
Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Cameron hugs an islamofascist*, Sadiq Khan (voted mayor by estremist muslims) for the sake of sharia finance

* i.e. someone who supports basic Human Rights violating sharia - plus see below.

Sharia islam isn't only bad for women but for all non-muslims and wrong muslims.

Sadiq Khan, former lawyer notorious for defending racist supremacist extremists, has described so called "moderate" muslim groups as “Uncle Toms” which in this context means "Westernized" muslims who embrace “moderate islam” as a way of being subservient to the West.

Klevius: What about BBC's so called "muslim" presenter, Mishal Husain? Is she a so called "radical" (i.e. true muslim) or "Aunt Tamsin", eating and sipping alcohol during Ramadan fasting times etc.?

Ayatollah Tabatabaeinejad shares the view of Sadiq Khan: “Revolutionary islam is the same as pure Muhammadan islam. Some say our islam is not revolutionary islam, but we must say to them that non-revolutionary islam is the same as American islam. Islam commands us to be firm against the enemies and be kind and compassionate toward each other and not be afraid of anything….

Klevius: Finally! "Islamophobes" and those non-muslims who call islam "a peaceful and great religion" and who want to criminalize "islamophobia", are now all "enemies of islam".

Ayatollah Tabatabaeinejad: Revolutionary islam is this same islam. It is the islam that is within us that can create changes. The warriors realized that islam is not just prayers and fasting, but rather they stood against the enemies in support of islam.”

Klevius: Absolutely! Enemies who didn't support attacking caravans, taking boooty and sex slaves, slaughtering people (incl. all the Jews in Medina), declaring women and non-muslims inferior etc.

An Arabic article titled “The Truth about the Moderate muslim as Seen by the West and its muslim Followers,” authored by Ahmed Ibrahim Khadr: Islamic researchers are agreed that what the West and its followers call “moderate islam” and “moderate muslims” is simply a slur against islam and muslims, a distortion of islam, a rift among muslims, a spark to ignite war among them.

Klevius: Cameron hence inciting hostility, violence and discrimination, not conducive to the public good?!

Khadr: They also see that the division of islam into “moderate islam” and “radical islam” has no basis in islam — neither in its doctrines and rulings, nor in its understandings or reality.

Radicals (“true Muslims”) aid and support fellow Muslims, especially those committed to jihad, whereas moderates (“false Muslims”) ally with and help Western nations.

    Radicals want the caliphate to return; moderates reject the caliphate.
    Radicals want to apply Sharia (Islamic law); moderates reject the application of Sharia.
    Radicals reject the idea of renewal and reform, seeing it as a way to conform Islam to Western culture; moderates accept it.
    Radicals accept the duty of waging jihad in the path of Allah; moderates reject it.
    Radicals reject any criticism whatsoever of Islam; moderates welcome it on the basis of freedom of speech.
    Radicals accept those laws that punish whoever insults or leaves the religion [apostates]; moderates recoil from these laws.
    Radicals respond to any insult against Islam or the prophet Muhammad—peace and blessing upon him—with great violence and anger; moderates respond calmly and peacefully on the basis of freedom of expression.
    Radicals respect and reverence every deed and every word of the prophet—peace be upon him—in the hadith; moderates don’t.
    Radicals oppose democracy; moderates accept it.
    Radicals see the people of the book [Jews and Christians] as dhimmis [third class “citizens”]; moderates oppose this.
    Radicals reject the idea that non-Muslim minorities should have equality or authority over Muslims; moderates accept it.
    Radicals reject the idea that men and women are equal; moderates accept it, according to Western views.
    Radicals oppose the idea of religious freedom and apostasy from Islam; moderates agree to it.
    Radicals desire to see Islam reign supreme; moderates oppose this.
    Radicals place the Koran over the constitution; moderates reject this.
    Radicals reject the idea of religious equality because Allah’s true religion is Islam; moderates accept it.
    Radicals embrace the wearing of hijabs and niqabs; moderates reject it.
    Radicals accept killing young girls that commit adultery or otherwise besmirch their family’s honor; moderates reject this.
    Radicals reject the status of women today and think it should be like the status of women in the time of the prophet; moderates reject that women should be as in the time of the prophet.
    Radicals vehemently reject that women should have the freedom to choose partners; moderates accept that she can choose a boyfriend without marriage.
    Radicals agree to clitorectimis; moderates reject it.
    Radicals reject the so-called war on terror and see it as a war on Islam; moderates accept it.
    Radicals support jihadi groups; moderates reject them.
    Radicals reject the terms Islamic terrorism or Islamic fascism; moderates accept them.
    Radicals reject universal human rights, including the right to be homosexual; moderates accept it.
    Radicals reject the idea of allying with the West’ moderates support it.
    Radicals oppose secularism; moderates support it.

Moderates believe religion has no role in public life, that it must be practiced in private, while radicals want it to govern society; that moderates rely on rationalism, while radicals take the text of the Koran and hadith literally; that the first place of loyalty for moderates is the state, irrespective of religion—marveling that the moderate “finds hatred for non-Muslims as unacceptable”—whereas the radical’s loyalty  is to Islam, a reference to the Islamic doctrine of Loyalty and Enmity.

Khadr concludes that, to most Muslims, “moderate Muslims” are those Muslims who do not oppose but rather aid the West and its way of life, whereas everything “radicals” accept is based on traditional Islamic views.

The blind socialist prophet against "islamophobia" who can't see any racism in himself.

Klevius: Makes me so proud of being a so called "islamophobe" - and thankfully not accepted by those who are name calling me. I prefer not to be equalized with them.

PS. Civilized people call "islamophobes" like Klevius for what they are, namely defenders of basic and universal Human Rights against totalitarian islamofascist sharia.

Not anywhere in the thousands of pages Klevius has written can you find anything else than Human Rights logic.

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