
Monday, June 19, 2017

Islamists know that Human Rights equality constitutes the main threat to their islamist faith - that's why shouting against "islamophobia" (Human Rights) is so important to them.

An allegedly psychotic man drives over a man who was possibly already about to die from a heart attack, and two muslims who helped the man and were injured. However, eight muslims ended up in hospital, which means six of them must have got their injuries after the "terrorist attack" while trying to catch the allegedly psychotic driver who was described as "strong".

Klevius question: Is a mentally ill person's attack a "terrorist attack". And could one legally argue that retaliation attacks have exactly the same "hate" component as the hate attacks that preceded them - i.e. that constituted the very reason for BBC's use of the word 'retaliation'?

Moreover, compared to muslim terrorist attacks there can not be any clear motive - other than the same as muslim terroist attacks, i.e. mainly Saudi spread Wahhabi/Salafi Koran and Mohammad examples of hate against the non-muslim.

There's a reason why muslims attack non-muslims that precedes "islamophobia". When will Theresa May address this - so to protect both muslims and non-muslims, instead of s clearly biased, bigoted and hypocritical approach that only serves to give more space for islamists?

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