Has there ever been a time in world history when islam (the most disgusting ideological crime throughout 1400 years) has been so protected from criticism as it is now?
What have a) the reproduction of as many muslim jihadists as possible; b) the implying that too few Jews have been murdered by muslim jihadists; C the halal slaughtering of a British soldier, in common?
Islam has, since its origin, left a rich track of islam criticism in its horrifying historical path of enslavement, looting, murdering, genocides, rapetivism etc.
John of Damascus (c. 676–749) noted that an Arian monk (Bahira) influenced the alleged Muhammad and viewed the islamic doctrines as a hodgepodge of Bible stuff. According to John, the Arabs were called "Saracens" (Greek Σαρακενοί, Sarakenoi) because they were "empty" (κενός, kenos, in Greek) "of Sarah", i.e. illegitimate children.
Muhammad al Warraq, a 9th-century scholar and critic of islam.
Maimonides, the foremost Jewish philosopher in Andalus refers to Mohammad, as "hameshuga" – "that madman".
Ibn Kammuna (Examination of the Three Faiths, 1280): Sharia is incompatible with the principles of justice. There is no proof that Muhammad attained perfection and the ability to perfect others as claimed. To this day we never see anyone converting to islam unless in terror, or in quest of power, or to avoid heavy taxation, or to escape humiliation, or if taken prisoner, or because of infatuation with a muslim woman, or for some similar reason. Nor do we see a respected, wealthy, and pious non-muslim well versed in both his faith and that of islam, going over to the islamic faith without some of the aforementioned or similar motives.
Ibn al-Rawandi (827–911) an Atheist, repudiated islam and religion in general.
Although both Nationalsocialism and islam both contain evil, the former is forbidden but the latter, which has a much deeper, longer and bigger record of evil, is protected. Why?
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