
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Klevius' scientific methodology behind his successful mongoloid theory

Jinniushan and Floresiensis - the keys to Denisovan and the truly modern humans

Jinniushan had a bigger brain than anything in contemporary Africa

In Demand for Resources (1992:28 ISBN 9173288411) in a chapter about human evolution, Peter Klevius used only one example, the remarkable Jinniushan skeleton/cranium:

In northern China near North Korean border an almost complete skeleton of a young man who died 280,000 years ago. The skeleton was remarkable because its big cranial volume (1,400cc) was not expected in Homo erectus territory at this early time and even if classified as Homo sapiens it was still big. The anatomically completely modern human brain volume is 1,400 cc and appeared between 50-100,000 years ago. One may therefore conclude that big brain volume by far predated more sophisticated human behavior (Klevius 1992:28).

Today, when many believe the skeleton is female, the brain size becomes even more remarkable.

Since 1991 when Klevius wrote his book much new information has been produced. However, it seems that the Jinniushan archaic Homo sapiens still constitutes the most spectacular anomaly (together with Homo floresiensis) in anthropology. So why did Klevius pick Jinniushan instead of one of the more fashionable human remains? After all, Klevius was a big fan of Rchard Leakey (he even interviewed him in a lengthy program for the Finnish YLE broadcasting company) and there was a lot of exciting bones appearing from the Rift Valley.

In the 1980s Klevius paid special attention to Australian aborigines and African "bushmen" and noted that the latter were mongoloid in appearance (even more so considering that todays Khoe-San/Khoisan are heavily mixed with Bantu speakers). But mongoloid features are due to cold adaptation in the north and therefore the "bushmen" had to be related to Eurasia. Klevius soon realized that the Khoisan speakers had moved to the southern Africa quite recently as a consequence of the so called Bantu expansion. More studies indicated that the "bushmen" had previously populated most of east Africa up to the Red Sea and beyond.

So the next step for Klevius was to search for early big skulled human remains in the mongoloid northern part of Eurasia. And that search really paid off.

This happened more than 20 years before the discovery of the Denisova bracelet and the human relative Denisovan in Altai. 


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Klevius question to BBC's Sharia presenter Mishal Husain: Should muslims be accountable for islam's crimes throughout 1,400 years?

Isn't it time for reparations for islam's unimaginable crimes against humanity - and wouldn't it be appropriate if Saudi Arabia (one of Mishal Husain's homelands) the "guardian of islam", started paying back with the help of its oil revenues from the West? 

And sentencing "king" Abdullah, Iyad Madini and all other supporters of islamofascism.

If you share an evil ideology from the past you should be accountable, shouldn't you.

 The main islamic body of today is Saudi initiated, Saudi based, and Saudi steered OIC. Its Saudi Fuhrer Iyad Madani demands the criminalization of Human Rights. OIC, thanks to its many Human Rights violating muslim member states, has managed to take over UN, which was originally created to defend us from such totalitarian and Human Rights violating ideologies.

If you defend Human Rights you automatically become a critic of islam

If one's guilt is defined by one's ancestors' past, then islam and muslims have a lot to answer - but a striking lack of interviewers and prosecutors.

And this lack is due to the very threatening and intimidating soul of islam itself (Sharia) when it comes tu scrutiny of its Human Rights violating tenets and deeds. Such criticism, no matter in what form or how well made, inevitably lead you to the blacklist titled "islamophobes", and being on that blacklist (Google etc) automatically excludes you from a variety of freedoms that non-critics still possess. Not only doesn't anyone dare to hire you, publish you, accept you socially (except for your real friends of course and those who don't know you are a Human Rights defender), some morons even call lt racist to propose equality!

According to the logic of ancestor guilt, muslims living today bear responsibility as long as they don't repent (in which case they only have to pay compensation for their ancestors' crimes). However, we see very little repentance but a lot of defensiveness.

Saudi Arabia is the main guardian of islam's crimes and should accordingly be the first to be prosecuted, sentenced  and ordered to give their oil money in compensation for islam's crimes against humanity. In fact, the Saudi dictator family stole the whole country in a raid on some handful of camels and jihadists.

Outside of Riyadh, Dammam, Jeddah and some other big cities, Saudi Arabia is still the same islamic slum it used to be before Western oil exploration.

What Klevius has said about Wahhab the father of Saudi islamofascism (2008):

The root man of Saudi islamofascism was Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab who, during his studies in Basra in the 18th C, got seriously dazzled by glimpses of the European Enlightenment twinkling through the temporary crack to the West called the "Tulip period". He then retreated back into his medieval islamic darkness & as a result, came to position himself as the very opposite to the British "Glorious revolution" which fought against Catholic papacy, & which ended up in Lancashire's coal fueled textile industries as the beginning of the modern industrialized* world based on technology & rationality rather than on religious superstition & fundamentalism (also compare Shinto vs islam). A major outcome of industrialization was universal suffrage & the idea about negative human rights.
* isn't it an irony then that Britain, who started the series of modern revolutions as well as industrialization, came to deeply embed itself with the most intolerant, racist & sexist constitution, i.e. the Saudi islamofascist state which was incapable of producing anything by itself except hatred & more fanatic muslims!

Together with the criminal "house of Saud" Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab then confined the Arabs in islamic backwardness &, in addition, the Arab women in an islamic burka of extreme Sharia sex segregation/apartheid.

After having robbed Mecca & Medina, the Sauds/Wahhabis run the stolen country by the help of what they fleeced from visiting pilgrims. This was the main source of income until Westerners found/drilled oil & made the lazy islamist looters even wealthier.

(analysis taken from Homo Filius Nullius by Peter Klevius).

Klevius comment: And today this evilness threatens the free world through spineless politicians & UN! The banner of Enlightenment is now upheld by heroic women, e.g. African Ayaan Hirsi Ali who has suffered as a victim of islam(ofascism) & escaped to the West, only to find that she was abandoned by those she thought would protect her! In fact, Western politicians & media are busy implementing that very Arab-islamic oppression so many muslims have escaped!

"Allah's" "monotheist" islam compared to godless Shinto - and how Japan surpassed the West also in technology

There are no "monotheist" gods in Shinto and war was never part of Shinto - but the very nature of islam from its origin to its end. When islam is "peaceful" it's equally dead as the parrot in Monty Python's famous sketch!
This is what Klevius wrote 2005:

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Shinto meets Islam - Civilization vs "killing & raping fields"

HDTV-video of Honda's Asimo robot running etc.
How come that Honda is so much superior compared to BMW?
Out of Africa as "Pygmies" and back as global "Mongoloids"
Linda 13, sexually abused to death by a "school gang" & Swedish school policy & sex segregation.

Klevius comment: Look at those pathetic males (pathetic if they are racist/sexist pan-Arabic Islamist mosque-building oil-billionaires who trade in Islamic darkness in mosques, schools, universities, youth organizations etc?)! Too busy spending oil-money on technical wonders their own slave & oil-fuelled pan-Arabic/Islamic culture is uncapable of producing? Whereas Shinto (the world's oldest* religion) created the world's best high tech, Islam (the world's youngest "religion") created terror and Koran-brainwashed suicide-killers in the service of fascist and sexist pan-Arabism (i.e. true Islam)! For a better world in Darfur and elsewhere - bury Islam! Islam has caused more suffering than any other ideology (incl. Hitler's & Stalin's socialism/communism), yet it has always been excused (and surprisingly often by its own victims, i.e. the opposite compared to the "black"/"white" situation)!

Arabic racism in Africa: "They (Arabs) are the most racist people on earth" Klevius' comment: Isn't it logical then that their "religion" not only share the same feature, but also makes it essential?

While hypocritical Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc Arab Islamist nations dislike Islamic terrorism at home they continue to support it abroad. The further away the better! After all Islam is, from scratch, deliberatedly construed for limitless violent conquest and submission!

* i.e. ancestor warship - compare P. Klevius' Vagina gate in the atom of kinship.

The West (US, UK, Russia, France, and Holland demanded Japanese to buy their stuff - if not, they should bomb Japan!

Cannon diplomacy letter to the Japanese Emperor 14, July 1853

'For years several countries have applied for trade, but you have opposed them on account of a national law. You have thus acted against divine principles and your sin cannot be greater than it is. What we say thus does not necessarily mean, as has already been communicated by the Dutch boat, that we expect mutual trade by all means. If you are still to disagree we would then take up arms and inquire into the sin against the divine principles, and you would also make sure of your law and fight in defence. When one considers such an occasion, however, one will realize the victory will naturally be ours and you shall by no means overcome us.

If in such a situation you seek for a reconciliation, you should put up the white flag that we have recently presented to you, and we would accordingly stop firing and conclude peace with you, turning our battleships aside.'

Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States Navy

Klevius' comment: That's a bully's talk if I'm not mistaken.Please, do connect it to today by yourself so I don't have to write everything.

On July 8, 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States Navy appeared with his ships in Yokohama and threatened Japan on behalf of the U.S. government, hence forcing Japan to trade with the US on US terms.

Western powers such as US, UK, Russia, France and Holland, were all seeking new markets for their products, as well as new countries to supply raw materials for industry. At the time Japan had no navy with which to defend itself, and thus had to agree to the demands. UK, Russia, France and Holland followed suit with similar threats.

This was the background to Japan's powerful industrialization and militarization for the purpose of protecting itself from these powers. Moreover, this is also the root to Japan later being allied with ant-western movements in east Asia who asked for help against western colonialists.



Sunday, May 25, 2014

How anti-Semitic is BBC's Sharia presenter Mishal Husain?

Is BBC's muslim presenter Mishal Husain connected to the increase in hate crimes against Jews?

 Take a look at this video and judge for yourself.

Then read the below comments on the latest hate crimes against Jews in Europe.

When muslims hate murder Jews, then Aftonbladet's main editors connect it to party politics   

Lena Mellin, senior editor at Aftonbladet (Scandinavia's biggest news paper): The attack in Bruxelles before the EU vote is seen as anti-semitic. And now the support increases for parties who don't accept people who are different.

Klevius comment: 'Parties'? Can a totalitarian Human Rights violating ideology like islam really be called a party?

Wolfgang Hansson in Aftonbladet (Scandinavia's biggest news paper): Hopefully this terrorist attack will stop people for voting against islam. Even if they are not behind this attack they are to be blamed for it.

For those who want to check Klevius' translation, here's the original: 'I bästa fall får terrordådet de många vanliga människor som den här gången av opinionsmätningarna att döma är beredda att rösta på högerextrema eller högerpopulistiska partier att tänka sig för en extra gång. Även om inget parti ligger bakom dådet är detta organisationer som bidrar till att skapa det främlingshat och judehat som de senaste åren spridit sig i Europa'.

Israel's PM Netanyahu: 'There are elements in Europe that rush to condemn the construction of a flat in Jerusalem but do not rush to condemn - or offer only weak condemnations of - the murder of Jews here or in Europe itself and, even worse, welcome unity with a terrorist element such as Hamas, which calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. We oppose such hypocrisy, we protest against it."

Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, accused European governments of "laissez-faire attittudes" towards anti-Semitism and extremism.
'Attacks on Jewish targets in Europe do not exist in a vacuum, but are part and parcel of an overall climate of hate and incitement against Jewish communities.
Anti-Semitism begins in the public domain, it gains international legitimacy and becomes normative even in our national parliaments but it always ends in killing Jews'.

Giulio Meotti: Belgium does not only support criticism of Israel. Its target is Jews. De Morgen published the results of a survey among young Muslims in Brussels high schools. It finds that fully half “can be described as anti-Semitic, which is a very high rate”, says VUB sociologist Mark Elchardus.

It’s notֲ coincidental that the U.S. ambassador to Belgium blamed Israel for anti-Semitism among Muslims. Howard Gutman said “a distinction should be made between traditional anti-Semitism, which should be condemned, and Muslim hatred for Jews, which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians”.

This is the atmosphere which led to the attack in front of Jewish museum.

Most of the public comments on Israel by Belgian officials read like Hamas communiques.

Karel De Gucht, the European Commissioner for Trade and a former Belgian foreign minister, on Belgian Flemish public radio,ֲ launched intoֲ a tirade against the Jews:

“Do not underestimate the Jewish lobby on Capitol Hill”, Mr. De Gucht said. “There is indeed a belief—it’s difficult to describe it otherwise—among most Jews that they are right”, he said. “And it’s not so much whether these are religious Jews or not.ֲ Secular Jews also share the same belief that they are right. So it is not easy to have, even with moderate Jews, a rational discussion about what is actually happening in the Middle East”.

Belgian officials don't simply support “criticism of Israel” or “anti-Zionism”: Mr. De Gucht’s target was Jews.

Belgium’s policies aren’t driven by pro-Arab realpolitik, but by deeply held anti-Semitic attitudes. Commerce with the Arab-Islamic world accounts for only a small fraction of Belgium’s trade balance. The Belgian hatred for Israel is denationalized, secularized, internationalist, universalist and third-worldist.

 The Umbrella Organization of Jewish Institutions of Belgium just hosted André Flahaut, president of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives, as a guest of honor at a gala dinner. Flahaut – a former defense minister and senior Socialist Party official – compared Israel to the Nazis. Why did the Belgian Jews honor such a self professed anti-Semite?

Belgians love to incite against Israeli Jews. They did the same before there was an Israel.

During the onset and aftermath of the Black Death (1348-49), Belgian Jews were slaughtered by the local populace and authorities who blamed them for poisoning the wells to cause the plague. Only a handful of families survived, most of whom were burned at the stake in 1370, charged with desecrating the Host (the wafers used in Christian communion).

In 1940, the Belgian Jews were burned in Auschwitz with the voluntary participation of the Belgian authorities. Seventy years later, Belgian pupils are learning how to target Israeli flags, effigies of an Antwerp Hassid, a synagogue, the Maccabi sports club – and ultimately, to kill Israelis.

Last year, while the Belgian authorities were opening the Jewish museum in the building that once served as a Nazi station, passengers on a train in Brussels got a shock as the following announcement came over the speaker, “Welcome to the train to Auschwitz. The Jews are asked to get off at Buchenwald”.

This is Iyad Madani, Fuhrer over all muslims' Sharia organization OIC, who leads the world jihad against Human Rights

and what makes him tick


Friday, May 23, 2014

Is BBC's muslim presenter Mishal Husain (with a Saudi background) an apostate or does she play taqiya?!

Only muslims can be truly islamophobic

To understand BBC's bigoted and hypocritical islam presenter Mishal Husain a short tutorial in muslim taqiya may be necessary

When the muslim taqiya organization Quilliam (sponsored by infidel taxpayers) pretend to criticize "extremist" islam they completely and purposefully miss the very worst one, Saudi Arabia!

Quilliam: 'Countries such as Sudan, Pakistan and more recently Brunei are increasingly lurching towards archaic and inane interpretations of Sharia and applying laws that undermine basic human rights and equality. This not only puts them at odds with the modern world, it puts them at odds with the trajectory progressive Muslim thinkers and reformists have been travelling in for the last 200 years.'

Klevius comment: In the lengthy rambling of the full article the word 'Saudi' is completely missing. Why?

Make no mistake - Quilliam is all for Human Rights violating Sharia. But what about Mishal Husain?! Why doesn't she openly say she supports Sharia (and thereby opposes the most basic of Human Rights) or, alternatively comes out as an apostate?!

Do note that Quilliam doesn't accuse Saudi Arabia as a nation as it accuses Pakistan, Sudan, Brunei etc. In the case of Saudi Arabia it's only the 'Saudi extremists' which are targeted. Also note that Saudi Arabia considers as 'extremists' and 'terrorists' individuals and groups which don't comply with Sharia.

Maajid Nawaz and Ghaffar Hussain of Qulliam Taqiya -

The pseudo-moderate and extremely disingenuous Quilliam Foundation

Atlasshrugs: His association with the Quilliam Foundation was and is problematic. The Quilliam Foundation’s anti-Israel stance and its unjustified attacks on counter-jihadists such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders abundantly establish that it is not what it claims to be - See more at:

Klevius: The following excerpt, with due comments by Klevius, reveals that Quilliam has been forced by Klevius to seemingly retreat from OIC's Sharia declaration. However, before late 2012 there seems to have been no such worries at Quilliam despite the fact that Klevius as well as some others for many years before that have strongly criticized it. But there is an important distinction to be made. Only Klevius has focused his criticism on sex segregation (rapetivism) from an Atheist (i.e. without muddled references to some "god") standpoint connected to the idea of universal equality no matter of beliefs or sex. Moreover, only Klevius has then followed up this criticism by connecting it to history (not so called "islam studies") and the fact that to be able to accept islam today it has to be castrated to an extent that entirely disconnects it from its evil historical origin. However, this revoking of islam and Mohammed would also remove it of its allure - which fact makes the Quilliam clowns (and others) either taqiya players or apostates.

Maajid Nawaz and Ghaffar Hussain of Qulliam:
The so-called "Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam," issued by Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Foreign Ministers in 1990, contains the following clauses:

"Article 10: Islam is the religion of unspoiled nature. It is prohibited to exercise any form of compulsion on man or to exploit his poverty or ignorance in order to convert him to another religion or to atheism."

"Article 22(a): Everyone shall have the right to express his opinion freely in such manner as would not be contrary to the principles of the Shar'iah."

"Article 25: The Islamic Shari'ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification to any of the articles of this Declaration."

The last two articles of this bizarre and highly-politicized declaration, allow Muslim-majority countries to violate the UDHR by invoking the Sharia as though there was a unified version of it.

Klevius: 'by invoking the Sharia as though there was a unified version of it'?! What has this to do with Human Rights? Every Sharia worth its name is per islamic definition a violation of Human Rights.

Not only is there no single interpretation of Sharia, but certain Muslim-majority countries seem adamant on re-invigorating some of the most regressive and outmoded interpretations of it in an almost defiant and aggressive manner.

Klevius: Some serious bug in the heads of these muslim clowns. If there is 'no single interpretation of Sharia' how could one then avoid 'the most regressive and outmoded interpretations of it'?! No, these guys can't be that stupid, can they - or do they play taqiya.

This lurch towards medievalism is largely driven by the global Islamist movement, which was born in 1928 when the Muslim Brotherhood was established, and gained real momentum after the Iranian revolution in 1979.

Klevius: This seems as a defense ordered from and for Riyadh against MB and an attack on Tehran.

It is time for the Cairo Declaration to be revoked and for the Muslim human rights discourse to catch up with, and contribute as an equal partner to, modern international human rights discourse.

Klevius: The Cairo Declaration has been burning for years on Klevius' blogs. However, 'for the Muslim human rights discourse to catch up with, and contribute as an equal partner to modern international human rights discourse' seems to be no solution but just a continuous islamic avoidance to fully comply with the very simple (and impossible to criticize) idea of universal equality.

Ali Sina exposes the lies behind Qulliam and Ansar’s charade

Taqiyah Is Onion Shaped

Ali Sina: Who has not heard of taqiyah? But did you know that it is onion shaped? It is an Arabic word and it means dissimulation. Another word used synonymously is kitman, which means concealment.

This concealment has many layers.  The most common form of taqiyah is when Muslims deny that certain Islamic behaviors have anything to do with Islam.

On October 27, the BBC aired a documentary in which Mo Ansar, a Muslim activist in UK, was shown addressing a group of English Defense League members. He wanted to meet them in order to dispel their misunderstandings of Islam and to prove that Islam poses no threat to their country and their way of life.  How could he do that when Islam’s goal is to become dominant over all religions and nations? Well, he did it like any Muslim would do. He lied.  (Mo’s speech to EDL is at minute 10).

Mo starts by saying “as somebody who was born in this country and is British, I think I uphold British values. I am also a Muslim.  Islam is not here to take over the country. Islam is not here to take over the world. That is not the Islam that I know. Islam that I know is one that believes in co-existence and honors and respects British values.”

Nothing can be further from the truth. The British and Islamic values are diametrically opposed. They cannot co-exist. The British values are based on democracy. Democracy implies equality.  Iranian Journalist Amir Taheri says, “Equality is unacceptable in Islam. Un-believers cannot be equal to believers and women are not equal to men. Even the non-Muslims are not deemed to be equal. The People of the Book (Jews and Christians) are accepted as second class citizens and allowed to live in an Islamic state provided they pay the protection tax; Jizyah. But the pagans, atheists and idolaters are not regarded as fully humans. According to the Quran, the idolaters are to be killed wherever they are found.” (9:5)

Maajid claims to be a Muslim who rejects the Sharia. He is not alone. There are a few more in Canada and USA who make such claim. Among them are, Tarik Fatah, Irshad Manji, Zuhdi Yaser, just to name a few.  Can these people be trusted? Can a Muslim reject any part of the Quran?

We have to understand that there is a big difference between Islam and Christianity or Judaism. Muslims believe that the Quran is the verbatim word of God. Jews and Christians believe their sacred texts were written by humans who were inspired by God.  This is a crucial distinction. So while a Jew or a Christian can reject an outdated part of his scripture as the error of its authors, a Muslim does not have that luxury.  Muslims can’t pick and choose. Allah in the Quran asserts, “Today have I perfected your religious law for you, and have bestowed upon you the full measure of My blessings, and willed that self-surrender unto Me shall be your religion.” (Q.5:3).  How can one add or subtract to what God has perfected? That idea is preposterous to Muslims.

Another verse says, “Do you, then, believe in some parts of the divine writ and deny the truth of other parts? What, then, could be the reward of those among you who do such things but ignominy in the life of this world and, on the Day of Resurrection? They will be consigned to most grievous suffering. For God is not unmindful of what you do.” (Q.2:85)

It is unlikely that Maajid and his fellow so called moderate Muslims don’t know this. So how can they call themselves Muslim and reject the clear laws of the Quran? They are playing another layer of taqiyah. Their goal is not to reform Islam, something they know is impossible, but to buy legitimacy and more time for it until they become the majority and take over the world. I sounded the clarion about the danger of Islam 16 years ago, and now I warn you again that these so called moderates are wolves in sheep clothing. Don’t fear the terrorists. Fear the enemy within.

Muslims are allowed to reject part or all of Islam and even malign their prophet in order to deceive their victims.

In the April 9, 2002 issue, The Wall Street Journal published the concept of blood money in Saudi Arabia. If a person has been killed or caused to die by another, the latter has to pay blood money or compensation, as follow.
100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man,
50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman,
50,000 riyals if a Christian man,
25,000 riyals if a Christian woman,
6,666 riyals if a Hindu man,
3,333 riyals if a Hindu woman.

According to this hierarchy, a Muslim man’s life is worth 33 times that of a Hindu woman. This hierarchy is based on the Islamic definition of human rights and is rooted in the Quran and the Sharia. How can we talk of democracy when the concept of equality in Islam is inexistent?

This is not a quirk of Saudi Arabia. The prophet of Islam advised Muslims not to aid non-Muslims to seek justice if they are abused by a Muslim. In his much celebrated edict of Medina, he declared, “A believer shall not slay a believer for the sake of an unbeliever, nor shall he aid an unbeliever against a believer.”  The same document states, “Whoever is convicted of killing a believer… the believers shall be against him as one man, and they are bound to take action against him.”

The Quran 3:28 prohibits Muslims to take non-Muslims as their leaders, or even as friends. If Muslims tell the truth about their hostile intention, they will be kicked out from the countries that they intend to overtake. The same verse allows them to lie, “by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them.”

Co-existence? Yes there is co-existence in Islam, but only if the non-Muslims are reduced into dhimmis, and accept to pay tributes to Muslims while feeling themselves humiliated and subdued. (Q. 9:29)

One characteristic of democracy is freedom of belief. This is utterly alien to Islam. The Quran 3: 85 says, “whoso desires another religion than Islam it shall not be accepted of him.”  The punishment of apostasy in Islam is death. No Islamic country allows its Muslim citizens to change their religion.

Mo also assured his audience that Islam is not here to take over the world. He lied. People often make the mistake of comparing Islam to Christianity and other faiths. All religions are personal. They are about enlightenment or relationship with God.  Islam is about world domination. The focus of Islam is on expansion. A hadith narrated by Bukhari (4: 53: 386) makes this clear. It says that when Umar sent Muslim army to Persia, “the representative of Khosrau came out with 40,000 warriors, and an interpreter got up saying, “Let one of you talk to me!” Al-Mughira replied, “Ask whatever you wish.” The other asked, “Who are you?” Al-Mughira replied, “We are some people from the Arabs; we led a hard, miserable, disastrous life. We used to suck the hides and the date stones from hunger; we used to wear clothes made up of fur of camels and hair of goats, and to worship trees and stones. While we were in this state, the Lord of the Heavens and the Earths, Elevated is His Remembrance and Majestic is His Highness, sent to us from among ourselves a Prophet whose father and mother are known to us. Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone or give Jizya (i.e. tribute); and our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says:– “Whoever amongst us is killed (i.e. martyred), shall go to Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever amongst us remain alive, shall become your master.”

The order to fight till the non-Muslims worship Allah has not changed. Muslims will not abandon their quest for domination until they succeed or they are defeated. They have no choice in this.  They are programmed to spread Islam through deception or war.  They can’t be a Muslim and not advance their religion. The obligation to spread Islam is on every Muslim.  But we e have the choice. We can submit, or fight back and defeat them.  But how can we do that if we are not even aware that we are under attack? Taqiyah is what Muslims do to keep us in the sedated state.

Muhammad said al Islamo deenun va dawlah, (Islam is religion and state).  The goal of Islam is to take over the world and establish a world caliphate.  Without this goal Islam becomes meaningless.  The whole idea of jihad, which is an obligation on every Muslim, is to expand the Islamic domain.  It is also said that the bigger jihad is the struggle against one’s self. This is a lie too. Many scholars of Islam have refuted this as an innovation, something that was never said by Muhammad.

Jihad is through war, through financing the war (zakat) and through deception. The disagreement between Muslims is not in whether the west should become Islamic or not, but in whether it should be annexed through qital (fighting) or through taqiyah (deceiving).

The Quran 9:33 says, Allah will cause Islam to prevail over all religions. One does not have to read the history of Islamic conquest and oppression of their vanquished nations throughout the last 1400 years to know Muslims have no regards for the human rights of the non-Muslims. A look at how the minorities are treated in Muslim majority countries in the 21st century can make that point clear.

When Muslims become the majority, they deny the minorities any participation in political life. No non-Muslim is allowed to run for the head of any Islamic country and where they are allowed to become a member of parliament, it is only as a representative of their people. They are like ambassadors of their co-religionists in the Islamic state. They have no role in how the country should be run, but only as a liaison between the state and their co-religionists who are regarded as second class citizens.

Some of the EDL members expressed their concerned about their daughters who had to married to Muslims and brainwash to cut their ties with their family.  Mo Ansar responded with more lies. He said, “If there are girls who have converted to Islam and are told you cannot meet your family; if that happens, I’d say now clearly, that it is not allowed in Islam.”

Mo should know that Muhammad ordered his daughter Zeinab to leave her unbelieving husband Abul As, until he was forced to convert. He told his followers to cut their ties with their families and to emigrate from Mecca. These stories are all recorded in the Sira.

Everything Mo said in that meeting was a lie.  Of course he is not an ignorant Muslim.  He just considered that in that gathering lying was more beneficial that telling the truth and that too is acceptable in Islam.

Muslims are permitted to lie even under oath to promote Islam and when the necessity justifies it. All they have to do for expiation of lying under oath is to feed someone or fast for three days (Q. 5:89). The Quran also says, “Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness (vain) in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts; and He is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing.” (Q. 2:225). So if the intent is to advance Islam all lies are permissible.

Imam Ghazzali (1058-1111), arguably the greatest Islamic scholar noted, “Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If praise worthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible.”

Mo’s deception had no bounds. He even went as far as saying “I have been fighting for gay rights for 15 years. Many people are surprised by that.”  If it were true, it would be very surprising.  But it is not true.  In at least five places the Quran condemns homosexuality in the severest term and in 4:16, it says, punish them both, unless they repent and amend.

Mo’s audience however, was not fooled. One person noted, “He is just pandering to the audience, saying things he thinks the audience likes to hear. He thinks we are all dimwits.”

Was Mo Ansar really sincere? In the same documentary, (minutes 25) when Tommy Robinson said, there are certain verses in the Quran that glorify murder, rape and slavery and suggested that these verses should be phased out, Mo blamed the lack of understanding of the Quran and not the Quran itself. How can “slay the unbelievers wherever you find them, let them find harshness in you,” or beat your wife if you fear she is thinking of disobeying you” can be interpreted in any other way?   The Quran is a book of hate and violence.  Mo knows it, but he hides the truth.

Mo’s insincerity was put to the litmus test by a fellow Muslim, Maajid Nawaaz, who asked him whether he agreed with the Quranic law of chopping the limbs of a thief and other barbaric laws such as stoning. Mo first tried to play taqiyah and said he wouldn’t, but when pressed, he began stuttering and tried to evade the answer by saying he would seek the consensus of the ulama.  It became clear that he was lying all along.  He would not go against any of the teachings of the Quran, even when they are all barbaric and inhumane.

What about Maajid Nawaaz? He had no problem saying some of the teachings of the Quran are morally reprehensiblec. This is quite a statement for a Muslim. Is he sincere? Maajid is the chairman of Quilliam Foundation, a self-styled organization that claims to counter Islamic extremism.

He was a recruiter of Hizbul Tahrir, a terrorist organization, and an advocate for Islamic caliphate for 13 years. He says that he was reformed while serving a five years jail sentence in Egypt for his political activities. Now he claims that he rejects extremism and is a moderate Muslim.

Taqiyah is like an onion. One layer hides another layer, which hides yet another layer and so on and so forth.  There is nothing surprising for a Muslim to realize Islam is not compatible with our time and leave it.  I made the transition myself and have helped thousands to do it.  However, those who come to see the truth, leave Islam. They don’t go around promoting a moderate version of Islam. There is no such thing. You either accept the inhuman and backward teachings of Islam or you don’t accept Islam at all.

Maajid claims to be a Muslim who rejects the Sharia. He is not alone. There are a few more in Canada and USA who make such claim. Among them are, Tarik Fatah, Irshad Manji, Zuhdi Yaser, just to name a few.  Can these people be trusted? Can a Muslim reject any part of the Quran?

We have to understand that there is a big difference between Islam and Christianity or Judaism. Muslims believe that the Quran is the verbatim word of God. Jews and Christians believe their sacred texts were written by humans who were inspired by God.  This is a crucial distinction. So while a Jew or a Christian can reject an outdated part of his scripture as the error of its authors, a Muslim does not have that luxury.  Muslims can’t pick and choose. Allah in the Quran asserts, “Today have I perfected your religious law for you, and have bestowed upon you the full measure of My blessings, and willed that self-surrender unto Me shall be your religion.” (Q.5:3).  How can one add or subtract to what God has perfected? That idea is preposterous to Muslims.

Another verse says, “Do you, then, believe in some parts of the divine writ and deny the truth of other parts? What, then, could be the reward of those among you who do such things but ignominy in the life of this world and, on the Day of Resurrection? They will be consigned to most grievous suffering. For God is not unmindful of what you do.” (Q.2:85)

It is unlikely that Maajid and his fellow so called moderate Muslims don’t know this. So how can they call themselves Muslim and reject the clear laws of the Quran? They are playing another layer of taqiyah. Their goal is not to reform Islam, something they know is impossible, but to buy legitimacy and more time for it until they become the majority and take over the world. I sounded the clarion about the danger of Islam 16 years ago, and now I warn you again that these so called moderates are wolves in sheep clothing. Don’t fear the terrorists. Fear the enemy within.

Muslims are allowed to reject part or all of Islam and even malign their prophet in order to deceive their victims. Bukhari 5:59: 369 narrates that in Medina there was a young handsome man, a leader of the Jewish tribe of Bani Nadir, by the name of Ka’b ibn Ashraf. After Muhammad banished their sister tribe of Bani Qainuqa from the city, Ka’b went to Mecca seeking protection from the Quraish. When Muhammad heard the news he went on his pulpit and said, “who is willing to kill Ka’b bin Al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?”  Thereupon Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying, “O Allah’s Apostle! Would you like that I kill him?” The Prophet said, “Yes,” Muhammad bin Maslama said, “Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Kab). “The Prophet said, “You may say it.” Then Muhammad bin Maslama went to Kab and said, “That man (i.e. Muhammad) demands alms from us, and he has troubled us, and I have come to borrow something from you.”

The story goes on to say how ibn Maslama deceived Ka’b by badmouthing his prophet and when Ka’b trusted him, he and other Muslims, among them Ka’b’s own foster brother who had converted to Islam stabbed him to death.  By denouncing the Quran, Maajid is not doing anything unIslamic. He is taking his deception to a higher level.

The deception has paid off handsomely. Instead of serving time in jail Maajid now shakes hands of George W. Bush and Tony Blair, is a chairman of a respectable foundation, and has run for MP in UK.  He is far more effective in destroy the western civilization from within, through taqiyah than by placing bombs in buildings and busses.

Could I be mistaken? Have I come to a hasty decision? I invite Maajid Nawaaz to show my error and prove to the world that he is not deceiving them. Maybe I too will join his Quilliam organization and support his efforts. If he is sincere, he will accept this invitation. But based on my experience with “moderate Muslims,” I have a feeling that Maajid’s reply will be a deafening silence.

There is no such thing as moderate Islam. This is the ultimate taqiyah. Falling into this trap is deadly. It may cost your liberty and your life. Moderate Islam is an oxymoron. It is as attainable as perfumed dung; although I may be wrong about the latter.

In comparison to the above here is a muslim comment to Quilliam

from October 9, 2013

Quilliam Foundation: Never has a British Muslim organisation been more reviled
Posted by 5Pillarz (@RMSalih):

Founded in 2007, Quilliam styles itself as a Muslim counter extremism think-tank with the explicit goal of removing the “poison of Islamism” from British Muslim discourse and promoting a peaceful, spiritual form of Islam which is at ease with the modern western world.

It was fronted by two “ex extremists” and Hizb ut Tahrir activists Ed Husain and Maajid Nawaz but initially struggled to make any impact because of a lack of funding.

But the pair soon spotted an opportunity to secure government backing because the state was looking for a “Muslim partner” that would deflect attention from its wars abroad and their role in fomenting growing British Muslim radicalisation. Instead the government wanted a credible partner to put the focus on the Muslim community itself. Quilliam obliged.
Maajid Nawaz of the Quilliam Foundation

Maajid Nawaz of the Quilliam Foundation

In the following years  QF pocketed around a million quid a year, Husain and Nawaz paid themselves handsome salaries, expanded the organisation and were a regular feature of BBC studios and right-wing newspaper columns.

During their heyday they managed to annoy virtually every strand of British Muslim opinion from the salafis to the ikhwaanis and other Islamists, but also the  Sufis and the apolitical.

They did this by attacking virtually every active Muslim group and harping on relentlessly about Muslim extremism, while ignoring or minimizing the impact of British foreign policy. And they did this while pocketing a hefty cheque from the British government while implausibly claiming to be maintaining a distance from it.

But by 2010 the British government funding had dried up because of the necessities of economic austerity but also, I suspect, because Downing St  realised that Quilliam’s message wasn’t gaining traction with Muslims (and especially those vulnerable to radicalisation) and its impact on the ground was zero or minimal.

So with the dosh no longer readily available Ed Husain buggered off to the right-wing Council of Foreign Relations in America and Quilliam had to cut back on its staff and projects.

Meanwhile, Maajid Nawaz had time to pen a rather naff and vain autobiography and has announced he will stand as  a Liberal Democrat candidate at the next general election.

Yet Quilliam soldiered on, with less media attention and less obvious fanfare, but with the occasional blitz of publicity like yesterday’s fun-and-games with Tommy Robinson. It’s no longer the constant, offensive in-your-face presence it once was, but it’s still occasionally bloody annoying.


So why did Quilliam fail?

Firstly, Muslims don’t like seeing other Muslims going on national TV and the right-wing media constantly criticising their own while sucking up to the establishment. Even Muslims (like myself) who believe it’s necessary for us to look in the mirror quickly get turned off with relentless self-hating.

Secondly, the facts that Quilliam had no grassroots support, were hardly seen at community events (probably for their own protection), and were artificially created and amplified by  government finances made them transparent frauds in the eyes of the community.
Ed Husain

Ed Husain

Thirdly, they probably annoyed a lot of  “sell-out” Muslim organisations who were also after government money but couldn’t get it because Quilliam had cornered the market.

In many ways this was a shame because the Muslim community is getting more radicalised and insular as the years pass by and its relationship with the British state is getting more problematic.

And there is a need for an organisation which has roots in the community, is loyal to it, is critical of the government and Islamophbia, yet also still seeks to address the real problems that exist in the community itself.

But Quilliam – which is unrepresentative, disloyal and compromised by government finances – certainly ain’t that organisation.


So I found myself watching the “Tommy and Maajid” show yesterday with a permanent ironic smile.

Here were two people who were theoretically polar opposites but who in reality are basically the same – extremists posing as moderates who should be given a medal by the Queen for services to Islamophobia.

But you know what, I think I prefer Tommy Robinson’s blatant, ignorant retarded form of Islamophobia to Maajid Nawaz’s subtle, suave and sophisticated version.

Here some comments to the above:

Petra Thompson · Top Commenter
of course @RMSalih doesn't mind 100s of other muslim organisations having their snout in the trough of government funding. But perish the thought one of those muslim organisations might have something critical to say about the rest being proponents of islamic nazism.
Reply ·
· 13 · October 9, 2013 at 10:39am

    Yusuf Ibrahim
    at the height of the muslim empire, the jews were flocking to jerusalem knowing full well that the muslims would protect them. go elarn history u dumb idiot
    Reply ·
    · 11 · October 9, 2013 at 2:49pm

Klevius comment: Who is the 'dumb idiot' really? History tells us that the expelled Jews and the muslims had one thing in common, the slave market which constituted the very backbone of islamic finance and prosperity!

And here's the bottomline: The Saudi initiated, based and steered OIC (all muslims' world organization due to its UN sanctioned Sharia) and its islamofascist Fuhrer Iyad Madani.

Also do note that Klevius has been the earliest and most successful critic of OIC on the web.

The majority of Google info on 'oic sharia' is there thanks to Klevius - not BBC etc! Since a decade back!


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Islam is today Human Rights violating Saudi Arabia (OIC) and its Salafist terror organizations around the world. And you can't do anything about it unless you subscribe to secular and universal Human Rights!

These women are fascists if they oppose Universal Human Rights and propose apartheid and sex slavery (Sharia)! Or are they just that stupid - or misled by their menfolk?!

Klevius says islam smears Human Rights!

Islam and Saudi Arabia made Boko Haram's* atrocities possible

The faith world in general (plus some remaining "third world" inferiority complex) is the main reason medieval backward islam is still allowed to exist. We don't allow National Socialist German Workers' Party** (called Nazism by socialists so to cover the socialist roots) either, do we! Btw, the socialist roots are clearly visible in their 25 points program (shown furthest down on this posting).

Is this man the world's most evil? His organization certainly is because it criminalizes the most basic of Human Rights, hence opening up for racist and sexist attacks around the whole world!

This is Iyad Madani, the Saudi Sharia fanatic Fuhrer of all the world's muslims' world organization, the Saudi based OIC. Its main objective is and has always been to violate Human Rights and to replace them worldwide with Sharia. This means that the most basic of Human Rights are criminalized in islam because they are against racist/sexist islamofascist Sharia. Got it!

Saudi initiated, Saudi based, and Saudi steered OIC (islam) was created as a bulwark against Universal Human Rights because islam is not possible if it has to remove its racism and sexism in accordance with Human Rights.

The most disastrous tipping point was when OIC managed to turn UN from a bastion for the defense of Universal Human Rights into its very opposite, namely in practice an islamic mosque (OIC now constitutes the biggest voting bloc within UN) based on Sharia (via the so called Cairo declaration on "human rights in islam").  

In Saudi Arabia a woman can earn a phd in Sharia islam while still remaining equally oppressed as the women at the alleged Mohammed's medieval time!

60% of university students in Saudi Arabia are women but almost all of them are then functioning  as Sharia teachers of girls to become obedient muslim Saudi sex slaves women (also compare the fate of the evil Saudi "king's" daughters). 85% of employed Saudi women work in (girl's) education, and 95% in the "public sector" mainly as Sharia guardians of girls and other women. The first group of women graduated from a law (Sharia) program in 2008 but they are not able to practice law, but 'possibly' work in courts to Sharia "assist" other women.

A few years ago an "expert on girls' education" (Sharia), Nora bint Abdullah al-Fayez, became the first female minister in Saudi Arabia. She was made deputy education minister in charge of a new Sharia department for female students.

The dirty bigoted and hypocritical thinking of Saudi Arabia's top cleric

Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh, Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti opens his bigoted and hypocritical mouth about Boko Haram: “These groups are not on the right path because Islam is against kidnapping, killing and aggression,” he said. “Marrying kidnapped (muslim) girls is not permitted.”

Klevius: No, it isn't. But enslaving infidels is ok. And no matter if you are an infidel or a muslim girl, you will be lawfully raped under Sharia. Either in accordance to the Koran's statement of 'what your right hand possesses', or in accordance to the lack of domestic rape in Sharia.

In 2012, Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh issued a fatwa allowing ten year old girls to marry insisting that girls are ready for marriage by age 10 or 12: "Our mothers and grandmothers got married when they were barely 12. Good upbringing makes a girl ready to perform all marital duties at that age."

Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh also announced plans in 2007 to demolish the Green Dome and flatten the tombs housed under it, including the alleged but not existing one of Muhammad.

In 2012, Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh declared that, "All churches in the Arabian Peninsula must be destroyed". Abdulaziz bin Abdullah cited an Islamic hadith quoting the Prophet Mohammed on his deathbed. However, most of the world overlooked the statement. Mehmet Görmez, the most senior imam in Turkey, saide that the announcement totally contradicted the peaceful teachings of islam. Görmez said that the mufti’s declaration ran "contrary to islamic teachings of tolerance".

Klevius: What peaceful teachings of islam?!

The sheikh has now ruled that further church building should be banned and existing Christian houses of worship should be destroyed.Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, chairman of the German Bishops Conference, said the mufti "shows no respect for the religious freedom and free co-existence of religions", especially all the foreign laborers who made its economy work.

Saudi Arabia bans all non-Muslim houses of prayer, forcing Christians there to risk arrest by praying in private homes. There are churches for Christian minorities in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and Yemen.
However, the Saudi "king" Abdullah (Obama's first call as "president") plans to open a controversial centre for interfaith islam diamonologue in Austria.

"How could the grand mufti issue a fatwa of such importance behind the back of his king?" stupid bishops asked. "We see a contradiction between the dialogue being practiced, the efforts of the king and those of his top mufti."

Klevius explanation: So, you don't seem to realize what is said in OIC's Human Rights violating Sharia declaration: Reaffirming the civilizing and historical role of the Islamic Ummah which Allah made as the best community ---  in accordance with the Islamic Shari'ah. - Everyone shall have the right to advocate what is right, and propagate what is good, and warn against what is wrong and evil according to the norms of Islamic Shari'ah.

Background to the continuing survival of barbaric islam and its Human Rights violating Sharia

Muslim countries aided by some other Human Rights violating countries criticized the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for its perceived "failure" to take into account the cultural and religious context of "non-Western" (read non-Human Rights) countries.

BBC's muslim sharia presenter Mishal Husain didn't even mention the real problem in Nigeria namely islamic sharia and that the hate crimes against non-muslims are committed under the sharia umbrella in the muslim majority north of Nigeria. Boko Haram is supported by muslim leaders and therefore more or less out of reach for the government's actions. Nothing about this in Mishal Husain's reporting. Could a journalist and a media company sink any lower.

Klevius: When islam started its enslavement campaign in Africa and elsewhere the main pattern was to bribe local leaders to become muslim slave traders. This is what is behind stupid historians references to 'local people welcomed the muslim invasions'.

BBC: But also muslims have been targeted in Nigeria.

Klevius: No "real" muslims have been targeted at all because Boko Haram follow exactly OIC's (Saudi) Sharia. It was no coincidence that muslim girls "managed to escape" whereas non-muslims did not. Only difference that the Saudis do it via the (dictator) state. Remember the barbaric and extremely intolerant laws against non-muslims in Saudi Arabia. And their bigot and hypocrite top imam who has asked for the destruction of all churchers and other non-islamic buildings and organizations, now pretends to condemn Boko Haram. Disgusting.

BBC: Islam is against forceful conversion.

Klevius: Not at all, islam is all about forceful conversion - except for them it wants to enslave. And in front of the "islamic world", the family, the society, the islamic state or whatever other means, a girl has no say of her own. There simply doesn't exist a Sharia version on this planet that would allow a muslim woman to marry a non-muslim man! Just to mention one of an endless pile of Human Rights violations emanating from evil islam.

A Nigerian voice on Boko Haram

Femi Fani-Kayode: Three years ago I called on the Federal Government to level any city or community that hosted, provided refuge or supported Boko Haram and many not only insulted me but also said that I was far too extreeme. At that time, whilst the doves continued to call for dialogue and understanding with and for Boko Haram I saw them exactly for what they were- evil islamist forces that had foreign-backing and a frightful agenda for our country which was not hidden. I also said that they would never stop until that agenda was effected or until they were utterly crushed and every single one of them was wiped out together with all traces of their evil philosophy. As usual most Nigerians did not understand at the time and they subjected me to all manner of insults. Yet I continued and I warned that if all these things were not done the situation would get far worse. Sadly, three years down the line, I have been proved right.

How did I know? Because I am a student of history and because what Boko Haram is attempting to do is nothing new. It has happened in many other countries over the ages and in those countries the people themselves were forced to make a hard choice- to either fight the evil or to succumb to it and allow it to overwhelm them.

Those that encouraged the Boko monster and fed the islamist beast at the outset and that silently supported and encouraged them in an attempt to destabilise the government and the nation have now become a victim of that hideous monster themselves.

Let us make no mistake about it: the agenda of Boko Haram and those that are behind it, both locally and their international backers, is not limited to northern Nigeria and neither has it ever been. Simply put they wish to conquer the whole country and establish their own caliphate. They wish to impose their strange values and barbaric beliefs on the rest of us by force. There are some leaders in Nigeria, backed by Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Al Shabab and emboldened by Arab money and salifist philosophies, that honestly believe that if Nigeria is not ruled by a northern muslim then there must be no peace or there must be no Nigeria at all

As far as they are concerned it would be better to establish a pre-historic islamic fundamentalist state, like the old Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, where full sharia law is practised and where Boko Haram leads and holds sway, than to have a modern-day secularist Nigerian state where a southern or northern christian or a moderate muslim rules. The underlying philosophy is that some were ”born to rule” and if ”they” cannot rule then they will use ”their” religion and ”their” considerable financial and political arsenal to ”make Nigeria ungovernable”. This is evil and we must resist it. I can never support such an agenda, such a philosophy or such people because as far as I am concerned they are of the devil.

Those that think like that and that espouse such views are worse than the white supremacist Boers of South Africa during the days of aparthied and they are worse than than the fascists of Nazi Germany under Hitler. I believe, and I have always believed, that if Nigeria is to remain one then ALL her ethnic nationalities must be treated as equals, no matter how big or how small, and that the secularity of the state must be preserved. I have always believed that we must keep religion out of politics and that faith, being essentially a personal matter, must never be used as a political tool or as a weapon of destabilisation. Evidently not all share my view. Some believe that religion and ethnicity can and must be used as a means to achieve and preserve political power. Worst still others believe that islamic fundamentalism has a place in our country.

They must either fight this evil called Boko Haram or submit and capitulate to it. They must either insist on a modern-day secular state where all are equal before the law and are protected by the constitution or they accept the violent imposition of the most cruel and barbaric form of an islamic fundamentalist state.

An amazingly stupid defender of the most disastrous of ideologies

Qasim Rashid (a nut head muslim on Fox): The ultimate test asks how well these teachings have played out in Islamic and world history. In one word—amazingly.

Klevius: Indeed. Islam managed during 1,400 years to be the ideology that has committed most slavery, genocides and rapetivism of all! By far! And a quick look at the islamic "world" map proves islam's disastrous effect on everything it has touched upon. Without Western abolishment, technology and oil nothing would be left. Just look at how the Ottoman slave empire sunk into the deepest misery after slavery was forbidden. The Ottoman slave empire's blood was that of its slaves.

Qasim Rashid (a nut head muslim on Fox): Prophet Muhammad’s wife Khadija was not only the first person to accept his claim to prophethood, she ran a thriving trade business as a CEO during his lifetime. She was a leader, an entrepreneur, a mother, and a wife—all in one.

Klevius: How come then that Khadiha was a prosperous CEO and run a thriving trade business BEFORE Mohammed and islam?!

A muslim "human rights lawyer" - the most laughable of oxymorons?

CNN's Arsalan Iftikhar (adjunct professor  imam at of religious studies at DePaul University in Chicago): As a Muslim human rights (sic) lawyer, it is obscene and absolutely un-Islamic for these lunatic human traffickers to invoke the name of God while kidnapping young girls and threatening to sell them into sexual slavery.

Klevius: As a muslim you can NOT be a Human Rights lawyer, only a sharia lawyer. This unchangable fact isn't altered by OIC (all muslims Saudi based and led world organization) calling sharia "islamic human rights"! So either Arsalan Iftikhar blatantly lies you straight up in your face or he is no muslim at all!

Arsalan Iftikhar: The leaders of Boko Haram have clearly never read the Holy Quran, which states quite clearly that “oppression is worse than murder” (2:191) and that nobody “shall force girls to commit prostitution” (24:33).

Klevius: The leader happens to be educated in islamic monotheism at a renowned university. I think he knows exactly what he is doing according to the Koran and Sharia. He actually gives us a modern copy of Mohammed to study!

Arsalan Iftikhar: They must have also missed the numerous times that the Prophet Muhammad categorically stated during his life that women or children were never to be harmed under any situation.

Klevius: No, because they should be used as sex slaves! Btw, by converting to islam Sharia makes it criminal for a woman to marry a non-muslim! This is just one of the "secrets" behind islam's "popularity".

Daniel Greenfield: Mohammed partly financed the expansion of Islam by enslaving and selling girls and women. Boko Haram in Nigeria is following in the way of their prophet by kidnapping and selling hundreds of non-Muslim schoolgirls.

    Qur’an (33:50) – “O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee”

This is Islam.

    Fears for the fate of more than 200 Nigerian girls turned even more nightmarish Monday when the leader of the Islamist group that kidnapped them announced plans to sell them.

    “I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah,” a man claiming to be Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said in a video first obtained by Agence France-Presse.

    “There is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell. He commands me to sell. I will sell women. I sell women,” he continued, according to a CNN translation from the local Hausa language.

    “I will marry off a woman at the age of 12. I will marry off a girl at the age of nine,” he said elsewhere in the video.

    Leader Abubakar Shekau warned in a video obtained in March that all students should leave university and girls drop out of school to get married.

    “In Islam, it is allowed to take infidel women as slaves,” Shekau said. “In due course, we will start taking women away.”

    “Access to education is a basic right & an unconscionable reason to target innocent girls,” former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote Sunday on Twitter. “We must stand up to terrorism. #BringBackOurGirls.”

    President Obama is being briefed on the attack, and pressure is mounting worldwide for the Nigerian government to act. Speaking during a visit to Africa, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the United States “will do everything possible to support the Nigerian government to return these young women to their homes and to hold the perpetrators to justice.”

That’s funny considering how long the State Department resisted naming Boko Haram a terrorist organization and that the Obama contribution to Nigeria’s fight against Islamic terror was to pressure the government to appease it.

Boko Haram has murdered thousands, blown up churches and engaged in horrific atrocities. It’s the deadliest Islamic terrorist group in the region and almost certainly has ties to Al Qaeda.

Despite that, Hillary Clinton dragged her feet when she was Secretary of State and now has contributed nothing except a tweet.

Pamela Geller: On the very day that the devout Muslim group Boko Haram released a video of the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls, clad in burkas and being forced to recite the Qur’an, author Dean Obeidallah declared in the Daily Beast that “The Nigerian terrorist group that kidnapped hundreds of schoolgirls has nothing to do with Islam, and it’s grotesquely irresponsible of the media to suggest it does.”

Mr. Obeidallah, it’s not the media that suggests it; it is Boko Haram that declares it.

It is not grotesque to tell the truth. What is grotesque is that the widely-read Daily Beast would run such damaging propaganda by a failed yet self-described "comic."

The Daily Beast is doing an end run for Islamic jihad when these girls’ lives hang in the balance. That is a different kind of savagery. The Beast is more worried about Islam’s PR than it is in educating the public on the most grave threat to freedom, not just in Nigeria but across the world.

Clearly, the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls is just more empty rhetoric from hypocrites, not an honest clarion call for action.

The hashtag shouldn’t be #BringBackOurGirls. The hashtag should be #TellTheTruth.

The question we should be asking is, "Why do Muslims attack those of us that are merely reporting the truth? Why aren't these 'moderates' looking inwards and addressing the Islamic texts and teachings that command jihad instead of providing cover?" It is, in fact, complicity.

Dean Obeidallah and other dissemblers may say that Boko Haram is not Islamic, but Boko Haram (and al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezb'allah, et al.) says that Obeidallah and less devout Muslims aren't Islamic. In the Muslim world, outside of the ivory towers of media and academia, millions of Muslims agree with Boko Haram. Under Islam, secular Muslims are apostates, punishable by death.

Nonie Darwish: Students who invite experts on Middle Eastern culture and critics of Sharia, like myself, must endure horrific pressure to cancel our invitations. No matter what horror happens under Islam, we end up being dismissed by the Left as “Islamophobes.” The situation in America today is upside down, where we see the American Left tolerating Islamic intolerance and protecting Islam’s dirty little secrets from coming to light. We are not doing Muslims and Islam a favor with this cover-up and appeasement. Blatant atrocities against women by Muslims around the world must be exposed and rejected. It is time for the West to condemn Islamic Sharia law by name.

 * Boko Haram means 'everything non-islamic is bad', in other words not only "Western education". Boko Haram's official Hausa name means 'The Congregation of the People of the Tradition of the prophet Mohammad for Proselytism and Jihad'.

* *  The 25 Points of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NAZI) program (with some hasty islam comparison in brackets by Klevius):

        1. We demand the union of all Germans (muslims) in a Great Germany (world Umma) on the basis of the principle of self-determination of all peoples (muslims).

        2. We demand that the German people have rights equal to those of other nations; and that the Peace Treaties of Versailles and St. Germain shall be abrogated.

        3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the maintenance of our people and the settlement of our surplus population.

        4. Only those who are our fellow countrymen (muslims) can become citizens. Only those who have German blood (are muslims), regardless of creed (background), can be our countrymen. Hence no Jew can be a countryman.

        5. Those who are not citizens must live in Germany as foreigners and must be subject to the law of aliens.

        6. The right to choose the government and determine the laws (Sharia) of the State (Umma) shall belong only to citizens (muslims). We therefore demand that no public office, of whatever nature, whether in the central government, the province, or the municipality, shall be held by anyone who is not a citizen (who is not a muslim).

        We wage war against the corrupt parliamentary administration whereby men are appointed to posts by favor of the party without regard to character and fitness (without regard to commitment for islam).

        7. We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen (muslim) shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-muslims) must be expelled from the Reich (muslim neighborhood).

        8. Any further immigration of non-Germans (non-muslims) must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who have entered Germany since August 2, 1914, shall be compelled to leave the Reich immediately.

        9. All citizens (all true muslim men) must possess equal rights and duties.

        10. The first duty of every citizen (muslim) must be to work mentally or physically (to follow Sharia). No individual (muslim) shall do any work that offends against the interest of the (muslim) community to the benefit of all (true muslim men).

        Therefore we demand:

        11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

        12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

        13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

        14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

        15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.

        16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

        17. We demand an agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

        18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

        19. We demand that Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law (Sharia).

        20. In order to make it possible for every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education, and thus the opportunity to reach into positions of leadership, the State must assume the responsibility of organizing thoroughly the entire cultural system of the people. The curricula of all educational establishments shall be adapted to practical life. The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

        21. The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.

        22. We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (folk) army.

        23. We demand that there be a legal campaign against those who propagate deliberate political lies and disseminate them through the press. In order to make possible the creation of a German press, we demand:

        (a) All editors and their assistants on newspapers published in the German language shall be German citizens.

        (b) Non-German newspapers shall only be published with the express permission of the State. They must not be published in the German language.

        (c) All financial interests in or in any way affecting German newspapers shall be forbidden to non-Germans by law, and we demand that the punishment for transgressing this law be the immediate suppression of the newspaper and the expulsion of the non-Germans from the Reich.

        Newspapers transgressing against the common welfare shall be suppressed. We demand legal action against those tendencies in art and literature that have a disruptive influence upon the life of our folk, and that any organizations that offend against the foregoing demands shall be dissolved.

        24. We demand freedom for all religious faiths in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the Germanic race.

        The party as such represents the point of view of a positive Christianity without binding itself to any one particular confession. It fights against the Jewish materialist spirit within and without, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our folk can only come about from within on the pinciple:


        25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

        The formation of professional committees and of committees representing the several estates of the realm, to ensure that the laws promulgated by the central authority shall be carried out by the federal states.

        The leaders of the party undertake to promote the execution of the foregoing points at all costs, if necessary at the sacrifice of their own lives.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Should the Sharia compliant US administration introduce halal excecutions?

BBC proposed (via its carefully chosen muslim interviewees) that halal slaughter is more humane than traditional methods. This in the wake of the revelation that all or at least most meat in UK is now halal slaughtered without the consumers being aware of it. Who should be offended, muslims or non-muslims? Or both?

Clayton Lockett who shot Stephanie Neiman twice and buried her alive after having raped her friend, was pitied for days on Google News because possible suffering caused by the method of excecution.


For several days Google News pitied this black* murderous rapist thug (hate criminal?), with his pic always on top of the news, for possibly suffering some minutes before he died

*  Assuming a white similar thug hadn't got nearly as much - if any publicity other then condemnation for being a "white supremacist" had the victim been black.

Black African-American Clayton Lockett laughed as he murdered white Steve and Susie Neiman's only child, Stephanie Neiman, the teenage girl whom they had taught to stand up for “what was her right and for what she believed in.”  Compare the case of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.


Borderline muslims and islam

BBC reports that 'some teachers' have stopped sex segragating etc islamofascist (i.e. against Human Rights) behavior in UK schools

Martin Parsons: It is not for non Muslims to say what is or is not a ‘true’ interpretation of Islam

Klevius: What utter childish nonsense from this "faith phd"! A spectrum of interpretations of islam by muslims can only be defined by contrasting to non muslims. And because muslims call each other "non muslims" (compare the case of Sayeeda Warsi calling muslims 'idiots') then the only ones capable of defining islam have to be non muslims. Just as the only ones capable of critically scrutinizing/researching islam have to be Atheists. However, with a phd in islamism Martin Parsons has excluded himself from understanding islam. He pretends being a non-muslim but is more of a muslim than most muslims.

How does he differ from BBC's muslim presenter Mishal Husain?! 2012 Martin Parsons wrote: Stopping the spread of sharia should be central to British foreign policy!

Klevius question: How does that comply with all muslims sharia organization OIC? A muslim without Sharia is a non-muslim, but unlike non-muslims s/he is also an apostate, i.e. someone who, according toi islam, has committed the worst of crimes. And although not all earthly islam representatives may propose the death sentence, Allah still considers it the worst of crimes.

Oh sorry about that, I forgot that Allah doesn't exist in islam other than as an excuse for earthly atrocities.

Or isn't Mishal Husain a muslim at all? Only a so called "cultural muslim", i.e. an apostate.

Mishal Husain's power position combined with her reluctance to take a stance about islam and Sharia (other than implying that islamic terrorists haven't killed enough Jews in Israel) and her muslimhood makes her the perfect example of a borderline muslim who paves the way for islamic atrocities worldwide while pretending not to be a crucial part of it


No wonder that uneducated (about islam and its violation of Human Rights) girls don't understand what a threat islam (and OIC) constitutes to them (many of them do understand it later on in life but then it's too late for them and therefore they usually impose the same on their daughters so not to feel ashamed themselves).

The logic here inevitably makes BBC's Mishal Husain an utter and disgusting hypocrite and bigot no matter whether she is a muslim or an apostate. Sorry about that all of you who have blindfolded yourselves from this important aspect.
