
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Fascism in our time

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: 'Remember apartheid -- we stopped it through writing books, writing, through songs, through trade boycotts, through diplomacy. We were united as a -- just not America but the West and all moral countries to say it is unacceptable to divide humanity to blacks and whites and what are we seeing with Sharia? We’re seeing it in Brunei. We’re seeing it in Sudan. We know it in our lives, Saudi Arabia and others. On grounds of, you know … we are not taking the positions, the moral positions that we need to and we're not fighting that moral positions with the tools we have.'

Baroness Cox (a British "islamophobic" "islam hateing" cross-bench peer leading a Parliamentary campaign to protect girls/women from Sharia): 'It's deeply disturbing. This violates everything that we stand for. It would make the Suffragettes turn in their graves.'

Klevius question: Who are 'we' in 'everything that we stand for'? Does it include BBC's crypto-islamofascist Sharia supporting* presenter Mishal Husain, who grew up in Saudi Arabia and other islamofascist countries - and all other similar muslim women in power position (compare e.g. Sayeeda Warsi) who pretend to be civilized on the surface but support uncivilized racist/sexist Sharia? Do note that EVERY form of Sharia is against the most basic of Human Rights. This is why OIC (all the world's muslims Saudi based and led world Umma organization) replaced Human Rights with Sharia in UN by the help of UN's largest voting bloc consisting of some of the world's worst Human Rights violators - yes, including the homelands of Mishail Husain and Sayeeda Warsi etc.

* If she doesn't support Sharia (in whatever form) she is no muslim and therefor an apostate.


All muslims world organization, Saudi based OIC and its Human Rights violating Saudi Fuhrer Iyad Madani.

Just one example of barbaric islamofascism thriving in the Western civilization

An African giant that makes every prophet laughable and pathetic

Brandeis University cancelled plans to award American Enterprise Institute fellow Ayaan Hirsi Ali an honorary degree after students raised "concerns" about statements she’s made that are critical of Islam.

Some quotes by Martin J. Gross (a Member of the Board of Trustees of Brandeis University): 'I must now confess to having serious concerns about the spirit of free inquiry at my alma mater when it rescinds an honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman who champions women's rights in the Muslim world.

And I thought it regrettable that upon learning that Hirsi Ali was offered an honorary degree 87 Brandeis faculty members were so “filled with shame” that they presented President Lawrence with a letter urging him to “rescind immediately the invitation to Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali for an honorary doctorate” based on her "virulently anti-Muslim public statements."
What is worthy of note is that Hirsi Ali's views do not come from an ivory tower but from the concrete reality of her personal experiences as a woman.

She was genitally mutilated as a child, fled a forced marriage at age 12 and lives under constant threat of death by the very people who proudly wear the ideology she condemns.

And how preposterous is their issue with her Western triumphalism, especially when she fled to the West from the very ideology that is trying to kill her.
I am profoundly perplexed that there is no counter letter submitted by any faculty member to President Lawrence. Is there not a single woman faculty member in the Women and Gender Studies Program who can find the compassion to defend her? Is the majority of the faculty too intimidated to speak out against this new tyranny for fear of being ostracized?

It now appears that Brandeis’ motto of "truth unto its innermost parts" has been replaced by the eleventh commandment of political correctness: “Thou shalt not offend.”'

Klevius: And here is an other example of what this African heroine has to fight

Example of Saudi islam in Europe (UK) 2014 - it's not getting better, it's getting worse!

At Oldknow academy which has 600 pupils on its roll, inspectors found that school governors had used the primary school's budget to subsidise a trip to Saudi Arabia "for only muslim staff and pupils". Extremely intolerant racist and sexist Saudi Atabia (the "guardian of islam" and home of OIC) does not allow non-muslims to even visit Mecca and Medina (the muslim slave markets were muslims now throw stones against a pillar symbolizing us non-muslims.

Staff at the academy, which has links with a school in Saudi Arabia, could not tell inspectors whether certain teaching materials had been properly vetted and said that the content in the newly introduced second Islamic assembly was not properly monitored.

The academy had also cancelled a special Christmas assembly and inspectors were told that the school had established and paid for a madrassa out of its budget.

According to the report, a group of governors is making significant changes to the ethos and culture of the academy without full consultation. They are endeavoring to promote a Sharia-based ideology in what is a maintained and non-faith academy.


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