
Monday, June 19, 2017

Klevius question to Theresa May: Is it "islamphobia" to criticize islamofascism?

Is Theresa May using an allegedly psychotic man's senselessness* as an excuse for complying with the islamofascist Saudi dictator family's sharia demands?

* Driving over a possibly already dead man and injuring two others.

 Finsbury Park mosque has been a notorious fertalizer of islamofascism of the worst kind. The mosque has been polished on the surface but no one really knows what's still going on when "infidel" visitors have gone and the Koran and its "prophet" is contemplated "as the only way".

What we do know with certainty is that sharia islam doesn't comply with the most basic of Human Rights. So why is it "islamophobia" to say this simple truth that even the European Court of Human Rights has subscribed to?

Theresa May servicing Saudi state islamofascism.

Or does Theresa May think that the islamofascist Saudi dictator family are no muslims?

Did the islamofascist Saudi dictator family "hijack" islam?

Sadly, Theresa May now shares with her Saudi "ally" the view that Human Rights is a form of "extremism" and "terrorism".

Klevius suggestion to Theresa May: Perhaps it could be conducive to the good for non-muslims and non islamofascist muslims to know what you really mean by the wide terms "islamophobia" and "extremism".
Moreover, in her attack on "islamophobia" Theresa May helps islamists take cover as muslims following (e.g. Saudi type) islam, while also making it harder for moderate "muslims" to finding a way out from that horrifying religious Bora Dora cave that she locks by hindering criticism of islamiofascism. 

A truly "difficult woman".

And here's a truly "difficult" Swedish man:


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