote and they contributed strongly to the 1924 general child protection act that forced the by now world famous writer Astrid “Long-stocking” Lindgren, as a pregnant 18 year old girl to escape the horrifying Swedish orphanages. Sweden had a very cruel system even before, described by Nobel prize winner Harry Martinsson in his self-biography). For a deeper understanding of the Swedish "social state" and how it's connected to Swedish sex segregation, read Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship!

The welfare state is the real women’s trap and this can easily be seen in OECD statistics where Swedish women lag considerably behind in the private sector and in natural sciences.

The Swedish anti-racism that, after the war, spurred out of the Swedes bad conscience has now been turned into a political pro-terrorist tool for confusing immigrants in general with Islam. A development that now has made Sweden a terrorist’s haven as close to an Islamists heaven one can imagine. The bad thing isn’t immigrants but rather the expansionist Islamic Koran schools. Militant Islam (Is there a non-militant Islam?) is based on social exclusion (We and the “infidels”) and sex segregation. Also see From Klevius without love to get a closer look under the hijab!

The fact that immigrants have shown themselves overwhelmingly in favor of European Union membership, both at the ballot box and in opinion polls is rather due to the overall multi-national spreading of Islam and the practical benefits of easiness to connect to other immigrants throughout Europe.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Swedish 100% state monopoly TV accuses Italy for 90% TV monopoly! Pro-terror news and bribed immigration officials. Also PM & wife in bribe scandals.

Swedish state monopoly TV is notorious as an instrument (fed by tax money in general + license fees forced on everyone who possesses a TV-like device) for long term and intense political brainwashing of the Swedes. In praxis it means that one man, PM Göran Persson, dictates (see posts below on the Swedish - lack of - constitution etc) rules what the Swedes will hear/see ("non-state" TV4 got its renewed concession only because it had "behaved correctly").

The most recent example of Swedish state media manipulation is the presentation of the assassination of Lebanon's PM as a work of Israel or USA while almost no one else seems to think so including Muslim journalists. Repeatedly "experts" are brought forward to declare a Swedish pro-terrorist view.

Those of you who think Sweden isn't severely corrupt may stop reading now. The fact that terrorists can buy Swedish citizenship directly from Immigration officials is just the tip of the iceberg as are the following examples. As said before on this blog the Swedish PM is married with the leader of the huge Swedish state monopoly liquide chain Sytembolaget notorious for endless bribe scandals etc. The PM himself has no university degree but now got his doctoral hat as a bribe from a university he "made" by himself, i.e. he "helped" Högskolan (college) in Örebro becoming a university. Needless to say the PM has no other connection to the scientific field (medicine) of the faculty that promoted him. On the contrary Persson wanted to become a priest before he became a socialdemocratic politician...! Read more on Klevius' AIQ net!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

"For the sake of Islam itself its true teachings should not be so clearly expressed"

"Their (Osama Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi) view of Islam is exactly what Muhammad, Ibn Taymiyya, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Khaldun, and all the greatest Qur’anic commentators, muhaddithin, and theologians in the history of Islam, would have understood and shared. Some Muslims believe that at the moment, Islam is too weak, and therefore, for the sake of Islam itself, the truth of its teachings should not be so clearly expressed, and acted upon."

Klevius comment: This is exactly what I mean with "stealthy" and "creeping" Islam. Compare this Jihadist quote with the "moderate" (i.e. stealthy) below:

"One of the most known and respected Muslim scholars of the 20th century, the late Muhammad Al-Ghazali..." (compare above) The "moderate" (i.e. stealthy) author continues: "Many of the sloppy statements and erroneous conclusions are the result of failing to consult with mainstream Muslim organizations, and neglecting to understand the dynamics within the American Muslim community."

Klevius comment: Yes, right, in other words exactly what the Jihadist in the first quote above meant!

The most dangerous "secret" and racist power of Islam is the idea about "infidels" and unbelievers (i.e. what really makes Islam so exciting for many a lunatic. By being a Muslim I'm a better person than the "infidels", seems to be the weird logic for many). The only option for a "good Muslim" then is to completely and honestly abandon this lunatic and totalitarian basic idea of Islam. See Klevius' definition of religion.

If Bush & Condi got it right, then someone must have got it wrong?

Friday, February 11, 2005

Hamas & terror Islam - Jihad on Fox's “24”, Sharia, Saudi poll, and "infidel" immigrants

Debbie Schlussel the extraordianry (and brave - contrary to the silent ones with Islamic terror blood on their hands) author of the article above has also written about The politically correct Islam support in Hollywood.

The connection between Hamas' charity and terror Islam well exemplifies the stealthy Islamic hybridity that makes Mideast peace efforts so tricky and that has to be acknowledged also on the global scene.

According to a recent poll almost half of all Saudis agreed with bin Laden's ideas but almost none wanted him to lead Saudi-Arabia

Yes, Sharia is very misunderstood in the West. Sharia is much creepier than most think. It's not something trivial that can be adapted to freedom but, on the contrary, the final lock in the Islamic chain of submissions. It's the dead end of the women's liberation movement. No matter how it's confirmed and interpreted in new contexts, the basic line, i.e. absolute and severe Middle -Age sex segregation (see From Freud to bin Laden), remains untouched!

The stealthy connection between "moderate" Islam and terror Islam resembles that of the stealthy connection between chauvinism and feminism (i.e. sex segregation).

Did Bush and Condi get it right after all?

In Sweden an immigrant is synonymous with a Muslim! And if you are a non-Muslim immigrant you can't really claim "racism" etc with the same powerful state back-up as Muslims! You are hence an "infidel" immigrant, aren't you?

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Jackson case compared to Swedish state pedophilia

Jackson (if sentenced for having "allegedly twice given one boy so much wine he passed out and then touched him in an "inappropriate manner", ABC reports") may face 20 ys in prison for child molestation. But in Sweden, when a girl who just had turned 13 is served laced Coca-Cola and then repeatedly sexually abused/raped by "four men from Mideast" (according to Aftonbladet) they are freed and not even considered pedophiles although three of them were adults and the oldest above 30 (see 27, January 2005 posting below). And what about the child abuse/molestation and pedophilia the Swedish state sponsors itself?

Six year old children in a Swedish school were faced with state supported pornographic material (e.g. about two small girls having oral sex) while they were simultaneously filmed on video. The female professor in charge stated that the acts were committed in "such a loving and caring context"! When later asked to destroy the video the head of the Dramatic Institute Per Lysander first said it was destroyed already but later admitted that it in fact was still in the hands of the adult students who filmed it. The culprits behind the deed including the female professor above (portrayed below) and professor Claes Peter Hellwig at the Dramatic Institute in Stockholm. The Swedish state funded Save the Children organization was also allegedly involved (not surprising at all if you've read As usual parents weren't told anything about the sexual/pornogrphic content of the "experiment" nor was it preceded by any ethical examination. The same institute has also experimented in other schools with nine year old children who have been taught to sit in a dark room listening to pornographic sounds. Others again were urged to utter "four letter words", which were later used by the adult students in a sketch.

This is the most perfect example of what I use to name the Swedish Psycho State. i.e. psychoanalytic state socialism/feminism boosting an inhumane state funded child trading that creates unattached young child criminals and confused adults. The state feminism sponges on sex segregation, i.e. the collected rage/confusion of girls/women who are structurally learned to hide behind sex/sexuality instead of easing up artificial, unnecessary and limiting interpretations of what is considered "womanhood" (see Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs. social state).

The woman responsible for the project is Suzanne Osten, a professor in directing at the Dramatic Institute in Stockholm. She has become a praized (especially by the social state) celebrity by blaming her parents (her mother was a famous critic and mentally ill) in the same way as Alice Miller (see Alice Miller's Psychoanalytic Genosuicide). Hence she has been an eager supporter of taking children from their homes just as she herself had been taken. She also states that "it's perfectly normal" to use the word "knulla" (fuck) when talking with six year old children.

Also see The Psycho-Social Timeline and how Freud created psychoanalysis as a sex segregated science about and for women and, ultimately, as an excuse for his own super sex segregated treatment of his wife.

Swedish program for children are very sexyfied, i.e. they are influenced by sex segregated (mostly) women who want to emphasise a naive and outdated sex/romantic love approach on children. This is because it offers a hiding place for feminine (non-biological) incompetency* (real or imagined - compare feminist concepts of oppression/discrimination) and the only possibility to defend it is to transfer it to children. This is a wellknown fact since Freud's Victorian times when girls were told what was considered "appropriate" sporting etc. for girls so they wouldn't risk their "femininity". Learn more on From Klevius without Love: Sex, friendship and kinship.

Unfortunately many men have followed in this invitation to a more sex segregated world and hence behave in a pseudo-sexist way that excludes/minimizes/distorts open and un-biased non-sexual contacts between the sexes. This is the real backlash of women's (and especially girls') liberation/emancipation. Many men have also welcomed (as in the 60s and 70s) the sexual "neo-liberation", which offers more easy sex for the sex that possesses the majority of sex hormones. But again, consider the important difference between the performance of physical sexual acts and HSA (hetero sexual attraction).