
Wednesday, May 04, 2016

A disgusting sharia muslim and a heroic black Atheist Afro-American together reveal the deep bigotry and hypocrisy of the muslim born (apostate?) Obama's administration

The islamofascist cancer has much deeper roots in the muslim Umma than BBC and other muslim owned or steered media want us to believe

A Pennsylvania imam who was fired last year by the Bureau of Prisons for his claims that author and Harvard lecturer Ayaan Hirsi Ali deserved to be killed under sharia for apostatizing from islam recently led an interfaith prayer service after the ISIS attacks in Paris last November.

Fouad ElBayly, the imam at the Islamic Center of Johnstown, led the Nov. 21 prayer event, where he said:

    The Islamic Center of Johnstown and all the muslim communities in our region condemn the evil doing of the people who carried out that terrible attack against innocent people.

This is similar to the statements he made at a March 2002 prayer service for the 9/11 victims on United Flight 93, which crashed in Shanksville, PA, not far from ElBayly's mosque:

    Imam Fouad El Bayly of the Islamic Center of Johnstown and Somerset asked people to be tolerant. He said the muslim extremists who hijacked the plane also hijacked the Islamic faith.

    "In the name of God, in the name of peace, in the name of brotherhood, in the name of mankind, let there be peace," he said. "We cannot condemn a nation, a religion, for the acts of a few."

However, last year he was fired as a Bureau of Prisons chaplain at the Federal Correctional Institute of Cumberland, MD, after it was reported he was hired under a $10,500 February 2014 federal contract despite his 2007 comments calling for the murdering of Ayaan Hirsi Ali. He later received another $2,400 contract to teach islam in the same federal prison in December 2014.

In January, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote to the Bureau of Prisons inquiring about the flaws in their hiring process that led to ElBayly's employment.

After it was revealed that ElBayly had been hired, Hirsi Ali  expressed her surprise that the muslim imam who had threatened her with death was now employed by the Justice Department, i.e. Loretta Lynch.


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