
Saturday, December 05, 2020

Peter Klevius congratulates Finland for its Indipendence* - but please, don't sacrifice Human Rights for sharia islamism

 * Peter Klevius' spell suggestion - compare 'individual'

 Naivity about islam is the worst threat to Human Rights


 Klevius anti-fascist "islamophobia" blog against islam's ...


Peter Klevius wrote:


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The muslim scimitar against the Western "infidel". Or today, Saudi islamofascism (OIC sharia) against Human Rights

The scimitar on Finland's and Karelia's coat of arms symbolizes the evil of islam - not Russia (although Ivan was terrible, he wasn't an ideology).

Before the appearance of the scimitar trampling lion on the coat of arms of Finland muslim Tatar warriors carrying scimitars* repeatedly attacked and pillaged the coast of Finland with devastating effect on the locals.

* Tatars used by Russia (Muscovite) carried Cossack style sabers, not scimitars.

Finland's coat of arms (top right) is first known from the 1580s (on Gustav Vasa's tomb in Uppsala cathedral), while the Karelian coat of arms (below Finland's) was seen already in 1562.

Uppsala cathedral, built after the Viking age on top of Sweden's original sacred non-Christian site. Uppsala was the natural and closest connection from Finland via the archipelago (see Klevius Finland-Swedish history lesson on Kvenland).

The symbol of the lion is derived from the arms of the Folkung family, which are included in the royal arms of Sweden. The beginning of the Folkung family can be mythologically traced to Fornjotr, the King of Kvenland and Gotland (ca 160-240 AD).

Finland-Swedish Leif Tengström made a desperate 1,000 page long effort in Muschoviten-- Turcken icke olijk": Ryssattribut, och deras motbilder, i svensk heraldik från Gustav Vasa till freden i Stolbova (1997 - ("The Muscowite, not unlike the Turk" : Russian attributes in Swedish heraldry from Gustavus Vasa [1523] to the peace-treaty of Stolbova [1617]. Diss. -- Jyväskylä University) - trying to disprove a better Finland-Swedish historian, Matti Klinge, who already 1981 established the scimitar on the weapon as representing muslims. Tengström vehemently opposed this view but after a decade long research he had to admit his failure but covered it up in a charlatanic excuse, i.e. that the scimitar just represented a general "western" xenophobia against both Russia and islam. In fact, Tatar warriors were all over the place, even fighting for the Muscovites, but they can't possibly have been the prototype for the muslim scimitar on the coat of arms.

Tatar muslim warriors were sent to Arabia to learn how to hate "infidels" - and then utilized by a Polish King (Sigismund II Augustus) who said he "liked the muslim way of keeping with old customs".

Klevius: Reminds me of how the islamofascist Saudi dictator family still today uses the old islamic method of "teaching" hate against the "infidels" (compare Rohyngia jihadis, Sri Lankan jihadis - or just any Sunni jihadi all over the world.

How many acid, knife, car, bomb, rape etc. attacks against people in England have been induced by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family's spread of islamic hate? Klevius think they are far more than anything induced by Russia.

Klevius wrote:

Friday, May 1, 2015

Finland-Swedish Havis Amanda in Helsingfors - the sexy maid of the 1st of May


Heterosexual attraction in Helsingfors* (aka Helsinki)

Havis Amanda is a nude female statue in Helsinki, Finland. It was sculpted by Ville Vallgren (1855-1940) in 1906 in Paris, but was not erected at its present location at the Market Square in Kaartinkaupunki until 1908.

Havis Amanda is one of Vallgren's Parisian Art Nouveau works. It is cast in bronze and the fountain it resides in is made of granite. She is a mermaid who stands on seaweed as she rises from the water, with four fish spouting water at her feet and surrounded by four sea lions. She is depicted leaning backwards as if to say goodbye to her element. Vallgren's intention was to symbolize the rebirth of Helsinki. The height of the statue is 194 centimetres and with the pedestal it stands 5 metres tall. According to Vallgren's letters the model for the statue was a then 19-year-old Parisian lady, Marcelle Delquini.

Vallgren himself simply called the work Merenneito (English: The Mermaid), but it quickly started to get additional nicknames. The Finland-Swedish newspapers dubbed it Havis Amanda and the Finnish Haaviston Manta or simply Manta. Havis Amanda is the common name used in brochures and travel guides.

It was unveiled on September 20, 1908. The work drew a lot of criticism at first, especially from women. Its nakedness and seductiveness were considered inappropriate. Not all groups objected to the nudity per se, but putting it on a pedestal was thought to subjugate women by making them appear weak and create sexual objectification and belittling of women (equal and common suffrage was introduced in Finland in 1906). Some women's rights groups criticised the look of the figure as plain and some even as "a common French whore", lacking pristine and innocence. The sea lions, with their human tongues hanging out, were said to represent men lusting after the mademoiselle. Vallgren considered himself a worshipper of women. Many in the cultural elite of Finland considered Vallgren an outsider and had judged his work even before it was finished. A good friend of his, Albert Edelfelt, was instrumental through his influence in getting the work ordered. Thanks to a small group of mainly Finland-Swedish supporters, the work gradually started gaining wide acceptance and natives started seeing it as the spirit of the city. Today it has been consistently voted the most important and most beautiful piece of art in Helsinki.

Every year on Vappu, Manta serves as a centrepiece for the celebrations. Students of the local universities put a cap on the statue in an elaborate ceremony. For many it is a "must see" event[citation needed].

There is also an urban legend that Havis Amanda patronizes men's sexual potency. Some men believe that washing one's face with water from one of Havis Amanda's fountains and shouting thrice "Rakastaa!" (Finnish verb "love") increases men's sexual ability.

*  Helsinki (Finnish pronunciation places stress on the first syllable: Finnish pronunciation: [ˈhelsiŋki]), is used to refer to the city in most languages, but not in Swedish.

The Swedish name Helsingfors ([hɛlsiŋˈfɔrs] or [hɛlsiŋˈfɔʂ]) is the original official name of the city of Helsinki (in the very beginning, spelled Hellssingeforss). The Finnish language form of the name probably originates from Helsinga and similar names used for the river that is currently known as the Vantaa River as documented already in the 14th century. Helsingfors comes from the name of the surrounding parish, Helsinge (source for Finnish Helsinki) and the rapids (Swedish: fors), which flowed through the original village. As part of the Grand Duchy of Finland in the Russian Empire it was known as Gelsingfors – a Russian adaption of the name.

A suggestion for the origin of the name Helsinge is that it have originated with medieval Swedish settlers who came from Hälsingland in Sweden. Others have proposed that the name derives from the Swedish word helsing, a former version of the word hals (neck), referring to the narrowest part of the river, i.e. the rapids. Other Scandinavian cities located at this kind of geographical locations were given similar names at the time, such as Helsingør and Helsingborg. However, according to Klevius, the most reasonable explanation is that Finland-Swedes (bilingual Finns) brought the name.

The name Helsinki has been used in Finnish official documents and in Finnish language newspapers since 1819, when the Senate of Finland moved to the town and the decrees issued there were dated with Helsinki as the place of issue. This is how the form Helsinki came to be used in the Finnish literary language.

 The Finnish lion on the original flag trampling the islamic scimitar

 Klevius wrote

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Klevius on Minna Canth's Day: Paving the way for women's rights against religion

Minna Canth was a Finland-Swede just like Klevius

The bedrock of "monotheist" religions is sex apartheid - and worst of them is islam

Did you know that the word 'God' comes from the Finnish word for home which is far older than any of the Mideastern "monotheisms"?

The ancient Persian (which is extremely young compared to Uralic) word for god 'khoda' connects to the even more ancient Finnish 'koti' and Finno-Ugric/Uralic 'kota' (=home/house/seed vessel - see Klevius definition of religion and the Vagina gate), Saami 'goahti'. German Gott (god) and Swedish gott (good) as well as Gotland (pronounced Gottland), the island in the Baltic sea that constituted a (the?) main Viking* hub in their slave trade with Jews and muslims. This very same Gotland belonged before the Viking age to Kvenland under the half mythic (but less so than the entirely mythic Mohammed) Finnish King Fornjotr.

* see also The oldest textual use of the word 'Viking'

Linguistic sex apartheid

As Klevius has pointed out for decades, in Finnish (as in most other languages) there is no sex segregation. A person is 'hän' regardless of sex, not the stupid he/she apartheid Europe has inherited from sexist Mideastern "monotheisms".

Is this why Finland became the most progressive country in Europe more than a century ago? And do note that full (i.e. also electable etc) voting rights for women in Finland was the result of non-socialists. Partly social-democratic Sweden had to wait 14 years to achieve the same.

The bilingual Minna Canth street sign in Helsinki reflects not only 600 years as part of Sweden but, according to Klevius, perhaps even more so the time before, namely as Kvenland (Queenland) the home of the Goths and the Vikings.

Minna Canth, born Ulrika Wilhelmina Johnsson, 19 March 1844, Tampere/Finland - 12 May 1897, Kuopio/Finland) was a Finnish-Swedish writer (i.e. mother tongue Swedish*) and social activist who wrote her most important works against religion and the treatment of women in Finnish. She inspired the proposal 1997 in the Finnish Parliament (actually same year as she died).

 * in Finland both Swedish and Finnish are official languages since long ago (also see Kvenland/Kvinnoland/Queenland

Klevius wrote:

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Putin didn't murder Litvinenko and Politkovskaja - islam did!

 But Putin - and Cameron - may be seen as accomplices due to their close "friendship" with islam

Klevius wrote a long time ago: 

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Did Islam in Chechnya kill Anna Politkovskaya because of her planned trip there?

Putin: "Russia is the most reliable partner of the Islamic world and most faithful defender of its interests"! Klevius comment: Chechnya is now ruled by expansionist Islamists notorious for kidnapping (even outside its own borders, e.g. in Ingushetia) torture, murder etc. and the young PM Ramzan Kadyrov is planning an "arena-sized" mosque etc in the war torn state. Allegedly Anna Politkovskaya was about to publish an article with witness evidence of torture in Chechnya by Ramzan Kadyrov himself.

Klevius wrote:

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Klevius Friday analysis: Did Islam kill Politkovskaya & Litvinenko? And is it really wise to have an islamist heading IAEA?

An original feature of Islam (see Origin of Islam) is its creeping via dirty routes such as slave and drug trails. "Infidels" can be abused and it´s just good for Islam to profit on poisoning them.

Like in Iraq, Sudan, Somalia etc. the bloodshed in Chechnya (after Jeltsin) has essentially been caused by Islamists rather than liberators. However, when Putin got enough of naive and extremely onesided Western media criticism - one that didn't (and still doesn't) even see "the worst crime ever against humanity" - he made a deal with Islam which now aids Islamic expansion in the region and a horrifying Taliban-Chechnya-Europe drug/mafia etc trafficking trail occupied by almost everything from Al-Qaeda to KGB agents/mafiosos, but all connected by Islamic expansion. Politkovskaya reluctantly started opening her eyes (see Oct 7 posting) whereas Litvinenko was probably even more naive - he also claimed Putin was behind terror bombings etc in Moscow (sic) - when faced with a reality that didn't fit the prevalent media hypocrisy of "it's not Islam" but Bush or Putin.

Klevius comment: According to Litvinenko, Mario Scaramella (Napoli) gave him (Nov 1, 06) data on Politkovskaya's proposed killers, doubtful, however, if he really read the four pages. In 2001 the Russian Federal Security Service allegedly claimed a Chechen trace in 9/11 was found among Chechen Islamists led by "Abdurakhman the Little": a blueprint-CD of a Boeing 737; a manual for pilots; explosive device, weapons, munitions and Saudi Islam (Wahhabi) literature. It was also said that some 300 Chechen Islamists guarded Bin-Laden in Afghanistan and a special Chechen battalion fought for Saddam Hussein against the US led liberation campaign.

Did the Polonium (extremely easy to carry and smuggle) come from Iran and the murderer fron Arabia?

One probable source of Polonium (Po-210) is Iran which long since has experimented with this stuff for the purpose of blasting their upcoming nukes!

In her last interview Politkovskaya accused the Islamist Chechen leader Kadyrov ("Stalin of our times" as she described him) and his militia: "Right now I have two photographs on my desk. I am conducting an investigation about torture today in Kadyrov's prisons. These are people who were abducted by Kadyrovsty for completely inexplicable reasons and who died. These are bodies absolutely disfigured by torture." Then she was murdered, most probably by Islam!
Kadyrov has recently been warmly welcomed by Saudi Islamofascist leadership.

Is it really clever to let an islamist, soft on Iran, head IAEA?!

Iran has, according to several anonymous sources, brought huge amounts of beryllium from different countries. Interestingly beryllium can be combined with polonium-210 to blast a nuclear bomb. It has also been alleged that IAEA (part of UN) chief Mohamed El Baradei, an Egyptian islamist, did know abt it but didn't tell the IAEA board of governors!

Klevius comment: How come that the very same UN that was created to protect the world from fascism now is heavily infested with and influenced by islamofascism (incl. Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc)?!


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