Isn't it time for reparations for islam's unimaginable crimes against humanity - and wouldn't it be appropriate if Saudi Arabia (one of Mishal Husain's homelands) the "guardian of islam", started paying back with the help of its oil revenues from the West?
And sentencing "king" Abdullah, Iyad Madini and all other supporters of islamofascism.
If you share an evil ideology from the past you should be accountable, shouldn't you.The main islamic body of today is Saudi initiated, Saudi based, and Saudi steered OIC. Its Saudi Fuhrer Iyad Madani demands the criminalization of Human Rights. OIC, thanks to its many Human Rights violating muslim member states, has managed to take over UN, which was originally created to defend us from such totalitarian and Human Rights violating ideologies.
If you defend Human Rights you automatically become a critic of islam
If one's guilt is defined by one's ancestors' past, then islam and muslims have a lot to answer - but a striking lack of interviewers and prosecutors.
And this lack is due to the very threatening and intimidating soul of islam itself (Sharia) when it comes tu scrutiny of its Human Rights violating tenets and deeds. Such criticism, no matter in what form or how well made, inevitably lead you to the blacklist titled "islamophobes", and being on that blacklist (Google etc) automatically excludes you from a variety of freedoms that non-critics still possess. Not only doesn't anyone dare to hire you, publish you, accept you socially (except for your real friends of course and those who don't know you are a Human Rights defender), some morons even call lt racist to propose equality!
According to the logic of ancestor guilt, muslims living today bear responsibility as long as they don't repent (in which case they only have to pay compensation for their ancestors' crimes). However, we see very little repentance but a lot of defensiveness.
Saudi Arabia is the main guardian of islam's crimes and should accordingly be the first to be prosecuted, sentenced and ordered to give their oil money in compensation for islam's crimes against humanity. In fact, the Saudi dictator family stole the whole country in a raid on some handful of camels and jihadists.
Outside of Riyadh, Dammam, Jeddah and some other big cities, Saudi Arabia is still the same islamic slum it used to be before Western oil exploration.
What Klevius has said about Wahhab the father of Saudi islamofascism (2008):
The root man of Saudi islamofascism was Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab who, during his studies in Basra in the 18th C, got seriously dazzled by glimpses of the European Enlightenment twinkling through the temporary crack to the West called the "Tulip period". He then retreated back into his medieval islamic darkness & as a result, came to position himself as the very opposite to the British "Glorious revolution" which fought against Catholic papacy, & which ended up in Lancashire's coal fueled textile industries as the beginning of the modern industrialized* world based on technology & rationality rather than on religious superstition & fundamentalism (also compare Shinto vs islam). A major outcome of industrialization was universal suffrage & the idea about negative human rights.
* isn't it an irony then that Britain, who started the series of modern revolutions as well as industrialization, came to deeply embed itself with the most intolerant, racist & sexist constitution, i.e. the Saudi islamofascist state which was incapable of producing anything by itself except hatred & more fanatic muslims!
Together with the criminal "house of Saud" Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab then confined the Arabs in islamic backwardness &, in addition, the Arab women in an islamic burka of extreme Sharia sex segregation/apartheid.
After having robbed Mecca & Medina, the Sauds/Wahhabis run the stolen country by the help of what they fleeced from visiting pilgrims. This was the main source of income until Westerners found/drilled oil & made the lazy islamist looters even wealthier.
(analysis taken from Homo Filius Nullius by Peter Klevius).
Klevius comment: And today this evilness threatens the free world through spineless politicians & UN! The banner of Enlightenment is now upheld by heroic women, e.g. African Ayaan Hirsi Ali who has suffered as a victim of islam(ofascism) & escaped to the West, only to find that she was abandoned by those she thought would protect her! In fact, Western politicians & media are busy implementing that very Arab-islamic oppression so many muslims have escaped!
"Allah's" "monotheist" islam compared to godless Shinto - and how Japan surpassed the West also in technology
There are no "monotheist" gods in Shinto and war was never part of Shinto - but the very nature of islam from its origin to its end. When islam is "peaceful" it's equally dead as the parrot in Monty Python's famous sketch!This is what Klevius wrote 2005:
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Shinto meets Islam - Civilization vs "killing & raping fields"
HDTV-video of Honda's Asimo robot running etc.
How come that Honda is so much superior compared to BMW?
Out of Africa as "Pygmies" and back as global "Mongoloids"
Linda 13, sexually abused to death by a "school gang" & Swedish school policy & sex segregation.
Klevius comment: Look at those pathetic males (pathetic if they are racist/sexist pan-Arabic Islamist mosque-building oil-billionaires who trade in Islamic darkness in mosques, schools, universities, youth organizations etc?)! Too busy spending oil-money on technical wonders their own slave & oil-fuelled pan-Arabic/Islamic culture is uncapable of producing? Whereas Shinto (the world's oldest* religion) created the world's best high tech, Islam (the world's youngest "religion") created terror and Koran-brainwashed suicide-killers in the service of fascist and sexist pan-Arabism (i.e. true Islam)! For a better world in Darfur and elsewhere - bury Islam! Islam has caused more suffering than any other ideology (incl. Hitler's & Stalin's socialism/communism), yet it has always been excused (and surprisingly often by its own victims, i.e. the opposite compared to the "black"/"white" situation)!
Arabic racism in Africa: "They (Arabs) are the most racist people on earth" Klevius' comment: Isn't it logical then that their "religion" not only share the same feature, but also makes it essential?
While hypocritical Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc Arab Islamist nations dislike Islamic terrorism at home they continue to support it abroad. The further away the better! After all Islam is, from scratch, deliberatedly construed for limitless violent conquest and submission!
* i.e. ancestor warship - compare P. Klevius' Vagina gate in the atom of kinship.
The West (US, UK, Russia, France, and Holland demanded Japanese to buy their stuff - if not, they should bomb Japan!
Cannon diplomacy letter to the Japanese Emperor 14, July 1853
'For years several countries have applied for trade, but you have opposed them on account of a national law. You have thus acted against divine principles and your sin cannot be greater than it is. What we say thus does not necessarily mean, as has already been communicated by the Dutch boat, that we expect mutual trade by all means. If you are still to disagree we would then take up arms and inquire into the sin against the divine principles, and you would also make sure of your law and fight in defence. When one considers such an occasion, however, one will realize the victory will naturally be ours and you shall by no means overcome us.
If in such a situation you seek for a reconciliation, you should put up the white flag that we have recently presented to you, and we would accordingly stop firing and conclude peace with you, turning our battleships aside.'
Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States Navy
Klevius' comment: That's a bully's talk if I'm not mistaken.Please, do connect it to today by yourself so I don't have to write everything.
On July 8, 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States Navy appeared with his ships in Yokohama and threatened Japan on behalf of the U.S. government, hence forcing Japan to trade with the US on US terms.
Western powers such as US, UK, Russia, France and Holland, were all seeking new markets for their products, as well as new countries to supply raw materials for industry. At the time Japan had no navy with which to defend itself, and thus had to agree to the demands. UK, Russia, France and Holland followed suit with similar threats.
This was the background to Japan's powerful industrialization and militarization for the purpose of protecting itself from these powers. Moreover, this is also the root to Japan later being allied with ant-western movements in east Asia who asked for help against western colonialists.
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