
Sunday, January 08, 2017

The Arc de Triomphe - over a Saudi Wahhabi mosque?

Peter Klevius: Wouldn't France have been better off playing more with Japan and China than with islam and the islamofascist Saudi dictator family?

Charlie Hebdo Journalist Quits: Says Magazine Has Bowed Down To Islam
Zineb El Rhazoui, one of Charlie Hebdo’s most prominent journalists announced that she is leaving the magazine: “Charlie Hebdo died on January 7,”
Klevius: That must comfort BBC a lot now to compensate for when they lost to Trump despite doing their outmost to smear him with fake news and misinfor etc since the day they spotted him. But of course, they still have a woman, Marine Le Pen, to spit on. And as BBC is in love with islamofascist sharia they can hardly accuse Marine of sexism, can they.

A recent study shows 28% of French muslims follow an “authoritarian” interpretation of texts that advocate a split from French society. And more than 14 per cent of 15 to 25-year-olds believe sharia law carries more weight than that of their place of residence.

 Iyad Madani, the Saudi Fuhrer of Saudi based and steered OIC.

 Giulio Meotti: While the medieval Saudi system of justice was flogging the gentle blogger Raif Badawi 50 out of the stipulated 1000 lashes, a delegation of UN bureaucrats landed in Jeddah to promote an international conference on religious freedom. The Saudis use these international seats to advance their oppressive agenda, and to press the Western democracies to punish criticism of Islam. Through the shameful trial of Geert Wilders, Dutch authorities sent a message of surrender to the Saudis and other rogue Islamic regimes that punish dissent. Did the Dutch prosecute Wilders on behalf of the Saudis, who threatened to impose sanctions on the Netherlands? The UN and the Western democracies are putting the defense of human rights and freedom in the hands of one the world's worst violators of religious and intellectual freedom. Sharia courts are already fully operating in the Netherlands.

Last time fascism entered through the Arc de Triomphe it came in the form of German National Sozialism*. Today it comes from the "guardian of islam", the islamofascist Saudi dictator family (OIC in UN).

* For ignorasmuses: Socialism was born in Paris. It developed into Communism and social democracy from which National socialism later emerged.

Klevius wrote:

August 18, 2013

When Saudi blogger gets 600 lashes and 7 yrs in a Saudi prison, BBC only reports he was freed (from death sentence)

A screen dump on a Google news search today on 'BBC Raif Gadawi' gives this shameful result:

A Japanese in Paris 1984

1984 Honda Jazz, 1250 cc. It had a road holding that no similar sized/priced cars could match. This became very obvious in France that year when even much pricier cars couldn't keep up with the pace on twisty roads. Which fact gave Klevius plenty of good laughs in company with frustrated proud French drivers, desperate in their in vain effort. Yes, Klevius knows what he's talking about cause one of his good friends was a Gordini etc. maniac, and an other an Abarth (Italian) fantast who built a 4WD mud race car with two engines and gear boxes. He easily outperformed Jeremy Clarkson & Co when it comes to killing people with laughter. Try for yourself using two throttles and two manual gear boxes while participating in a fast mowing mud race. The video is fantastic. No wonder he loved to drive the Jazz for a change...

When Peter Klevius 1984 bought a new Honda Jazz 1250cc (the world's first minivan) he went to Paris for a test drive and noticed considerably more smashed cars than at home in Fennoscandia. However, after having experienced the exciting end of Champs Elysees at the  Arc de Triomphe, some hints were given (it's exactly the same still today). Klevius was almost halfway into the roundabout before he got the local driving code and managed to slip away with both mirrors intact.

But then came EU to protect outdated low quality tax payer sponsored manufacturing from those evil Japanese who wanted to sell beter cars etc. to the Europeans.

Btw, it took until 1993 before Renault introduced Europe's first minivan, the lousy Twingo. I.e. the same year EU was born for the purpose of protecting lousy European manufacturers from the superior Japanese products.


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