
Monday, May 30, 2016

Theresa May: There are some good aspects of sharia. Klevius: But sharia finance* is inevitably tied to islam's evil medieval aspects - as far you can get from "British values"! Ask the voters instead of indoctrinating them!

* Sharia finance is an evil system of using interest under cover (interest that isn't called interest) while simultaneously creating financial "slave trade routes" in the 21th century. Of course, the only reason that Theresa May so eagerly defends evil sharia is that London should be the main center of sharia finance outside Mideast. But will the Brits really accept the horrifying luggage that comes with sharia finance?

When will the dirty tracks of sharia islam be enough to convince politicians that islam isn't "a peaceful religion"?!

Theresa May has chosen the worst possible sharia "expert". A muslim! Moderate in appearance but medieval in thinking.

Mona Siddiqui (Theresa May's choice for "investigating" sharia courts): Sharia doesn't apply to non-muslims in muslim countries when it comes to e.g. marriage and divorce.

Klevius: Nothing could be more wrong! The whole idea of sharia is racist sex apartheid, i.e. that non-muslims have to obey sharia so that a non-muslim isn't allowed to marry a muslim woman but a muslim man is allowed to marry a non-muslim woman who then will be the subject of sharia whether she converts or not.

Mona Siddiqui: A proper human being should live like Mohammad did according to the Hadiths.

Klevius: Which encompasses almost every evil deed you can imagine from slaughtering the Jews in Medina to declaring women inferior.

Mona Siddiqui: The problem with sharia is that it's not made by Allah.

Klevius: So why on Earth can't it then be in line with the most basic of Human Rights? Why do you have to have a separate sharia system via UN (Saudi based and steered OIC's sharia declaration) that contradicts these the most basic of Human Rights?

Mona Siddiqui: Sharia marriage was solely to make the bride sexually accessible for the muslim man.

Klevius: Wrong again! In a world where some "islamophobes" still continue pointing at islam's Human Rights violations, it's understandable that islam feels being "attacked" and therefore in a state of continuous war against non-muslim infidels whose daughters thereby are made "sexually accessible" if your right hand can possess them. Throughout 1400 years muslims have "justified sex slavery on this ground and because islamic racism states that non-muslims are less worth as human beings.

Mona Siddiqui: You can't understand sharia unless you turn to experts and there are very few experts.

Klevius: And you don't certainly belong to those "few"? In fact, no one does because there are always differing opinions. From this perspective it's easy to see that the core of islam is racism/sexism and an excuse to not see other humans as equals, i.e. an excuse to avoid Human Rights..

Mona Siddiqui's narrative may well be be described as a deceptive balancing act wrapped up in the familiar language of "how to read the Koran and how to understand islam", but it amounts to little more than destruction of anything and anyone who doesn't agree with her but stands up for basic Human Rights equality.

Mishal Husain (BBC's muslim presenter): I drink alcohol and don't fast during Ramadan and I see no threat to my way of life.

Klevius: Thanks to Human Rights - not sharia!

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