
Friday, January 06, 2017

Reborn Charles Martel against Saudi agents interfering in US politics?

Who has been the main "hacker" of the US election and politics?

The Obama administration uses everything it still has* to hurt Americans and support the evil islamofascist Sunni muslim Saudi dictator family. It's not about Russia being a threat to the US - it's Russia being an obstacle for the Saudi dictator family's wars and terror in Mideast and around the world.

* There's nothing like a "neutral" CIA. And Obama's CIA has been the one most open for foreign (mainly Saudi) influence. Sadly, the evil islamofascist Sunni muslim Saudi dictator family also has its deep tentacles among Republicans.

Peter Klevius: Look at them! Obama administration plus  some other friends of Saudi islamofascism (McCain, Ryan etc).

Nor are the Iranians a threat to the Saudis. However, because of Iran the Saudi dictator family can't commit full blown genocide against its and its neighbors Shia populations - although quite close when considering Yemen, Bahrain etc. as well as how Shias are treated in Saudi Arabia.

Ray McGovern: I would say that John Brennan’s record for credibility or even veracity is rather thin. Brennan is largely responsible for the chaos in Syria. He and Defense Secretary Ashton Carter were against the ceasefire. Ashton Carter sent his air force to scuttle the ceasefire that was agreed to between Secretary Kerry and Lavrov in September.

The current CIA director John Brennan, who joined the CIA in 1980 and was a station chief in Saudi Arabia and the chief of the national counterterrorism center, thinks Mohammad bin Salman is a nice guy:

Mohammad bin Salman did not go abroad to university, choosing to remain in Riyadh where he attended King Saud University, graduating in sharia "law". Associates said he neither smoked nor drank and had no interest in partying.

BND, the German intelligence agency, portrayed Saudi defense minister and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as a political gambler who is destabilizing the Arab world through proxy wars in Yemen and Syria.

On 24 September 2015, 2,236 Hajj pilgrimage attendees were killed by an event now called the Mina Stampede, which sources claim was due to attempts by the personal convoy of Mohammed bin Salman to force itself through the crowd, and due to several road closures in the area.

Here's an other close friend of John Brennan

 and here's what he's doing

Paul Sperry, author of “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington.”: Counterterrorism experts have long suspected Saudi Arabia’s “rehabilitation” center for terrorists does a poor job of de-radicalizing jihadists. But a Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay now reveals it’s actually a recruiting and training factory for jihad.

According to recently declassified documents, senior al Qaeda operative Ghassan Abdullah al-Sharbi told a Gitmo parole board that the Saudi government has been encouraging previously released prisoners to rejoin the jihad at its terrorist reform school, officially known as the Prince Mohammed bin Naif Counseling and Care Center.

The Obama administration has praised the effectiveness of the Saudi rehab program — which uses “art therapy,” swimming, ping-pong, PlayStation and soccer to de-radicalize terrorists — and conditioned the release of dozens of Gitmo prisoners, including former Osama bin Laden bodyguards, on their enrollment in the controversial program.

To date, 134 Saudi detainees have been transferred to the Saudi reform camps in Riyadh and Jeddah. Last year, nine Yemeni detainees were sent there, as well, and more are expected to follow over the next two months, as President Obama strives to meet his campaign goal of closing Gitmo.

Al-Sharbi dropped a bombshell on the Gitmo parole board at his hearing earlier this year when he informed members that the Saudi kingdom was playing them for suckers. “You guys want to send me back to Saudi Arabia because you believe there is a de-radicalization program on the surface.

“True. You are 100 percent right, there is a strong — externally, a strong — de-radicalization program. But make no mistake, underneath there is a hidden radicalization program,” al-Sharbi added. “There is a very hidden strong — way stronger in magnitude — broader in financing, in all that.”

Al-Sharbi is one of the longest-serving, and most unrepentant, prisoners at Gitmo. A Saudi national with an electrical engineering degree from King Fahd University, he attended a US flight school associated with two of the 9/11 hijackers. He traveled to Afghanistan in the summer of 2001 and trained at an al Qaeda camp, building IEDs to use against allied forces.

Al-Sharbi was captured March 28, 2002, at an al Qaeda safehouse in Faisalabad, Pakistan, with senior al Qaeda leader Abu Zubaydah. According to his US intel dossier, he told interrogators that “the US got what it deserved from the terrorist attacks on 9/11.”

Given a chance at parole after 14 years, however, al-Sharbi was surprisingly frank with the board.

He explained that Riyadh is actively recruiting and training fighters to battle Iranian elements in neighboring Yemen and Syria. Saudi views Shiite-controlled Iran as a regional threat to its security.

“They’re launching more wars and the [United] States is backing off from the region,” he said. “They’re poking their nose here and here and there and they’re recruiting more jihadists, and they’ll tell you, ‘Okay, go fight in Yemen. Go fight in Syria.’ ”

Al-Sharbi said the Saudis also are “encouraging” former detainees “to fight their jihad in the States.”

“It’s not like a past history,” he said. “It’s increasing.”

A growing body of evidence backs up his claims. Last month, for example, a WikiLeaked email from Hillary Clinton revealed, citing US intelligence sources, that Saudi Arabia has provided “clandestine financial and logistic support to” ISIS and other Sunni terrorist groups in the region.

Al-Sharbi said the kingdom is playing a double game.

“They will proudly tell you they will fight terrorism,” he said. “That means they will support it.”

Al-Sharbi told the Gitmo board he doesn’t want to enroll in the Saudi rehab program, because he would be used to “fight under the Saudi royal cloak.”

“This is in the cause of a king. This is not a true jihad,” he said. “And I’m not going to Saudi unless I am sure they’re not gonna be using me.”

The Saudi rehab ruse has carried a lot of weight with the Gitmo parole board. Earlier this year, it released “Saudi al Qaeda recruiter and fighter” Muhammed Al Shumrani after his lawyers insisted that repatriating him to Saudi Arabia and enrolling him in its “well-established reintegration program” would cure his admittedly “problematic behavior.”

Last year, the defense team of longtime bin Laden bodyguard Abdul Rahman Shalabi insisted that the same Saudi rehab program would make sure he’s reformed. In approving his release, the board said that it was “confident about the efficacy of the Saudi program.”

In both cases, US intelligence warned the board that the hardened terrorists would more than likely “re-engage in terrorist activity.”

By Riyadh’s own numbers, some 20 percent of the terrorist enrollees at its rehab club — which features golf carts, palm trees and an Olympic-size pool — go back to the jihad, returning to the ranks of the Taliban or al Qaeda. US officials believe the recidivism rate is much higher, but Saudi Arabia does not disclose criteria for evaluation.

One high-profile failure was Said Ali al-Shihri. After his graduation from the Saudi program, he returned to Yemen, where he ran an al Qaeda branch and helped plan the deadly bombing of the US Embassy and mastermind the failed plot to blow up a 2009 Christmas flight over Detroit, before a drone-fired missile finally caught up to him.

The Saudi center is more holiday resort than halfway house for paroled inmates. Jihadists are rewarded with gourmet meals, video games, ping-pong, jacuzzis and newly furnished private apartments reserved for conjugal visits. They also are allowed unescorted visits to family members. In September, the center granted “beneficiaries” Eid al-Adha holiday vacation for 12 days.

Graduates are further rewarded with young brides and new cars.

Lending credence to al-Sharbi’s charges, the three-month program includes a few hours a day of lessons in Islam from Saudi clerics and “Shariah specialists.”

“Beneficiaries spend 15 hours a week in the Shariah program,” according to a local Jeddah press report, which is triple the amount of time devoted to psychological counseling.

Al-Sharbi’s parole was declined; he is still in Gitmo, along with 60 detainees — down from the 241 who were there when Obama started his term.

But with the administration rushing to reduce that number even further before the end of Obama’s term, how many more jihadists will be released into this highly suspect program?

Congress has an obligation to ask hard questions: Is this a pre-emptive campaign to prevent terror attacks or more likely an incubator for facilitating more attacks?

The CIA’s director John Brennan told Al Arabiya News Channel that “there was no evidence” of a Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

However, there are 29 pages, not 28, numbered 415 through 443 in the congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks. And deletions on the pages — sometimes words, often whole lines — add up to the equivalent of a total of three pages. So we still are not being given the full story.

It is instantly apparent that the widely held belief for why the pages were not initially released — to prevent embarrassing the Saudi royal family — is true.

The pages are devastating:

Page 415: “While in the United States, some of the September 11 hijackers were in contact with, and received support and assistance from, individuals who may be connected to the Saudi Government.… [A]t least two of those individuals were alleged by some to be Saudi intelligence officers.”

Page 417: One of the individuals identified in the pages as a financial supporter of two of the 9/11 hijackers, Osama Bassnan, later received a “significant amount of cash” from “a member of the Saudi Royal Family”during a 2002 trip to Houston.

Page 418: “Another Saudi national with close ties to the Saudi Royal Family, [deleted], is the subject of FBI counterterrorism investigations.”

Pages 418 and 419: Detained al Qaeda leader Abu Zubaida had in his phone book the unlisted number for the security company that managed the Colorado residence of the then-Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan.

Page 421: “a [deleted], dated July 2, 2002, [indicates] ‘incontrovertible evidence that there is support for these terrorists inside the Saudi Government.’”

Page 426: Bassnan’s wife was receiving money “from Princess Haifa Bint Sultan,” the wife of the Saudi ambassador. (Her correct name is actually Princess Haifa bint Faisal.)

Page 436: The general counsel of the US Treasury Department, David Aufhauser, testified that “offices [of the Saudi charity al-Haramain] have significant contacts with extremists, Islamic extremists.” CIA officials also testified “that they were making progress on their investigations of al-Haramain.… [T]he head of the central office is complicit in supporting terrorism, and it also raised questions about [then-Saudi Interior Minister] Prince Nayef.”

And here's the Saudi dictator family's "peaceful" branch.

Saudi based and steered OIC is all Sunni muslims Umma organization, which has declared the most basic Human Rights obsolete if they aren't sharia compliant.

Mr X ”president” Mohammad Hussein Barakeh Obama, who “respects” islamofascism and wants it to conquer the US and the UN by supporting OIC, the world’s main Sharia organization against Universal Human Rights.

And the muslim Washington sniper John Allen Williams, aka John Allen Muhammad who joined the Nation of Islam in 1987 and changed his surname to Muhammad and became a muslim serial killer as part of a jihad for Allah.

Klevius wrote:

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saudi islamofascists and OIC support war criminal Bashir (Sunni) while trying to murder Assad (Shia) - and so does muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president"

Not only is Obama an accomplice* to the 100,000 Syrians already killed - he now wants to kill and victimize even more

* His first call and his first bow as "president" was to the islamofascist Saudi muslim Sunni dictator in the world's worst hate mongering and intolerant nation! 

Muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" Barry Barakeh Hussein Obama Soetoro Dunham (or whatever) said in Cairo many years ago that he "respects" islam. However, he didn't mention which islam and which muslims. Now we all know it is Saudi islam(ofascism)!

And how could anyone who subscribes to Human Rights possibly respect an evil ideology that has spread continuous evilness for some 1400 years and which in all its forms is completely incompatible with the most basic of Human Rights?! A disastrous parasitic slavery ideology that needs both history falsification and criminalization of its critics for its survival!

The racist election propaganda preceding US' by far worst "president" ever, as well as his own lack of moral standing, and bigoted and hypocritical racial hate mongering (compare his background with Jeremiah Wright), as well as his close ties to the worst criminals on Earth, the Saudi and other islamofascists, constitutes the background to understand why he so eagerly wants to cause even more suffering in Syria than he has already caused while blinking the long lasting suffering in Sudan etc.

The fruit of the promotion of black racism?

This proud African-American, Demetrius L. Glenn, together with his friend, beat a small 88-year old World War II veteran, Delbert Belton, brutally to death. What if Belton had managed to defend himself like Georg Zimmerman did?!

Klevius question: If this was a hate crime (and everything indicates it was), who taught him to hate? And why aren't his parents arrested for grave child neglect?! And why did Obama say Trayvon Martin could have been his son?

According to child abuse and neglect considerations Trayvon Martin's parents should be held responsible for their sons premature death.

Just like any parent who lets* their child become a threat to other people.

And just like muslims who pass their own hate raligion to their jihadist kids.

Saudi Mr. Gas? Why doesn't Obama bomb Riyadh?! A good guess is that most of the money paid to murderous muslim terrorists comes from Riyadh!

Wall Street Journal: Officials inside the Central Intelligence Agency knew that Saudi Arabia was serious about toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad when the Saudi king named Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud to lead the effort.

Press TV (the main Shia world media which is now forbidden in e.g. UK):
Syrians in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta say Saudi Arabia provided chemical weapons for an al-Qaeda linked terrorist group which they blame for the August 21 chemical attack in the region, a report says.

The article co-authored by a veteran AP reporter, said interviews with doctors, residents, anti-government forces and their families in Ghouta suggest the terrorists in question received chemical weapons via Saudi spymaster Saudi Arabia's intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud.

The report quoted the father of a militant as saying that his son and 12 others were killed inside a tunnel used to store weapons supplied by a Saudi militant leader, known as Abu Ayesha.

The man described the weapons as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.”

BBC (with tight financial ties to Saudi and other islamofascists via its commercial BBC World section) showcased its professional Saudi supporting propaganda timing for its compulsory license fee paying listeners

While the UK parliament voted on going to war against Syrians, BBC Radio 4 constantly played (al-Qaeda/al-Nusra?) recorded children's screams from an alleged school bombing (sic - why would Assad bomb schools unless it was a mistake or used by muslim terrorists) by the Syrian government that had happened long before. It was during a regular news hour show so chances were many of the MPs might have listened on their personal gadgets and out of curiosity before voting. I.e. an appeal to sidestep logic for emotions in the service of Saudi etc islamofascists use of innocent blood fot their own political agenda. And as we know, the result was very tight and could easily have changed in BBC's and the Saudis etc Sunni islamofascists favor.

And behind it all towers Saudi based OIC (all the world's muslims world organization) which, according to Kerry, now also supports an additional violent attack on the Syrians.

And here are the front soldiers in islam's continuing evil of its evil origin.

Only truly pious (so called "extremist") muslims are truly evil. However, all non-extremist (secularized) "muslims" aren't necessarily good either if they knowingly use the evilness of islam for their own satisfaction. Only ignorant "muslims" can be excused.

While contemplating the pic below, do consider the inevitable fact that islam (in any meaningful form) doesn't approve of our most basic universal Human Rights! That's the main pillar of the problem, dude!

So those muslims who don't fit in either category need to face Erdogan, OIC and Human Rights violating Sharia - or admit they are no real muslims.

Klevius comment: I for one cannot see the slightest space for political islam in a democratic society based on the belief in Human Rights. Can you?

What is it you should see behind the islamofascist smile? 1400 years of Koranic genocides and rapetivism?

Eric Reeves (

As the world reacts with horror to chemical weapons attacks on civilians in Syria, and watches with grim anticipation as an American military response takes shape, there appears to be little "band-width" for other international news. It is all easy too overlook the much more widespread suffering and civilian destruction in Darfur, an ongoing catastrophe that is accelerating in such a way that humanitarian organizations may soon be compelled to withdraw, leaving an immense vacuum in the provision of food, primary medical care, and clean water. The UN/African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) appears to be in a state of collapse, unable to protect itself or to serve any deterrent or civilian protection purposes. Several events in particular this past week give a sense of how weak this beleaguered force has become and the consequences of allowing Khartoum to create in Darfur an intolerable climate of insecurity. Their implications are analyzed briefly below.

It seems important as well, however, to understand just how misleading the implicit comparisons are between civilian victims of chemical weapons in Syria and the civilian victims of utterly indiscriminate aerial bombardment by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) of the Khartoum regime-not only in Darfur but in Blue Nile and the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan as well. In the case of Syria, the strenuous language deployed is a pretext for military action in a region of very considerable geostrategic significance. As a consequence, there has been much talk of how the Assad regime's chemical attacks on the outskirts of Damascus are a "moral obscenity," that they are somehow uniquely "gruesome," that such actions are the ne plus ultra of military barbarism. But such descriptions as used by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry are finally expedient; for presumably Kerry knows full well the consequences of aerial attacks on civilians in Darfur and greater Sudan as a whole. There have been more than 2,000 such confirmed aerial attacks on civilians and humanitarians over the past fifteen years, and this is likely only a small fraction of the actual number of bombings. Many tens of thousands have been killed in these attacks-directly or indirectly-dwarfing the number of casualties from chemical weapons attacks in Syria and even in Iraq during Saddam Hussein's infamous al-Anfal campaign against the Kurds in the late 1980s.

And any comparison of how "gruesome" death is by means of chemical attack on the one hand, and the shrapnel-inflicted wounding of children, women, the elderly on the other, will inevitably be invidious. Histories of the First World War have given us many images, narratives accounts, even poetry representing the agony of mustard gas inhalation; it is without question horrific, indeed "gruesome." But can this justify implicit claims that the nature of death from shrapnel exploding out of crude barrel bombs, inflicting ghastly wounds, is any less "gruesome"? Indeed, it is a pointless and misleading comparison. But if there are those who wish to see photographs of the agony endured by bombing victims-children and women are the most common victims, but they include any and all caught in the broad swathe of crude barrel bombs dropped from an Antonov cargo plane at a height of 5,000 meters-I have posted a number of them on my Tumblr account (caution: many of these are deeply disturbing images, even as they do not include the most "gruesome":

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