Poll in France: ‘Total Rejection’ Of Islam In France From All Across The Political Spectrum
An Ifop poll for Le Figaro measuring perceptions of islam has found that people have a growing sense of unease about its role in France.
What’s notable about the results is that where once such sentiments were perceived as the preserve of the “extreme right”, they are now felt across the political spectrum. Back in 2010, 39 per cent of Socialist Party voters felt Islam was too prominent within French society — a majority of 52 per cent feel this to be the case six years on.
The poll also found that 47 per cent of people consider the presence of Muslim communities a threat to France’s identity, up five points from 2010. However, 19 per cent still believe muslims culturally enrich the country.
Surveys by Ifop going back to 1989 have consistently measured attitudes toward aspects of islam in French society.
In 1989 33 per cent of French people responded that they were “in favour” of building mosques, while the figure today is just 13 per cent . That year, 31 per cent were opposed to wearing the veil in general, a number that in 2016 has risen to 63 per cent.
French people’s growing distrust of Islam’s role in the country comes as data from across Western Europe shows that rather than becoming more assimilated over time, the views of second and third generation muslims have become increasingly hardline. This is of course quite natural when considering the combination of inferiority complex over their muslim "homelands" and the support for sharia islam they get from Western politicians.
When does Europe get a powerful Trump card to play? The rule is simple: Don't accept Saudi based and steered OIC's sharia declaration via UN which makes it possible for muslims to continue being hateful racists and sexists! Without sharia no "islamophobia".
Klevius wrote:
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Sharia muslim Sadiq Khan today bluntly avoided the two most imprtant questions - and BBC let him get away with it!
A sharia muslim extremist, Sadiq Khan, will soon rule London because of Labour support!
BBC: How will your muslim faith affect your work as a
Mayor of London?
Sadiq Khan: Bla bla bla...
BBC: Do you gonna shut down sharia courts?
Sadiq Khan: Bla bla bla...
Klevius comment: Precisely because of what Klevius has written about the blurred line between so called "moderate muslims" and true sharia muslims (aka islamists) BBC wasn't able to push the questions further. But why do the Brits accept this extremist behavior of their own main media company?
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Sharia compliant British socialists want a sharia muslim to lead London and an "islamophobe" hater to lead UK.
Labour voted for sharia islamization of UK - with a muslim population of less than 5%
Should a sharia muslim (i.e. someone who is against basic Human Rights) head London?Racist black hate mongering supremacist Farrakhan and his legal aids.
Hate mongering racist supremacist hate group Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan with his racist supporters.
Nation of Islam's very racist hateful core idea is that "whites" are evil devils while "blacks" are "god's" chosen people. No other race is as good as "blacks" according to just one of the unbelievable fantasies from which Farrakhan's muslim hate organization emerged.
The founder of Nation of Islam, who actually existed - unlike the made up founder of islam
Drug dealer Wallie Wallace Dodd Fard Ford Farrad David Ali Mohammad (or whatever - i.e. the NOI foudner that Farrakhan forgot to refer to) was born somewhere and died somehow. He founded the fascist organization Nation of Islam in the period between World War 1 and 2 that saw all kinds of fascist movements appear. He became the head of the Chicago mosque in 1929, i.e. when Hitler led the growing National Socialist Party in Germany (by the help of his ability to evoke a sense of violated national pride - compare NOI). Already at the start NOI was connected with murders and suspicious disappearances. He himself also disappeared in 1934, most probably murdered by the next NOI leader, Eliah Muhammad, just as Hitler murdered his competitor Ernst Röhm.
Sharia muslim Sadiq Khan (who defended black supremacist hate group Fuhrer Louis Farrakhan) is chosen by Labour party as their candidate to become mayor of London.
Among those running against Sadiq Khan at the 2010 general election in Tooting was a Liberal Democrat candidate who was an Ahmadiyya muslim who are among the most persecuted and reviled, deemed to be heretics by most other muslims. Bigotry against Ahmadiyaa muslims was extended towards the Liberal Democrat candidate in Tooting. Indeed it was so strong that during the 2010 campaign it was reported that he was told not to come to an election hustings at Sadiq Khan’s own mosque – the Tooting Islamic Centre.
When a Conservative candidate arrived at the same mosque he was reportedly mistaken for the Ahmadiyya Liberal Democrat candidate. The Conservative candidate then had to be locked in a room at the back of the mosque by members of the mosque to safeguard him from attack.
Sadiq Khan uses the usual muslim tactics by not tackling the muslim sharia and jihad problem (i.e. islam's incompatibility with Human Rights) but instead to underplay it and deride legitimate concerns expressed about this.
Complaining about "islamophobia" is the cover under which islamofascism thrives.
If islam is squeezed to fit the most basic of Human Rights - i.e. abandoning Human Rights violating sharia - then that would mean the definitive cure against Klevius "islamophobia" - and the end of racist/sexist islam.

Jeremy Corbyn couldn't for his life first remember that he had welcomed this extremist muslim. Only under hard pressure did he later managed to recollect his suppressed memory. Is he demented or something much worse?
We need more "islamophobia" to protect our children - not criminalize it as Jeremy Corbyn (and the Saudi dictator family) wants!
Raed Salah: Very soon, Muhammad will be the most popular name in Europe.
Klevius: Question is, will most of those Muhammads have dropped that name when realizing the difference between Human Rights and evil Muhammad islam?
And how many will keep it and proudly become jihadis fighting for islam, the worst ideological crime ever against humanity?
Yes, Christians suffer under islam - but what about non-Christians?
How many in this muslim invasion are sharia muslims? Bringing with them what other refugees are escaping.
The Saudi dictator family is the by far worst single cause to islamic evil in Mideast and elsewhere today. And because they own both media and politicians, average people are still equally ignorant about islam as were the two UK girls visiting Zanzibar. Here's from Klevius blog 2013:
Klevius: Yes, it's perfectly normal. What a pity no one has told you before. Islam is the very essence of ultimate racism! This is why muslims are so sensitive about criticism against islam while showing extreme contempt and insensitivity against others. And this is also why OIC (all muslims world organization) not only have abandoned and even criminalized Human Rights (via UN) but also made it a crime to criticize islam (the worst ideological crime history knows about).
Later these girls were attacked by, most probably the muslim sons, who threw acid in their face.
Klevius definition of islam: The faith refuge for racism and sexism (sharia) that can't pass the Human Rights test
Why do we allow* muslims to support Human Rights violating sharia?! Who else could get away with that without being criticized?!
* Under Human Rights people can anyway make consensual agreements but under sharia that is not an option because sharia is supposed to be "allah's" "will".
If you remove the racist and sexist parts of islam you are left with a castrated and crippled ideology and, Klevius would guess, with few, if any, (sharia) followers. It was precisely these evil parts that fueled the origin of islam and now keep Saudi and Islamic State islamofascism ticking.
Saudi Arabia suppresses and slaughters Shia muslims and non-muslims without anyone seeming to care.
The Saud dictator family demand (but not necessarily for themselves) strict Sunni islamic Wahhabism which states that muslims should return to the interpretation of islam found in the Koran and the Sunnah. They also believe that muslims who seek intercession from holy men—such as the Imams Shia revere—are not true muslims. While attempts to force conversion of Shia have been infrequent, Shia have alleged severe discrimination in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia is also the home for all muslims' world organization OIC which is led by Iyad Madani, an islamofascist belonging to the Saud dictator family.
Calling oneself a true muslim automatically connects to sharia islam, the very opposite to Human Rights - e.g. as stated by all the world's muslims' Saudi based and UN sanctioned sharia organization OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and its islamofascist Saudi Fuhrer Iyad Madani.
A consequence of this is that a sharia supporting muslim's vote is undemocratic. OIC's 57 member state voting bloc in UN who supported Human Rights violating sharia as a guidance for muslim legislation all over the world was therefore also undemocratic.
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