Is BBC's muslim presenter Mishal Husain connected to the increase in hate crimes against Jews?
Take a look at this video and judge for yourself.
Then read the below comments on the latest hate crimes against Jews in Europe.
When muslims hate murder Jews, then Aftonbladet's main editors connect it to party politics
Lena Mellin, senior editor at Aftonbladet (Scandinavia's biggest news paper): The attack in Bruxelles before the EU vote is seen as anti-semitic. And now the support increases for parties who don't accept people who are different.
Klevius comment: 'Parties'? Can a totalitarian Human Rights violating ideology like islam really be called a party?
Wolfgang Hansson in Aftonbladet (Scandinavia's biggest news paper): Hopefully this terrorist attack will stop people for voting against islam. Even if they are not behind this attack they are to be blamed for it.
For those who want to check Klevius' translation, here's the original: 'I bästa fall får terrordådet de många vanliga människor som den här gången av opinionsmätningarna att döma är beredda att rösta på högerextrema eller högerpopulistiska partier att tänka sig för en extra gång. Även om inget parti ligger bakom dådet är detta organisationer som bidrar till att skapa det främlingshat och judehat som de senaste åren spridit sig i Europa'.
Israel's PM Netanyahu: 'There are elements in Europe that rush to condemn the construction of a flat in Jerusalem but do not rush to condemn - or offer only weak condemnations of - the murder of Jews here or in Europe itself and, even worse, welcome unity with a terrorist element such as Hamas, which calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. We oppose such hypocrisy, we protest against it."
Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, accused European governments of "laissez-faire attittudes" towards anti-Semitism and extremism.
'Attacks on Jewish targets in Europe do not exist in a vacuum, but are part and parcel of an overall climate of hate and incitement against Jewish communities.
Anti-Semitism begins in the public domain, it gains international legitimacy and becomes normative even in our national parliaments but it always ends in killing Jews'.
Giulio Meotti: Belgium does not only support criticism of Israel. Its target is Jews. De Morgen published the results of a survey among young Muslims in Brussels high schools. It finds that fully half “can be described as anti-Semitic, which is a very high rate”, says VUB sociologist Mark Elchardus.
It’s notֲ coincidental that the U.S. ambassador to Belgium blamed Israel for anti-Semitism among Muslims. Howard Gutman said “a distinction should be made between traditional anti-Semitism, which should be condemned, and Muslim hatred for Jews, which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians”.
This is the atmosphere which led to the attack in front of Jewish museum.
Most of the public comments on Israel by Belgian officials read like Hamas communiques.
Karel De Gucht, the European Commissioner for Trade and a former Belgian foreign minister, on Belgian Flemish public radio,ֲ launched intoֲ a tirade against the Jews:
“Do not underestimate the Jewish lobby on Capitol Hill”, Mr. De Gucht said. “There is indeed a belief—it’s difficult to describe it otherwise—among most Jews that they are right”, he said. “And it’s not so much whether these are religious Jews or not.ֲ Secular Jews also share the same belief that they are right. So it is not easy to have, even with moderate Jews, a rational discussion about what is actually happening in the Middle East”.
Belgian officials don't simply support “criticism of Israel” or “anti-Zionism”: Mr. De Gucht’s target was Jews.
Belgium’s policies aren’t driven by pro-Arab realpolitik, but by deeply held anti-Semitic attitudes. Commerce with the Arab-Islamic world accounts for only a small fraction of Belgium’s trade balance. The Belgian hatred for Israel is denationalized, secularized, internationalist, universalist and third-worldist.
The Umbrella Organization of Jewish Institutions of Belgium just hosted André Flahaut, president of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives, as a guest of honor at a gala dinner. Flahaut – a former defense minister and senior Socialist Party official – compared Israel to the Nazis. Why did the Belgian Jews honor such a self professed anti-Semite?
Belgians love to incite against Israeli Jews. They did the same before there was an Israel.
During the onset and aftermath of the Black Death (1348-49), Belgian Jews were slaughtered by the local populace and authorities who blamed them for poisoning the wells to cause the plague. Only a handful of families survived, most of whom were burned at the stake in 1370, charged with desecrating the Host (the wafers used in Christian communion).
In 1940, the Belgian Jews were burned in Auschwitz with the voluntary participation of the Belgian authorities. Seventy years later, Belgian pupils are learning how to target Israeli flags, effigies of an Antwerp Hassid, a synagogue, the Maccabi sports club – and ultimately, to kill Israelis.
Last year, while the Belgian authorities were opening the Jewish museum in the building that once served as a Nazi station, passengers on a train in Brussels got a shock as the following announcement came over the speaker, “Welcome to the train to Auschwitz. The Jews are asked to get off at Buchenwald”.
This is Iyad Madani, Fuhrer over all muslims' Sharia organization OIC, who leads the world jihad against Human Rights
and what makes him tick
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